Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Non Build Up Of Consciousness

The beggaries of existence become more prominent when we begin to communicate with our metaphysical, it becomes painfully obvious that there are any number of possible existences, that our bodies are really a byproduct and not the thing itself, that something else propels us into the manifestation that we are, and that that something else is larger than we are, only by connecting back to that greater essence are we able to mitigate the damage done to individualism and self by the realization that life itself is but fraught with naught.

It is still however important to blindly love life or else we would never see any hope of the experiment prevailing and that is why we do become so enamored with our blood and bones, thus the reason why we are not very metaphysical in the here and now, we are not intended to be such, we are material beings and as such we must lose contact with our soul essence so that in this way we can be more accurately embargoed in the physical world.

In the endeavor to substantiate the complex set of ideals that make up a physical life we then have no choice but to drive away the spirit and to promulgate individualism and a self controlled and self propelled destiny, the very act of believing that allows us to forget everything about spirit, everything about previous lives, everything about pure essence and it allows us to then conclude not that we are the downgraded essence of a perfection but rather the evolving essence of something that is reaching greater plenitudes of a manifesting idealism.

However there is a kink in the process and that is that even if our existence is not precisely to our intent or to our interest, there are many things that can wreck havoc on our master plan, not that we have a master plan, we just, if you remember correctly wanted to escape the great simmering and we did it through something that has no planning capabilities, a combustion of pure desire; and so the problem, we don’t know where we landed, hence our complete and absolute ignorance of existence and thus our attempt to impose control elements over it, there must be a way to harness the reality that has been contrived by all the pure essence types in the context of the being-universe, only there is an added problem to that, all essence types are probably trying to get a grip on universe as well, the results are rather catastrophic, anything that we do to control universe and bring it under our knowledge tree will invariably effect the way that other entity types will react within the context of their realism, and now you will see that this creates an impossible calculus where even as all entity types have some awareness of what is in their best interests their perceptions of the self interests are being actuated by the contradicted or simply manifested self interest that continually emerge from feedback that is not necessarily based on genuine perceptions, the third party construct environment feeds back more information than the entity type is able to respond too, the environment has information that is not pertinent or native to the entity type, the environment is not static, and the dynamics of the environments are 90 percent wholly unobservable, that is the reality, we are on a train to nowhere but full of guidance data.

Oddly aside from the glorious fact that somehow or other regardless of what we do we always seem to default to pure essence type, so there is always a way to restart the game if we are losing. Hence perhaps why eternal reoccurrence is such a dogmatic theme in our histories, the fact of the matter is we are always restarting the condition of existence because we keep on getting it wrong, and thus the issuances of reincarnations, and it goes without saying that once we get something correct in this universe the existence we cease to exist ceases and zeros out in the tabulation process and a sort of material permanence will manifest itself however from the look of things around these parts it appears that the universe itself is mortal, that is to say that since it is contrived by pure essence types that may be at odds with one another and there is the rub of it and that causes wear and tear on us all, thus the corrosive entropy within the system.

It will not and it has not occurred to me that there is criticality to any of this, that is that the thing might have enough critical mass in anyone direction so that it will collapse at some point within the context of time, that is doubtful full, because it is more likely that all entity types have reached a compromise within the context of universe, it is not an overt or obvious or conscious compromise, rather the inherent, falsely or real, stability of the system has to denote that there is a constitutional awareness, a situational acceptance, and even an inherent laziness by all entity types to react, rather they tend to accept, rather they are willing to tolerate, and frankly they probably don’t have it within their powers to change universe.

On this subject now we can exclaim some frustration because we cannot hammer our any plausible reality that is going to satisfy any essence type much less our own essence type, that is there is no format within the context of existence that allows for a natural congruence, the opposite is precisely true, there is no safety zone, there are no emergency exists, and there is nothing that can prevent a wholly unknown entity type from combusting instantaneously and intravenously into existence and make a mess of this place then, before we have time to react, much less could we plan for it, and now in that gripping aspect please appreciate the folly of any manifest destiny that you had lockdown upon.

The only thing we can hope for, and it is a strange thing to hope for is that once we simmer back into the nothingness after every death or catastrophe that we will take information with us there so as not to have to start from scratch, however the gut evidence on this is scant, we would have to then presuppose that consciousness builds upon itself in timeless countenance, that is highly unlikely and easily ruled out, remember that time only takes place in the physical context, it doesn’t dilate in pure essence, so you have a very stubborn pure essence and part of its stubbornness is based on timelessness, and so it is doubtful that it will take feed back from us because that could be a contamination of sorts, it would cease to be pure essence. And so in our little game at existence we are fortunate, we get to play over and over again but we can never change the players nor the way the game starts, it always starts from pure essence and after that any more is not so much a strategic positioning but a shot in the dark, from that first move forwards we are stuck with the parameters and potential set by that initial desired combustion move, and as the move unhinges our preconceptions the game becomes interesting but we know it will 99.99 percent sure, not to say 100 percent but 99.99999 sure that the game will not last because it does not have absolute escape velocity from the nothingness, the nothingness will recover us and the game will begin again and again and yet with no prior knowledge or awareness of prior games, we know that however each new game is different but only because nothing can ever be the same in the context of time and space, there is always position variance and a contextual time disarray, and that allows us to emerge into consciousness as the place where the game will be played has moved in both space and time, and there is our wishful shot in the dark, that we might just hit the perfect game, where we will never have to return to simmering nothingness, and sadly the nothingness isn’t worried, such an elemental truth it is.

It can be said and so it must here that there is a problem for elemental essence if we do hit a perfect escape velocity from pure essence type, the implication is that in that process we would give birth to another pure essence type, this is of course highly speculative but only an elemental essence could sustain a pure escape velocity from any other pure entity type; and here this is what gets truly fascinating, we may arrive at the math that begets the splitting of one pure entity type essence into another, if the only way to escape the nothingness is to be able to become a default condition then we are surely in an amazing situation, we are trying to split pure essence and beget pure essence from it, perhaps hoping to get pure individualism out of it, and in that cellular division we could argue rests the populace of the universe. However this is too anthropomorphic and highly doubtful, but I think it fair to speculate upon it because it gives us visibility into a conditional existence even for pure entity types, which sounds onerous but bare in mind that pure entity types cannot be contaminated, they don’t acknowledge anything outside of their boundaries, and so the question of their creation becomes astounding, they cannot be created, they cannot be escaped, they don’t retain memories of universe, how impossible then is our escape condition? And finally you may now realize that we might be doomed into an eternally futile escape condition.

Such might just be our case.


What Does Then Matter How We See World?

We can start by saying that it doesn’t matter how you see the World and let me reassure you that that is wholly true, this my hurt the individualists a whole lot but truly the only thing that matters is what humanity thinks, and it gets a little more humiliating than that, it doesn’t even matter what species thinks but it matters more what emotive essence thinks, species is a subtract of the overall emotive essence feeling its desired being, and the end result doesn’t have to be homo sapiens for that is just one of the options of emotive entity representation, it is not then that the universe doesn’t value you, or that it doesn’t value your species, the universe frankly likes or is equally indifferent to all species and all pure essence representation types that manifest themselves within space time, what doesn’t really care about you is something more personal than that, pure-essence-type doesn’t really consider you the ideal ultimate representation, the Dodo Bird and the Dinosaur went extinct not because the environment didn’t tolerate them but rather because emotive-essence manifestations didn’t desire them to continue, sorry Cro-Magnons Darlings and sorry Homo Erectus but your own pure essence, not cats, not climate change, not a meteor not a volcanic explosion but your own pure essence type stopped feeding your essence into carnal personification in a great extinction bid. Like it or not the only thing that keeps us alive in the here and now is what essence we get from pure essence type. The here and now does not empower us, and if you think it does just stop feeding yourself pure essence type, anything you can eat is you, you cannot consume something that is not same essence, you are and have and will always be a cannibal, just because you don’t see lettuce as part of your whole self essence doesn’t mean that it isn’t, it just means that you have opted to ignore that aspect nature of your being.

What matters is how pure emotive essence desire interprets the world, there is the horrid limitation, and of course there is yet another insane and equally unsatisfying limitation, we will adopt a defensive stand to struggle against our pure essence type, that is to say, and I am sorry to be the messenger of this bit of bad news, and you may shoot me for this and frankly I deserve it, but you fall in love with what you are, you are vane, you are narcissists, you see yourself in the mirror and you fall in love with yourself, that is why most people don’t know that they are either average or ugly or not special, this doesn’t deter them, the ugliest person can find something redeeming in the context of their existence and so they are willing to persist, and this is not a bad thing, after all existence must innately wish to preserve itself, but the fact that something ugly can fall in love with itself implies equally more egregious things, that a Squawk can find itself irresistible and thus worthy of existence, and there you have it, that is the fundamental problem because we might not be the optimum representation of pure-desire-essence, a way point more likely, and there you have the extemporaneous quandary we cannot see beyond ourselves, and the pure essence desire will invariably intuit if we should go the way of the Dodo Bird, and let there be cats on Long Island.

What does that mean should we feel bad about that?

