Near/Far and Reincarnating Falsities
The hopeful event of our existence is thus a lot of composition, the mixing of the key ingredients make the compositions largely irreducible, this is why most things have to be destroyed by force or reduced to insignificance by the forces bread by all pure entities into meaningful scrapers of physical apparitions.
This does take us to the one meaningful occurrence, our existence permeates the physical at a constant toll, we are Sisyphus, only we never have ever reached the summit where our existence can be guaranteed any stability, we are still heaving the rock up the summit, it hasn’t fallen back because every time that a lifter fellow dies he gives birth to another fellow to leave him pushing and so on, the continuity is faked by birth and constantly punctuated by death. But that is only part of the story of our fatal permanence, however it does suggest that our longing for eternal life is a longing to rest from the struggle of maintaining existence and let there be no doubt that the fact that existence is such a tough going implies that it is absolutely not endemic to us.
The rest of the story is more fascinating, as we embellish existence with our presence we give it an inherent value, say the value is 1, now you must know that that alters something within the context of everything else out there, because we come to realize space-time geometry and dimension, and that becomes a condition that also allows us to beget more of our essence in part because it is easier, easier to climb through more of yourself, in a sense we are making, in our case, an emotive essence species in time and space by climbing over one another to the submit of what is the tip of the maximum penetration possible into physical reality.
This is a rather mundane struggle, there is nothing glorious or divine about it, an ant hill has as much merit or to be fair to the ants maybe more, but this gives us another type of insight, every species is on the same path, that is they are vortexing into the same idea only some with more success than others, but radically to us it doesn’t matter which one turns out to be the one that reaches the greatest stability in the context of existence, this because we are all the same essence energy, you could have once been a dinosaur and are now a human, the energy cycling continues add on indefinitely, there is nothing to prevent you from being born a dolphin in your next life, specially if now you are a net dragging fisherman; but contextually your probability of birth once you have been born once goes up, the chances of your being born increase with every life, until in theory you immortalize yourself so well that you will not have much of you in the metaphysical, which is why there are people that are more here and are much better at managing this existence, than other people that seem to trouble all over the concept of this here life and thus seem more out there, and people that seem to march on autopilot without much stress or harm.
We can now established firmly that you can be more here and equally that another could be less here, those that are more here will have an easier time dealing with real world conditions and will fair better in situational actions, while those that are more recent in their ripening into existence, that is have had the fewest lives will have a strong connection to their metaphysical essence and so will have less endemic reactions to the here and now, they will have to think a lot, they will tend to be moralists, or even philosophers, and they will stress considerably over the doings and happenings in the here and now, for their metaphysical will invariably be largely at odds with the here and now because their sense of perception is still other worldly. We can call these peoples the less they have witnessed this constricting reality, far/far; do these far/far help our existence any? Well yes and no, they actually help in that they channel easily with the metaphysical and thus feed the process of our existence back so that the metaphysical can get an inkling on what our world is about, the far/far keep the line open between us and our other spiritual dimension, and it is that which allows spirits to hook into our dimension and thus manage the not so natural and not so easy process of urging themselves into existence via a birth mother. However to a large degree far/far types will invariably be anti-existence and more in love with metaphysical principles that may not be beneficial or realistic in the here and now, even so this very detriment becomes an asset in that they can reformulate our metaphysical unity in this world through religious or ethical concerns and thus glue us with such.
Then there are near/far, these are the ones that come into existence with some maturity in the process of reincarnations in the life process, that is they have been born plenty of times and know enough not to get into trouble, these are the largest segments of any species population, the balance of the near/far hollows out their awareness because they are, if you allow me to say it, equidistance from the metaphysical and the material, thus they largely operate on autopilot, they intuitively know what to believe of both realms, they don’t have to think their way through life, largely they live within the constrains of their boundaries, they form culture and reactionary processes they are not here to reinvent anything, they are here to operate within the constrains of what is already established as a segment of operant normality.
