Sunday, August 27, 2006

Of That Which Cannot Exists In A Reality Which It Observes

Perhaps the one question that is the easiest to answer is where it’s most difficult to believe the very answer.

Things are touching each other, everywhere and anywhere within the context of universe all things are right up against each other, within and dimensionally stacked on top of one another. This is what makes the universe so difficult to observe, everything is in everything sort of speak and so it is difficult to separate this from that, so much so that most of what science knows is based on observation, but observation not of what it claims to observe but rather of an indirect observation through the aspect behavior of something else.

Whatever scientists are telling us about the neutrino it’s not because they have seen one, it is because they have seen the results of neutrinos colliding with something else, not the neutrino itself! There have been reports that when a neutrino crashes against reality that it will scatter and produce nth number of decay elements or downwardly evolving energy properties that will be predictable and observable under very specific and detailed frames of references.

But every observation is merely a stack of interactions that have hardened in some conscious process. When scientists ask for funding for yet another more powerful super-super-hadron-collider what they are really asking for is for the ability to observe mightier and unchained energy reactions, that will invariably single themselves out through massive energy concentrations, read heat, to the point where it will all yield to the singularity of branching forces. That is to say that the assumption is made that the hotter things get the more and more they become as one, and that it is only cooling that separates all energy properties and forces so that at the highest possible temperature there is technically only one constituent elemental property; reaching the glorious assumption that the higher the energy the more together everything is until there is no separation or entity between things; that at last given maximum heat, the electromagnetic, the weak and strong force, and somehow even gravity will merge into one.

It is through this type of indirect observation, based on a hypothesis that can only be made through a normalization, i.e. ignoring the wrinkles, of what might be considered an intrusive reality, all that so as to observe and measure and thus to experimentally prove a less persistent or obvious but more genuine reality. Today we know about anti matter and matter largely because we have observed many indirect processes. And that leads us here to have to define an objective reality! Something which fools have stated has to be independent of us, that is that we may not exist in a reality that we can observe! This is why scientists like to reach absolute zero and absolute maximum temperatures, so they can know what being least like us is like, so that they can postulate a universe that is wholly empirically predictable.

Mind you however that in whatever guise our essence, we are energy constructs and so far no one has observed a none energy construct, nor gone outside and beyond the coldest and the hottest temperatures, nor have we ever found a genuine nothingness. Every thing in our universe radiates, ENERGY! That means we are like it and it is like us be us there or not; it all yields a closed system, any energy transformation arrived at through a sentient energy extinction would still have to an equivalence representation based on the principle of energy conservation. We then live inside of a box that is made of energy where its limits are defined by heat at one extreme and maximum pressure and at absolute zero which would result in the lowest possible pressure or no pressure, though we don’t seem able to reach either absolute and much less beyond our energy box, so that in conclusion we personify a radiation, and even as we are cool we are far from nearing the edge of an energy based existence. We might not be able to suffer an energy death.

What is real? Any valid empirical test of an objectified truth will be observable in the same light and manner from varying frames of references, once subtracted distortional properties have been normalized. This objectified principle will then produce the same general aspect observations and comments so that its independence from personalized judgment can thus be axiomatically constructed and reconstructed without the priori of judgment.

So we can easily postulate the emphatic outcry of those that would have a reality exists without us in it as: autonomous, all genuinely real things must exist independently of the observer and as independent from one another.

We are going to disrupt that fancy as axiomatically and truthfully maximally improvable. Imagine yourself swinging a bat at a ball, if you can then swing a bat at a ball it is because you can think it, thus the action and the bat and the ball are all mates in some context of existence and the entire process is interconnected but it unleashes a thread of interdependencies from parents creating a person that can slam a homerun, society evolving the mastery of carpentry to conjure the bat maker and the bat, creating the optimal physical version of the ball by turning raw material-mass into a set of temporal reality constructs that can be spun and arched through gravity, all the way down to the strategy laden baseball field, and the hotdog energy fed to the fans and players so they can slam and applaud the ball, and even the descriptive of the action, swing, strike, hit and run, is and are all the culmination of a wholly amazing dynamic that is constructed purely and entirely on the basis of friction and observation.

Someone observed that games could be played in a field, that bases and defining line markers could be put on grass, someone observed the bat idea, another person created the process for making bats and balls, yet another, intentionally and unintentionally conjured an entire distribution channel, etc; an entire dynamic and therefore not restricted to one particular cornerable realism mandate, reality must be autonomous, there is nothing autonomous in any of the processes that lead to a homerun, why the very act of slamming a ball with a bat is based on competitiveness, and baseball itself is a passion that fans all over the world desire to play!

All this intricate layer of processes does effect the referee, as any referee will have a bias framed of reference, the only thing you can do is reduce that bias by policing the referee, but let us say more, the standards book of baseball guidelines and rules states that the referee must be neutral while passing judgment of competing teams, for it is assumed that fair judgment is a fundamentally independent property, that is it is autonomous, but let us take the referee in the context that he exists; in orbit around the baseball game a referee circumvents the fans, all the fans and the players and the baseball franchise owners are meeting a mutual interactive dependence that creates the game, that is to say you cannot have a referee independent of fan, team and franchise owners judgment nor would you want such thing; and therefore you cannot exist outside of the context of even something as removed as sport is from baseball or even further still humanity, and trees made of wood, or balls made of gut and leather, and you can even tie the baseball stadium all the way back to Greeks and Romans and before that, and so there is a whole solar system of activities that lead to the game and that lead to judgments about the game and that indeed effect the outcome of the day; if the lead pitcher had a fight with his wife that morning, he is not going to be playing his best, and when he arrives at the stadium he tells the first basement that “life is all screwed up” that will leave a lingering emotion that the first basement will carry through in the game and so the score.

Even if we assume, in some grandiose way, that realism applies at some massively cosmic level we only get everything wrong with it then. This is because when you macro-scale the universe you actually get less of it, everything is fundamentally based on atomic and subatomic principles which embody all greater principles so there is no point on postulating that baseball balls and baseball players and earth mass are autonomous when none of them are autonomous of quarks or of Up and Down and Charm and even baseball’s Hall of Fame depends on anti matter, all concepts which we only know and understand through a thing about little things, quantum.

We have to thus conclude that the only way there can be genuine autonomy in the earth and universe, is if we focus on just one isolated thing, and we are of course the one that can encircle it and sterilize it and make it autonomous with our thoughts. We may only do that with brain because brain has the capacity to categorize, isolate and sterilize, and so we can actually agree that there is something perilously autonomous, that is, brain is thinking autonomously, and we ought be worried about that.

It serves us here well to note that this is not to say that there aren’t realities that are indeed independent of us, wholly autonomous and truthfully real, for indeed there are, in fact probably most things that exists and have existed have no contextual need or association with us sentient beings, but these things we cannot recognize, these things that are autonomous of us are not observable and cannot even be discerned, the fact that we see means that we radiate, touch and effect, and there is an unseen touching, and an unseen subconsciousness, and we are just the surface result of so much more, but of that of which we are nothing, touches us not, needs us not, has no cognitive experience within our lot and wouldn’t even acknowledge us, at all.

Of that which cannot exists in a reality which it observes, cannot exist. Such it is.

Ricardo ©

Friday, August 25, 2006

When Something Is Infinitely Impossible It Becomes Minutely Possible

As we have seen there are an incredible magnitude to aspects of consciousness and subconsciousness, and any exploration of such realms requires one to be aware infinitely, we are of course not there yet and the whole charade of existence will most likely be over before we acquire what can be called an infinite awareness of cosmic awareness, it is easier then to say that we wont obtain it and that the species, as we know it to be, human, might not comprehensibly reach such an objective.

We are thus going to tell you here that regardless of what the Buddhist and the Hindus tell you, even if you recycle yourself endlessly into existence you are never going to obtain maximums consciousness in the state of species and much less so in the condition of homo sapient, with the outmost certainty there is a probability that the human race in its entirety, as registered in this planet earth, has the potential to be a supra cosmic consciousness, fully realize and fully aware of itself, however with the outmost certainty that is not possible because the constructs of the material and the constructs of human will not permit that, you are not here to awaken to your supra cosmic consciousness, this is not about you converting to Christianity or Buddhism or reaching a cosmic endeavor, that isn’t the point! We all know a politician and a rock star are far, far away from salvation, eternal bliss or even local happiness, but those thinking that St Augustine or the Mother Teresa were closer are correct but mostly wrong, both saints were closer but not by more than a meter or two, that is they could not and did not have the soul ability to distort their reality enough to reach any kind of beyond-awareness their principality of consciousness is that they were both good fund raisers for their particular church, why that alone is a mark against them! In the annals of the universe their continued alms raising through their memoirs will register against them, cosmic consciousness is haplessly dislocated, it assumes a superposition, it never decoheres and therefore it can never even associate with the material much less with collectibles.