Well we are doomed to fall in love that is just our nature, it hurts to say it, it is the truth and we should be ok with that, but equally as love goes we are doomed to separate from our aggravated love, we are in the context of species doomed to be scorned by our pure-essence-desire, the only salvation left to us, the only hope, the only privilege is that we are being silly, after all we are pure essence and as such the thing that manifest itself in the here and now, unfortunately there is something neat and wonderful about being a human being, and with medical doctors, and with scientists and academics we try to continually convince pure essence that we are it, we are what is going to save it from the nothingness, but as luck would have it any lie that we can tell ourselves is only in the limited lie that we can tell our whole pure essence being and in the end the feedback that resonates back to our desire essence will not ultimately allow us to lie to ourselves, just as the dinosaurs, sorry to say but they sure fed a lot and still came out empty in the end, everyone sits around saying it was environment, such a thing assumes an end product, we are not an end product, we could be, but till them we are just a test, even if we can produce the Internet, even if we can win the Nobel Prize in Literature, keep your fingers cross, there however is nothing that cannot impress upon us one reality, the routine of eternal desire meeting eternal existence has not been met! If we don’t hurry up and meet it, and not through some kind of artificial medical feeding machine, it is doubtful that our pure essence will not make us out to be liars in the end, we probably are a lie, our construct is probably not fulfilling the prophecy of the innate desire, and as such, beware.

However, it does then matter how we see the world because we constantly have to be reaffirming this state of being, this condition of environment must be continually verified as positive and worthy, hence all the self help books hence our inclination to see life as worthy even though we stumble a lot, even though we suffer a lot, even though we see the suffering, the famine, the pestilence, we must look the other way, for to see it would feedback to pure-essence the imperfection and it would extinguish us before giving us the opportunity to test the limitations of our being in this frame reference.

That is not to say, and I must say that Desire is practical, it isn’t practical in the least, anything that is trying to be omnipotent, eternal, perfect and equally defined at all levels is hardly pragmatic, and that also acts against us, pure desire doesn’t have a clue what it is asking for, but as good as that may make us feel for we surely know more, wont save us, till then we must falsify our existence by being positive about it, and finally hope that in the long run something odd and strange and impossible will come to pass that will make us all necessary in some context of this all.

Finally this brings about an interesting question, is it that pure essence desires to be more, is it that pure essence isn’t really pure, is it that pure essence even in pure essence is dissatisfied with itself?

The answer is one of the few that we can be fully confident is the only genuine truth that we may speak, it is axiomatic and it ought stimulate equal portions of anxiety: pure essence can never find happiness until it knows all and is all and till it encompasses everything omni potently and omnipresent, after all, pure essence is 100 percent pure essence within its own boundaries, kind of like you having an opinion, surely you are 100 percent correct within your boundaries.


The Translucent Transcendental

Now we have to tell you about something that is rather pretty like a rose is pretty, when you look at existence and it looks positively puzzling and it induces fears, doubts and at the same time it excites so you might ponder why it all has to be so difficult to understand and why there appears to be so much injustice and peril in the world but we have a pretty answer to that, translucence.

Translucence is pretty and it is pretty for many things, it is also what makes everything in this world go so wrong or seem so wrong, but first let us tell you what it is. Translucence is an effect on being that coalesces being with all aspects of itself, it is the thinnest agent in the concept of existent being, it allows you to seep through to this dimension, and dimensional settlement is not easy, however when we spoke earlier of a transcurrence the process by which it works is through translucence, that is there is an energy that actually touches all aspects of the endless dimensions, the translucent essence is able, as long as it has been there, to express itself across dimensions, it folds, it bends, it twist, it rolls, it will oscillate, it will wriggle, it will thin and enlarge with the dimensional space, it is a rubber band texture of infinite flexibility, only it isn’t a rubber band, it is an energy at its lowest possible level of harmonization that doesn’t ever break, it cannot be cut, it follows and traces all its energy constituents to their origins, it is this energy that ties you to pure essence, and it is this energy that allows you to bleed from pure essence and still have an identity of sorts that cannot be violated, it is this entity that traces all emotive life forms or emotive essence types to same origins, and from there it coils (births) and recoils (extinction) throughout the universe, invisibly and largely undetectable, though it ought be possible to detect with instrumentation; for emotive beings translucence is the connective tissue to all, and when you see a human or a dog or a cat what you are seeing is a clotting of translucent energy, you are seeing a knotting in the translucent emotive fiber. There is nothing else that a subject being can be but a knotting, and the knotting can get stuck in a dimension, and as it does it tugs at the translucent web, and if the knotting gets concentrated the fiber will express severe tension in the direction of the severe knotting, as the fiber still continues to trespass throughout the dimensions it will excerpt a certain degree of pull on the knotting elements, and in the process create uncertainty and turbulence within them.

What that means is that when you see another human being or a dolphin you are looking at a knotting of translucent fiber, it is the knotting effect that creates the embodiment of that essence, the dolphin and the human are part of precisely the same fiber except the knotting is a bit different, hence when light reflects on the knot we call out a baby for we will see such a thing and recognize it as one of us, it is merely however not so much a baby but rather an energy trap, as all embodiments have one thing in common they trap energy, this is why you do have calories, and your caloric content will be based on how much energy you can trap, and you will be as combustible. However all energy traps are themselves held together by the same elastic translucence which is why you can detect other beings through your gut, it is why you can sense the condition of a feeling and sense another, all the way to a rat or a cockroach, even to defunct energy traps like a Dodo Bird.

To get more metaphorical here think that you are part of a cosmic goo, some kind of sticky substance that sticks to you wherever you are for you are it and it is you, only it has the ability to coagulate, gout, swell and create a disproportionate picture of self representation wherever it gets clogged. The sticky substance walks where ever you walk, it follows you as it is helpless to do so, and if you retreat, as say when you die, it recoils with ease and you see a white light, until you get stuck some place else, knotting applies to spirits, the essence of a spirit must be less knotted and thus more able to transgress across cosmic dimensions, but the fact that there can be a soul implies that there is a clot of translucent energy fiber, it implies that the soul has caloric content, it implies that there are energized interactions between the material and the spiritual because you can touch your translucent energy path back towards spirits and only forward towards yourself, that is why you don’t see very much else besides yourself, it is the fact that the knot when it clots becomes self obsessed, it becomes entangled in self essence, that is it is not able to unrabble itself because it becomes linearly self absorbed puncturing towards some edge.

But the pretty thing besides that it practically makes you an undying thing is that the cosmic goo we call translucence reaches back to the most primordial of desires thus it equally connects us all and binds us to some kind of silent universal unity pact, it is in fact the physical representation of what we are all in the divided real world where the cosmic goo goes through materialism and splits as if a beam of light through a prism and then most amazingly it knots! Creating something that reflects light, a body magic.

Let the translucence flow must be the canon law, the general rule that governs the flow of the translucent energy but there is more to it than that, because all apparitions cannot be manifesting themselves because there is something wrong with flow, that is there has to be a process in the universe that allows for knotting and that even caters to it, and that equally makes planets and suns possible, those are simply energy knots, but amazing energy knotting none the less.

Also it has to be said that the knotting is not loose, it is tight, the fiber doesn’t tend to wrinkle, it is smooth, which implies that the elasticity is always spread near its maximum potential, and also it must be said that there are plenty of energy traps to pin it where it is and cause some sense of persistence, but the stretching continues down to your everyday existence, where if you wanted too you could feel the stretch, you could touch the energy that you stretch with your knotting fingers, the energy is all around, you rise from it like a figured immersed in bubble gum might emerge from it, you are the product appearace of an elasticity that with every action and every walk you stretch, when you make your progeny you are stretching by way of clogging.

And that is just so pretty.

But like all pretty it has its pretty ugly, translucence seeps through everything and that means that any and all representations, any knotting is not pure, it is only a negligent part representation of anything, because translucence just keeps on seeping and being opaque in the process, a knot is at best something of a thing, but equally it is affected by its locality and as such not only is it not the thing itself really but rather a representation of possible thing itself, the implication is that a dolphin or you are not ultimate representations you are merely part of something that is seeking to represent itself in space time, as that now what can you say about yourself? Not very much I would imagine, thus the problem with self knowledge and the very futility of the act because as part of a part and a miniscule part of that which is representing itself in space-time you don’t number enough comprehension of the embodiment to even call yourself something for it.

Which means that any knotting representations become insubstantial representations, they may represent something pretty but they will certainly be far form the happiness that that ought imply because any seepage of translucence that manages to agloerate itself through knotting and thus making itself present and accounted for wont know why it is there or what it is.

And that is just so confusing.

However we can make something out of all that, and in fact that is what we do, and we must suppose that makes it all tolerable, and indeed it does.


The Clock That We Time & How We Cycle In & Out Of Being

The coming around and around of time is something interesting, recently the author of a successful series of books reported passing in front of the dingy apartment complex where in poverty she wrote her Harry Potter saga, she said something to the effect that she imagined herself passing by telling her younger self that everything would be ok, patience was all that was required. The implication that the author once successful was walking past the laboring author’s apartment before her success to watch over herself and to urge on patience so that the task at hand would be finished, urging that everything was going to be ok, is magnificent; and as magnificent as it is it gets even more interesting, it is one of those facts of life that time wounds around our self essence and cycles through in some kind of coherent loop that allows us to feel our direction and purpose is correct, though our self essence might be constantly batfowl by life itself.

The matter here is one of the perception of a time line, that you can repeat your path through life and see yourself over and over again is not probably one of the wonderful things, in fact it plausibly sounds boring, but the reality is another, since time is only an affliction of perception that arises in time-space constructs, then the very idea that time passes becomes suspect, it cannot pass, in a sense all aspects of yourself are met, the conditions that you live all lives is obviously apparent, all aspects of a plurality are in fact singular, that is all peoples are one person living out another aspect of the condition that composes all the other aspects that that person may manifest. This becomes more obvious as you look backwards in time because you see a continuity but how can that continuity be possible if there isn’t a same purpose over and over persisting? It isn’t possible, the consistent nature of the historical path tells you that there is an embedded routine that repeats itself add infinitum. But that does not mean that you cannot cycle spin yourself out of the tragic looping circumstance, since there are many expressions and all conditions that are optimize by the superposition of self must invariably have a tendency to manifest themselves then it means that you could be anyone and anyone could be you and there are those potential manifestations that haven’t quantified themselves even in probability so that one could say you could be anything, including a rock or something seemingly impossible to be, Leprechauns might be quite real.