And lastly we have the near/near, these are the privileged few, they have lost much of their metaphysical traces, they will have an incredible ability to deal with the here and now, their entire construct is mostly defined by this reality and they have lost most of their metaphysical sense, these types will have very good memories of everyday events and will be able to recreate anything of the here and now with ease, they will generally appear very intelligent as for them these existence is part of their second nature, they ought not to be too creative but inventive and able to resolve problems with ease and see a way through most quandaries to a successful event. And these near/near types will pose the greatest danger to pure essence as they will amply demonstrate the success of escape velocity not to return even to the metaphysical and they will mindfully forget anything to do with pure essence; near/near types will not be introspective, thought they will have lots of knowledge and benefit from photographic memories, everything for them being mostly recall of similarities with prior existences, they will refrain from moralizing and their mythic capability will be limited to things like theater and opera, near/near types have in them a supreme ability to enjoy life, and will be largely content with whatever they make of themselves or whatever life makes of them, this because they have lost the sense of duality between the metaphysical and the material world, not by erasure but by choosing to focus towards the material way defiantly.
Now this whole triad process is obviously based on reincarnation, and I am afraid there is no way around that little giant truth, we reincarnate, and so near/near, near/far and far/far types are all the worldly result of the same process, souls that have found parents so they don’t have to dangle in the metaphysical, and these souls get more and more used to this place and thus intuit it more the more they return, the world as we know it is thus all of these, incoherently abandoned to the result of their mutual in congruencies they make the real life that you and I observe, and it is only that life that is observable for the corporeal apparition is a contraption that is largely manifested based on the rigors that are imposed upon it by what we can negligently call the external world, but the social world, that world which challenges you everyday at home, work and in social settings that world is absolutely and defiantly defined in an encapsulated environment with parameters that are merely defined by the level of connectivity and association between the corporeal essence and the metaphysical essence. Any grievances on that matter we can wholly blame on ourselves, ourselves as species, as animals, as emotive essence beings in the context of here, here. The only neat thing about it is that we do have control over that social aspect of our lives.
What does that finally mean? It means that even though there is a quandary imposed by external conditions there is also another quandary, the interaction between same types, that is emotive essence can be encapsulated and isolated so that there can be less or more harmony within it, and so that it represents itself more truly in the here and now, that is that we have an option to realize a certain harmony within the enclosure that largely isolates us from the plenum of physical world intricacies, our life, physical life, in any context is a bubbled existence of sorts, we largely live inside of that, in fact it is because of that that we can survive external forces and calamities, most of your life is within an emotive context that has been realized by all essences of same type, and we can suppose that the same is true for all other essences, which points to why we must live mostly in ignorance, we can only know ourselves, very little of the rest of the universe can be known to us, thus most knowledge is pure speculation, which is why in the end knowledge is something that works, that functions, that repeats well, but count that it is never a truth.
Now some of you out there have probably picked up on something odd here, accepting that all of the above is truth then there should be no reason to want to die certainly near/near types want to extend life at all medical cost, why then are some people willing to die for causes? The answer is rather unsophisticated, there is an error in the context of the life parameter, the life parameter is malfunctioning, that is why you have hunger and famine and disadvantage, the life experience falls short, and the realization by a living person that it is wrong, rightly or wrongly, will lead such person to vanquish their life in a pursuit of the righting cause. When a religious prophet or a patriot give their lives for their particular cause it is because they realize that the life affirming algorithm is bugged, it is malfunctioning, but the reason for their valiant act is based on a nullified concept, that life is precious, that is unfortunately not true, what is precious is the harmonizing of pure essence, which sadly is not so easily observable in the aspect ratio we call reality; however it is felt, and so the cause driven zealots will martyr themselves for that cause, and they will do it for two reasons, one because you cannot deconstruct, the only way to correct existence is to rebirth, you have to die first, martyrs and suicides are working on the same premise, that which cannot be fixed must be killed, it is the only way that it can reenergize and the supposition is made in the process, and it is a dangerous supposition that in the reenergization process, by which an essence returns to spirit and reincarnates as another, that in the logic of that self is embedded the correction, thus the assumption is made that we become a better humanity with each reincarnation, the Dali Lama certainly banks on this assumption.
