Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Rise of a Subconsciousness

What we mean by a subconscious here is that there is an inherent, endemic tendency that subtracts conscious individual actions, and in principle demarcates them around the whole, so that individual actions do not corrupt the prime essence, thus species, or the plurality of the any group will invariably persist over any localize tendency adopted by the individual actors that is not supported by the dynamics of the subconscious play.

We can start about the time when any type of consciousness rises to the podium, when it enters space-time, the very principle of space-time mandates that anything within its boundaries must be recognizable, that is that it must differentiate itself from the whole in some way or other so that it can rub against things and the very rubbing would acknowledge its essence being as it demarks itself through space-time with its native essence constructs.

Once consciousness arises it is because there has been a simultaneous arising of a subconscious that should have been born but a pico second behind any conscious effort, subconsciousness thus always precedes consciousness, we can thus exist before we are aware that we exist, the intellectualization or for that matter the awareness of knowledge or any precepts of epistemology premiere first and foremost in a subconscious essence, once the essence of a subconscious epistemology has been construed within the context of a given species, object, or thing then a process of categorization, awareness and knowledge can be constructed henceforth.

We can start back at the nothingness, the nothingness is all subconscious and it has no conscious awareness of itself, a precept mandated by absolute simmering conditions in any realm because that which is most endemic to you will be the least aspect of yourself that you may acknowledge, and generally this will equally be the aspect that you will have most in common with your kind, with your humanity and with species in general; there are even here the aspects which you have most in common with universe, carbon, oxygen, etcetera, they would have the highest learning curve possible as oppose to those things which were in one way or another not being naturally friendly towards you. Hence why it took humanity a long time to figure out that it had blood curling within itself.

In the nothingness then there is no aspect ratio for observance hence its low or lowest possible absorbability factor, and hence its name. And we know the thing names itself because the subconsciousness of any given thing names itself through the awareness that it creates in the process of observation, all things to have a name must be observable and that implies that their subconsciousness has slipped into some form of consciousness, this includes the nothingness regardless of how minute that might be for a cipher essence; for the nothingness it would be the lowest massification possible and thus the least amount of space-time consumption possible in any quantifiable dimensions.

But when a primal desire scream emancipates itself into a massifying aspect ratio, that is a reality within the constructs of space-time it instantly gives rise to a personifying subconscious based on the creative elements of that personification, that is the thing not only calls itself the thing it is but equally it sets the boundaries for the gamut of personifications and expressions that it can sustain within space-time. That is the subconscious of the thing, and it is one level of that subconscious, because the potential of a subconscious is not wholly manifested at birth, just like you can have many universes in the context of a physical existence you may equally have many subconsciousness within the context of a singular expression.

There is of course the primary, that is you and I and the chickens and the parrots have a shared fundamental expression that is emotive, we are sentient beings, the primordial desire scream that manifested us into existence darted out a sentient essence because that is the nature of our pure essence nothingness, however when expressed in the context of space-time that of course not only decreases in intensity but it is also warped by it, wrinkled in the context of space-time, that is to say that its personification is adulterated when it makes contact with the universe and that expression acquires a character type that is not only the cumulative base of the sentient essence but has now been warped into an expression based on the metrics of space that it has touched and how that has reacted with the whole essence; so that what you will witness will be a sentient essence that cannot recognize itself in the context of universe and a universe notices a discrepancy within itself that it does not recognize but that it must now assimilate and that is how the process of cognition begins so that either entity, universe and sentient, can not only acknowledge and distinguish one another, but more importantly reach a level of self awareness, consciousness, so as to personify action in the context of the new shared existence.

Now a subconsciousness is the given attributes of a possible existence and/or expression and these are absolute and cannot be modified, that is you cannot, even if you logic, as logic is a futile attempt at removing feelings from what are sentient beings born of a pure sentient essence, but you cannot modify that, you can wish it - such as logic is again a mere wish to depersonify, to disembody the essence type from its essence nature - but it will ultimately lead to failure because even the construct of logic is tainted by the sentient essence expression so that logic is in part what we suspect the universe to be, cold and unfeeling and wholly calculable and thus quantifiable but as we cannot feel the universe in the context of all of its immensity and symmetry it remains obscure and anything we logic from it will invariably be in error and have more of our perception in it than any autodidactic perception the universe has of itself.