And there are of course plausible limitations, we may readily argue that the expansion of humanity into the expression that we call homo sapiens is limited by the potential expression that hasn’t quantified itself substantially enough to enter the intrinsic realm of probability, by that we mean that in order for a human being to manifest itself from pure essence energy, through metaphysical into material there has to be a conditional probability of observance that awaits the self in the material, and therefore the self must have a priori acknowledgement of itself wholly so that it can persist in environment, you must be waiting for yourself on the other side, that is the priori axiomatic condition of existence that has to be met spontaneously from the pure essence emotive realm, to metaphysical spiritual embodiment into material life form.

Why this is so we could say is another of the great mini mysteries but we are going to solve it in a rather pragmatic fashion, any conditional existence type that manages to spontaneously energize itself through desired energy will invariably sustain that condition as part whole of its own essence throughout space-time or dimensional divides in a priori memory of cosmic proportions, that means that any manifestation cannot be forgotten and therefore that it cannot be nullified, once the essence of human being is manifested it will continue to be manifested to infinity. What is more the essence can be vacated by one formative essence and it can be occupied by another formative essence retaining the concept throughout but allowing essences to migrate from one condition to another in a sort of timeless dynamic, and that dynamic is backward compatible to any and all essence types so that at once you are experiencing everything the essence types are substantiating with their existences.

The clock then becomes something that we time, and we time or use time or more accurately clock time so that we can call a time in eternals so that we may manifest genuine attributes of desire that cannot call themselves manifestations if they don’t depart from a conditional state, that has to then divide into multiplicities of pure essences and make of all, as each, a conditional spontaneous manifestation; but the division and the condition are fictional, they are merely attributes of a given perception that desire causes to manifest, and as such exist first and foremost in a cosmic memory that cannot forget and can only recall and every time it recalls it creates one more of something.

And so it is that our author can visit herself only it is not a visit, there has never been a separation between the woman that was making herself a famous author and the famous author, in some ways she can romance the movement of being aware of another aspect of herself that is the wonderful manifestation, that we may begin to recall all our sporadic beings and their moments.

Now comes another interesting quandary, if you can be all of the expressions of any essence expression that has been recorded as a priori in the context of being then what does it matter to be? Why seek the an expression? There seems to be no point, any essence type that references any and all other essences types and harmonizes experiences throughout as all essence is aware of all essence, then you have to say existence for any essence type is a moot point!

There is nothing factitious that we can say to cancel out this horrendous axiom, one life experience equals all life experiences, there is nothing else to do, you’ve seen one anything you’ve seem them all, even if you don’t see them you have, even if you are not aware you are, dimensional translucencies do not necessarily care about cognitive awareness, cognitive awareness doesn’t have to be cosmic, it is another of those local things, it might help you walk in the here and now, but it doesn’t matter, and while obviously this might pain anyone that is banking on brain and its product knowledge we are not interested in localize issues because they only matter at such levels, but we can alleviate any discomfort that you may feel about having to exist or wanting to exist in the context of an infinite set of redundancies so listen here, you exist because pure essence doesn’t acknowledge your existence, isn’t that the funniest thing, pure essence doesn’t have the ability to receive feedback from you, pure essence is self absorbed, you do remember that right? Well imagine what that implies, it doesn’t have contact with externals, hence the name pure essence for all things name themselves, and that implies that you don’t feed it the awareness nor the space time circumstances nor the characteristics that you embody as your desire energy propels you into being!

If that doesn’t make you pause and breath a little deeper I don’t know what will, because it immediately tells you that there is no way that you can adopt any condition as genuinely yours, in some sense your pure essence doest permit you to violate your core self, and due to that within the context of existence you will always be an actor and director all at the same time and as superficial as that implies, and nothing that you do here where your clock ticks is going to seep back to pure essence, only you can seep back, only you have the ability to default to that condition, and only as nothing, the nothingness of a something in a state of absolute simmering, and when you reach that stage the normalization will be so extreme that you wont recognize yourself from anything else in pure essence, and because of that some desire energies will be bred in the process and spontaneous existences will start happening and thus the incessant fusion of submerging energy returning into pure essence, an absolute forgetting-simmering, and the equally incessant fission of pure essence type into fragmented representational existence, there is your absolute pure essence being cycled, in a perfectly absurd equilibrium and equally your reason for being in a renewable forever process made possible by an untangled perception.


Rat’s Tail with Hog’s Blood and a Frog’s Eye

It can be rather pathetic to speculate on the things that we don’t know it is better to realize that we operate on the fringes of the truth and if we could accept that, which we don’t and wont, then at least we could go on and work with the facsimile of the truth that we do have to work with. There are many reasons why we don’t want to accept that we cannot know a fundamental truth, one of them is that it implies the painfully obvious, that we are not ourselves a truth, that aside there isn’t a good reason to ignore the truth, except so as to feel good about one’s self.

We can then propose that there is one truth that we can know, energy, we know energy to be real, there isn’t anything in this universe that is not motorized and composed by energy, nothing. Even supreme entity types such as pure essence have energy within their constructs, that these constructs are not defined within the greater construct of time-space because they cannot be interpreted as such doesn’t denigrate from the obvious, energy is the thing that matters in the context of being and existence. That energy is a construct of a manifestation of desire that might not be energy based is a whole other matter, we are going to deal with the energy construct and we are going to ground it because even theoretical types like myself occasionally like a little mixing of reality with our ephemeral nutrients.

We are going to speak of ergio energies, these are all emotive energies and prime movers, it ought be noted that if you decide to keep energies whole that isn’t possible so there will be aberrations of energetic compositions that will invariably create something else but that thing itself cannot be reduced to its native elemental constituents, instead it presupposes that a third party energy representation can be as genuine as a protagonists. Having said that lets move on and fast forward to today, where there are energies that can be easily catalogued in part because they have existed long enough to suffer such horrors.

When ergio energies come into being they start to adopt conceptions of themselves, that is there are ergio energies for plants, for minerals, for humans, for fossils, for fish, for maggots, for cockroaches, and you sort of get the picture, everything comes incorporated by its ergio energies and from that you can deduce its nature and tendency, plants tend to be organic and live in natural environments, that is their energy registry allows as much, there are things that plants don’t allow, a lot of things that they don’t allow, plant life is not possible in the sun or moon, at least under current circumstances, deserts tend not to favor plant life though they could be lively with plant life that likes to be tortured by the environment. And so we know that there are essences that submerge themselves in the concept of a given reality type, and they will not take lightly to change.

But now lets take that essence type a little further, a frog, a leaf, a rat’s tongue, the urine of a cat, the fungus found at the root of a maple tree, the petals of a rose, a hair from a wild boar, blood from a viper snake, and you have a little witchcraft before you for all of these can be ointments to make the alchemy of witchcraft, add a little grounded bone from fish slivers and you could have yourself a fine potion, this one might make you more susceptible to a wanting lover, but there are any number of them and yes, they do work, or they can work it depends on the practitioner, often they fail because the practicing witch is not adept at making the necessary cross relationships to ensure the proper mix for a successful enchantment.

Still I am here to tell you witches are real, recently in India an entire family was killed because they were practicing witchcraft on their neighbors, this upset them, they killed the entire family; at first it might sound irrational and thus unreasonable, but I am sure that there was something to it, common sense does not execute wildly wholly on a premise of ignorance, there had to be some truth to it, and that particular family was obviously not being careful in its practice, it may have taken liberties or caused maledictions that were a byproduct of malpractice witchcraft, something that simple could have inspired their slaughter. However we are not going to sit here and tell you that a secular court of law is going to fairly review the case against the villagers that carried out the slaughter because secular law is not equipped to handle those types of cases, cases of witchcraft that is, it has always been easier to ignore them.

This is going to change in the near future, as there are certainly plenty of people that can use and manipulate and manage ergio type energies that are local and that get your goat, irrevocably they must be recognized, eventually we will start to see them and feel them and touch them and we will have to take action against them or even on their behalf, thus society will have to go back to the days when you could hang a witch or save her if she survived drowning; after all witches are not necessarily bad, they are just generally ugly, sorry to say.

What are witches and what good are they and what is it about their craft?

Witches are nothing different than people that can feel external energies, turn to them and use them to create a desire result, though not always does the desire result come to pass more often a misdeed is committed in the bewitching act not necessarily because the witch is bad at her practice but rather because the possibility of anything coming to be is difficult enough, it is usually more difficult to calculate the parameters that will govern an action and an individual; this doesn’t mean that witches cannot execute their spells effectively, they can and it does happen, it just means that it is still a hit and miss practice, witchcraft that is. The witch however deserves credit for feeling and being able to effect and interact with what are local energies, energies that are derived from organic constituents or from the elements themselves, what a witch can do with this is fascinating, however a witch working with local energies is only going to have local impact, the whole world wont hate her, but the villagers might execute her to put an end not so much to her misdeed but to her malpractice.