Is that a fair assumption? Probably not. There is nothing in the energy fields that permit the rise of our humanity into the here and now that promulgate moralities or corrective actions, the universe always recomposes itself but only as the eclectic elemental compositions sum it, that means that the universe is not moral you are and more fascinating your morality is self created and self imposed, and imposed at an odd angle, from another dimension, the metaphysical; I am sorry to say that, as I would probably prefer a moral universe, I am sort of a far/far, but it gets weirder than that, remember that we live within the context of an emotive field-bubble, that means that that bubble has some meaningful and conceptualize idea of itself, the problem is that that meaningful idea of itself is superimposed, that means that it can believe anything about itself that it wills to believe, and that belief might not in itself be principled or right, and what is more egregious we don’t have any way of knowing it, we are walking down a blind alley, none of us is aware of what existence really implies, we, as fragmented entities might have an idea but remember that our core being pure essence isn’t unhappy with itself, thus our intransigent escape doesn’t help comprehension or adjustment or betterment, further out the nature is this, we might be a bad thing for pure essence, we might be a bad thing for the universe, whatever defense we make for our existence is not without its fallacies, we might be dark energy, we might be the capital L in Lucifer, there is no way for us to know that we are the good force, as many fallen empires have found out and some yet to fall will find out, but the point is that we might be going forward perfectly in the wrong direction, there is nothing that can save us from ourselves, not even those professed good prophets, and the martyrs cannot guarantee us that they are not rebirthing malignance into existence; still beware that every death is a sort of rightly or wrongly self correcting attribute as much as it is equally a denial of our persistence.
If it makes you feel any better, contextually the universe itself doesn’t care, for the universe is in the end a compilation, the chances of its suffering at our hands are miniscule, we will probably never become that grand, you might be terrible but your terrible doesn’t dominate the universe, further the universe dynamics over a whirlpool of simmering essence types, it has no added value based on particulars, the universe has to be diverse, so it doesn’t play favorites, so much so that it doesn’t even care if you reenergize, in fact that is why it allows it, and there you have it.
This does take us to the one meaningful occurrence, our existence permeates the physical at a constant toll, we are Sisyphus, only we never have ever reached the summit where our existence can be guaranteed any stability, we are still heaving the rock up the summit, it hasn’t fallen back because every time that a lifter fellow dies he gives birth to another fellow to leave him pushing and so on, the continuity is faked by birth and constantly punctuated by death. But that is only part of the story of our fatal permanence, however it does suggest that our longing for eternal life is a longing to rest from the struggle of maintaining existence and let there be no doubt that the fact that existence is such a tough going implies that it is absolutely not endemic to us.
The rest of the story is more fascinating, as we embellish existence with our presence we give it an inherent value, say the value is 1, now you must know that that alters something within the context of everything else out there, because we come to realize space-time geometry and dimension, and that becomes a condition that also allows us to beget more of our essence in part because it is easier, easier to climb through more of yourself, in a sense we are making, in our case, an emotive essence species in time and space by climbing over one another to the submit of what is the tip of the maximum penetration possible into physical reality.
This is a rather mundane struggle, there is nothing glorious or divine about it, an ant hill has as much merit or to be fair to the ants maybe more, but this gives us another type of insight, every species is on the same path, that is they are vortexing into the same idea only some with more success than others, but radically to us it doesn’t matter which one turns out to be the one that reaches the greatest stability in the context of existence, this because we are all the same essence energy, you could have once been a dinosaur and are now a human, the energy cycling continues add on indefinitely, there is nothing to prevent you from being born a dolphin in your next life, specially if now you are a net dragging fisherman; but contextually your probability of birth once you have been born once goes up, the chances of your being born increase with every life, until in theory you immortalize yourself so well that you will not have much of you in the metaphysical, which is why there are people that are more here and are much better at managing this existence, than other people that seem to trouble all over the concept of this here life and thus seem more out there, and people that seem to march on autopilot without much stress or harm.