This is because any entity in order to exist must invariably be self absorbed, it is because we are more witnessing ourselves and the pettiness of our lives that we can tolerate universe, that is by nature our consciousness is inward looking hence the reason for our anthropomorphic expressions of universe, but equally why we cannot move forward into the vast universe at a clippers pace, the horizon always leads back to our emotive constructs, the references that we make of the universe are based on our feelings of it, and the acceptance criteria that we have for any alien entities are based on our personification of self over any horizon, if we cannot see ourselves at the other edge of the universe we cannot see the other edge of the universe.

Our pure-essence which we could argue must have something in common with other pure essence types even if it is only that they are all pure in whatever guise they assume, rather they share something in common because pure-essence simmering conditions are not the ultimate default point, we cannot glimpse beyond the nothingness; our nothingness is surely a subconscious emotive range, at least for us emotive types, but it is being held together as such a concept by another subconscious essence type that has in it the ability to sustain a greater nothingness of absolute simmering conditions, and we know this because there is energy there, and we know it and it has been physically detected, that is it is not an ultimate condition, the nothingness, our version of nothingness that is, because it is something, in the end it is merely the most absolute simmering condition of a given subconsciousness that we may detect, but it is not ultimate because it is energy based, an ultimate and absolute default condition, something throughout it, within it, and devoid of distance and time, but wholly embodied within the sustainable simmering conditions of all things, has to, in the end, have that in common with all other simmering type conditions and it is therefore not only a more fundamental aspect of existence even if it doesn’t have us at last within its mandates, that is that we might only live at the border, that we might be the leaches of existence, that is how it well might be. And so you and I and anything hitherto personified must be able to perceive that there is something more fundamental than you, something that can exist beyond you, and something that existed before you and that that type of subconsciousness does not warrant your existence in any context but rather that your existence is a happenstance within its context and that energy as we know it might be in the same light as us.

A subconsciousness is then a prerequisite for all demarcations of existence, determining as such the range and gamut of tolerances and experiences possible; and because of that there can be subconsciousness within subconciousness and so on add infinitum. However there thus follow that while all sentient creatures share one another’s subconscious indolence and not necessarily share that subconscious with the rest of universe, that beneath that there is pure essence simmering and that structure in and how it is manifested is thus shared though not necessarily observed fundamentally simmering symmetries within its properties while still adhering with other pure essence types that may have nothing in common but for simmering structure; and yet below that realm they must have something else that is yet greater in common but which neither of them can or may perceive, or that is by its very unique nature wholly undetectable by such things as energy types! We are thus limited by our energy condition because we can only observe same conditions, the known universe is suppose to be only 10 percent of universe and we can suppose that it is so because we do not have the capability to detect the unknown universe even as it is a fundamental prerequisite for our existence type which in and of itself is not fundamentally a requirement for any subconscious type representation.

Further we must postulate that there are genuine and absolute zero energy conditions that we are terminally oblivious to, and that those conditions could in fact be more genuine than any presupposed or manifested energy type condition. In short there might be a real nothingness out there that is both gargantuan and infinite and completely undetectable within any energy construct. But it doesn’t stop there, if we are not an absolute part of the composure of a greater and gargantuan absolute zero energy nothingness we must suppose that our energy too will join absolute zero, that is that we exist because simmering has not yet maximized its terminal condition where from no subconsciousness may manifest itself.

It is thus always possible for us to conclude the following about subconsciousness: that it precedes any consciousness type, it is not that consciousness rises first and that such awareness creates a subconscious undertow, on the contrary a subconsciousness is prerequisite for any type of consciousness because there has to be a precept value in order for any type of awareness to arise.

A subconsciousness is an inherent priori to any type of existence and or kind such as say species, that is being mandates a supra-being-subconsciousness that is generic and encompasses all beings.

There are other subconsciousness types within the supra-being-subconsciousness that apply in varying degrees to species so that being has a supra type subconsciousness while there is a concentric set of subconsciousness within that that governs species types; remembering that species is not saying the same as souls, so that souls have an inherent subconsciousness also that governs their type of metaphysical and it follows then that from species there is also a particular subconsciousness that mandates a particular specie say rabbits, to act as their default essence type mandates, so that all rabbits will be seeing to reflect the same behaviors and mannerism across their specie as based on their tier of subconsciousness.

