The Clock That We Time & How We Cycle In & Out Of Being
The coming around and around of time is something interesting, recently the author of a successful series of books reported passing in front of the dingy apartment complex where in poverty she wrote her Harry Potter saga, she said something to the effect that she imagined herself passing by telling her younger self that everything would be ok, patience was all that was required. The implication that the author once successful was walking past the laboring author’s apartment before her success to watch over herself and to urge on patience so that the task at hand would be finished, urging that everything was going to be ok, is magnificent; and as magnificent as it is it gets even more interesting, it is one of those facts of life that time wounds around our self essence and cycles through in some kind of coherent loop that allows us to feel our direction and purpose is correct, though our self essence might be constantly batfowl by life itself.
The matter here is one of the perception of a time line, that you can repeat your path through life and see yourself over and over again is not probably one of the wonderful things, in fact it plausibly sounds boring, but the reality is another, since time is only an affliction of perception that arises in time-space constructs, then the very idea that time passes becomes suspect, it cannot pass, in a sense all aspects of yourself are met, the conditions that you live all lives is obviously apparent, all aspects of a plurality are in fact singular, that is all peoples are one person living out another aspect of the condition that composes all the other aspects that that person may manifest. This becomes more obvious as you look backwards in time because you see a continuity but how can that continuity be possible if there isn’t a same purpose over and over persisting? It isn’t possible, the consistent nature of the historical path tells you that there is an embedded routine that repeats itself add infinitum. But that does not mean that you cannot cycle spin yourself out of the tragic looping circumstance, since there are many expressions and all conditions that are optimize by the superposition of self must invariably have a tendency to manifest themselves then it means that you could be anyone and anyone could be you and there are those potential manifestations that haven’t quantified themselves even in probability so that one could say you could be anything, including a rock or something seemingly impossible to be, Leprechauns might be quite real.
And there are of course plausible limitations, we may readily argue that the expansion of humanity into the expression that we call homo sapiens is limited by the potential expression that hasn’t quantified itself substantially enough to enter the intrinsic realm of probability, by that we mean that in order for a human being to manifest itself from pure essence energy, through metaphysical into material there has to be a conditional probability of observance that awaits the self in the material, and therefore the self must have a priori acknowledgement of itself wholly so that it can persist in environment, you must be waiting for yourself on the other side, that is the priori axiomatic condition of existence that has to be met spontaneously from the pure essence emotive realm, to metaphysical spiritual embodiment into material life form.
Why this is so we could say is another of the great mini mysteries but we are going to solve it in a rather pragmatic fashion, any conditional existence type that manages to spontaneously energize itself through desired energy will invariably sustain that condition as part whole of its own essence throughout space-time or dimensional divides in a priori memory of cosmic proportions, that means that any manifestation cannot be forgotten and therefore that it cannot be nullified, once the essence of human being is manifested it will continue to be manifested to infinity. What is more the essence can be vacated by one formative essence and it can be occupied by another formative essence retaining the concept throughout but allowing essences to migrate from one condition to another in a sort of timeless dynamic, and that dynamic is backward compatible to any and all essence types so that at once you are experiencing everything the essence types are substantiating with their existences.
The clock then becomes something that we time, and we time or use time or more accurately clock time so that we can call a time in eternals so that we may manifest genuine attributes of desire that cannot call themselves manifestations if they don’t depart from a conditional state, that has to then divide into multiplicities of pure essences and make of all, as each, a conditional spontaneous manifestation; but the division and the condition are fictional, they are merely attributes of a given perception that desire causes to manifest, and as such exist first and foremost in a cosmic memory that cannot forget and can only recall and every time it recalls it creates one more of something.
And so it is that our author can visit herself only it is not a visit, there has never been a separation between the woman that was making herself a famous author and the famous author, in some ways she can romance the movement of being aware of another aspect of herself that is the wonderful manifestation, that we may begin to recall all our sporadic beings and their moments.
