The Fem-Emotive & Irrational Desire
This topic is rather succinct and we shall not spend too much time explaining it because if the subject is not natively understood by the audience it is not going to be possible to make a logical argument on its behalf because there isn’t one; besides that there is nothing to be had from winning the argument and not winning it isn’t going to cost us or lose us anything either. It thus behooves us to ignore it but we will show some guts by jotting down standard formulations.
The fem-emotive is an essence fundamental of the irrational desire scream that formulates the existence of sentient creatures, so that you have an instant essence representation that is brought to absolute unity in action, through the irrational-feminine-emotive-desire. (IFED)
The IFED defies all neutral processes and has as a prime objective essence representation and essence acknowledgement, this gives it another strange characteristic, it doesn’t, because it cannot, consider consequences, all essence manifestations mandate blind trust, this is fundamental to the fem-emotive; bare in mind that the primal desire scream hasn’t a preconception of what is at the other side of existence. The manifestation of energy representation is volcanic and not prone to prudence, hence the reason why existence in the corporeal world is fascinating, there was naught to know what to expect of this when souls embarked on a material quest.
The emotive as its fundamental essence has two distinct abilities to feel or to use that feeling to curtail feeling, either is a form of feeling, the intensity of discipline being an example of an emotive energy being used to constrict same. Logic is another representation of a constrained emotive energy restricting itself so as to harness absolutes. The most destructive emotive expressions result from an extreme pressurization of emotive energies that collapse their own restraint.
Only emotive energy can effect emotive energy, only emotive energy can resist emotive energy and only emotive energy can react to its own presence.
All emotive energies are instantaneously in subconscious synchronicity throughout the universe, however there may well be a latency in common awareness because awareness is not a prerequisite for irrational processes to eventuate. The distance that space and time offer does not circumvent this reality, all emotive is one emotive and as such reacts to all emotive consciousness, regardless of their particulars, as one.
Desire is the prime mover of all irrationals and the feminine is its most somatic irrational. There are no values or principles behind the IFED endeavor beyond the conscription of existence as a fundamental principles, all representations exist and as such have a prime desire to do so and have completed their prime objective, anything else that they do beyond that, in the context of existence is not an essence fundamental, morality would not be a fundamental construct of any and all aspirations for representations, however the moral universe is constructed by an essence desire to continue in a particular direction of existence representation, it is real as long as it furthers that it collapses if it doesn’t.
All IFED processes have an internalized guidance that lounges outwardly, the environment is not taken into consideration, it is even very difficult for it to see the external as it is not a guiding principle of desire, which is why it uses knowledge, which mandates a great deal of emotional constriction because it explores an unemotional external, the equivalent of holding your breath when something stinks, that is knowledge being the least feeling aspect of the fem-emotive co-opted to reach out and touch the unfeeling aspect of universe.
The greater the feminine intuition the more inward looking and the more concentrated and thus the stronger the manifestation of its emotive essence. All constrained representations of desire will be represented by the deprived male, maleness is a neutered emotive, made insensitive so that it cannot object to touching and working and enduring in the external world; maleness is thus all outward looking.
There has been sufficient deterministic evolution to say with some that the feminine can sustain and engender male attributes sufficiently so that it isn’t necessary to continue biological maleness and, others have said as much, maleness as the shortsighted solution that it is, can also be short listed for it ought not endure in an evolutionary context. As a further blow to maleness, as if we hadn’t kicked it enough, while the feminine can acquire male traits through psychological processes and in essence remain female, thus it is a reversible process, the same is not true for testosterone driven maleness as that is a biological process which implies that any reversal of its attributes observe insurmountable challenges, and these biological obstacles translate to the male brain, which means that even a psychological regression, for males, is quite impossible; simply put males cannot assume female attributes while females can and may if they so wish adopt psychological maleness and even reverse the process, and that is why DNA based maleness becomes first obsolete and then extinct in any long term.
We will note here that the above is a perfect example of a subconsciousness, in this case female subconsciousness, using physical expressions, in order to explore possibility and when it establishes an acceptable comprehension and stability in a given context it will then take over the responsibility on its own terms. Thus at first it was necessary to make males in order to endure and test an environment but after the external feedback is collected within the species subconsciousness the male aspect off that experience can be reconstructed into the feminine essence and so the masculine explorer can be silenced; not because its attributes are no longer necessary but because they have been absorbed into the feminine essence psyche.
All IFED processes are internally consistent with one another, even if there are logical or observable contradictions, the irrational desire takes all awareness into consideration always, and it reacts to the maximum possible whim, regardless of how that will effect individuals, institutions or for that matter a particular specie. You can easily observe that the Dinosaurs and the Dodos were expendable because their essence type would be reincarnated through a different aspect desire essence; in fact there might be more humans now because of the redirection of Dodo bird essence into human essence.