So in some ways those that say that when you reach supreme awareness of all and in everything that you cease to be born, they are indeed correct, you wont be born again once you realize what life is about but not because you have reached a euphoric state of awareness but rather because you will know better than to be born; this thing life is not an optimally wonderful choice, when a soul makes a choice to be born and to express itself in the material it is making that choice in ignorance and if it is not in ignorance then it is making it because it is no different than a coal miner going down deep into the danger mine to feed his family above.

We are not saying this so as to deprive you of the worthy quest of searching for spiritual validation on this earth, it is possible, but when it does come around nothing like you will be around to observe it or practice it. This is because you bring a set of limitations into being and these are mostly fully realized by the time you are born, hence the reason why progress of any kind is so slow, hence why thinking out of the box is so difficult, and since life operates on peer review and thus peer approval is important, it is all preconceived and smothered with chocolate.

What we are saying is that if the composition of your being manifested itself with a need to know, awareness will be secondary and the limitation will be reinforced by your knowledge seeking self, every time you want to know something you are refusing awareness and accepting knowledge in its stead. It is therefore more likely that you will continue to amass an encyclopedic mind, more likely that the laws and practices that you create and base upon that categorical knowledge will become your reference point for a localize awareness, and as such will further encroach your possibility for awareness.

Till in the end you will have reached a sort of critical mass of knowledge, you will know all of the universe, you will be all knowing, and you will be able to move the universe by strapping a couple of ion engines to one of the clustered arms of the Milky Way, but you will not be aware of the harm that this will do, it will not hurt you, and you will not feel it, and you will be born again and again into your world, while a few souls, will escape, as some souls will invariably refuse to be born, their essence will be so subdued, it will reach a very insignificant amount of excretion energy, where it will not be able to surmount any obstacles, but in a miracle will tunnel through them and disappear at the other end. When something becomes infinitely impossible it becomes minutely possible.

That is to say you can become wholly aware but you are going to need a miracle to do it and to be ready for that miracle you must not have read any newspapers or contaminated yourselves with the wants and trivial doings of the day. If you read about murders and rapes and if you become aware of mass graves, and if you listen to the productivity ringing wall street, you will be at a miracle experiencing impassivity edge; miracles will be for you implausible, if you want to get close to a miracle you have to get away from the mundane of everyday, and in the process of releasing yourself to the awareness of the universe you will lose yourself, most people always hold on to the rails and thus they stay on track.

That is all of the bad news we are going to give you today.

Ricardo ©

The Fem-Emotive & Irrational Desire

This topic is rather succinct and we shall not spend too much time explaining it because if the subject is not natively understood by the audience it is not going to be possible to make a logical argument on its behalf because there isn’t one; besides that there is nothing to be had from winning the argument and not winning it isn’t going to cost us or lose us anything either. It thus behooves us to ignore it but we will show some guts by jotting down standard formulations.

The fem-emotive is an essence fundamental of the irrational desire scream that formulates the existence of sentient creatures, so that you have an instant essence representation that is brought to absolute unity in action, through the irrational-feminine-emotive-desire. (IFED)

The IFED defies all neutral processes and has as a prime objective essence representation and essence acknowledgement, this gives it another strange characteristic, it doesn’t, because it cannot, consider consequences, all essence manifestations mandate blind trust, this is fundamental to the fem-emotive; bare in mind that the primal desire scream hasn’t a preconception of what is at the other side of existence. The manifestation of energy representation is volcanic and not prone to prudence, hence the reason why existence in the corporeal world is fascinating, there was naught to know what to expect of this when souls embarked on a material quest.

The emotive as its fundamental essence has two distinct abilities to feel or to use that feeling to curtail feeling, either is a form of feeling, the intensity of discipline being an example of an emotive energy being used to constrict same. Logic is another representation of a constrained emotive energy restricting itself so as to harness absolutes. The most destructive emotive expressions result from an extreme pressurization of emotive energies that collapse their own restraint.

Only emotive energy can effect emotive energy, only emotive energy can resist emotive energy and only emotive energy can react to its own presence.

All emotive energies are instantaneously in subconscious synchronicity throughout the universe, however there may well be a latency in common awareness because awareness is not a prerequisite for irrational processes to eventuate. The distance that space and time offer does not circumvent this reality, all emotive is one emotive and as such reacts to all emotive consciousness, regardless of their particulars, as one.

Desire is the prime mover of all irrationals and the feminine is its most somatic irrational. There are no values or principles behind the IFED endeavor beyond the conscription of existence as a fundamental principles, all representations exist and as such have a prime desire to do so and have completed their prime objective, anything else that they do beyond that, in the context of existence is not an essence fundamental, morality would not be a fundamental construct of any and all aspirations for representations, however the moral universe is constructed by an essence desire to continue in a particular direction of existence representation, it is real as long as it furthers that it collapses if it doesn’t.

All IFED processes have an internalized guidance that lounges outwardly, the environment is not taken into consideration, it is even very difficult for it to see the external as it is not a guiding principle of desire, which is why it uses knowledge, which mandates a great deal of emotional constriction because it explores an unemotional external, the equivalent of holding your breath when something stinks, that is knowledge being the least feeling aspect of the fem-emotive co-opted to reach out and touch the unfeeling aspect of universe.

The greater the feminine intuition the more inward looking and the more concentrated and thus the stronger the manifestation of its emotive essence. All constrained representations of desire will be represented by the deprived male, maleness is a neutered emotive, made insensitive so that it cannot object to touching and working and enduring in the external world; maleness is thus all outward looking.

There has been sufficient deterministic evolution to say with some that the feminine can sustain and engender male attributes sufficiently so that it isn’t necessary to continue biological maleness and, others have said as much, maleness as the shortsighted solution that it is, can also be short listed for it ought not endure in an evolutionary context. As a further blow to maleness, as if we hadn’t kicked it enough, while the feminine can acquire male traits through psychological processes and in essence remain female, thus it is a reversible process, the same is not true for testosterone driven maleness as that is a biological process which implies that any reversal of its attributes observe insurmountable challenges, and these biological obstacles translate to the male brain, which means that even a psychological regression, for males, is quite impossible; simply put males cannot assume female attributes while females can and may if they so wish adopt psychological maleness and even reverse the process, and that is why DNA based maleness becomes first obsolete and then extinct in any long term.

We will note here that the above is a perfect example of a subconsciousness, in this case female subconsciousness, using physical expressions, in order to explore possibility and when it establishes an acceptable comprehension and stability in a given context it will then take over the responsibility on its own terms. Thus at first it was necessary to make males in order to endure and test an environment but after the external feedback is collected within the species subconsciousness the male aspect off that experience can be reconstructed into the feminine essence and so the masculine explorer can be silenced; not because its attributes are no longer necessary but because they have been absorbed into the feminine essence psyche.

All IFED processes are internally consistent with one another, even if there are logical or observable contradictions, the irrational desire takes all awareness into consideration always, and it reacts to the maximum possible whim, regardless of how that will effect individuals, institutions or for that matter a particular specie. You can easily observe that the Dinosaurs and the Dodos were expendable because their essence type would be reincarnated through a different aspect desire essence; in fact there might be more humans now because of the redirection of Dodo bird essence into human essence.

From here all deductions of any given emotive, IFED process can be made; keeping in mind that awareness is not a prerequisite for an asymptotic subconsciousness throughout emotive essence. None emotive deductions are impossible, the secularists, objectifiers and logicians are just suffering from an auto-immune illness that makes them unaware of how much passion and emotion it takes to construct an objective and secularist world.

Ricardo ©

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Fem-Emotive & Cosmic Gender

It is strange to have to say this but souls have gender, there are female souls and male souls and androgynous souls but after many a metaphysical essence feeling there can be no doubt that sex is a priori condition based on soul essence!

That is a difficult thing to accept, you want to imagine that the soul is neutral that it is the place where every characteristic becomes one with the whole, but it isn’t souls have gender and once you know that you can deduce many fascinating things. For instance you can deduce that souls are not a prime essence construct, that is to say that souls are not in and of themselves a final deconstructed essence, that is they are neither elemental or fundamental they come from something else, because you have to assume a somatic essence that constitutes souls, and somatic essence cannot have gender.

Why couldn’t we have it that all the universe be gender based as a whole in its entirety? We are not against that, and in fact we are going to say that the universe appears to have gender in the same way that it has polarity, all over and everywhere, however we are going to conclude that something prior to gender also permeates the universe, in the ether, or the Higgs field, either one by name and concept suits us well, but in the Higgs field there isn’t gender, there isn’t polarity, the Higgs field has the ability to interact so as to give mass and dynamic force to entities and so I will say that our Ether, will do same, it may sympathetically manifest male or female or androgynous essence but it has neither to begin with.