Witches can be good and they can be bad, they generally tend to be bad, and why they tend to be bad is also interesting. The thing is that local energies, the energies that you find in a shark’s tooth or in the testicles of a lion, or in the head of a turtle hold an essence type that can be used to alter another essence type, witches intuit and discern how to best manipulate these energies because they have an innate understanding of the paradigm that these energies hold together, that is not an easy thing to do, however their mind’s eye has some kind of a mapping ability that can relate to what energy can disrupt what energy and just what composition the disrupting element has to have to regenerate a different ergio substantive result, the only problem with this is that it is not only complicated but not long term, any entanglement you have with a witch will invariably be short lived, but do not feel safe because your life expectancy is still shorter than what local energies consider short, a spell can last a life time, and you have the ability to fight it, and as a prime energy source you should prevail, that is if you avoid any silly mishaps.

The interesting thing is that witches can help in tuning basic constituents with the greater self essence, the problem is that witches normally do not bother to do this and they don’t bother to do this because they don’t have enough in them to realize that there is something beyond simply manipulating energies, that is witchcraft is still infantile enough that the act of manipulating energies impresses the practitioners; wiser they would be to realize that there are other aims, but currently they are not aware, witchcraft is still amazed at what it can do, thus it is still playing in the children’s playground of witchcraft, which means that it will err when it plays, and sometimes that will cause a whole village to storm its physical sanctuaries.

Witches can be good though don’t expect them to be because they are still largely error prone and might still not want to commit to genuine endeavors, cause based that is, as they are still enjoying the process of understanding their own manipulative powers. However it is important to remember that witches are just one spectrum of the whole energy spectrum sensing sense, they are however one of the relevant aspects of the energy that can be manipulated, this is generally low level energy, it doesn’t have universal impact but it can have significantly bothersome local impact, it is not a necessary stage in the process of energy manipulation, but it is a stage that some stick too, it is not a desirable stage because it is so temporary, any healing done by a witch is bound not to last, in a sense witchcraft is sort of the childhood of energy manipulation, and like all childhoods it is distorted and bound to cause more harm than good, this doesn’t mean that those that practice it are evil instead they are tuned to natural energies that are generally far from evil, later we will talk about evil but natural energies don’t have evil bones, they just know a good thing when they see it, and they fall in love with the ability to touch energies, not a difficult thing to fall into.

The craft of witchcraft will always have its slipknot place in the context of community settings, any tribe of 150 or more is bound to have a witch in it, someone that realizes that a frog isn’t just a frog, a rat’s tail rattles off energy and you mix some six frog eyes with eight rat tails, add a little root of maple fungi and boil in some boars blood and that has localize energy changing properties galore, that it might not change anything for long is not a given consideration, most change is not infinite but finite, pure essence fears that more than anything, so beware of your natural energies because they tend to be local.


Only 90% Of You Dies In Time-Space

We must now walk a little more deeply into the entrenchment that becomes the material reality, is there something really to like about it besides the incessant definition? There has to be something else that keeps us machining towards the reality of being in the context of space time but what is it that we found so interesting, the question is incessant and begets more and more questions until we don’t have an answer, we are not going to beat around the bush, there is no way that the existence to tell us what attributes of it are such that we find them irresistible, the reader is not going to like that, it is too easy to say we don’t know, and equally unsatisfying as an answer and you are reading this trying to discern some aspect value, and then I say well we don’t know, but I think you ought be pleased that that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any value, and it may even please you more why we know that there is that value, because even though our existence is short lived it is allowed and that it is allowed is the amazing and wonderful thing, if there wasn’t some conditional value the existence in being and time is not permitted, thus by the fact that we last a few years on the eternal universe ought be pleasing to us, it means either of two things that it takes the universe some time to realize that there is a foreign agent of pure essence within it and thus it takes it a while to kill us, thus the life expectancy might be define, or the species itself might exist for only as long as it can fake its way in the universe. Two it is entirely possible that since we sum a value of say 1, which seems the bare minimum that the universe would observe into existence for you can only fraction after being born and not before, then it reasons that we might exist in the universe because we sum as one of its parts and that the universe values eclectic appearances, and equally it admires persistence, you don’t get here because you are not trying to be here, the hardest thing to be is an entity in the context of universe, bare in mind that everything in the universe scrapes the organizational energy out of everything else. Energy tends to disperse and simmer, we know that, but the universe has a bet on the contrary, form through persistence and renovation, the universe is a cycle of incessant repairs always manifested by its continued grandness as a fact of us all and everything.

Now let us backtrack to idealism, the whole of the universe has a negative outlook on it, idealism is the pure essence, and once it enters the universe the pure essence doesn’t need idealism any more, so it doesn’t really need the truth, in fact what it does need is to fully realize its pure energy constituency in the universe, this is fascinating, the entire migratory essence wants to get the rest of itself into this universe, isn’t that something fascinating, you don’t want to imagine how long it could have taken pure essence to become pure essence, it might have been eternities, but then pure essence discovers that that was all folly and so distinguishes itself, as all type essences must by making an appearance in universe, and even though the universe is not a natural habitat the essence persists towards it, even as its life expectancy in it is one of the most limited and seemingly pointless.

Now since the life time continues to be punctuated there is always a bit of an issue if you cannot keep your place here for long that means that you cannot amass time, but you can amass space, time amassification seems gloriously difficult, but space amassification seems wholly doable, the case of reproduction, might just be that result, a quantification of our energy in the mass of dimensional space, it seems easy enough to do, the universe appears not to mine if more of us are born as it doesn’t appear to increase the entropy process, in fact it appears to remain a fixed constant, it pretty much takes us all about the same amount time to get destroyed in space time, a decade less or a decade more doesn’t really register any significant change, and so there you have it, we amass as the only possible way of growing, the serious restriction is in time, and mind you that there are rumors that once we lived 300 to 600 years, but was that true really? Well it is possible if it took the universe some time to realize we were there, but also there is the turtle that will live 150 to 200 years and still it does this even as it is part of our emotive essence type, so it does appear that there are certain circumstances which allow for interesting degrees of longevity so the bigger question is why haven’t we seen that become part of our lives, a longer life span.

I will propose though I don’t claim any certainty in this matters that the lesser life span is actually a problem of the youth ingrained migration into space-time, we have a propensity to die fast and live short lives because most of us are still coherently oriented towards pure-essence, we are thus living the conditions of the here and now based on a significant amount of input from far/far types that have no interest at looking forward in space time but rather continue to move or at least behave as spiritual essence beings and have idealized pure essence existence, heaven you know comes at us from such an angle, thus to some degree and there is no way to tell how much that is, to some degree we are in fact culling our own existence with the idealisms of pure essence and we are ingrained desire to return to the idealized state that we escaped. It doesn’t make much sense but then again it does, any escape condition was bound to be less natural than the habitat of pure essence types, thus it is not without some hard pounding love for our pure essence that we sort of short span our lives here, we are still short-circuiting ourselves, and what is more fascinating part of us doesn’t want to escape, a large part of us doesn’t want to escape, and this is because in pure essence we don’t need to know, we don’t need brains, we largely just are, and there are no questions, and from that to come into the unknown, fully aware that it may destroy us, yikes.

This of course is not to say that we will not be able to overcome this distrust of the here and now, nor does it mean that the here and now will not find something to like about us, perhaps we are the idea of “consciousness” that must have some interesting elements for the idea of universe, how they will multiply within its constructs, or whether we manage to make pure essence accept the universe is all that fascinating, but there remains one more issue, it is the problem of mass and time as related to pure essence, mass and time are not native to pure essence because in pure essence everything sums precisely zero, though if you look at the whole essence being it would certainly accomplish a 1 formation, but the problem is that the pure essence doesn’t realize that value, so the value of 1 is really nothing more than a potential part of superposition for pure essence observes nothing about itself.

And perhaps there is no greater problem than the transference of pure energy into matter energy, it has to be insignificant as a whole, there is got to be very little pure energy that can be made into matter energy, and the evidence is that most matter is conceptually dead, void of emotive essence, this is not to say that matter doesn’t feel or that it isn’t part of the emotive essence, but consider something organic like a tree, most of a tree is dead, only about 15 to 20 percent of a tree is alive with emotive energy, it is even possible to say that most of the cells and microorganism that you are composed are mostly dead or dying, and that at any given point you are no more than a walking zombie were it not for the fact that you keep drinking water and eating to replace the rampant death machination that is your body natural.

So there could be another assumption here that the transference from pure essence energy is but only partially successful, in the transferences a lot of pure essence energy calcifies in the here and now and might be the source of most inert matter. Certainly carbon appears to have lots in common with emotive energy beings, thus you can pretty much surmise that they are one of the same. And it follows that the universe, at least the visible portion might be the tragic result of failed emotive energy or and other pure essence types solidifying in the here and now, of course when we move forward to survive in the here and now we don’t recognize that material universe as another aspect of our being, a codified aspect and solid none the less.

You can then imagine what the cosmic implication, cosmic as in global, that it is possible that the dead matter we see out there is our failed attempt at transferring our pure essence type into the universal spat. But that idea has an immediate reflection issue, it implies that we are everything, even the dead matter is us and constitutes a truly dead version of ourselves, by truly dead we don’t mean truly dead as a rock, sand and a meteor all have energy, else they would not matter as matter if they didn’t, thus matter matters because it has energy, the larger question there is, is that energy in any way circumscribed as emotive energy, does a rock feel, when a rock feels how do you know it feels or is the representation of rock wholly voided of feeling, or there is still the probably more correct assumption that the rock is composed of some other pure essence entity that has nothing to do with emotive feeling, and that in fact the rock dies and is hardened by the construct of contradictions within the emotive universe.