A subconsciousness is dynamic based on the experience of the being that it governs, that is if a rabbit eats a poisonous mushroom then the memory is not lost to the rabbit specie subconscious rather that death type is registered and the next generation of rabbits are unlikely to want to eat that type of mushroom.

A subconsciousness can and will cancel out its own specie type if the environment is not favorable to it, that is a specie may cease to procreate because the greater specie subconsciousness will not consider the situation favorable for continued population, thus Russians stopped reproducing, there being a crisis in their national subconsciousness when the Soviet Union collapsed, thus the national psyche as fed by the national subconsciousness culled the birth rate. And this was in part because souls themselves as governed by their subconsciousness were not willing to be born into such a distraught environment.

A species type that goes extinct remains in the greater memory of the supra-being-subconsciousness thus it could sprout again when the conditions are favorable to its specie subconscious type. Equally once the nothingness has provided an energy quotient for any type of desire being such energy potential remains as a superposition in the context of the overall nothingness and that desire potential is accessible from any dimensional aspect position.

Ricardo ©

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Friction and Simmering and the Vacuum

Cataclysms are ever interesting there is nothing about them that requires concentration yet they get all the attention. This while the simmering dominates, haven’t you ever wondered why there is so much empty space? Well I think you know the answer, simmering is dominant in any state of a consistent-representative condition. So why is it that tragedy gets all the attention? Because we are not used it. Could we ever get used to it? Not until simmering loses out to upheaval.

But there is the rub that we cannot ignore that is that all things do rub against one another, rubbing is important and by extension the heat that it generates, as all rubbing induces energy transfers, because it is how we detect one another through the carrier-dimensions, through the varying environments and through the emotive essence. Rubbing is a requirement for any type of recognition or acknowledgement and it is through both of those that we get manufactured and personified in any context of existence. Someone has to say, other than yourself, that you exist. Your personality type is characteristic of what you have convinced the universe you are but more of what the universe has willingly adopted as your personality type, which is why it makes room for you, space spans when the universe acknowledges new entities in their varying energy representations, the universe would only then contract if some of the character representations, that is those assumptions coming forth from pure essence, were themselves to withdraw back into their pure essence nothingness condition.

Generally speaking pure essence types want to exist and seek to persist accordingly, but then there is the rub that negates that, pure essence as it manifest itself in the context of universe is still always, no matter how far into the material, metaphysical or whatever essence and dimensional representation it inhabits and is adopted within universe, is still always, chain linked all the way back to the nothingness and rubbing against it, by process of awareness, more solidly than against anything else, hence the reason why any and all personifications within universe require such huge energetic quantifications in order to maintain and or advance within the constrains of universe. Your essence is always natively in touch with the nothing and rubbing against it better than with anything else, and this is because your pure essence nothingness is the mostess of you that you can be, it is your maximum concentrated self essence type in its purest form and thus while it rubs up against you, you helplessly give it the greatest access thus between you and the nothingness there is the greatest tug and the least friction, friction scales from there forward and you will always require foursquare the energy level for any forward motion into space-time, this so you may function at some 85th percent below that. Such is the consumption of existence.

The reason for the high energy demand is that when other things are busy recognizing you they are rubbing against you and that rub takes energy from you, the energy dissipation is what allows recognition, and of course it does work both ways just not always equally, a greater character representation could drain you of all of your representative energy before you two could get to know one another much less like each other. That is partially why things always cozy up to same types, because it is closest to an equal amount of energy exchange, the equilibrium allows for recognition and extends longevity in the context of the cohabitation required for acknowledgement, recognition, acceptance, and feedback to the universe as a whole of your mandated or needed presence within its boundaries.

There is then a natural and a given tendency to normalize not just because simmering is a normalizing force but equally because any degree of variables quantifies an exponential energy magnification that could end at odds with lesser energy characterizations and thus cause them to subsume back into their nothingness.

Also it is important to keep in mind that the normalization of the universe is not a bad thing because it allows for the greatest degree of variables to coexist even if as reduced versions of themselves, that is to say that the universe that you see today is fundamentally a compromise and very high energy machinations are bound to keep their distance from one another, thus the reasons why galaxies tend not to be close neighbors, because their energy agglomerations when in proximity to other galaxies will invariably be engulfed and rubbed into a nullifying energy aspect of their original character representation.