Now comes another interesting quandary, if you can be all of the expressions of any essence expression that has been recorded as a priori in the context of being then what does it matter to be? Why seek the an expression? There seems to be no point, any essence type that references any and all other essences types and harmonizes experiences throughout as all essence is aware of all essence, then you have to say existence for any essence type is a moot point!
There is nothing factitious that we can say to cancel out this horrendous axiom, one life experience equals all life experiences, there is nothing else to do, you’ve seen one anything you’ve seem them all, even if you don’t see them you have, even if you are not aware you are, dimensional translucencies do not necessarily care about cognitive awareness, cognitive awareness doesn’t have to be cosmic, it is another of those local things, it might help you walk in the here and now, but it doesn’t matter, and while obviously this might pain anyone that is banking on brain and its product knowledge we are not interested in localize issues because they only matter at such levels, but we can alleviate any discomfort that you may feel about having to exist or wanting to exist in the context of an infinite set of redundancies so listen here, you exist because pure essence doesn’t acknowledge your existence, isn’t that the funniest thing, pure essence doesn’t have the ability to receive feedback from you, pure essence is self absorbed, you do remember that right? Well imagine what that implies, it doesn’t have contact with externals, hence the name pure essence for all things name themselves, and that implies that you don’t feed it the awareness nor the space time circumstances nor the characteristics that you embody as your desire energy propels you into being!
If that doesn’t make you pause and breath a little deeper I don’t know what will, because it immediately tells you that there is no way that you can adopt any condition as genuinely yours, in some sense your pure essence doest permit you to violate your core self, and due to that within the context of existence you will always be an actor and director all at the same time and as superficial as that implies, and nothing that you do here where your clock ticks is going to seep back to pure essence, only you can seep back, only you have the ability to default to that condition, and only as nothing, the nothingness of a something in a state of absolute simmering, and when you reach that stage the normalization will be so extreme that you wont recognize yourself from anything else in pure essence, and because of that some desire energies will be bred in the process and spontaneous existences will start happening and thus the incessant fusion of submerging energy returning into pure essence, an absolute forgetting-simmering, and the equally incessant fission of pure essence type into fragmented representational existence, there is your absolute pure essence being cycled, in a perfectly absurd equilibrium and equally your reason for being in a renewable forever process made possible by an untangled perception.
The matter here is one of the perception of a time line, that you can repeat your path through life and see yourself over and over again is not probably one of the wonderful things, in fact it plausibly sounds boring, but the reality is another, since time is only an affliction of perception that arises in time-space constructs, then the very idea that time passes becomes suspect, it cannot pass, in a sense all aspects of yourself are met, the conditions that you live all lives is obviously apparent, all aspects of a plurality are in fact singular, that is all peoples are one person living out another aspect of the condition that composes all the other aspects that that person may manifest. This becomes more obvious as you look backwards in time because you see a continuity but how can that continuity be possible if there isn’t a same purpose over and over persisting? It isn’t possible, the consistent nature of the historical path tells you that there is an embedded routine that repeats itself add infinitum. But that does not mean that you cannot cycle spin yourself out of the tragic looping circumstance, since there are many expressions and all conditions that are optimize by the superposition of self must invariably have a tendency to manifest themselves then it means that you could be anyone and anyone could be you and there are those potential manifestations that haven’t quantified themselves even in probability so that one could say you could be anything, including a rock or something seemingly impossible to be, Leprechauns might be quite real.
And there are of course plausible limitations, we may readily argue that the expansion of humanity into the expression that we call homo sapiens is limited by the potential expression that hasn’t quantified itself substantially enough to enter the intrinsic realm of probability, by that we mean that in order for a human being to manifest itself from pure essence energy, through metaphysical into material there has to be a conditional probability of observance that awaits the self in the material, and therefore the self must have a priori acknowledgement of itself wholly so that it can persist in environment, you must be waiting for yourself on the other side, that is the priori axiomatic condition of existence that has to be met spontaneously from the pure essence emotive realm, to metaphysical spiritual embodiment into material life form.
