Rat’s Tail with Hog’s Blood and a Frog’s Eye
It can be rather pathetic to speculate on the things that we don’t know it is better to realize that we operate on the fringes of the truth and if we could accept that, which we don’t and wont, then at least we could go on and work with the facsimile of the truth that we do have to work with. There are many reasons why we don’t want to accept that we cannot know a fundamental truth, one of them is that it implies the painfully obvious, that we are not ourselves a truth, that aside there isn’t a good reason to ignore the truth, except so as to feel good about one’s self.
We can then propose that there is one truth that we can know, energy, we know energy to be real, there isn’t anything in this universe that is not motorized and composed by energy, nothing. Even supreme entity types such as pure essence have energy within their constructs, that these constructs are not defined within the greater construct of time-space because they cannot be interpreted as such doesn’t denigrate from the obvious, energy is the thing that matters in the context of being and existence. That energy is a construct of a manifestation of desire that might not be energy based is a whole other matter, we are going to deal with the energy construct and we are going to ground it because even theoretical types like myself occasionally like a little mixing of reality with our ephemeral nutrients.
We are going to speak of ergio energies, these are all emotive energies and prime movers, it ought be noted that if you decide to keep energies whole that isn’t possible so there will be aberrations of energetic compositions that will invariably create something else but that thing itself cannot be reduced to its native elemental constituents, instead it presupposes that a third party energy representation can be as genuine as a protagonists. Having said that lets move on and fast forward to today, where there are energies that can be easily catalogued in part because they have existed long enough to suffer such horrors.
When ergio energies come into being they start to adopt conceptions of themselves, that is there are ergio energies for plants, for minerals, for humans, for fossils, for fish, for maggots, for cockroaches, and you sort of get the picture, everything comes incorporated by its ergio energies and from that you can deduce its nature and tendency, plants tend to be organic and live in natural environments, that is their energy registry allows as much, there are things that plants don’t allow, a lot of things that they don’t allow, plant life is not possible in the sun or moon, at least under current circumstances, deserts tend not to favor plant life though they could be lively with plant life that likes to be tortured by the environment. And so we know that there are essences that submerge themselves in the concept of a given reality type, and they will not take lightly to change.
But now lets take that essence type a little further, a frog, a leaf, a rat’s tongue, the urine of a cat, the fungus found at the root of a maple tree, the petals of a rose, a hair from a wild boar, blood from a viper snake, and you have a little witchcraft before you for all of these can be ointments to make the alchemy of witchcraft, add a little grounded bone from fish slivers and you could have yourself a fine potion, this one might make you more susceptible to a wanting lover, but there are any number of them and yes, they do work, or they can work it depends on the practitioner, often they fail because the practicing witch is not adept at making the necessary cross relationships to ensure the proper mix for a successful enchantment.
Still I am here to tell you witches are real, recently in India an entire family was killed because they were practicing witchcraft on their neighbors, this upset them, they killed the entire family; at first it might sound irrational and thus unreasonable, but I am sure that there was something to it, common sense does not execute wildly wholly on a premise of ignorance, there had to be some truth to it, and that particular family was obviously not being careful in its practice, it may have taken liberties or caused maledictions that were a byproduct of malpractice witchcraft, something that simple could have inspired their slaughter. However we are not going to sit here and tell you that a secular court of law is going to fairly review the case against the villagers that carried out the slaughter because secular law is not equipped to handle those types of cases, cases of witchcraft that is, it has always been easier to ignore them.
This is going to change in the near future, as there are certainly plenty of people that can use and manipulate and manage ergio type energies that are local and that get your goat, irrevocably they must be recognized, eventually we will start to see them and feel them and touch them and we will have to take action against them or even on their behalf, thus society will have to go back to the days when you could hang a witch or save her if she survived drowning; after all witches are not necessarily bad, they are just generally ugly, sorry to say.
What are witches and what good are they and what is it about their craft?
Witches are nothing different than people that can feel external energies, turn to them and use them to create a desire result, though not always does the desire result come to pass more often a misdeed is committed in the bewitching act not necessarily because the witch is bad at her practice but rather because the possibility of anything coming to be is difficult enough, it is usually more difficult to calculate the parameters that will govern an action and an individual; this doesn’t mean that witches cannot execute their spells effectively, they can and it does happen, it just means that it is still a hit and miss practice, witchcraft that is. The witch however deserves credit for feeling and being able to effect and interact with what are local energies, energies that are derived from organic constituents or from the elements themselves, what a witch can do with this is fascinating, however a witch working with local energies is only going to have local impact, the whole world wont hate her, but the villagers might execute her to put an end not so much to her misdeed but to her malpractice.