Souls have gender, it still doesn’t feel good to think that, not that thinking ever should feel good, but it feels more terrible to think that gender is not something determined at birth, it is in fact a priori of the soul that opts to be born, that means that even as the zygote can technically be purely feminine for the first eight weeks after conception, the reality is that the soul mechanisms that trigger pregnancy have already preprogrammed themselves to kick off the appropriate proteins, amino acids, etc. so as to trigger maleness at the opportune moment such as it is deigned. This will create a problem for biological alterations of the process, it may imply that you can change the biology but it might not transfer to soul, thus you can imagine a female biology with a male soul. Or, and this two may happen there might be enough anticipation that a soul is able to revert or change during the early stages of conception.

Of course one can imagine that if the parents want a little girl that the spirit of a little girl would tend to have an easier tendency and path towards those parents which are manifesting such desire. But there is a sort of damper when that precious requirement meets desire ideals, that is there is a birth dynamic just as much as there is a birth desire, the birth desire is manifested by souls and parents, parents want to have a child, and a soul wishes to be born, there is no shortage of either though there is a physical limitation based on our social and tribal logistical ability to allow for reproduction in accordance with environmental factors. The damper is that when a soul defines its entrance into the cycle dynamic which transfers spirit to world, that is transcurrence, the dynamic follows intent but not too closely so that a soul could end up with the wrong parents, with parents that didn’t want a baby girl but a boy, it could even end up with parents that didn’t want children and suffered the accident of a surprise and this is just counting that the little girl succeeds in being born to the right parents and was not switched at the hospital through the actions of some careless nurse. Plenty of things can go wrong in our universe, plenty.

Now let us take something into consideration, souls are then a manifestation of something else that is manifested from the primal desire scream, and let me apologize because we have to keep on discovering layers and layers before we get to species and humans but it is just part of the process.

The problem is one of the vacuum, there is nothing in empty space, then there is the desire for definition that primes itself out of the nothingness, now we know that there are at least three types of nothingness, the nothingness where all things simmer, the nothingness before that which is a pure vacuum with apparent zero force-energy interactions, and the raw nothingness which is the one that is wholly accessible to us even as we come from it, for it is a priori to anything else. Souls come after the vacuum, that is emotive energy as manifested may exist in the vacuum but it doesn’t personify as soul until after the vacuum comes into existence, the vacuum we can easily argue is boundless and endless for all practical observations, and it doesn’t have gender! I am just loving that, it doesn’t have gender.

The only thing we have to then answer is where then, in what physical consequence is the soul born, we know that there is a division of simmering essence nothingness and that gives rise to individual soul essence but where in the dimensional universe does that take place, and this is what the fascinating answer is, the moment space-time is born then soul essence is born too, because the soul essence is nothing more than a manifestation of time-space too, and how can that be, because time-space is in the vacuum as well, there has to be space-time in a vacuum, because the vacuum is presumably full and overflowing with Higgs Field particles, and the Higgs field itself sums zero or .0000000001 and right next to zero, that means it is not nothing it is simply as close to nothing as you can get without getting there!

Now the ether is a pretty neat thing and it has been in the supra-consciousness of our species for a little longer than the Higgs field in the form of the Ether, metaphysicians love the Ether and physicists love the Higgs field, but the end result is the same, it is everywhere even in the vacuum and while it appears to be nothing when something is put inside of the vacuum the whole thing comes dynamically to life in the form of dynamic-mass, force of interaction, we cannot see the Ether, we cannot see the vacuum, we might not even be able to detect the Higgs field particle but for one wonderful emotional thing, interaction! Interaction that defines everything by giving it gravitas.

We must now conclude that the vacuum is inside of us too, we must now conclude that the ether and the Higgs field is also within us because we have a soul and the soul is a constituent of space-time and so is your body. There is just one little problem with that, I like it and it sounds good and it probably works, but we are not scientists just because something works doesn’t mean that it is true, and we must go back because we don’t believe that sentient essence, emotive essence constitutes every aspect of the universe, it may constitute the superposition but it cannot in the end be in all things, choices are made, dynamics follow chaotic patterns that make decisions without predetermination, there is such a thing as a real unknown, and if we draw the simple and obvious conclusion that the vacuum is an endemic part of us and space-time then we are saying that we are everywhere and that we are everything and it is not the intent of this book or philosophy to be so closed minded, in fact one of the fundamental premises of this tome is that there isn’t anything special about us in the context of the essences that habit universe, so it would be contrarian to say so now, and we wont.

Instead what we are going to say is that we don’t have an out here, there is something that physically makes us part of everything that is matter and there is an emotive essence that is not fundamentally part of that all matter, and we don’t know how or when that judgment call is made in the context of essence representation. But the one thing that we do know is that matter and soul have severe and molestfull lines of demarcation between them, and we know this because we know that your brain doesn’t have a soul, your soul makes brain using constituencies of desire and matter, and it powers it up and it makes it think in the physical world, but remember that we know that matter as that which is represented by space-time energy representations is not wholly favorable to our representation in the pure material hence why it is so difficult to maintain body in the context of world, hence why we fall ill so frequently and easily, hence why it requires boundless work energy to survive and why it is easier to perish and why entropy appears so god damn predominant!

But soul is different, how is it different? It is emotive energy and so now we are going to say something else, the physical body cannot be natively emotive, your physical passions are part of space-time realizations, they are conjured out of a precarious base of conjectures which are not self sustainable, so that soul is paramount here, and soul would have some explaining to do in the matter of why it bothers with existence. But now we must go one step more complicated at what point then does this soul become gender oriented and let us say that here is a preordained axiom, the fact that soul has gender implies that soul like physical body has another priori that is more real than it, because any sort of division is not an evolution but a devolution from greater concepts, greater concepts always frame default parameters, that implies that they are not in any way able to contest’s their condition nor is anything else for that matter able to do contest it either, in such light the body matter, the body physical cannot challenge soul, its essence will invariably subtract itself back into soul matter, back into metaphysical constructs and it will do so by default.

It is thus obvious that the dichotomy of cosmic gender implies that there is something more substantive behind it all and that such is the more challenging of interests to our curiosity. We do not mean to imply here that wholeness is a mandatory prerequisite for all things, in fact we have observed that the universe as a whole and in its entirety is more of a concept than a giant squid, and we are going to say that the lines of male and female genders may be backwardly compatible to soul they could not possibly be backwardly compatible indefinitely, they would have to coalesce and/or cancel each other at some point in the history of time-space, as pure emotive essence in its simmering outpost is not gender based, further it is here postulated that gender comes to fruition after the initial primal scream manifestation from a simmering emotive into the frustrating differentiation of universe, that is we mean that even at the birth of essence representation in the context of time-space possibility we were represented as a singular essence and this is assumed because it requires too much energy to enter existence prime so that such energy coming in the form of a full fledge desire, will not be divided as that would be too costly for its manifestation, further we will add that in no conceivable construct of the simmering nothingness is there allowance for discrepancy such as those created by gender.

Since we have come to the conclusion that our emotive core essence is genderless we must now make a difficult assumption that gender comes to us as a result of environment, is not a fundamental construct of our essence being, it is the result of a reaction to environment, be it cosmic, universal, timed, space based the formidable conclusion is that gender is constructed out of a reaction with the environment, further we will make the case here that it is no different than having a polarity, as such are also constructs based on interactions and therefore similar in nature, you have a left and right hand, the concept of hands is just the same, the north and the south poles cannot extricate themselves from the concept of polarity, as such we will say that there is a primary feminine emotive tendency in the representation of sentient energy and that there is a subtracted masculine energetic expression, both which are predominantly feminine, meaning that the substantive essence default of all emotive creatures is a feminine construct and that some kind of hindering, some kind of reduction, a reflexive constriction creates a masculine observation.

In conclusion because we like to be clear, when you subtract all the environmental factors from sentient essence you get feminine essence as your default, only the environment can instigate and give birth to masculine essence but masculine essence in and of itself is an aberration of the feminine essence and we can say this with much certainty because all irrational processes are controlled by the feminine, those being the most difficult to control because they are incalculable and thus unpredictable; while all the masculine machinations are based on strategically determining environments and manipulating it accordingly. All localize functions belong to males all social and cosmic functions belong to the feminine. But the prime origins of all souls had to be feminine and after their first instances of existence they could have recycled themselves as masculine and thus given a post birth syndrome equal to masculinity. It could not have been otherwise.

Germination in any state would then principally require a feminine manifestation and more so any level of transcurrence from one state to another state, would have to condition any emotive transference through feminine assimilation; which is precisely why even a masculine-soul would require a feminine zygote so as to enter the material world, and why then the proper activation of masculine traits take place after successful entry into the womb is manifested.