That correctly implies that all rubbing subsumes character in some context, any and all entities rubbing against one another in order to acquire recognition will invariably disperse a portion of their essence energy into the vast unknown, the empty space you see around you is composed of precisely that energy, that has been diffused to such an extend and into such low degree of representation that it doesn’t know if it is or if it isn’t and thus such energy can be imposed upon, under certain conditions, to represent something or not, generally however it will represent its default emptiness condition, which formulates distance, a very imposing aspect of a thing if there was ever one; that is to say and say it clearly that empty space, is not only the thing that represents dispersed energy that has been rubbed out of its character types and diffused into the spatial medium but also that that energy is the only energy that can compete with the nothingness for presence and scale in the field of what is and what isn’t, and even as the second greatest aspect of anything the vacuum of space-time is still insignificant against the nothingness condition that leads to character perdition.

Now here we must divert a bit in order to explain one critical deduction from the above, you are not made more of yourself, the environment is not made more of itself, nor is nature sustained by any external energy forces, there are no nature critter type Devas that sustain and maintain because all things have to come with their representation energy and representation essence endemically within, any exchange of energy will generally not add but simply extend the character personification type, thus energy is generally not cumulative but simply energizing, and the assumption made by some of there being external essence beings that work to build and edify and maintain the essence of say nature or you is wholly impossible, their energy representation would subsume in any process of building another energy representation for all energy representations in the context of universe must represent themselves wholly, you cannot change what you are, someone else cannot change what you are, you may however subsume and resume again.

This is because the universe does not allow for helper types, there is no welfare in the universe, however if it will make you feel better know that the universe feels compassion for everything within its boundaries even as it cannot change their essence nature nor the cataclysms that such may bring about.

Cataclysms then are nothing next to the nothingness and nothing next to the vacuum but they have all our attention because we are consciously awed by energy representation.

ricardo (c)

The distortion of reality by mass aspect ratios

Some times when you are looking at a suspended situation, that being one that you cannot change, you pray, you say things like, “this cannot be…”, “I will fall a sleep and when I wakeup everything will be just fine…”, it wont be the situation, the death of a loved one the breakup of a loving relationship, the suspension from your job, a cancer that has three months left to finish eating your body, the situation has collapsed into reality and now the only thing that you can do is maneuver through the consequences.

It is the factors of suspended situations that give people anxiety and fear, which is why there is an inherent fear to act and more of a stratified tendency towards conservatism. The only way to see beyond the muck created by suspended situations is to be a blind visionary, to leap against the probable.

There are any number of ways to view reality, a conservative and a liberal both view reality from apparently opposing angles. What is odd is that neither party realizes that any bicameral system is evidence of internal de-coherence and neither side can be right when acting truly against its presumed opposite. All successful systems suffer mostly from coherent-congruity, any type of conflict within a system is not a sign of its vivacity or openness but rather evidence of its doubts.

However regardless of their validity bicameral systems are suspended situations. You cannot deny their existence and even with their inherent de-coherence their self-destruct tendencies are overcomed by their advances and these advances distort the reality field to ward off other ideas and purposes and to merely further their own.

As any system of belief grow it will invariably grow at the cost of something else because there is only a base “p” quantity, that is a maximum plurality to any given aspect of reality, based on the mass aspect ratio of human energy. The mass aspect ratio of human energy is always reduced by the mass aspect action and mass aspect belief ratios.

It is therefore dangerous for systems to have internal dualities, however it is also very true that the least dualistic systems, that is the closest to wholeness are indeed bicameral. In the case of religion the only thing preventing its perfection is the evil side, but this is in part due to the inability of the good to accept evil and the inverse is equally true. This mutual aversion creates enough incongruence to limit the ability of religion to inject and spearhead itself to all aspects of life. The duality ends in being a benefit for the rest of us that might not have any interest in that particular field. If the left and right of politics and the evil and good of religion ever succeeded in consolidating it would be to the detriment of all ideas waiting to be born or currently in their infancy. Reality would be stormed by pure religion and monopolistic politics.