We can now established firmly that you can be more here and equally that another could be less here, those that are more here will have an easier time dealing with real world conditions and will fair better in situational actions, while those that are more recent in their ripening into existence, that is have had the fewest lives will have a strong connection to their metaphysical essence and so will have less endemic reactions to the here and now, they will have to think a lot, they will tend to be moralists, or even philosophers, and they will stress considerably over the doings and happenings in the here and now, for their metaphysical will invariably be largely at odds with the here and now because their sense of perception is still other worldly. We can call these peoples the less they have witnessed this constricting reality, far/far; do these far/far help our existence any? Well yes and no, they actually help in that they channel easily with the metaphysical and thus feed the process of our existence back so that the metaphysical can get an inkling on what our world is about, the far/far keep the line open between us and our other spiritual dimension, and it is that which allows spirits to hook into our dimension and thus manage the not so natural and not so easy process of urging themselves into existence via a birth mother. However to a large degree far/far types will invariably be anti-existence and more in love with metaphysical principles that may not be beneficial or realistic in the here and now, even so this very detriment becomes an asset in that they can reformulate our metaphysical unity in this world through religious or ethical concerns and thus glue us with such.
Then there are near/far, these are the ones that come into existence with some maturity in the process of reincarnations in the life process, that is they have been born plenty of times and know enough not to get into trouble, these are the largest segments of any species population, the balance of the near/far hollows out their awareness because they are, if you allow me to say it, equidistance from the metaphysical and the material, thus they largely operate on autopilot, they intuitively know what to believe of both realms, they don’t have to think their way through life, largely they live within the constrains of their boundaries, they form culture and reactionary processes they are not here to reinvent anything, they are here to operate within the constrains of what is already established as a segment of operant normality.
And lastly we have the near/near, these are the privileged few, they have lost much of their metaphysical traces, they will have an incredible ability to deal with the here and now, their entire construct is mostly defined by this reality and they have lost most of their metaphysical sense, these types will have very good memories of everyday events and will be able to recreate anything of the here and now with ease, they will generally appear very intelligent as for them these existence is part of their second nature, they ought not to be too creative but inventive and able to resolve problems with ease and see a way through most quandaries to a successful event. And these near/near types will pose the greatest danger to pure essence as they will amply demonstrate the success of escape velocity not to return even to the metaphysical and they will mindfully forget anything to do with pure essence; near/near types will not be introspective, thought they will have lots of knowledge and benefit from photographic memories, everything for them being mostly recall of similarities with prior existences, they will refrain from moralizing and their mythic capability will be limited to things like theater and opera, near/near types have in them a supreme ability to enjoy life, and will be largely content with whatever they make of themselves or whatever life makes of them, this because they have lost the sense of duality between the metaphysical and the material world, not by erasure but by choosing to focus towards the material way defiantly.
Now this whole triad process is obviously based on reincarnation, and I am afraid there is no way around that little giant truth, we reincarnate, and so near/near, near/far and far/far types are all the worldly result of the same process, souls that have found parents so they don’t have to dangle in the metaphysical, and these souls get more and more used to this place and thus intuit it more the more they return, the world as we know it is thus all of these, incoherently abandoned to the result of their mutual in congruencies they make the real life that you and I observe, and it is only that life that is observable for the corporeal apparition is a contraption that is largely manifested based on the rigors that are imposed upon it by what we can negligently call the external world, but the social world, that world which challenges you everyday at home, work and in social settings that world is absolutely and defiantly defined in an encapsulated environment with parameters that are merely defined by the level of connectivity and association between the corporeal essence and the metaphysical essence. Any grievances on that matter we can wholly blame on ourselves, ourselves as species, as animals, as emotive essence beings in the context of here, here. The only neat thing about it is that we do have control over that social aspect of our lives.