The emotive universe is thus fundamentally feminine our somatic essence is feminine, the further back you go the closer you get to history without a masculine, and at some point there will be no traces of the environment and character driven “y”, and this is an elemental that we may count on, so it doesn’t matter to us what happens before the emotive comes into being because the emotive essence is equally feminine, when it came into being it came into being under a feminine standard, anything before it is irrelevant to our history; and critically it emancipates us from having to subject the emotive to a neutral essence, we will not be able to invest in such fancy because the fem-emotive cannot be deconstructed without taking sentient out of it, the implication is fascinating, we are biased and irrational and feminine from our most primordial origins, our history is the history of a fem-emotive-irrationality!

It is thus here stated feminine is all sentient essence and male is an injured part of feminine essence that reincarnated as such, but that injured part is the one that has come to greatest contact with the material, it is thus physical in nature and action based, while the feminine remains true to our native essence, it is thus optimally guided by aspects of our subconsciousness which are not observable but are more constructive in their guidance of species and humanity at large. Female actions are thus no lesser than male actions but indeed they are greater and more predominant however they are largely unobservable, though to the true feminine they must be very self fulfilling. For male satisfaction will always remain local for he can never default back to his feminine self, not while in the physical, and it appears that in the cosmic sense any transcurrence mandates a sort of temporary disembodiment of male gender that is not sustainable and will invariably revert to the forgone conclusion of maleness once transitions are done. If male souls can determinately and persistently deconstruct themselves into female essence it’s truly doubtful else why would they persist on being masculine.

Ricardo ©

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why The Brain Doesn’t Recognize The Soul?

Now we get into a little tangle when we try to get brain to be one of the measuring instruments of anything that has to do with the metaphysical because the brain doesn’t work for the metaphysical its primary function is to alert the essence being to the happenings of the localize environment, that is its function is primarily a material dynamic function and as such it is not going to cater to the soul or soul matters and as such it will actually try to kill off emotion as this only gets in its way of explaining and acting as it surely thinks it must in the material world.

This is why we have not overtly included brain in the matter of accurate detection though you will have to use brain to detect energies but you cannot count on it to instigate the search for emotive essence nor for it to promote the nurturing of sentient energies, for the brain does not even know or want to know that the emotive is its primary reason for being, the brain in fact refuses to believe this and opts instead to believe that without the emotive elements brain would be better off, this so as to control the goings in material existence.

Now we have to be fair with brain here, it is an instrument of measure that cannot measure emotion, it is an instrument that categorizes and breaks things down into logical structures, it is not designed to deal in unknowns, in things that cannot be quantified and summed and arrested, brain likes things that you can study and know and replicate, it doesn’t like touchy-feely stuff, that is all too fuzzy for it, clarity of essence is important to brain so brain doesn’t want to recognize that there is an unknowable thing partly because that would imply that brain would have no business there, and brain isn’t self destructive, emotion can be self destructive brain doesn’t like the passions for they are very unpredictability, and frankly they are duplicitous for the passions take their stance based on the unpredictable.

However when it is in its very local and miniature world the brain is a formidable strategist and a passionate, if we could use the word, a passionate operative. Let us then here conclude that there are ample reasons to like brain and to have fallen in love with its impressive harvest of knowledge and there is much to be said for the laws it has conjured and the explanations that it has gathered; and one need not go any further than mathematics to know that there is something magnanimously amazing about brain. It has indeed served us well and we ought be ever grateful, the main problem with brain is of course that it cannot see beyond itself and will not recognize feelings even as it is in the final analysis a creation, made so by an emotive essence so as to serve that emotive essence as no better than a global positioning system, and yet brain happens to think more of itself and in this it does dwell so much so that it is actually trying to destroy any linkage that we have to our priori essence metaphysical; it is trying to logically excise our emotions while trying to convince us that logic will solve all of our problems and this without ever- disruptive emotion. This serves brain well it doesn’t serve you and I well, but it serves to justify brain to itself and to its creators as a maximum imperative.

At any time that you are asked, “Can you prove your emotive essence priori?” You know you are talking to a disabling brain, a brain that wants facts and has the necessary questions to gather facts, and we cannot worry you enough in this matter, if you let your brain control you over and above your emotive essence prime, then you will feel less and only have yourself to hate for it. Brain doesn’t know any better and it cannot know any better even as it is the only one that knows.

If you want to know why you favor brain go no further than the complexity of your decision to have a child or to marry, neither which seem terribly complicated, neither which require an immense initial investment but the emotional complexity of either is daunting and just as indeterminable and unthinkable as surely they must be, but logic is simple, thinking is simple, knowing is simpler yet, people prefer that.

It is then recommended that in the process of measuring the apophthegm prophecy and in order to become aware of yourself in the cosmic context as a sentient essence that you might want to ignore your brain a little and say that it can be something else, something other than brain that constructs the edifier of knowledge, that it is something else that inspires logic, but that other thing that constructs logic and a brain to logic at that, doesn’t need brain and much less needs logic, those are things which best manifest themselves in the temporal world and shall accordingly remain temporal for your brain doesn’t have a soul.

Ricardo ©

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

How Universal Is The Universe?

There is one thing which we must say about our philosophy which is going to hurt a little bit but it will be a compliment to the complexity and immensity of universe and yet also hurt the universe some but not much. That is our philosophy of Emotive Essence is not all inclusive, not everything in the Universe is an emotive representation nor just hundreds of thousands of time remove from emotive essence, there are many things in the universe that have no need of an emotive essence or philosophy of such, so that there are more non emotive things in their entirety that have no interest or concept of an emotive realm nor have it in themselves that there should or ought be such thing.

This however hurtful implies of course that not only is our emotive essence not universal but in a very large sense localize by nature, as much as something that may in principle exist anywhere in the universe and in infinite dimensions can be local, we are that. But we ought not feel badly about such as all things in the universal context are primarily local and only the Universe is Universal and at that only contextually so. That is to say and we do not mean to mince words here that the Universe, as the collector of things that it comprises is the only universal thing and only so because of what it comprises not because it is in and of itself anything particularly Universal. The logical meaningful extension of that conclusion is that: You will not find the end of the universe no matter how far and wide or within you look, and the dimensions of within become themselves infinite too.

To clarify that simply note this, the universe as a thing is contextually all of the things in it to include for instance space and time as principals but not necessarily so within every aspect of universe though they are perhaps the most vocal. So that what we mean here is that all things in the context of universe have a sort of sum quantifiable essence in such context and that such context does not in any sense demarcate the whole of universe, the universe is then all of its parts but none of its parts equal universe, nor can universe be defined without many of its parts but it doesn’t either take all of its parts to define universe so that quantifiably it could become a monotone-endless.

The universe is then universal meaning infinite for us at our extreme perception as we would have it be were it not for a number of its parts which somehow mount a stage of limitations within our own context so that we are not necessarily everywhere in our universes universality. But as empathy would have it other things by themselves or even a good bunch of them do not hold a universe within their constrains either. It is then correct to imply that universe is universal but there is no absolute definition of that as it remains contextual to observer, but that there is some fundamental element to universe which does indeed differentiate the things within it though it might not have the ability to differentiate itself and this is an inherent aspect of this or any and all universes, if such were possible.

The essences of things which occupy universe will invariably not be in themselves universal, sorry helium and sorry hydrogen and more sorry for empty space which still thinks itself grandest of us all but if it serves space any consolable, pity us for emotive essence is less and any philosophy that attempts to explain such essence infinitesimally far less.

There is far more diversity in the universe than that which we observe or can acknowledge, so much diversity indeed that there are a lot of things that are not like us, and the only thing that we have in common with them is that none of them are universal in stature either and the one that is, the universe, is not even detectable as such by us or any other observer for that matter including Universe as a possible observer; and that is a critical factor because Universe is fundamentally different from us in that it does not have to acknowledge or observe its own existence, that is it does not have to will its existence and it doesn’t even posses the desire to exist.

Ricardo ©

The Apophthegm Prophecy Measured

There are any number of variables that we could use to measure if in fact our apophthegm prophecy has come to pass or even if we posses the necessary elements to make it genuine and so we shall give some effort here so that our readers are not left to their own devices. The key element that allows us to measure its effects are ergio energies, this is because they are indeed cosmically quantifiable and scientists will like this part because they can thus continue on experimenting and proving things in the new world order, thus no one will be left behind.

We can start with obvious measures and one everyone will like but first let me note that while we can tell you what to measure we could not tell you what instrumentation would be required for it; however we can tell you without doubt what mindset to nurture.

Now then the first thing is that you can measure sentient energy, that is sentient energy can be detected as it habits a human being and specially as it travels from one human being to another or to a precious orchid or from a human being to an animal like say a tiger, that last one in the form of fear of course. Fear like any emotion can only be manifested and transferred via ergio energies that is the medium by which tigers and animals in general including human animals can detect fear in one another. However we can leave the chemist out of this as by the time there is a chemical reaction biology has kicked into the process and that is more byproduct and not genuine ergio energies, that is to say you can witness reactions in a chemical context, as induced by ergio energies but that is not a direct account of those energies, ergio energies are cosmic in nature and so they have to be witness in the same manner that you would witness a neutrino or a photon.