Actually in the current world order we are not very far from that, religion and politics dominate the mass mindset, people dedicate their energies to listening, acting upon or developing further the structures of political and religious institutions, hence the marketability of their suspended realities.

In a strong third place comes science, which has grown from being an insignificant wizardry 1500 years ago or so to a monster of considerable proportions hitherto. While the internal incongruence of religion and politics is a plenty obvious, the odd thing is that the incongruence within science is less so. You could not find a left or right or a good and evil obvious bias within the sciences. The lack of an internal bicameral strife in the scientific community can be ascribed to 3 factors, its youthfulness, its empirical and its innovative and brilliant externalization of internal bicameralism.

A substantive in all this is the human essence. Human essence is what all theoretical models depend upon, how much of that energy any theory gets demarks the “p” potential of its material success.

Now having considered the energy source, we can now consider the 3 factors. Youthfulness comes in handy because no one knows your strength nor your weaknesses much less what if anything you will become. A young child is as much a Philosopher or a Mafia Boss or an Architect. Any idea in its youth has the capacity to impress due to its massive energetic naiveté, it doesn’t know what it is internally and therefore it is not inherently divisive, before the big bang the universe suffered zero incongruence. Science in its early rise had no internal strife, in part and mostly because it didn’t even know what it was, the constructs of the empirical and the mathematical logic that would become the crux of the scientific were only recognized after they were well founded and widely practiced.

So it may well be in part to its youthfulness that science does not have an obvious bicameral nature, but it is even odder than that, some might think that there is a duality between quantum and relativity and that that is the good and bad of it. Nothing could be more wrong because science is not bent on destroying either theory, in fact scientists have moved forward to prove both theories and to create a grand unified theory of everything with those two tools included. Though the aim is doubtful, a masterly stroke it would be if they succeeded. But the point is that neither quantum nor relativity are partisan, in point of fact they have opted to clearly define the aspects of reality that belong to each and those apparently do not superimposed upon one another, quantum has free reign over the micro-cosmic and relativity is charged with explaining all of the macro-cosmic.

This hairline separation of responsibilities allow the apparent internal dualities to coexist within the context of the greater whole of science.

The development of the empirical can never be glorified or admired enough, it was simply brilliant because it codified a principle of objectivity into any and all scientific actions. God was bias, he wants everyone to love him first and foremost, even above love of the self; politicians have the agendas of lobbyists and their constituencies on their heads, and then there is party partisanship; the empirical killed all that bias in the framework of the scientific.

What empirical implies is firmly this: “See for yourself, you don’t need me to prove it to you, you can prove it to yourself, whatever I do you can do too, you just have to do as I do but any observer or practitioner from any angle can reach the same results as long as the conditions and parameters of the given experiment suffer same circumstances. That is simply brilliant, god could walk on water and turn water into wine but you cannot. You could be a politician but you would have to be able to expound any belief system against your own personal belief, few are so gifted; science simply said that the universe was not only observable but replicable by the hand of man!

Of course you had to use the empiricist bible, you had to believe that there was and is an objective world, a world without you in it; this made the new scientific dogma seem selfless, that is objective, so much so that if the dogmatics discovered any incongruencies that did not meet with the empirical objective, (theory has to be proven through replicable experimentation and it has to be mathematically observable,) they would have to discard such theoretical assumptions; for it must all add up and sum total. It is not always easy to do this and some times you have to round off and make certain assumptions but mostly its squares well.

As a substantive the empirical eliminates any internal inconsistencies and so the bicameralism of science is constantly being ironed out, the fundamental greatness of this approach is that it allows the scientific mindset to change under its own internal guidance without seeming hypocritical or deceitful. Contrast that with religion which has such absolutes truths that it cannot change or with politicians that change their truths as their interests change and you can glory in that brilliance.

But, there is that hidden bicameralism, ignorance! Science has to know, it wants to know, it seeks to eliminate your blind spot, it wants to expose everything under the microscope of knowledge, and thus science is constantly fighting the battle of the dark ages, the muck that it actually grew out of, and there is their core duality. Only that duality has been externalized so that it is inherently harmless within science, this is done by saying that ignorance is outside of science, whereas a republican and a democrat would not dare to say they are not a part of a political process; and good and evil could not credibly say that they are not contextually within religion; science can duly claim that ignorance is not a part of its core systemic, it can claim that “it will eventually know what it doesn’t know”, so that even ignorance is not safe from total annihilation by the scientific premise!