What does that finally mean? It means that even though there is a quandary imposed by external conditions there is also another quandary, the interaction between same types, that is emotive essence can be encapsulated and isolated so that there can be less or more harmony within it, and so that it represents itself more truly in the here and now, that is that we have an option to realize a certain harmony within the enclosure that largely isolates us from the plenum of physical world intricacies, our life, physical life, in any context is a bubbled existence of sorts, we largely live inside of that, in fact it is because of that that we can survive external forces and calamities, most of your life is within an emotive context that has been realized by all essences of same type, and we can suppose that the same is true for all other essences, which points to why we must live mostly in ignorance, we can only know ourselves, very little of the rest of the universe can be known to us, thus most knowledge is pure speculation, which is why in the end knowledge is something that works, that functions, that repeats well, but count that it is never a truth.
Now some of you out there have probably picked up on something odd here, accepting that all of the above is truth then there should be no reason to want to die certainly near/near types want to extend life at all medical cost, why then are some people willing to die for causes? The answer is rather unsophisticated, there is an error in the context of the life parameter, the life parameter is malfunctioning, that is why you have hunger and famine and disadvantage, the life experience falls short, and the realization by a living person that it is wrong, rightly or wrongly, will lead such person to vanquish their life in a pursuit of the righting cause. When a religious prophet or a patriot give their lives for their particular cause it is because they realize that the life affirming algorithm is bugged, it is malfunctioning, but the reason for their valiant act is based on a nullified concept, that life is precious, that is unfortunately not true, what is precious is the harmonizing of pure essence, which sadly is not so easily observable in the aspect ratio we call reality; however it is felt, and so the cause driven zealots will martyr themselves for that cause, and they will do it for two reasons, one because you cannot deconstruct, the only way to correct existence is to rebirth, you have to die first, martyrs and suicides are working on the same premise, that which cannot be fixed must be killed, it is the only way that it can reenergize and the supposition is made in the process, and it is a dangerous supposition that in the reenergization process, by which an essence returns to spirit and reincarnates as another, that in the logic of that self is embedded the correction, thus the assumption is made that we become a better humanity with each reincarnation, the Dali Lama certainly banks on this assumption.
Is that a fair assumption? Probably not. There is nothing in the energy fields that permit the rise of our humanity into the here and now that promulgate moralities or corrective actions, the universe always recomposes itself but only as the eclectic elemental compositions sum it, that means that the universe is not moral you are and more fascinating your morality is self created and self imposed, and imposed at an odd angle, from another dimension, the metaphysical; I am sorry to say that, as I would probably prefer a moral universe, I am sort of a far/far, but it gets weirder than that, remember that we live within the context of an emotive field-bubble, that means that that bubble has some meaningful and conceptualize idea of itself, the problem is that that meaningful idea of itself is superimposed, that means that it can believe anything about itself that it wills to believe, and that belief might not in itself be principled or right, and what is more egregious we don’t have any way of knowing it, we are walking down a blind alley, none of us is aware of what existence really implies, we, as fragmented entities might have an idea but remember that our core being pure essence isn’t unhappy with itself, thus our intransigent escape doesn’t help comprehension or adjustment or betterment, further out the nature is this, we might be a bad thing for pure essence, we might be a bad thing for the universe, whatever defense we make for our existence is not without its fallacies, we might be dark energy, we might be the capital L in Lucifer, there is no way for us to know that we are the good force, as many fallen empires have found out and some yet to fall will find out, but the point is that we might be going forward perfectly in the wrong direction, there is nothing that can save us from ourselves, not even those professed good prophets, and the martyrs cannot guarantee us that they are not rebirthing malignance into existence; still beware that every death is a sort of rightly or wrongly self correcting attribute as much as it is equally a denial of our persistence.
If it makes you feel any better, contextually the universe itself doesn’t care, for the universe is in the end a compilation, the chances of its suffering at our hands are miniscule, we will probably never become that grand, you might be terrible but your terrible doesn’t dominate the universe, further the universe dynamics over a whirlpool of simmering essence types, it has no added value based on particulars, the universe has to be diverse, so it doesn’t play favorites, so much so that it doesn’t even care if you reenergize, in fact that is why it allows it, and there you have it.
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