Why this is so we could say is another of the great mini mysteries but we are going to solve it in a rather pragmatic fashion, any conditional existence type that manages to spontaneously energize itself through desired energy will invariably sustain that condition as part whole of its own essence throughout space-time or dimensional divides in a priori memory of cosmic proportions, that means that any manifestation cannot be forgotten and therefore that it cannot be nullified, once the essence of human being is manifested it will continue to be manifested to infinity. What is more the essence can be vacated by one formative essence and it can be occupied by another formative essence retaining the concept throughout but allowing essences to migrate from one condition to another in a sort of timeless dynamic, and that dynamic is backward compatible to any and all essence types so that at once you are experiencing everything the essence types are substantiating with their existences.
The clock then becomes something that we time, and we time or use time or more accurately clock time so that we can call a time in eternals so that we may manifest genuine attributes of desire that cannot call themselves manifestations if they don’t depart from a conditional state, that has to then divide into multiplicities of pure essences and make of all, as each, a conditional spontaneous manifestation; but the division and the condition are fictional, they are merely attributes of a given perception that desire causes to manifest, and as such exist first and foremost in a cosmic memory that cannot forget and can only recall and every time it recalls it creates one more of something.
And so it is that our author can visit herself only it is not a visit, there has never been a separation between the woman that was making herself a famous author and the famous author, in some ways she can romance the movement of being aware of another aspect of herself that is the wonderful manifestation, that we may begin to recall all our sporadic beings and their moments.
Now comes another interesting quandary, if you can be all of the expressions of any essence expression that has been recorded as a priori in the context of being then what does it matter to be? Why seek the an expression? There seems to be no point, any essence type that references any and all other essences types and harmonizes experiences throughout as all essence is aware of all essence, then you have to say existence for any essence type is a moot point!
There is nothing factitious that we can say to cancel out this horrendous axiom, one life experience equals all life experiences, there is nothing else to do, you’ve seen one anything you’ve seem them all, even if you don’t see them you have, even if you are not aware you are, dimensional translucencies do not necessarily care about cognitive awareness, cognitive awareness doesn’t have to be cosmic, it is another of those local things, it might help you walk in the here and now, but it doesn’t matter, and while obviously this might pain anyone that is banking on brain and its product knowledge we are not interested in localize issues because they only matter at such levels, but we can alleviate any discomfort that you may feel about having to exist or wanting to exist in the context of an infinite set of redundancies so listen here, you exist because pure essence doesn’t acknowledge your existence, isn’t that the funniest thing, pure essence doesn’t have the ability to receive feedback from you, pure essence is self absorbed, you do remember that right? Well imagine what that implies, it doesn’t have contact with externals, hence the name pure essence for all things name themselves, and that implies that you don’t feed it the awareness nor the space time circumstances nor the characteristics that you embody as your desire energy propels you into being!
If that doesn’t make you pause and breath a little deeper I don’t know what will, because it immediately tells you that there is no way that you can adopt any condition as genuinely yours, in some sense your pure essence doest permit you to violate your core self, and due to that within the context of existence you will always be an actor and director all at the same time and as superficial as that implies, and nothing that you do here where your clock ticks is going to seep back to pure essence, only you can seep back, only you have the ability to default to that condition, and only as nothing, the nothingness of a something in a state of absolute simmering, and when you reach that stage the normalization will be so extreme that you wont recognize yourself from anything else in pure essence, and because of that some desire energies will be bred in the process and spontaneous existences will start happening and thus the incessant fusion of submerging energy returning into pure essence, an absolute forgetting-simmering, and the equally incessant fission of pure essence type into fragmented representational existence, there is your absolute pure essence being cycled, in a perfectly absurd equilibrium and equally your reason for being in a renewable forever process made possible by an untangled perception.
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