Of course some would say that there is another duality that I haven’t tackle here, evolution vs. creation. It is easy to put that off as a mere side show, no true scientist’s spends any time fighting against religion; when Galileo had to apologize to religion he did so, it cost him nothing to kneel before the grand inquisitor of his time, in fact it was a brilliant propaganda move for science; the church would have done better for itself if it had ignored Galileo, much to its detriment it propped him up and made him the Jesus Christ of science thus allowing to steal the fact that it was religion that jump started the principles of knowledge and was by far, at least in Galieo’s time, a great contributor.

In the end the beauty of science will become a burden as it ages and it becomes painfully obvious that not everything is knowable and that what is knowable might be counter to our humane interest. However an externalized duality is always, to the tenth power times harder to destroy than any giant size internal duality; hence the grandness of that distorted reality that we call science; once proven it cannot be wished away thus it must be cut.

ricardo (c)


This is not a bad question for us to ask and after you get as far down into the philosophy as we are now it almost answers itself so succinctly that the very question becomes irrelevant. This latter effect is critical because it points to the possibility that there are many things that exist today that ought or might not need to exist, such as humor, sarcasm and even something so fundamental to our being as are “questions.” In other words just like the laws of physics approach singularities at higher and lower temperatures, such is also the case for emotions and consciousness and essence, they well have their own corresponding singularities. In the case of anger and happiness you could see how they are corresponding twins originating from the “same” capacity to feel even as they manifest themselves as completely different from one another; the same would also be true of knowledge and ignorance, they would correspond to some form of same consciousness that under certain, fundamental, parameters might not manifest themselves as they are annulled or declassified under a given environment, by this we mean that consciousness could be, and in fact is, absorbed into subconsciousness and is not to be needed, and since consciousness is a prerequisite for knowledge or even ignorance then you may well witness how those two could be folded into or outright cancelled out under a supra-subconsciousness state. Also it is important to note that subconsciousness itself does not defy feeling, but even feeling as we know it, could be put to a test by an underlying supra-subconsciousness that would have no apparent need to experience feeling and wouldn’t then give rise to it or to any of its apparitions. That would imply that feeling and subconsciousness can be one of the same, not that feeling is stratified and canceled, since feeling reigns-supreme straight out of the nothingness, though at the level of the nothingness feeling itself might only be a primordial desire without sense of expression and merely subdued into a patterned subconsciousness of desire.

Aside from the fact that there is indeed a stratification which some how manages to put all of the emotive energies into some kind of self imposed absolution, decomposition, none relevance, fascinatingly enough the emotive is a fundamental particle of sorts, in other words there is a corresponding table of elements to it, an enveloping striatum of sorts, iron could be loyalty, faith could be silver, anger could be manganese exemplifying its oxidizing properties, and just as there is something as common as hydrogen you could argue that knowledge is one of the more common apparitions that like hydrogen is not the ultimate thing such as helium is, but that it is a very important thing, and now we are going to argue that it is not so important because adding difficulty is some times necessary. That is to say, things do not get simpler, they get more complicated, anyone that argues for simplicity is not getting the whole picture but only part of it, yes it is true that things can be simple, but the greater the scope the greater the diversity of interactions and in the context of those interactions nothing is simple, you can and may and will explain simple, the truth is not simple, and it is not knowable, and truth being the crux of knowledge you can see the self imposed finality in all that; much to its credit it will take a great of time before we develop the awareness that vanishes knowledge, thus its current sturdiness is for now safe.

But we are going to answer: What is knowledge?

Knowledge, simply put is the end point of any dynamic or the slowest point of any dynamic, it is where a dynamic peaks and it is then also where the dynamic ends or runs out of steam and thus solidifies into a series of characteristics that can be personalize or that is to say, that can become knowable; knowledge is also the extendable epitaph of the dynamic which gives it a history and precedence, the history allows the categorization and the precedence allows for reoccurrence, i.e. it is easier, for say, a human to be born into a universe that already has humans in it or at least a history of humanities within its context than it is to habit a universe where that aspect of being hasn’t manifested itself.