First I think it is wholly wrong to suppose that emotive essence is the fundamental and thus that anything you see is hardened emotion, a rock is thus able to hit you because it knows who you are, this much is true, a rock identifies with you and borders your essences so that it can stumble upon your head, that is emotive energy at work, a rock has to be able to feel that you are a hardened surface, that there is a trajectory to you and that it can be triangulated and maintained, that is all emotive activism, what isn’t true is that everything a rock is, is emotive energy, it isn’t, in fact about 90 percent of a rock doesn’t feel, and why it doesn’t feel is because the rock is also made of other essence types that may have not relationship to emotive energy, still in that 10 percent emotive energy there is enough energy to hit you over the head and knock you unconscious, the recognition is a same type recognition and the same could happen to another emotive energy, there you have it.

What all these critically implies is that the convergence of pure essence types has a detrimental effect on the success of any pure essence because it constricts it, and in fact kills it, that there might be 10 percent of us in a solid rock equally implies that it is composed of other entity types and that they too have hardened as they came into contact with the universe and through it with us, the rock will invariably recognize all the entity types that constitute it, but as you can see that doesn’t imply good things, it means that a rock has become a third entity that it is not recognizable by any of its constituent parts and yet that it has the ability to hinder any of those parts in any number of caustic reactions.

That of course can explain a lot of things, but I think for now we can leave it at that, with only one minor note, the migration to the material world murders pure essence energy, and we don’t know if that can ever return, we can argue that the voyage into universe burns up 90 percent of a pure essence type, and that 90 percent becomes trapped in an unidentifiable element that eventually comprises a largely unrecognizable universe.

We can say that with 90 percent certainty so while we cannot say what is there to like about that pyrrhic victory we can assure you that it is blindly worthy, Good day.


Near/Far and Reincarnating Falsities

The hopeful event of our existence is thus a lot of composition, the mixing of the key ingredients make the compositions largely irreducible, this is why most things have to be destroyed by force or reduced to insignificance by the forces bread by all pure entities into meaningful scrapers of physical apparitions.

This does take us to the one meaningful occurrence, our existence permeates the physical at a constant toll, we are Sisyphus, only we never have ever reached the summit where our existence can be guaranteed any stability, we are still heaving the rock up the summit, it hasn’t fallen back because every time that a lifter fellow dies he gives birth to another fellow to leave him pushing and so on, the continuity is faked by birth and constantly punctuated by death. But that is only part of the story of our fatal permanence, however it does suggest that our longing for eternal life is a longing to rest from the struggle of maintaining existence and let there be no doubt that the fact that existence is such a tough going implies that it is absolutely not endemic to us.

The rest of the story is more fascinating, as we embellish existence with our presence we give it an inherent value, say the value is 1, now you must know that that alters something within the context of everything else out there, because we come to realize space-time geometry and dimension, and that becomes a condition that also allows us to beget more of our essence in part because it is easier, easier to climb through more of yourself, in a sense we are making, in our case, an emotive essence species in time and space by climbing over one another to the submit of what is the tip of the maximum penetration possible into physical reality.

This is a rather mundane struggle, there is nothing glorious or divine about it, an ant hill has as much merit or to be fair to the ants maybe more, but this gives us another type of insight, every species is on the same path, that is they are vortexing into the same idea only some with more success than others, but radically to us it doesn’t matter which one turns out to be the one that reaches the greatest stability in the context of existence, this because we are all the same essence energy, you could have once been a dinosaur and are now a human, the energy cycling continues add on indefinitely, there is nothing to prevent you from being born a dolphin in your next life, specially if now you are a net dragging fisherman; but contextually your probability of birth once you have been born once goes up, the chances of your being born increase with every life, until in theory you immortalize yourself so well that you will not have much of you in the metaphysical, which is why there are people that are more here and are much better at managing this existence, than other people that seem to trouble all over the concept of this here life and thus seem more out there, and people that seem to march on autopilot without much stress or harm.

We can now established firmly that you can be more here and equally that another could be less here, those that are more here will have an easier time dealing with real world conditions and will fair better in situational actions, while those that are more recent in their ripening into existence, that is have had the fewest lives will have a strong connection to their metaphysical essence and so will have less endemic reactions to the here and now, they will have to think a lot, they will tend to be moralists, or even philosophers, and they will stress considerably over the doings and happenings in the here and now, for their metaphysical will invariably be largely at odds with the here and now because their sense of perception is still other worldly. We can call these peoples the less they have witnessed this constricting reality, far/far; do these far/far help our existence any? Well yes and no, they actually help in that they channel easily with the metaphysical and thus feed the process of our existence back so that the metaphysical can get an inkling on what our world is about, the far/far keep the line open between us and our other spiritual dimension, and it is that which allows spirits to hook into our dimension and thus manage the not so natural and not so easy process of urging themselves into existence via a birth mother. However to a large degree far/far types will invariably be anti-existence and more in love with metaphysical principles that may not be beneficial or realistic in the here and now, even so this very detriment becomes an asset in that they can reformulate our metaphysical unity in this world through religious or ethical concerns and thus glue us with such.

Then there are near/far, these are the ones that come into existence with some maturity in the process of reincarnations in the life process, that is they have been born plenty of times and know enough not to get into trouble, these are the largest segments of any species population, the balance of the near/far hollows out their awareness because they are, if you allow me to say it, equidistance from the metaphysical and the material, thus they largely operate on autopilot, they intuitively know what to believe of both realms, they don’t have to think their way through life, largely they live within the constrains of their boundaries, they form culture and reactionary processes they are not here to reinvent anything, they are here to operate within the constrains of what is already established as a segment of operant normality.

And lastly we have the near/near, these are the privileged few, they have lost much of their metaphysical traces, they will have an incredible ability to deal with the here and now, their entire construct is mostly defined by this reality and they have lost most of their metaphysical sense, these types will have very good memories of everyday events and will be able to recreate anything of the here and now with ease, they will generally appear very intelligent as for them these existence is part of their second nature, they ought not to be too creative but inventive and able to resolve problems with ease and see a way through most quandaries to a successful event. And these near/near types will pose the greatest danger to pure essence as they will amply demonstrate the success of escape velocity not to return even to the metaphysical and they will mindfully forget anything to do with pure essence; near/near types will not be introspective, thought they will have lots of knowledge and benefit from photographic memories, everything for them being mostly recall of similarities with prior existences, they will refrain from moralizing and their mythic capability will be limited to things like theater and opera, near/near types have in them a supreme ability to enjoy life, and will be largely content with whatever they make of themselves or whatever life makes of them, this because they have lost the sense of duality between the metaphysical and the material world, not by erasure but by choosing to focus towards the material way defiantly.

Now this whole triad process is obviously based on reincarnation, and I am afraid there is no way around that little giant truth, we reincarnate, and so near/near, near/far and far/far types are all the worldly result of the same process, souls that have found parents so they don’t have to dangle in the metaphysical, and these souls get more and more used to this place and thus intuit it more the more they return, the world as we know it is thus all of these, incoherently abandoned to the result of their mutual in congruencies they make the real life that you and I observe, and it is only that life that is observable for the corporeal apparition is a contraption that is largely manifested based on the rigors that are imposed upon it by what we can negligently call the external world, but the social world, that world which challenges you everyday at home, work and in social settings that world is absolutely and defiantly defined in an encapsulated environment with parameters that are merely defined by the level of connectivity and association between the corporeal essence and the metaphysical essence. Any grievances on that matter we can wholly blame on ourselves, ourselves as species, as animals, as emotive essence beings in the context of here, here. The only neat thing about it is that we do have control over that social aspect of our lives.

What does that finally mean? It means that even though there is a quandary imposed by external conditions there is also another quandary, the interaction between same types, that is emotive essence can be encapsulated and isolated so that there can be less or more harmony within it, and so that it represents itself more truly in the here and now, that is that we have an option to realize a certain harmony within the enclosure that largely isolates us from the plenum of physical world intricacies, our life, physical life, in any context is a bubbled existence of sorts, we largely live inside of that, in fact it is because of that that we can survive external forces and calamities, most of your life is within an emotive context that has been realized by all essences of same type, and we can suppose that the same is true for all other essences, which points to why we must live mostly in ignorance, we can only know ourselves, very little of the rest of the universe can be known to us, thus most knowledge is pure speculation, which is why in the end knowledge is something that works, that functions, that repeats well, but count that it is never a truth.

Now some of you out there have probably picked up on something odd here, accepting that all of the above is truth then there should be no reason to want to die certainly near/near types want to extend life at all medical cost, why then are some people willing to die for causes? The answer is rather unsophisticated, there is an error in the context of the life parameter, the life parameter is malfunctioning, that is why you have hunger and famine and disadvantage, the life experience falls short, and the realization by a living person that it is wrong, rightly or wrongly, will lead such person to vanquish their life in a pursuit of the righting cause. When a religious prophet or a patriot give their lives for their particular cause it is because they realize that the life affirming algorithm is bugged, it is malfunctioning, but the reason for their valiant act is based on a nullified concept, that life is precious, that is unfortunately not true, what is precious is the harmonizing of pure essence, which sadly is not so easily observable in the aspect ratio we call reality; however it is felt, and so the cause driven zealots will martyr themselves for that cause, and they will do it for two reasons, one because you cannot deconstruct, the only way to correct existence is to rebirth, you have to die first, martyrs and suicides are working on the same premise, that which cannot be fixed must be killed, it is the only way that it can reenergize and the supposition is made in the process, and it is a dangerous supposition that in the reenergization process, by which an essence returns to spirit and reincarnates as another, that in the logic of that self is embedded the correction, thus the assumption is made that we become a better humanity with each reincarnation, the Dali Lama certainly banks on this assumption.