From here all deductions of any given emotive, IFED process can be made; keeping in mind that awareness is not a prerequisite for an asymptotic subconsciousness throughout emotive essence. None emotive deductions are impossible, the secularists, objectifiers and logicians are just suffering from an auto-immune illness that makes them unaware of how much passion and emotion it takes to construct an objective and secularist world.
Ricardo ©
The fem-emotive is an essence fundamental of the irrational desire scream that formulates the existence of sentient creatures, so that you have an instant essence representation that is brought to absolute unity in action, through the irrational-feminine-emotive-desire. (IFED)
The IFED defies all neutral processes and has as a prime objective essence representation and essence acknowledgement, this gives it another strange characteristic, it doesn’t, because it cannot, consider consequences, all essence manifestations mandate blind trust, this is fundamental to the fem-emotive; bare in mind that the primal desire scream hasn’t a preconception of what is at the other side of existence. The manifestation of energy representation is volcanic and not prone to prudence, hence the reason why existence in the corporeal world is fascinating, there was naught to know what to expect of this when souls embarked on a material quest.
The emotive as its fundamental essence has two distinct abilities to feel or to use that feeling to curtail feeling, either is a form of feeling, the intensity of discipline being an example of an emotive energy being used to constrict same. Logic is another representation of a constrained emotive energy restricting itself so as to harness absolutes. The most destructive emotive expressions result from an extreme pressurization of emotive energies that collapse their own restraint.
Only emotive energy can effect emotive energy, only emotive energy can resist emotive energy and only emotive energy can react to its own presence.
All emotive energies are instantaneously in subconscious synchronicity throughout the universe, however there may well be a latency in common awareness because awareness is not a prerequisite for irrational processes to eventuate. The distance that space and time offer does not circumvent this reality, all emotive is one emotive and as such reacts to all emotive consciousness, regardless of their particulars, as one.
Desire is the prime mover of all irrationals and the feminine is its most somatic irrational. There are no values or principles behind the IFED endeavor beyond the conscription of existence as a fundamental principles, all representations exist and as such have a prime desire to do so and have completed their prime objective, anything else that they do beyond that, in the context of existence is not an essence fundamental, morality would not be a fundamental construct of any and all aspirations for representations, however the moral universe is constructed by an essence desire to continue in a particular direction of existence representation, it is real as long as it furthers that it collapses if it doesn’t.
All IFED processes have an internalized guidance that lounges outwardly, the environment is not taken into consideration, it is even very difficult for it to see the external as it is not a guiding principle of desire, which is why it uses knowledge, which mandates a great deal of emotional constriction because it explores an unemotional external, the equivalent of holding your breath when something stinks, that is knowledge being the least feeling aspect of the fem-emotive co-opted to reach out and touch the unfeeling aspect of universe.
The greater the feminine intuition the more inward looking and the more concentrated and thus the stronger the manifestation of its emotive essence. All constrained representations of desire will be represented by the deprived male, maleness is a neutered emotive, made insensitive so that it cannot object to touching and working and enduring in the external world; maleness is thus all outward looking.
There has been sufficient deterministic evolution to say with some that the feminine can sustain and engender male attributes sufficiently so that it isn’t necessary to continue biological maleness and, others have said as much, maleness as the shortsighted solution that it is, can also be short listed for it ought not endure in an evolutionary context. As a further blow to maleness, as if we hadn’t kicked it enough, while the feminine can acquire male traits through psychological processes and in essence remain female, thus it is a reversible process, the same is not true for testosterone driven maleness as that is a biological process which implies that any reversal of its attributes observe insurmountable challenges, and these biological obstacles translate to the male brain, which means that even a psychological regression, for males, is quite impossible; simply put males cannot assume female attributes while females can and may if they so wish adopt psychological maleness and even reverse the process, and that is why DNA based maleness becomes first obsolete and then extinct in any long term.
We will note here that the above is a perfect example of a subconsciousness, in this case female subconsciousness, using physical expressions, in order to explore possibility and when it establishes an acceptable comprehension and stability in a given context it will then take over the responsibility on its own terms. Thus at first it was necessary to make males in order to endure and test an environment but after the external feedback is collected within the species subconsciousness the male aspect off that experience can be reconstructed into the feminine essence and so the masculine explorer can be silenced; not because its attributes are no longer necessary but because they have been absorbed into the feminine essence psyche.
All IFED processes are internally consistent with one another, even if there are logical or observable contradictions, the irrational desire takes all awareness into consideration always, and it reacts to the maximum possible whim, regardless of how that will effect individuals, institutions or for that matter a particular specie. You can easily observe that the Dinosaurs and the Dodos were expendable because their essence type would be reincarnated through a different aspect desire essence; in fact there might be more humans now because of the redirection of Dodo bird essence into human essence.
From here all deductions of any given emotive, IFED process can be made; keeping in mind that awareness is not a prerequisite for an asymptotic subconsciousness throughout emotive essence. None emotive deductions are impossible, the secularists, objectifiers and logicians are just suffering from an auto-immune illness that makes them unaware of how much passion and emotion it takes to construct an objective and secularist world.
Ricardo ©
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