Desire essence, or any type of expression in the context of universe is first and firmest a dynamic, that is to say that what exemplifies character and characteristics is fundamentally a mixture of processes that congruent or not eject a presence, context, substance into being and into manifestation of such proportions that are noticeable and react and interact with the environment by either injecting, pushing, adding, subtracting, enveloping, etc and churning form into essence being, light is a dynamic, matter is a dynamic, you and I are a dynamic, the fundamental premise of these dynamic ends in characteristics which become fundamental properties of an environment. What is fascinating is that these properties are as far from the truth as you can get without leaving it, that is to say that any characteristics that are formed based on interactions and produced by the dynamic conscribed by those interactions will invariably be the least aspect of that which comprises their truth or any truth implied by alternate interactions, sort of like the least amount of evidence possible at the scene of a crime; that is to say that what ends up making up the thing we call the truth or knowledge is actually what is based least on any genuine truth, knowledge.

In order to know the thing the thing has to be analyzable, scriptable and well basically dead, you don’t marry the person that you know, that person bores you, you marry the person that remains enigmatic throughout your life, as soon as you can predict your spouses reactions, answers and responses, when they become a known you will leave them, that is the truth of that, you don’t want to know something so fully because then that very thing will bore you, your consciousness reacts accordingly because it is aware of how dull knowing something to its fullest can be, there is absolutely no excitement in that, there is no surprise, and the universe aggress with you, the universe requires, mandates an incessant amount of action, reaction and it doesn’t want anything to stay the same forever, including forever, thus the dynamics are incorporated into you, change is incorporated into you, even the most reactionary of forces require infinitesimal input.

This is where it gets difficult to comprehend, that the only truth is a truth that is within the nothingness and that such truth is not knowable as much as it may interest us to know it or as interesting as the nothingness might be unto itself. The nothingness has a steady beat but we are not, under current dynamic constructs, backward compatible to the nothingness, we are stratifying our existence in contrast to the nothingness not assimilation; and as far of that as we are compatible when we do indeed helplessly get back into the nothingness, we will forget the question and the point of the question or the matter, or anything of truth. A truth doesn’t question itself; inquisitiveness however well regarded is fundamentally a state of fragileness.

Next level. The dynamic springs out of the nothingness and constructs itself into any myriad number of subcontinents, atoms, dimensions, time, universes, matter, essence, subconsciousness, etc, but all of these properties, in so far as they imply a truth by their very existence do not constitute a truth, they don’t, because the truth is something other than what they are, we get only the silhouette of that truth, a process!

Spectacularly enough then, knowledge is a process, the end of a process constitutes knowledge and so you can take anything that comes into existence, into being, that manages to interact in anyway with any n number of things, and then say that when the cataclysm of any and all catalytic interactions subsides, begin to solidify, they construct a knowable effect, a knowable fact, a pause point, a diagramable attribute, as things settle they become knowable because of their stability, something about that should sadden us old.

Why does knowledge happen?

Knowledge happens because it depresses the dynamic to realize the extinction of its process. Knowledge is thus self-actualizing and a consistent reflective subjective pertinent to its own existence.

All dynamics eventually subside due to any number of internalize or externalize constrictions, that is all dynamic is final and as mentioned earlier in this book the potential of any dynamic is manifested at birth, anything after birth is the kinetic of that essence birth expression reacting within the processes of the environment that allowed the manifestation of the essence dynamic. At some point all the potential energy of any process essence physical or emotive or of other natures, will invariably subside as it is used up in the kinetic ricochet of existence. After which any observer will have time to look because the thing will hold still long enough for it to be observed and through that very observation abjectly manage expression of the final composure of the thing that once existed as a dynamic and is now quantified as a known observable, a relic of its former self, object, essence, knowledge.

Of what you know of me, you know the least, of what you know of yourself is the least observable from the least observable vantage point. The desire to know is a self-nullifying process because it allows a process that has peaked to continue in stasis. You know the dead but you cannot know the living.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What Do Souls Eat?