Is that a fair assumption? Probably not. There is nothing in the energy fields that permit the rise of our humanity into the here and now that promulgate moralities or corrective actions, the universe always recomposes itself but only as the eclectic elemental compositions sum it, that means that the universe is not moral you are and more fascinating your morality is self created and self imposed, and imposed at an odd angle, from another dimension, the metaphysical; I am sorry to say that, as I would probably prefer a moral universe, I am sort of a far/far, but it gets weirder than that, remember that we live within the context of an emotive field-bubble, that means that that bubble has some meaningful and conceptualize idea of itself, the problem is that that meaningful idea of itself is superimposed, that means that it can believe anything about itself that it wills to believe, and that belief might not in itself be principled or right, and what is more egregious we don’t have any way of knowing it, we are walking down a blind alley, none of us is aware of what existence really implies, we, as fragmented entities might have an idea but remember that our core being pure essence isn’t unhappy with itself, thus our intransigent escape doesn’t help comprehension or adjustment or betterment, further out the nature is this, we might be a bad thing for pure essence, we might be a bad thing for the universe, whatever defense we make for our existence is not without its fallacies, we might be dark energy, we might be the capital L in Lucifer, there is no way for us to know that we are the good force, as many fallen empires have found out and some yet to fall will find out, but the point is that we might be going forward perfectly in the wrong direction, there is nothing that can save us from ourselves, not even those professed good prophets, and the martyrs cannot guarantee us that they are not rebirthing malignance into existence; still beware that every death is a sort of rightly or wrongly self correcting attribute as much as it is equally a denial of our persistence.

If it makes you feel any better, contextually the universe itself doesn’t care, for the universe is in the end a compilation, the chances of its suffering at our hands are miniscule, we will probably never become that grand, you might be terrible but your terrible doesn’t dominate the universe, further the universe dynamics over a whirlpool of simmering essence types, it has no added value based on particulars, the universe has to be diverse, so it doesn’t play favorites, so much so that it doesn’t even care if you reenergize, in fact that is why it allows it, and there you have it.



We are now going to talk about the thing that philosophers love to talk about but never get right, what is real, what is genuine, what is the inner truth of anything. I think we can bet that there are genuine things, that there are real things, and that these things are indeed true, the question is more one of what we want to believe, the truth, the genuine nature of things, might not be as we have idealized truth, or any given concept of reality, we don’t know in what aspect of the honey making process we fall in, are we the bees, the beehive, the nectar from the flower, the flower, the bear eating it, or are we the queen bee. Any of these participatory aspects are interesting but what if we are not any of these aspects, what if the aspects we are in are more insignificant and even not noticeable in the process, so subtle that they don’t register, then we might have a problem with the truth, and more if we are merely a way to the truth and not a recipient of its benefits whatever those might be; but more horribly still what if we are indeed a process to eliminate truth, a process to destroy and kill a truth a runaway lie.

I think this is a good point to pause for a second and say that we ought not care about the truth, the truth is and could be dangerous to us, it might be easier for us to live in the hyperbole of ideas and stress their infinite reality than to try to torch ourselves with truth antics. Prime essence is such a type truth we can hypothesize it, we can be aware of it, but it really doest serve us in any serious respect in the here and now, Don’t think that we will be learning prime causes to change the world, rather more to frustrate ourselves, and perhaps to torture reality a little with our dallying minds.

Having said that I shall equally say that we might not have a choice but to specify our condition, that is we might be inherently entelechy dedicated to the task of category and an amplification of awareness through a process of consciousness, that is we are about bringing about universal consciousness, if true such a task would certainly be a prime endeavor but equally we ought not see it as fundamentally satisfying, such a quest must be insatiable, and more subject to so many changing aspect truths that I don’t predict we would want to be aware of it, we shouldn’t want to know what our purpose is, it could mortally hurt our egos to know anything about our fundamental nature and cause.

Regardless let us plunge towards that insanity, the truth for you, the truth for me, the truth for the universe is one of simple reduction, get to prime causes, you cannot so much for the simplicity, how far removed are we from a prime cause? We don’t know, you want to test your faith, that will wildly predict that the nothingness is predominant but when you say the word nothingness you are saying something about something so what is that nothingness that you are talking about? What are you saying about it? The name means something unto the thing given the name, that is the essence of anything axiomatically baptizes itself, thus the nothingness in any language named must invariably tell us something about the nothingness in general. What could that be?

Well immediately I like to propose that we assume that the nothingness is a lot of something that has simmered wholly and completely, I have noted as much before but I wanted to make it clear here, absolute homogenization has taken place in anything that can be called the nothingness. This tells us something critical about the nothingness, that is that it is equally something, the only requirement is that it have no inward differentiation, no peaks no valleys just the same throughout and all parts in harmony with all other parts thus the nothingness that is composed of something would have to represent itself equally throughout its vastness. More importantly this also means that it could be a background for something else, as it has no effective demonstration of energy it can be a background energy for other things to give rise to themselves.

Now we can thus say many things about the nothingness, it is immense, we cannot fathom its dimensional aspects, it could appear to be everywhere and at the same time not be anywhere at all, you cannot grab it and use it, you cannot go for a swim in it, however you could be in it and not know it, in fact that is my next proposition, you are inside the nothingness, inherently that could be a problem for the nothingness, that you are in it, but we can rescue the nothingness by allowing that there are multidimensional aspects that allow for geometries to make triple decked sandwiches of reality - and since even in a sandwich a piece of lettuce still carries its identity, so can you be you in the context of the nothingness and the nothingness too remain pure nothingness.

Now as you can see we have said a lot of things about the nothingness that are generalists but no less possible truths for it. The problem starts really when you try to touch the truth, it keeps on moving and that it keeps on moving can equally tell you that there is no truth that isn’t dynamic, I am going to thus assure you now that all truth and any truth that is particular to you is fundamentally and merely a dynamic reality, that is to say not stable, indeed inherently unstable and as a propositional truth equally ambiguous, it doesn’t fixate on an idea of itself for long, thus the more you think you know the proportional ignorance too might equally grow, hence the inherent tendency towards ignorance as a default candidate.

Now clearly what we have said is that our truth inst fixed, it doesn’t have a true north, where are we? We don’t know but we are going to try to ascertain some fundamentals, like we did we the nothingness.

First fundamental about being, all being is emotive and is derived from an emotive pure essence.

Second fundamental, all being in the physical universe is based on emotive essence fragmentation. This means that it is not so much that we are individuals but rather disparate parts of a whole emotive essence, we don’t exist as isolated entities and more critically we carry whole essence wherever we go, and it carries us where ever it is, thus there is never any distance, based on space-time that can be validated, the emotive essence is always in touch with all aspects of its fragmented emotive, and preciously all emotive beings instantly synchronize awareness throughout all based on fragmented experience, the entity of emotive essence grows and swells as one, always.

Third fundamental, emotive essence draws its energy constituency from the nothingness that is the nothingness of a simmering emotive, the simmering emotive further draws its energy from pure nothingness constituents which we are not privy to realize, largely untouchables they will remain at best hypothetical essence types unvarnished by any reality type or aspect thereof; the implication being that we can never know a true nothingness, we don’t recognize it and it doesn’t recognize us even as the nothingness might be the foundation on which pure essence types rest.

Fourth fundamental, emotive essence enters the physical realm and loses awareness of itself, it must relearn itself and through experience acquire a sense of destiny. Emotive essence of course feels everything but it knows nothing, thus knowledge and the awareness and empowerment that come with it are alien to emotive essence which is why emotive essence grows a brain, brain is not native to emotive essence, brain is a construct of emotive desires to apprehend space-time constructs.

Fifth fundamental, the body types adopted by various emotive essence beings, dolphin, bear, cat, snake, eagle, raven, parrot, whale, moose, skunk, mosquito, salmon, owl, horse, human, octopus, are not fundamentals to the being nor do they represent the emotive being genuinely, they are just representations, they are exoskeletons that protect pure emotive essence in external environments, however the form-geometry of essence beings depicts its essence adventure into space-time in conformance with the feelings of its self-essence at the time of its manifestation or birth into space-time constructs. Thus a dolphin is an essence type choosing to be a dolphin observance.

Sixth fundamental, our awareness of the universe is wholly based on our pure essence type, we cannot be aware of the universe in the terms that the universe constructs for itself, any advancement towards a greater sense of universe, and others that are wholly not like us is fundamentally based on a fragmented importation of our pure essence type into the here and now, further this is also true for all other essence types, there is a genuine incompatibility built into pure essence types.

Seventh fundamental, we cannot know how our essence type will coalesce with universe, the entire adventure might be a failure, it might be doomed, so you might ask why do we dare? The answer is simple , pure essence cannot be destroyed as pure essence type, it can only be destroyed as what it isn’t, you can kill a cat, a dog, a human, death is a product of lack of native discourse, our attempt to persist in space-time is an argument towards the conquering of a universal semantic that we don’t naturally assimilate, however the risk is almost cost free, it surely shocks pure emotive essence, it can even be said that pure emotive essence might not want us to continue persistence in space-time, but again it is cost free, when we die or are killed or banished in space-time we reconstitute and remain as pure emotive essence. The reason why we remain such a constant is based on how much like the nothingness we are, emotive essence is a perfect simmering construct that we are channeling into the here and now.

Which brings us to the conclusive point, what is interesting about pure entities and none pure entities and what is a none pure entity?