Witches can be good and they can be bad, they generally tend to be bad, and why they tend to be bad is also interesting. The thing is that local energies, the energies that you find in a shark’s tooth or in the testicles of a lion, or in the head of a turtle hold an essence type that can be used to alter another essence type, witches intuit and discern how to best manipulate these energies because they have an innate understanding of the paradigm that these energies hold together, that is not an easy thing to do, however their mind’s eye has some kind of a mapping ability that can relate to what energy can disrupt what energy and just what composition the disrupting element has to have to regenerate a different ergio substantive result, the only problem with this is that it is not only complicated but not long term, any entanglement you have with a witch will invariably be short lived, but do not feel safe because your life expectancy is still shorter than what local energies consider short, a spell can last a life time, and you have the ability to fight it, and as a prime energy source you should prevail, that is if you avoid any silly mishaps.
The interesting thing is that witches can help in tuning basic constituents with the greater self essence, the problem is that witches normally do not bother to do this and they don’t bother to do this because they don’t have enough in them to realize that there is something beyond simply manipulating energies, that is witchcraft is still infantile enough that the act of manipulating energies impresses the practitioners; wiser they would be to realize that there are other aims, but currently they are not aware, witchcraft is still amazed at what it can do, thus it is still playing in the children’s playground of witchcraft, which means that it will err when it plays, and sometimes that will cause a whole village to storm its physical sanctuaries.
Witches can be good though don’t expect them to be because they are still largely error prone and might still not want to commit to genuine endeavors, cause based that is, as they are still enjoying the process of understanding their own manipulative powers. However it is important to remember that witches are just one spectrum of the whole energy spectrum sensing sense, they are however one of the relevant aspects of the energy that can be manipulated, this is generally low level energy, it doesn’t have universal impact but it can have significantly bothersome local impact, it is not a necessary stage in the process of energy manipulation, but it is a stage that some stick too, it is not a desirable stage because it is so temporary, any healing done by a witch is bound not to last, in a sense witchcraft is sort of the childhood of energy manipulation, and like all childhoods it is distorted and bound to cause more harm than good, this doesn’t mean that those that practice it are evil instead they are tuned to natural energies that are generally far from evil, later we will talk about evil but natural energies don’t have evil bones, they just know a good thing when they see it, and they fall in love with the ability to touch energies, not a difficult thing to fall into.
The craft of witchcraft will always have its slipknot place in the context of community settings, any tribe of 150 or more is bound to have a witch in it, someone that realizes that a frog isn’t just a frog, a rat’s tail rattles off energy and you mix some six frog eyes with eight rat tails, add a little root of maple fungi and boil in some boars blood and that has localize energy changing properties galore, that it might not change anything for long is not a given consideration, most change is not infinite but finite, pure essence fears that more than anything, so beware of your natural energies because they tend to be local.
We can then propose that there is one truth that we can know, energy, we know energy to be real, there isn’t anything in this universe that is not motorized and composed by energy, nothing. Even supreme entity types such as pure essence have energy within their constructs, that these constructs are not defined within the greater construct of time-space because they cannot be interpreted as such doesn’t denigrate from the obvious, energy is the thing that matters in the context of being and existence. That energy is a construct of a manifestation of desire that might not be energy based is a whole other matter, we are going to deal with the energy construct and we are going to ground it because even theoretical types like myself occasionally like a little mixing of reality with our ephemeral nutrients.
We are going to speak of ergio energies, these are all emotive energies and prime movers, it ought be noted that if you decide to keep energies whole that isn’t possible so there will be aberrations of energetic compositions that will invariably create something else but that thing itself cannot be reduced to its native elemental constituents, instead it presupposes that a third party energy representation can be as genuine as a protagonists. Having said that lets move on and fast forward to today, where there are energies that can be easily catalogued in part because they have existed long enough to suffer such horrors.
When ergio energies come into being they start to adopt conceptions of themselves, that is there are ergio energies for plants, for minerals, for humans, for fossils, for fish, for maggots, for cockroaches, and you sort of get the picture, everything comes incorporated by its ergio energies and from that you can deduce its nature and tendency, plants tend to be organic and live in natural environments, that is their energy registry allows as much, there are things that plants don’t allow, a lot of things that they don’t allow, plant life is not possible in the sun or moon, at least under current circumstances, deserts tend not to favor plant life though they could be lively with plant life that likes to be tortured by the environment. And so we know that there are essences that submerge themselves in the concept of a given reality type, and they will not take lightly to change.
But now lets take that essence type a little further, a frog, a leaf, a rat’s tongue, the urine of a cat, the fungus found at the root of a maple tree, the petals of a rose, a hair from a wild boar, blood from a viper snake, and you have a little witchcraft before you for all of these can be ointments to make the alchemy of witchcraft, add a little grounded bone from fish slivers and you could have yourself a fine potion, this one might make you more susceptible to a wanting lover, but there are any number of them and yes, they do work, or they can work it depends on the practitioner, often they fail because the practicing witch is not adept at making the necessary cross relationships to ensure the proper mix for a successful enchantment.