If you can measure sentient energy the most abundant area of sentient energy would be where there is a whole lot of love, that is love concentrates sentient energy fields to a very high degree of their potential physical manifestation. Two lovers sharing each others compassion and passions would certainly register a quantifiable ergio mass exchange. The dynamic generated between the two lovers ought to be significant and detectable locally and even at a distance, as love energies arc over distances. It is thus postulated here that love energies, because they combined with less resistance than all other possible combinations. would manifest the highest degree of dynamic flow and interchange and thus ought be the easiest to detect though also the rarest. And they are rarest not because they are, plenty of love flows throughout a species and even humanity and more so throughout the metaphysical but the problem is that the spastic energies such as hate, conflict, or life manifesting such as pure raw desire make a lot more noise and so they distort and adversely obfuscate love energies; this means that in part any detection would require the elimination of the distortions caused by the more prevalent energies; and also that there will be frequency variables with ergio energies so that not all ergios will register the same footprint.

Another little fascination is that there may in fact be ergio energy discrepancies between two lovers so it ought also be measurable if one lover is more parasitic than the other, thought generally two well matched lovers will be more or less equal parasites of each other and most energy exchanges will approximate zero variance over time. This also brings us to an odd principle, love energies are very quantifiable but when two lovers are very much in love their love energies, as they are transmitted will, in the interchange, largely cancel each other’s reciprocating wave pattern, sort of eliminating redundancy of feeling and refining it to the most obvious intensity and that love will then represent a most thin string oscillation of ergio energy quantifications.

Generally you may detect any type of love energy dynamically interacting between any parties concerned, excepting systems as a system cannot love you back as much as it might want to or claim, with propaganda, to love you so and value you systems just don’t do that.

Now between a mother and child there ought to be mass amounts of ergio energy flows and between sisters and brothers and best friends and soul mates. But soul mates are a special category because they will have the highest bond possible even higher than that between a marriage of lovers that are not each others soul mates and higher even than that of a mother child relationship. This is because a mother has a child because a child wishes to be born into this world and finds a carrier and the mutual circumstances permit it, but soul mates are souls that find themselves in the here and now but that know each other or have been aware of each others existence in the metaphysical or/and in other material realms. Now here the quantum effect of shared expression takes over and when two souls find each other on this earth their bond will generally be of the highest magnitude and their ergio energies collusion would have substantial surface level delectation, equaling irrefutable substance.

Soul mates suffer the greatest benefits from action at a distance, i.e. quantum entanglement principles, where once they were joined together in another dimensional space, and then found themselves, through whatever circumstances separated, they would still carry each others essence in a complimentary framework, so that either one will feel though not necessarily experience what the other feels, this even as they may be separated by times, i.e. epochs and distances, i.e. spatial dimensions, and even states of being such as can be said if one is dead and the other is alive in a corporeal context.

But soul mates have a more amazing benefit to their relationship that is that the emotional ergio energies that travel to and from one another are the sum total of their combined experiences as well, so that their interactions with other souls and same essence types are accrued mutually as if they were one. That is to say that if the universe were to observe any actions between two soul mates it would register them as a singular action, in the same way that if it were to measure their ergio energy mass it would quantify it as 1, one; and spectacularly the same, it follows that if universe were to measurably observe peoples, by their combined ergio energies, it would only witness and measure one, one humanity. It would not see individuality!

Action-at-a-distance, is of course based on the complimentary quantum experience, as it has been documented and no different and it even gets more interesting. When you look at the accumulation of the experiences across souls you get something even more fascinating shared-soul-experiences, that is soul mates that have accumulated association in other dimensions would reflect those associations by the tribe that they chose as their own, that is to say that tribal affiliation is more than likely based on a cosmic priori of metaphysical associations arrived at through a myriad of entanglements; and that logically scales to nation though as it scales it can be assumed that the connection is many degrees lesser than that based on soul-mate associations so that patriot and compatriot, it can be assumed, hardly know one another. You ought here take notice then that the institution of nation, rises into manifestation not out of love but actually because there is a lack of it.

This is accurately to say that there are personal and systemic complimentary connections based on time-space that do not necessarily share the obvious association based on pure connective metaphysical properties, so that two souls born on this particular time-space would have a minor and measurable degree of quantum entanglement based merely on their time-space association but not to the level of a soul-mate entanglement where there is no longer distance or time between them. Souls that have shared a priori in same space-time criteria would more likely succeed in forming nations which are more based on acquaintance type factors not excluding friendships that are many times removed from soul-mate experiences but are still rudimentarily associated with varying kinds of priori entanglements.

In conclusion when emotive essence types manifest themselves in the physical they will immediately search and struggle to find entanglement associations which will thus formulate social and system entities in time-space. Based on that assumption there ought to be a significant resonance-association that ought be detectable and observable at some ergio level magnitude. And we must here warn that all ergio energies directed to mount institutions will invariably ground those energies in the near/here, such is their lot.

When ergio energy is transferred it might not leave a trace, it might be the only type of energy not to leave a trace, because a requires constant input, that is not to say that it cannot have and leave a history it just doesn’t float on its own, ergio energies require and mandate dynamic attention, and not just any type of attention that is there must be care taken to express them because they are emotive and emotive energies do not take well to being ignored, that is they will disappear if they are not constantly infused with some level of attention and observation so as to resonate; the primal scream that brings emotive energies into being is thus a magnificent attention span effect circumstance which can sustain itself as observable for some magnificent amount of time in space but that depends on early recognition so as to maintain itself and not subsume.

What this tells us is that if you are loving someone love is indeed not something that you can do once and then take for granted that the object that you love will know that you are loving them forever, rather the contrary when you love someone it is to always have to love them, it is like having a constant job at putting love energy into the relationship it does mandate such an effort and it is reflected in how much attention and thought and tenderness and patience you give to the object of your love so that it will sustain the interaction of love between both entities, and further it is postulated here that for love to manifest itself, as love is an entity unto itself, even though it is only a dynamic entity and it can only exist based on the interaction of third parties, but for love to manifest itself it must be shared, that is it must have a mutual reciprocity and must have within those associations already not only the ability to love but that the dynamic of love has been made receptive within any given combination of participants.

The love object that receives love and is able to channel love will invariably suffer an increase in mass as love energy amasses within and throughout the constituency, that is that love energy fattens you up and it fattens anything that it touches, the more attention you give to something the more it will grow, the longer it will live, the more it will enjoy life and the fatter it will get and the healthier it will be.

But there is an even more important factor the more love and desire attention than an emotive being gets the greater the energy stamina it will have to manifest in the context of action in the material world, so a president or a rock star or super athlete will largely hold the attention energy of many within their vessel and will be able to endure and manifest great actions on behalf of the spectators and their anticipations as a result of the combined wishes and attention of ergio energies that are diverted towards them via their constituency of admirers.

Thus great nations will grow fatter and also have a greater potential manifested in them through the combined attention energy that is driven towards them by the expectant based of all those that harbor energy of attention towards them, in any guise national or international. However there is a matter that is critical here, expectant-energies (those of the mass) are not always positive and the greater the nation, essence, system or superstar character the greater its ability to channel emotive energy and this is so in any discernable aspect, so that the attention given by the principal entity that represents the whims, wants and desire expressions of the mass must be attentive to the equal perversion that such may suffer and thus hopefully exercise a degree of wisdom on their behalf by opting to listen to the most positive or edifying or uniting aspect of propositions from their given constituency; this even as their may occur an overriding subconscious agglomeration of unmanifested ill well.

This is of course is all a judgment call and not always rightly made, so that a president might make the wrong judgment call even as his avatar presence is subject to the multitude of energies of his entire constituency, when this happens in the case of a rock star you might not get a best selling album and that can be tolerable though we do not mean to undermine its effect which is indeed great, but when it happens in the case of a president which represents a broader constituency the results may well be catastrophic, thus one would hope that presidents have great wisdom even as one must suspect that they must be the most vacant of souls so that they can be effected by the greatest number of emotive essence energies.

And here we will make an argument for a little romanticism. If you have ever slept too much you will know that you feel terrible the rest of the day, the body for some reason does not like a lot of sleep, it just doesn’t, the body likes to be awake but not that awake and the reason why it doesn’t is most fascinating. You have to remember that ergio energies are most substantive in the subconscious cosmic realm, they don’t generally manifest themselves above that and are indeed largely unrecognizable but for effect in the here and now, so that your only connection to them is when you are working in part with your subconscious essence and third eye that detect well, subconscious energies. The energy that fosters your stay in the here and now is all emotive energy, why even souls could not exist for one night in the metaphysical if it wasn’t for their being fully infused and more so than us with ergio substantials, and so when you sleep a lot you are then wide awake and so more here/here than not and that means that you are too much here, too much aware of temporal reality, too alert and that alertness loses a great degree of touch with your cosmic subconscious and with the part that ties you to the dust that strings throughout ergio emotive energies that power you. This is why you will feel energyless when you sleep a lot, because the bridge between you and your subconscious has narrowed and the ergio energies that dynamically nourish you from the cosmic will been going through a bottleneck and reach you in fewer ergio quantities.