A pure entity is the nothingness. There are of course many types of nothingness and this should take you for a jolt, your emotive being essence type is pure and smooth all over, within the boundaries of its constructs it is technically nothing because there are no aberrations within its boundaries. Anything that is whole and simmering, as all entities tend and will to simmer by default, is nothingness.

Non pure entity types are interesting, they can eclectically comprise such things as universe! The universe is a compilation of pure entity types into aberrant entity types, you cannot survive in universe as pure essence, thus comes the eight and final fundamental, pure entity types will invariably have an outreach program, they will want to go beyond themselves, and in so doing create the aberrant universe. However the phenomenal thing is that the universe becomes purely absent of pure essence, and wholly present of petrified essence types, when you see the universe you are going to be scared, it isn’t nothing like you, it will be hostile to your being, you have been warned, the universe does not represent you, you are lobbying for representation, but the universe wants to kill you, and mostly it is successful, it is very difficult to survive here, and while the process is indeed painful, the only reason why we keep on trying is because death always defaults towards pure essence and so it doesn’t cost us very much if anything.

In conclusion there are lots of truths, many truths, one of those truths is us, beings of an emotive essence, being prescriptively what we are not in order to explore something that isn’t pure, instead comprised of the impurities of pure essence types, fortunately we are fundamentally death free, our pure essence always recovers us, its just a bore when it does.

We should add to this yet another aspect, the aspect of what is real becomes adulterated by all the essence types combined, thus reality is one thing and the truth is always another thing, we are given to speculate upon the truth but we are not privy to it, nor can we detect it through experiment, there are no primary causes that will ever be discernable from our vantage point, the ephemera that has been created by our pure essence constriction and that of the others will invariably support a false reality, and that is the only reality possible, a dynamic, and as soon as one can get a grip on one aspect of it, that aspect will have drifted, and it could even have changed in element, law and principle, fortunately for all of us reality itself has a tendency to stabilize thus any dynamic tends towards a simmering, and that is what allows us to live, digest and die within the constrains of a given reality that becomes our truth.

Preciously we must realize that we were a fundamental truth and that we don’t want to know that truth, we are beautifully escaping from our truth, and it helps nothing to those consciousness to be aware that regardless of what happens in the chimera of reality, deep down inside our default condition will win out in the end. May the chimera be eternal.


The Universe As A Third Party Construct

We devour the universe and that is not a bad thing for the universe, as the universe is made up of pure essence types that want to belong to it, that want to imbed themselves within its constructs, and there you have the magnificent of it, the universe being itself a compositions of third party components has no essence in and of itself that may give it pure essence type definition, the most gargantuan thing, the universe the most amazing thing the universe, is nothing in and of itself, it truly does not exists based on an innate nature, thus we can analogously say it and say it with all clarity of truth, the universe doesn’t exist it is instead the metaphor for all the things that do exist and that exist in a fervent escape from the nothingness and agglomerate in the gargantuan crossed referenced conceptualization, Universe.

Why we are bothering to note such a thing is also interesting, most of us are used to the treatment that science gives Universe, it is something with borders, as wide and deep as the Big Bang has had time to expand since its manic explosion induced hyperinflation hitherto. The implication is that there is another side and an outside and an off sides and a nothing and a beyond universe, that is that the universe has limits, there is a fence, a perimeter, it could be round but the latest findings say that it is mostly flat. I don’t know what a flat universe implies, maybe that we cannot go backwards in time, regardless our point here is that science has made the universe a thing in itself, and that thing Universe is composed of everything that is scientifically studied, of course science has not found the limits of the universe, the presumed edge, so it doesn’t even begin to question what is beyond universe, so science in its own right cannot go beyond knowledge at this time, for now the observable universe has all of its attention.

Religion has given us a whole other context to the Universe thing, god created it. This implies that God is not only outside of Universe but equally and more importantly can live without universe, can live outside of it, and therefore god does not need universe, he is independent of it, who knows why god decided to create Universe god has reasons which reason does not know and so we are left dangling in the idea that one day an all knowing, omnipotent god said “Let there be light.” And appropriately the radioactive universe was born. God obviously had some plans because he went on to create water, air, plants and animals and his final and lofty creation was the human species. Everything in the universe was created for the benefit of this species as we are all god’s children or god’s created children as much as that can imply parenthood and not Frankensteinhood, regardless our obvious demarcation here is that there was a time when there wasn’t a Universe, and so there was and is something without Universe, God for instance is a whole lot and as such must invariably represent amazing heuristics.

The beautiful thing about all this is the implication that there was a before Universe and that there is something outside of Universe and that Universe is created at some point and that by virtue of that fact it can equally end. I am going to propose something rather embarrassing, Universe is eternal, it doesn’t have a beginning and it doesn’t have an end, it has always been though not all of the things in it have been with it since the beginning of time, still others have, and why they are still around is as much a mystery as not really a mystery as the very longevity of the universe would imply that it will be composed of very old things and things that last eons as well. I am also going to propose that the Universe has more than one clock, that is that the universe has time frames that not only overlap but coexist among same frames of references and in parallel dimensions.

First lets deal with the implication of time, multiple clocks are necessary to explain an infinite Universe even as a Universe will not necessarily have a beginning or an end, the problem is that any universe will invariably have many entity representations within it and these are the one’s that predefined the events of their existence and by process their given time reference clocks. It is for instance possible that if we humans are saying that the universe is 1000 billion years old that in fact that is how old the Universe is for us, for humanities in general within the construct of Universe, and this would indeed apply to any and all humanities inhabiting the Universe as the primordial memory within us would go right to the very first time that our essence-type set foot on Universe and saw as far as it could see. The first definition of human that entered the Universe, we are all as old as that, because only through that first Vortexi incorporation could we identify ourselves in the construct of Universe which is actually a self realized identification, you come into being when you come into being. Equally everything else can have different clocks scaling from centuries to eons without imposing much of a burden on Universe as Universe is eternal and any measure of time within its constructs is irrelevant to it; we mean to say that the Universe doesn’t have an age because it doesn’t have an inherent clock other than the associated clocks crossed referenced by all entities across its boundaries and these crossed referenced clocks do not sum each other so as to surrender the first universal second of time, the moment an entity from the nothingness first whispered itself into a material construct; and they don’t do this further because they are non relational to third party constructs, time only exists for primary constituents, first person types, the only good thing about this is that you cannot age anyone else by your clock; you are synchronized through-out your vortexi, when we find other human like extraterrestrials we will relate to their time frames. And this is not to say that we are not in synch with vortexi that are not like us, disparities can be miniscule specially if the channel crossed from the nothingness unto essence something, was remarkably close in time-space reference, obviously from the nothingness there is no way to know this and no way to synchronize, it is all at best happenstance if it does happen; the implication is that the entire event and idea of species was a pure accident.

The reason why time is irrelevant to universe is that it technically doesn’t exist, but that is too easy to say, obviously we identify a thing called a universe, we can even define it for you if we have to, the universe is composed of matter, it is generally radioactive throughout, though it is equally and more gigantically composed of huge voids, it is composed of galaxies, primordial gas, and it conforms to the patterned memory of an explosion, every trace points back to a singular original explosion, a seminal distribution of elements, with basic geometric repetition throughout. What I am proposing is that that entity doesn’t exist, it is instead a construct of something that we have configured and that indeed other entity types equally construct so as to benefit from the apparitions made real by our imaginings and more by our shared desires.

The thing is that there isn’t a singe galaxy that matters to Universe, the Universe could lose 10 million galaxies and still be ok, currently black holes slam into each other and cause ripples of gravitational waves and frankly the Universe is no less for it, when our Sun dies it wont count for much, it doesn’t even have the mass to implode into a black hole, so you can see that the Universe isn’t going to register our Sun’s absence, it might scratch like a dog scratches an ear when there is a flea in it, but not much more than that. Again the point is that the Universe does not seem to acknowledge the incessant tumultuous events that happen within its geometry and we can say why, because they don’t matter to an entity that doesn’t exist!

The universe doesn’t exist, we, you, me and everyone else have made constructs called Universe, the Universe however doesn’t exist even as we wish it to exist, what exist is a number of entities that grip their existence unto the material world and construct compositions that appear as Universe appears, but none of these things exist within the context of a universal connotation, or more drastically Universe doesn’t exist in a contextually grand unified theory, though one could see how it could appear as such to the empiricists. Entity representations exist and “instantly” formulate the existence of their surroundings based on their entanglements, but contextually they exist over the bed of nothingness, and are not really cushioned by a Universal foundation in-between the nothingness and the something of matter and time.

Each construct unleashes time upon its surroundings because time is not independent of the Vortexi that come into existence, and so each Vortexi that rises to the surface of existence begins to tick a clock of its own making, these clocks can and may transcend epochs, eons, centuries but they do so based on the reference clock of all associated Vortexi, thus Universe has many time frames and references of time can cross each other in just such a way that two things can occupy the same point in space but not hit each other due to a partitioning made by dimensional time and not by special geometries. This doesn’t mean that time-space are not the same thing, as surely they are, but they can disassociate from their helpless coupling by going more in one direction than another, time has a greater energy requirement than space, space dominates low energy events and time dominates high energy events, the amplitude of space is increased by energy reductions, the amplitude of time is increased by energetic agglomeration.