Still I am here to tell you witches are real, recently in India an entire family was killed because they were practicing witchcraft on their neighbors, this upset them, they killed the entire family; at first it might sound irrational and thus unreasonable, but I am sure that there was something to it, common sense does not execute wildly wholly on a premise of ignorance, there had to be some truth to it, and that particular family was obviously not being careful in its practice, it may have taken liberties or caused maledictions that were a byproduct of malpractice witchcraft, something that simple could have inspired their slaughter. However we are not going to sit here and tell you that a secular court of law is going to fairly review the case against the villagers that carried out the slaughter because secular law is not equipped to handle those types of cases, cases of witchcraft that is, it has always been easier to ignore them.
This is going to change in the near future, as there are certainly plenty of people that can use and manipulate and manage ergio type energies that are local and that get your goat, irrevocably they must be recognized, eventually we will start to see them and feel them and touch them and we will have to take action against them or even on their behalf, thus society will have to go back to the days when you could hang a witch or save her if she survived drowning; after all witches are not necessarily bad, they are just generally ugly, sorry to say.
What are witches and what good are they and what is it about their craft?
Witches are nothing different than people that can feel external energies, turn to them and use them to create a desire result, though not always does the desire result come to pass more often a misdeed is committed in the bewitching act not necessarily because the witch is bad at her practice but rather because the possibility of anything coming to be is difficult enough, it is usually more difficult to calculate the parameters that will govern an action and an individual; this doesn’t mean that witches cannot execute their spells effectively, they can and it does happen, it just means that it is still a hit and miss practice, witchcraft that is. The witch however deserves credit for feeling and being able to effect and interact with what are local energies, energies that are derived from organic constituents or from the elements themselves, what a witch can do with this is fascinating, however a witch working with local energies is only going to have local impact, the whole world wont hate her, but the villagers might execute her to put an end not so much to her misdeed but to her malpractice.
Witches can be good and they can be bad, they generally tend to be bad, and why they tend to be bad is also interesting. The thing is that local energies, the energies that you find in a shark’s tooth or in the testicles of a lion, or in the head of a turtle hold an essence type that can be used to alter another essence type, witches intuit and discern how to best manipulate these energies because they have an innate understanding of the paradigm that these energies hold together, that is not an easy thing to do, however their mind’s eye has some kind of a mapping ability that can relate to what energy can disrupt what energy and just what composition the disrupting element has to have to regenerate a different ergio substantive result, the only problem with this is that it is not only complicated but not long term, any entanglement you have with a witch will invariably be short lived, but do not feel safe because your life expectancy is still shorter than what local energies consider short, a spell can last a life time, and you have the ability to fight it, and as a prime energy source you should prevail, that is if you avoid any silly mishaps.
The interesting thing is that witches can help in tuning basic constituents with the greater self essence, the problem is that witches normally do not bother to do this and they don’t bother to do this because they don’t have enough in them to realize that there is something beyond simply manipulating energies, that is witchcraft is still infantile enough that the act of manipulating energies impresses the practitioners; wiser they would be to realize that there are other aims, but currently they are not aware, witchcraft is still amazed at what it can do, thus it is still playing in the children’s playground of witchcraft, which means that it will err when it plays, and sometimes that will cause a whole village to storm its physical sanctuaries.
Witches can be good though don’t expect them to be because they are still largely error prone and might still not want to commit to genuine endeavors, cause based that is, as they are still enjoying the process of understanding their own manipulative powers. However it is important to remember that witches are just one spectrum of the whole energy spectrum sensing sense, they are however one of the relevant aspects of the energy that can be manipulated, this is generally low level energy, it doesn’t have universal impact but it can have significantly bothersome local impact, it is not a necessary stage in the process of energy manipulation, but it is a stage that some stick too, it is not a desirable stage because it is so temporary, any healing done by a witch is bound not to last, in a sense witchcraft is sort of the childhood of energy manipulation, and like all childhoods it is distorted and bound to cause more harm than good, this doesn’t mean that those that practice it are evil instead they are tuned to natural energies that are generally far from evil, later we will talk about evil but natural energies don’t have evil bones, they just know a good thing when they see it, and they fall in love with the ability to touch energies, not a difficult thing to fall into.
The craft of witchcraft will always have its slipknot place in the context of community settings, any tribe of 150 or more is bound to have a witch in it, someone that realizes that a frog isn’t just a frog, a rat’s tail rattles off energy and you mix some six frog eyes with eight rat tails, add a little root of maple fungi and boil in some boars blood and that has localize energy changing properties galore, that it might not change anything for long is not a given consideration, most change is not infinite but finite, pure essence fears that more than anything, so beware of your natural energies because they tend to be local.
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