The subconscious is obviously more powerful than the conscious because the conscious is a substrata of the higher subconsciousness that has been arrested to attest for the goings in the here and now, and so it has been dulled and limited a great deal so that it can deal with an unfeeling circumstance; and it doesn’t stop there the more awake you are the less you feel so that the less you feel the more likely you are to do damage to yourself and to your kind for you are not fully feeling, and there is nothing than is more harmful to an emotive essence than not being able to fully feel and conduct its ergio energies. This is because the only real resource for genuine awareness that we have is our emotive principle, not our logic, not our knowledge, not our institution, not even our belief system, rather simply put it is the dynamic ergio energies manifesting themselves as minutely as they are allowed, in the here and now that constitute any genuine awareness and sincereness that we may posses towards ourselves and one another. It thus behooves us to let them flow as freely as possible and we the more we tie ourselves to the material trappings the less we will feel and the more we will feel through out material trappings which will only serve to deaden our emotive essence.

When you can love a doll that doesn’t mean that you are indeed loving though your ergio energies are being grounded in the activity and when you worship your stamp collection that doesn’t mean that you understand devotion, that is all merely a representation of how your senses have been dulled, so that the more you love your car or your house the less you love your emotive and the less the emotive can love you because, if you remember correctly, love is a shared dynamic it doesn’t act alone, that idea that if there is a god he can love you even if you don’t love him is false, if you don’t love a god he will not love you period, because love is fundamentally a shared emotion and wholly dependant on the consistency and fruition of that dynamic.

Now if you are talking about a nutritive essence such as food or take pork for instance, the pork comes from the pig the pig is in itself an emotive essence manifestation and how it was nourished and treated throughout its life time will determine how wonderful its meat will be, and so further down that chain how it is cooked and how that person gives that nutritive aspect Chef energies, which are emotive will all appreciate the final result of the dinner given. This is due to the fact that nourishment is based on same types, and that consumption of same types is the only thing that can nourish, and the handler of any of that process involves ergio energies that align the symmetries all the way down the process line till serving is done. Equally the ergio energies will drift back from the taster. Junk food produces junk food junkies and vice versa. As sad as that it is.

Love can perish yes it can, and it can perish very easily, it is more fragile than an atomic trigger, it is however easy to sustain a love reaction but it is easier to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, love reactions require any multitude of attentions, and these cannot be diverted and once they are diverted then the connection synapses disperse and even disappear, this is why there is so little love in the world and more anger and hate and ire, because love is the most difficult of all the dynamic representations that are manifested through emotive essence to manifest, and it is the easiest to ignore because love, love doesn’t demand attention, it requires attention to formulate love but love doesn’t demand it! That is the crux of the issue, the love dynamic doesn’t immediately enmesh everything unto itself, the love dynamic is not self supporting, the love dynamic requires intensity and constant attention and as such it is incredibly difficult to sustain, and difficult to believe, hate is more obvious and hate too is not self supporting, but then it has majestic representation attributes that petrify it into any consciousness type.

We will thus conclude here that ergio energies are measurable and that their dynamic dependencies can be detected and quantified, though direct observation of the more euphoric expressions are probably not a viable enterprise.

ricardo (c)

The Apophthegm Prophecy

As if things were not difficult enough we now come to the prophecy part of our document where things cannot only go wrong simply because we may well be wrong but they can also go wrong because there are far too many energetic machinations ever overreaching the future tense for anyone to properly attest knowledge or awareness of what is to come.

The bible is certainly a case in point of predictive complexity, the second coming of the messiah is still subject to good debate and there is Armageddon which has been coming for a long, long time, though euphemistically the prophets of doom are doomed to be terminally correct, at least according to the scientists who have also prophesied that our sun will die as it runs out of fuel, and in the process engulf earth in a fiery embrace, though to be fair even scientists have to suffer their own uncertainty principle, that is there is always, however tiny, the probability that our sun will last forever.

Nostradamus, what do we do with Nostradamus? There is a true prophet if there was ever one, he predicted many things and presumably many of them have come to pass, the only problem is that no one knows for sure if those extremely ambiguous predictions match any genuine events, but there is enough creative disagreement here to ensure that Nostradamus will continue to resuscitate his prophecies.

In the case of this tome we are at least going to be as straightforward as we have been hitherto and not mince any words and just plainly assert our prophecy in such a way that no one, not even bad translators will be able to misinterpret it, and anyone that speaks English fluently, even a school teacher, will be able to convey to you what these our prophecies are, and definitively, if they shall come to pass, everyone and anyone will be able to declare, “Yep, I see it now and that was surely predicted in the Sameness of Disparate Origins, I heard it so.”

The way we may guarantee this is that our prediction is not something that will just happen in one continent or place on earth; for instance, if Hitler indeed was The Great Satan there is little probability that isolated African tribes would have found out that the Great Satan or for that matter that Rommel had come and gone; this is because it is Anglo-Saxon localized knowledge and information and presumably not pertinent to tribal survival. That is also the problem for the prophecy, that turmoil is to rise in the Levant right before Armageddon, again there are plenty of Americans that don’t know where the Levant is at, so they would not necessarily be privy to such information, our Apophthegm Prophecy however will not be limited to local awareness or local events as we happen to think that prophecies worth predicting ought be global in scope and pertain to any and all tribes and species.

Further, while we cannot give you the precise date of the event, that is we are not going to tell you that it will occur 2.5 millennium after this prophet’s death, because we just don’t know how forward-looking our prophet is nor how long he will live (though we suspect that he is not very forward-looking so it might be sooner than later) we are instead going to tell posterity and you something so obvious that you will know it when you see it just like you know a duck when you see a duck and an ugly duck when you see an ugly duck to such detail.

We have thus far told you the first important part of our Apophthegm Prophecy and been very clear about it but we will repeat it just in case you missed it. “It will come to pass, this great prophecy, and it will occur everywhere in the world and everyone will eventually know and be aware of this oh great event and know that it has come to pass, such it will be.”

Now I want you to notice how bold of an action this is on our part as it can discredit this book in its entirety so, while it all might sound like a bit of satire bear, in mind that it isn’t and that we are taking a great leap of faith, and doing so even as we don’t have to because this is after all just a philosophy book and as such it doesn’t have to have prophets or prophecies! We however are indeed prophesying and risking the entire seriousness of our enterprise, so this is not to be taken lightly but instead it’s proof positive that we are willing to believe and act in accordance to our philosophy. Such it is.

The second part of our prophecy will be paraphrased as legalese to avoid any confusion or mal interpretation by those present today and not excluding posterity.

“A fundamental aspect of existence is premised on the spiritual realm and it is that aspect of existence which is poorly reflected by the material world. If we are evil it is because there is evilness in the spiritual realm; if we are bad it is because there is badness in the material world, but there ought be no doubt that moral acts are not wholly contrived by us and that they largely come as a set of values preordained by the priori of our spirituality.”

“The material world by itself is not capable of moral and/or prudent judgment because the material is based on action and causation, it is therefore only capable of being right or wrong in the context of action and not in the context of a moral righteousness. When we materialize into this world as representatives of our emotive spiritual essence we stumble upon such crude axiomatic reality that we are obliged to act more on its behalf in order to exist and even to persist in the context of the body-politic, as a consequence humanity manifests so as to prosper in the here-and-now.”

“We further postulate that the body human and the body spiritual have been torn apart by the explorative experience of birth into the material and that there has been a severing of the remembrance and continuity of our essence-priori to our physical existence so that the only thing that we are able to observe, sense and recollect is physical experience. In part this is why we become so ostensibly and extrovertly violent within ourselves and throughout our societies, because we want to feel our spirit in the deadening material context and the only way to do so is to violate it.”

“The goings of our actions have made us fall in love with aspects of the material that are quintessentially of a temporal nature and have no bearing on our true being and essence, the emotive spiritual; but our churches, angels, religions, priests, virgins, bibles, witches, myths, etc., have greatly failed to reproduce and even mimic our spiritual-essence in the here-and-now so that our colonies resemble more the place we came to than the place we come from! It must be said that this is not due to any fault of those institutions as our religions and our spiritual and metaphysical leaders have too been transformed by the here-and-now as have all of us, amen.”