And since any amplitudes made of time and space require that vortexi rise forth from the nothingness, determining the idea of dimensions and time and geometry, the default consequence of any entity is the degree of escape from the nothingness, the intensity of how its persistence demarks its presence in the concept of universe, a concept which all things in it will acknowledge but only so that they don’t have to name each other individually. It is not, there is sun, there is moon, there is species, it is Universe, it invariably has all those things in it but really there is no Universe, there cannot be a universe because that would imply that definition is macro in scope, while precisely the opposite is true definition is purely dependant on the micro, the universe is not micromanaged it is nano-managed, that is birth entities, persistent entities define its depth and breath of scope irreducibly. However remember that the plenum is the nothingness we have no way, you and I, no way of knowing how long the universe has been indemnified and macro-theorize from the nano-vortexi for these could be infinite inceptions, in fact it probably is indeed infinite, and we can speculate enough to say that it is because of one little obvious spec of evidence, the nothingness is of staggering proportions, evidence of the vacuum far supercedes any other evident object matter, the fact that it is so hard to go to Mars could be ample evidence but it is even harder for a sun to crash into another sun, surely it happens but the matter is that it happens so rarely, catastrophe is rare because the odds are so high against it, further the agglomeration of vortexi would logically simmer throughout the concept of space-time, and that is because the least amount of obstruction would be a requirement for any birth to take place, if you are fighting the nothingness to be born the last thing you need is a real enemy on top of that.

But since the nothingness itself is infinite then one can imagine that essence-types have been escaping from it just as long, there is no time on that frame of reference but you could infer that we are but a spec of dust in those speculative time frames. The point is that in the nothingness everything is instant, and that is equally so for a desire to escape the great simmering, the agglomerations would have to be compiling themselves for eons in our universal times, and more the Desire intensity had to have reached critical mass throughout the nothingness, thus you could imagine many big bangs waiting to happen.

If this “~” represents the vast nothingness, and this “-“ the something, they could in theory have very similar symmetries, differentiated by almost nothing, the alignment with the nothingness must be extreme, it must hardly be discernable what is and what isn’t, substance must be incredibly difficult to detect in any context, the rigors of simmering are sufficient pressure to squash any desired condition, altered states not allowed, so the any representation into the something of say matter must be contextually minuscule, and it must also be that any successful representation ought to be still more contextually nothing than anything else, however we must be somewhat fair here, any miniscule degree of contrast, of any type, against the nothingness should be highly visible and noticeable. You can thus free yourself from the idea of Universe and Universals and Universes, these do not happen, anymore than society or human come out of humanity and civic mindedness, it is the nano-entity that makes the substance things grander concepts, in the case of Universe, the Universe was never a concept or an end in itself, it was instead being-entities, existing and rebelling against the nothingness, that gave the concept of Universe allowance so we could grasp at this reality with greater imagination, that is a fact, but it is not a fundamental truth, Universe floats over the things that compose it but it doesn’t govern any however their interactions govern its existence, thus in some remarkable way, we arrive at Universe because an idea is still what drives our escape condition from the nothingness and irrelevantly that still doesn’t make the universe anything and more egregiously it is not even anything over something as basic as you and I. It follows that the idea of multiple universes would have to imply that the nothingness is not inherently pure, any idea of any other Universe will invariably be internal, there are no external Universes, even Universes governed by different physical laws would fall under the conceptualization of third party universe realizations. Why just the fact that you could imagine or detect an alternate universe automatically internalizes it.

Tinker with that next time you awe over the grandness of the Universe, ponder that there is nothing out there, and more nothing outside of it, but equally and more grander prosper with this thought, all the entities that make universe are more real than the universe and still they are mostly composed of nothingness and because of that greater composition of nothingness they have the tendency to be much more than Universe. And if you walk that truth tightly you will realize why, the universe is a conceptualization of escape entities that have thought definition, the third party relations of these is what makes universe, that implies that Universe is not based on priori, it is probably the first and only entity to not have a purpose, a mere causality that cannot know itself but merely serve as an awareness of those that compose it for still others that compose it.


The Perfecting Of The Imperfection

This all gets very fascinating and equally as it gets fascinating it gets weird and difficult to believe, the apprehensive soul will want to label it fiction, and so now we must ask ourselves why it is so difficult for us to grasp the varying dimensional complexities of emotive being?

The quick answer is that it is not because it is really difficult, we are after all recipients of cosmic energy, we are a vessel of spiritual energy making a temporal appearance of representation and exploration, so suffice it to say that it is a given that we are in touch. But if we are in touch then why can we not feel so much of the spiritual dimension, why is it that we are left to be tricked into faith by a series of religions that propagandize spiritual essence and consecrated to a series of rituals. In short why are our religions comic books of the metaphysical?

Again the answer is simplistic but no less good for it, the exploration process is a ruffians going, you have to be fairly desensitized in order to support existence, thus there is an inherent spiritual sterilization that must take place through the process of birth and there must equally be a forgetting, it is not without just cause, if you remembered all of your previous essence representations and had backward memory and emotion to all of your previous lives the here and now would be vastly more complicated, vastly more out of control, thus there is a miniaturization of our perception, memory and feelings so that we can muster the courage to persists in time-space constructs.

But, much to our mystery, we are of course never that far away from pure essence or spiritual being, any of those aspects can be accessed given simple intent, if you let go of your earthly thoughts and focus your mind on spiritual elements those elements will invariably speak to you, share and communicate in ways that allow you to see greater dimensions of self, and equally allow the greater dimension of the metaphysical to witness greater space-time insights.

That interconnection between the metaphysical and the corporeal allows for an enhance coupling of the bridge that lies between spiritual and physical, and the engorging of that bridge induces a greater access for us within and a greater access for them through us, and the mutual engulfment creates a spirited triumph for both sides are able to comprehend their mutually incompatible realities and thus interact with them more positively for the betterment of the overall condition.

Once you are able to reach across the gulf of existence into the metaphysical then you become an aggregator to joining of spiritual and material, this closes the cold, eases the pain, loosens the hardened existence, and it does so because the more, through consciousness and alertness, of us that appear in the context of the material allows us all to be in greater harmony with each other, it is the fragmentation of pure essence that causes disharmony, as pure essence rejoins, as much as it can do so, then it eases its path towards greater harmony for all.

This is not to say that any aggrandizement of spiritual essence is necessarily a positive outcome, the fact that we become frictionless and superconductors the closer we get to pure essence doesn’t mean that we have not been contaminated and insurmountably so by our escape route from the nothingness, pure essence had to have, and is suffering, deviant incorporations that as much as harm it also allow it to inhabit and live in its escape condition; controversially time-space do require than we destabilize pure essence, and ironically we even demand that of ourselves, remember that we didn’t tolerate the simmering essence perfection. We broke symmetry on purpose! We had every intention of ending homogenization, equilibrium and unadulterated perfection, none of what you see today is based on an objective ideal of reaching a genuine perfection, we are not going back to it, we are indeed attempting to make sure that our escape from the nothingness is absolute, any cravings for perfection are longings that are not substantiated by our continued march into the material!

If then the march forward into a dimension of time-space is construed as an imperative then any march towards a perfection has to be fictitious, religions must invariably represent a dichotomy, at one aspect they must seek to rejoin us at another they must serve to urge the march forward, thus their spiritual representation of a future obtainment of a perfection has to be fundamentally false! But equally it must be critical for us to have religion remind us of the perfection that we once were so as to hold us together through the vastness of the void that is imbued with other essence types that don’t necessarily hold our chosen interests in mind.

Thus religion helps in the gluing together of same essence types across heterogeneous environments giving them/us the ability to recall their same essence origins and thus allowing for the smelling and identification of same essence types cross disparate environments and conditions. However this allowance furthers the ability of same essence types to grow further apart and to hold together in the process, thus religion is born in the process of dismemberment that happens in the Diaspora of same essence types, and thus it is, religion that is a representative-entity born of fragmentation and not of the unity that it professes.

Pure essence doesn’t need religion anymore than religion wants pure essence, it is not in the interest of religion for their to be a fundamental unity as it is fed and incorporated by the isolation, sins, flaws, frictions and fragmentations, thus the faith as we know it is always bound to displease and always will appear to serve earthly values more than spiritual concerns.

We have willed it so. But does that mean that we are then doomed to be out of touch with our metaphysical essence and further back our pure essence being?

The beauty of any construct is that it can be overpowered by any other construct, we are not doomed to being what we are, it could at any time be overpowered by other constructs that harvest same energy types or it could all be undone as well by ourselves urging dramatic change. It is even more possible to imagine that even as we understand that we are escaping from the nothingness - it could equally be true that we have not chosen the best path of escape and that we may have walked into a trap of our own making, and that we might thus want to return to the nothingness so as to attempt a new potential escape condition with vastly different parameters and views.

However, and this is the however that critically matters the metaphysical is not outside of our core discourse, it is part of the same Vortexi and Priori and Desire Origins, thus our metaphysical domain is incorporated into our core value compositions, we derive and it is derived from the same discourse, even as it attempts to correct us and guide us we are a core product of its inherent value structures.

In the end we are not doomed to being what we are, however any condition that mandates a change of our fundamental Desire escape condition would require a genocide of the conscious, unconscious, spirit that we are, further it is notable that any short term mass graves, constructs such as world wars or the return of an avenging god or pestilence to come vanquish all the evil ones, is at core levels no more than a subconscious attempt by the emotive supra-consciousness, that which encompasses all and is encompassed by all, to auto correct within the construct of existence, that these corrections continue to go awry and that any rebuilding after any major holocaust or deluge seems to recreate the same type of social and civic and community kinetics can only imply that our core, sadly but rightly, is inherently stable as would correctly be expected of any core that fueled the desired escape condition from the nothingness.

Thus it is written.