“It must be noted that our spiritual counterparts have participated in the continued development of the material without any regard to how imprisoning it is to our spiritual essence, or how cursed it is for our nature, and they have done so and proven guilty of further perpetrating existence by they themselves insisting and desiring to be born into the material world; for it is well known that souls wait in line and beg to be born every hour of every second of every day, and demonstratively, there is a critical shortage of baby-bodies or wanting mothers for them, and there is an unparalleled distortion because the difficulties in sustaining a life-being in the material context is so substantial and so little known to the spirits, that many of us have had to short circuit souls before their bodies are conceived in birth. It has been so and it will continue to be so for some time to come and perhaps always.”

Now we believe that the above is tremendously obvious and self-sustaining so that now we will proceed with the nature of our apophthegm prophecy.

“It is prophesied here and now on this date of our lord, Thursday, August 10, 2006 and time expired, 3:24:45 PM that the dimensional-abyss that separates the living from the spiritual will and shall come to pass and that all spiritual beings and human beings will commence to communicate with one another in a known and observable manner; that spirits will converse with us and that we will respond accordingly, that they will help us in our daily deeds to advance the spiritual progression into the material realm and that correspondingly we will inform them of the consequences, that there will be a mutual interaction of ideas and actions such as has never been observed before, and that this will be so throughout the earth and beyond. Such it will be.”

“This joining of the actions and communication and feelings of the spiritual essence with the material world will not come without destruction and malice and pain and blood for it will all be there to shed, for so much has already been spilled and tainted with ergio-blood that much of what it has erected must be undone, and it must be undone so that we may touch it with ourselves and our essence again in the here-and-now; and it must be so undone so that we may feel again as the souls that we have in us feel; and we must bring such feeling to this our earth so that we may recognize one another as brother and as sister and as pure same-essence-feeling, like a dolphin, feeling like a whale and feeling like a cat and a horse and knowing that they too come from the same-emotive-essence that screamed its desire essence, that we are all a part of, but for the lack of cognition that we have of such, because cognition is only for the detection of the material and as such it dulls our spiritual senses, such it is and such must be no more.”

“There will be an adjustment period for us all, for those that have been dulled to the point where they can be killers, those who have become mental parishioners of psychotic abuse, and those who have also become their own grandiose victims and even made knowledge-killers and amiable sociopaths of themselves and others in the unworthy contest of self-defense, will all have to come to grips with the facedown of such eventful truths, and we and they will have to seek to alter their and our actions so as to return to essence-prime or else suffer the collision of the metaphysical with the material might as catastrophic. There is naught else to be.”

“While a long and tedious period of upheaval will occur, and it will follow many outrageous and apparently irrational events, where mad peoples shall follow destructive rampages of aimless aim, and such actions will be so throughout the land, yet those that have accepted their emotive spirit will recognize it is for the cause of the metaphysical-reinsertion into our lives and will be aware that a greater harmony may or will come, after those souls that live in the material become aware of their previous lives and of their spiritual origins and corresponding counterparts, such will be a more melodious harmony for all emotive beings, amen.”

“At last it will be prophesied here that the vivid interaction between the spiritual and material, in an overt and willful manner, shall come to pass, shall come to pass within the near future, and that that will be the utmost advancement of universal humane and species consciousness hitherto to occur, and that it will surpass any expectations and promises made by knowledge and science and religion which will, though not entirely, be reduced in significance by such magnanimous events. We shall thus see beings communicating with one another through their mutually shared psyche, there will be instant awareness throughout species, and some will be able to use cosmic energies to levitate as well as to experience other realms and dimensions even while remaining in the physical-material world. Such it will be. And so too will advance a new era of invention made possible by the superior insight into awareness as permitted by our shared cosmic essence which has stored the experience of all emotive beings throughout time-space; such it will be, etc.”

We are also going to supplementarily postulate a prerequisite-prophecy that must come to pass in order for our principal prophecy to come to pass.

“A new way of thinking will come forth, over the coming decades there will be a greater human consciousness developing that will acknowledge that all sentient beings share ergio energies; ergio energies being the energies that infer, transfer and manifest all sentient energy at the diminutive emotive mass level, that is to say that it is the transfer of ergio energies into labor that convert themselves into monetary units, that may then be invested so as to further economic gain and profit, and it is ergio energies that manifest and transfer love and tenderness and awareness and empathy and emotion and consciousness between any and all emotive species and beings and souls throughout everything that you observe. Things made by homo sapiens too have a realized quotient of ergio energies, that is the dedication, passion and emotive concentration that creates any and all corporeal value structures and systems. It is then here prophesied that human beings will realize their emotive ergio energies and feel them as they are felt by others and as those effects manifest in the physical-material environment, and this realization will allow them to have a greater communality and edge them thus, to act for the common good in greater numbers while in such process absentmindedly collapsing individualism.”

“The greater awareness of how we interact with one another’s ergio energies will further allow us to combine those energies in an obvious manner to cause willing change and to energize those events that will have a common social and species and sentient essence good. But, and we must be genuine here, it is not without doubt that emotive-unity in any context of endeavor, mental, spiritual and physical dedication combined as one singular essence-effort is able to manifest new and wonderful realities and expressions; but it will similarly be able to manifest terrible realities; so that as much as world civilization can turn towards edifying events in its meta-material concentrated efforts, it can just as well manifest wrong and evil actions which will further bring down the lot of humanity as a whole with those around it suffering, and serve only to perverse any and all endeavors. It thus behooves us then to be aware that we do have to fear ourselves, our actions and the cosmic or local concentrated dominance that we possess to energize and give life and meaning over us all.”

We have prophesied the apophthegm prophecy.

ricardo all rights reserved. (c)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

One Humanity & Mass Humanity Defined

As we now might have some grasp of the fact that there can be an absolute nothingness, a raw nothingness, we can also digress enough from our self centered selves and say with all clarity that the raw nothingness can be two things for sure: the first and most clear place where we don’t exist at all in any context what so ever, not even as a memory and more important not even as a possibility, that is the raw nothingness doesn’t have superposition nor superposition potential, in fact it is just a genuine nothingness which has at its crux no possible definition of any kind because it cannot be discerned by energy thus it is not even an ultimate simmering condition, it results in no value or exertion in all directions and dimensions, it is even spaceless and massless thus putting the period on universe and any type of existence; to our benefit and a side effect of its condition raq nothingness offers zero resistance though quixotically it is more everywhere than anything else.

We take the time to demarcate this because it is for us a point of reference but more than that it is where the true edge of any and all universes and any and all awareness ends, that is where the demarcation line is drawn and it is drawn with such exacting precision that neither you nor I nor any type of consciousness nor any type of matter can manifest within its constrains. Still you must know that that edge into that raw nothingness is not that far away, it is not like you go from being, to spirit, to irrational desire, to simmering nothingness and all the points in between all those subconsciousness and then there you are next to the terrifying edge of the universe, no it doesn’t go that far, rather it is right next to you, but next to you is just a metaphor to say that it is within you, somewhere inside deep inside of everything that you comprise is a nothingness so absolute that it isn’t anything like you or anything like all your histories and descendantcies, nor is it representative of universe or cosmic dust or primordial simmering, it is instead something so gigantic so immense and so disturbing that we cannot even imagine it, and the most terrible monster is the one that you cannot imagine, and this one could destroy you only it doesn’t even acknowledge your presence, you don’t exist for it, you never existed and will never exist for it, and I think you can see where the danger might be in that.

So it is why we mention it here, because that little frightening awareness that there is a nothingness which like all nothingness is just something that doesn’t recognize you, only this raw nothingness will never have a desire-potential to recognize you, then you can reach the importance of your desires, of your having a desire and more of your being an irrational and emotive essence, that will of course not matter to the raw nothingness but it will matter to you in the fervor and thrust that you will give your defining endeavors, that will resonate throughout all consciousness and linger in the mists of all subconsciousness as much as that may be a possibility, at least it is a possibility and so it must be acted upon so that you don’t end representing something that you are not.

It is weird and don’t think I don’t perceive it that to think in such grandiose ways, that little people like us can make something matter in the universe, but then we must conceive within our hearts the fact that we don’t matter as an individual entity, never have and never will, we must conceive that since we are of the same essence when we think something individually that it ought matter to the whole, but it doesn’t matter, individuals don’t matter to the whole because there isn’t any individuality, for anything to register in the humane subconscious, or in the species subconscious or in the cosmic it has to happen in critically massive entanglements so that it will register, so that it will be compromised into accidental or eventful repetition because all actions or principles have to be amazing so as to matter. It may not even be enough that one humanity, as we may call the per-solar-system-humanity of our star, will make a difference, it might take 100 solar system humanities throughout universe feeling the same thing for it to appeal to the humane subconsciousness at large, to just appeal to the mass aggregate emotive subconsciousness which predefines all potential emotive essence actions and deeds, and you know that number is conservative and way too optimistic.

It is all in the mass aggregate will, there is nothing in the individual that matters to the cosmic, think about that next time you are shopping for a pair of shoes, and bare in mind that if you find the shoes you had in mind it is because you were not the only one to want them, in the same manner that you might feel special driving your BMW automobile, that precision engineering is made possible by a mass aggregate will that first thought of transport and then thought of car and it is composed by numerous mass aggregate desires and constructed by an entanglement of realizations that have come to agree together in quite a formidable manner of inventive.

In the same way we must address and feel the humane consciousness within us all and know that our actions are taking the whole into consideration if they are to matter, and vainly hope that there are enough thump tacks to pin our essence against any nothingness that strings throughout our principals. In this way we can define our scope of sameness which speaking in a tersely limiting manner means: how far and wide our consciousness perceives its same essence. That is to say to what degree of range do you define the gamut of your sameness with all things. And here we are reaching one of those careful points, something can break here, touch it carefully with the tips of your fingers so that you can feel it, don’t feel to hard or it will numb you.

One of the problems that a scope of sameness denotes is our lack of common awareness, for if we have states or departments within countries that implies that there is a lack of common awareness and that the scope of sameness has been breached by boundaries, you can see it immediately and violently breached when you cross a national border for the clearest sign of how primitive our consciousness is, are countries, flags and patriotism, that defines a scope of sameness that breaches the one humanity per solar system clause, and the differences here are not limited to a national psyche leading the attack against our humanity, it is also perpetrated at the level of race, so that within the context of country or world you may have many races and factions accordingly, and then you can see how that translates to cultural differences, and even ritualized across activities such as sport, faith or even cuisine, and uncouthly these differentiations have their appeals otherwise they would not manifest themselves; in truth they are because differentiation is fundamental to our escape desire only we have gone too far when we differentiate against the scope of sameness of our humanity.

And even the one humanity is suspect because its title incarcerates a differentiator, for are we going to clue in the dolphins and the cats and the bears into the one humanity per solar system clause? Certainly if only as food we would have to, unless of course we became vegetarians but then we would have to clue in the vegetables as part of the one humanity clause too; so you can see that the one humanity clause is immediately a failed concept though for the sake of explanation and definition we are going to let it survive here, but it does make us willing criminals to do so.

Now we don’t know why mass appeal has gotten such a bad wrap since it has served us so well over the ages, it is the combine efforts of our humanity that have gotten us this far, the warring factions have not helped out, the differentiation has not either, it is instead what we have found in common with one another and us all that has allowed us to thrive and consume and enjoy, etc.. But then we do know where the problem lies, it is that we don’t want to be the same as our neighbor even as ebbing in the same context might be a wonderful and congruent thing, the fact of the matter is that the backbone of any country is sameness, mass aggregate sameness, and mass aggregate will define a culture, country and religion and these will in turn be the most successful, hence the reason why all businessman were the same funny suit and tie and don’t fancy themselves ridiculous even as they look fuddled.

It is thus the common enterprise that succeeds even against the capriciousness of free will and individual action, and ironically what will give the greatest satisfaction is always mass recognition which of course mandates a massive contribution.

Our expansion into the universe has been largely handicapped by the fact that we have spent a good portion of our history warring against one another with same instincts. Undoubtedly another one humanity from who knows what other solar system in who knows what galaxy of mass humanity, as mass humanity conjugates all the one humanities that will have successfully gathered in a single galaxy, such mass humanity will discover this one humanity and knowing how we are, we will at last unite against it.

Ricardo ©

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Somatic Subconsciousness

In the apparent case that there is a fundamental subconscious to all things we can say that that is only true until we get to the genuine nothingness whatever that might be, we shall call it raw nothingness meaning that it is not a simmering nothingness where we can say that there has to be a priori subconsciousness for any and all things to manifest themselves in whatever guise.

That means that if there is a Sun there is a Sun because there is a priori subconsciousness that predetermines Sun and Sun type characteristics, and that even preordains Sun’s potential dynamic, and you may readily replace Sun for any other noun and neither the context nor argument will change.

Why is this important? Well you have to remember that there are many things that are not like us, frankly the Sun is not really like us, there are many Suns and life is not a prerequisite for Sun to exist, however it appears that for life to exist there does have to be a Sun and that correctly implies that life could well be a subset of some subconsciousness priori that is manifested first, not by the subconsciousness that deigns life but by the subconsciousness that deigns Sun. There is then no difference in the actions of a cowboy hanging around a fire and us earthlings hanging around the sun, we are part of the subconsciousness that fires such things up and there ought be a superposition type priori for us around all suns, though they may not exercise our emotive manifestation as it is not a requirement; why Helium is more of a requirement than we are. But that is not to say that we cannot in someway exploit such benign detail, it means correctly that we can populate solar systems that do not in principle have us already in their current context, that is to say we have the potential to populate the universe because we exist within the subconsciousness context of suns, and our current existence in this solar systems serves as enough of an explanation for that, we need not go further to know that our existence is at least interesting to note even if it is not a priori for the existence of sun.

As this pedigree of ours goes back enough concentric subconsciousness circles to register in the context of Sun it must then go further back to, to the subconsciousness that is and was before Sun, that is in some very strange way we have become a fundamental part of the universe, so fundamental that we are registered in the solar system plexus but even beyond backwards in time; at some point some priori subcosnciousness registered us and this is the part that is most awkward, the subconsciousness that registered us in the context of Sun was brought forth from our simmering nothingness which cohabitates in some multidimensional plane that explicates universe to universe, sun to universe, emotion to existence, and human to nature. All in all a very odd way so tightly knit together that even as all things are defined within such microscopics it scales into the macro dynamics of universe where its difference, in subconsciousness representation, are indeed registered. That is to say that it is no different than a somatic cell, the somatic subconsciousness may give rise to any of those principles as they all exist within its layered boundary even if the layers are not detectable, for this they are not, they are not observable that is, except for their outward representation we cannot break them down because we are a product of and not the founding premise but merely part of a somatic subconsciousness!

The somatic subconscious is then not something that it’s progeny may witness, we cannot turn the microscope upon it because it doesn’t germinate in the usual sense that cells may, so we can study the body human but not the subconsciousness humanity, you can watch the proteins in action producing their machinations through varying cell constructs because it is a physical experience which lays in the observable, but the somatic subconsciousness doesn’t share physical properties, instead it manifests physical properties. That is to say and we cannot be in more danger than in this here definition, but we are because some somatic subconsciousness is, but that somatic subconsciousness isn’t! And it isn’t something very important, anything like us!

And it isn’t anything like us because we are so far down the pipeline of the subconsciousness simultaneity that we are say 99999999999999999999999999.99999999999 to the infinite power and times 5 part of that numbered concentric circle within somatic subconsciousness. But remember that somatic subconsciousness does not have a priori! And since it doesn’t have a priori it doesn’t have us as an expectation. That is that while sun harbors us within the context of the subconsciousness that has sun in it, the somatic subconsciousness does not have us in its template because it doesn’t even have a template for nothing is a prerequisite of it or for it, it is just something that is in no contextual sense, thus we cannot explicate it nor know it nor, and this is the pisser, nor be aware of it.

Now suppose that there was a god for the sake of argument, that is a prime-mover, a creator of all things, she would have nothing in common with all those things because she would be infinite and everything that she created would have a tense and as result be finite, then everything that she created would have a terminal relationship with this god thing, and further since the beings and things created by this omnipotent and omnipresent essence existed in the context of time and space, they would suffer constrains that will immortally limit any comprehension or love that its creations could have towards it or she, that is the creations would be limited by the very mortality of their god because they could never equal their god nor even come one stretch a tenth of a pico second near their god, and this because infinity makes nothing of all things mortal! It has no choice the contrast is too stark, so that in conclusion a god could not relate to us nor could we relate to it, nor would we be able to communicate with one another and even as god is omnipotent the very concept of our mortality makes it impossible for god to manipulate us as she has no genuine contact with her creations, hence the reason we have free will is because the all mighty has no choice on the matter, she cannot manipulate us any more than we can manipulate the free will of monkeys or fleas.

The issues and paradoxes and questions that arise with somatic subconsciousness do so only rise because we want to understand the beginnings of our existence and the premise behind it, both of those propositions, the idea that there was a beginning and that it had a purpose behind it are natural suppositions of our condition that arise when our condition arises, that is when humanity comes into being it comes with the questions of beginnings and purpose, that does not mean that there is or need be an answer for those questions, in fact there isn’t, but there is however an answer for those question within the context from which they rise, that is humans will always be able to answer any question they ask because they haven’t the minds to ask questions that they cannot answer, that is to say they are not limitless. It might serve no purpose in the interference of such quests for answering ultimate questions, to tell our reader that the questions worth answering cannot be asked.

Such it is.

Ricardo ©