It is the silliest of things to look at one’s life and worry about that it might be no more than a consequence of some primal-desire-scream, and yet it really should feel quite alright because when you sum it all up whatever errant path we have taken is not only correctible but it can also be wholly blamed on our misguide emotive-essence and not us, that is not us the human beings that we are, not us the characters that we portray here in this life, but rather on our emotive-essence that is a long string, a pathway all the way back to nothingness; there has to be something immensely comforting about that, and yet there isn’t because when you think about all that we have done and gone through in order to get here, you sort of don’t want it to be a waste of time, you want it to count, you don’t want to be the faulty element of the experiment, we want the material world with all its trappings to be the right thing for emotive-essence types, and so for us it is no pleasure to find it all wanting.

And so it goes that because we need to be right in order to properly accept and more justify that we have fallen in love with this condition life, we must seek and find other life forms within the material construct, but there is still something more critical that must happen so that we may wholly justify our love of life, we must make it a default condition, and that we haven’t yet come near to accomplishing and nothing makes that so obvious as death, which may explain our unruly fear of it, but we have not obtained life as a pure condition, and we can know this easily enough because the condition requires infinite amounts of replenishment energy in order to accomplish its sustainability. But further evidence and more critical is that we do not support any multidimensional aim, that is that from us forward nothing seems to be happening, the spirits for instance support a forward thrust into the material but we are barely coping with basic existence much less could we further deploy our essence type over another dimension or universe or even another existence type.

What do souls eat? Haven’t you ever wanted to answer that question, we know they don’t have to work for a living, much less do they need to eat, souls are like the electron or any atom for that matter, they don’t sit around thinking “I only have twenty years to live.” No they don’t do that and why don’t they do that? Because they are self energizing, that is they are so graphically tuned and enmeshed to their pure-essence-stream that they are not worried about dying, not at all, they are more worried about moral questions, is their energy-essence being diverted towards destruction or towards edification, and since there can be edifying destruction they even have to worry about the sub context of that, and they are also worried about being born because if they are not born then they will continue to be closer to the nothingness than not, and so they want to move forward away from the nothingness but they are not worried about sustainability they are worried about everyday affairs, local things, eternity for them is not a problem they might live as long as the universe, they don’t worry about long term planning, they worry about today, everyday and not even that more they worry about the moment, this moment, this instance, because time for them is so abundant that it doesn’t matter contextually to think of the future, thus souls are largely dynamic creatures acting on the basis of what is happening right now!

Now souls might not worry about the future but that is to say they don’t worry about their metaphysical future, they do however worry about the future in our here and now, where you and I and the skunks are, they worry about us hence the reason why they attempt to manipulate our actions and deeds, and this is wholly another dimension for them, we are not within the context of the metaphysical dimensions we are outside of that, but both they and us have limited access to each others dimensions, partly through the breach created by our essence in the process of getting our expression, i.e. us, here, and partly through a natural physical bridge where all dimensions rub up against one another and so there are physical and metaphysical path ways in and through dimensions, and as such it is through those that sometimes a virgin can appear before us and inspire us to straighten our moral ways. Consequently souls worry about the future in other dimensions, dimensions that are moving away from the nothingness, and the biggest ache for souls might be that at least in the material we have not acquired another fundamental dimensional existence but rather that we remain highly localize, it is as if this was the end of the road, as if this were as far away as you can get from the nothingness, that nothing could go further away than here, this is the end of the universe, dimensionally the universe stops at materialism.

Or so it seems because we do fall in love with it and thus continue to admire the great material, “wow look at that planet, pretty all those stars, amazing this whole galaxy,” never mind that there are millions upon billions of those, we still seem to think that they are different, not even truly knowing if the only thing we are seeing is mirrored renditions of the same thing; and then of course there is us, the homo sapiens, unique and a handsome species at that and with a brain to boot, and not to forget nature which in itself is beautiful even in places as boring as the grand canyon, “hey look at the size of that hole.” We are impressed by this existence, this cannot help but panic the spirits because their interest is clearly understood they want to have meaning, they are not interested in material realities, they are part of an elemental-ergio-energy construct of the material already only that it has a life expectancy of 99999999999999999.9 whatever against infinity, spirits could in principle never die because even as they could default to the nothingness aspect of none-being the nothingness still keeps on regenerating the metaphysical, even if through pure-essence-naiveté “I want to exist!” or pure-essence-remembrance of things past, they are still regenerating the spectacle of the metaphysical and that has grown substantial enough that there are ever more and more soul essence types accumulating all over the metaphysical spectrum. Fantastically now they don’t know what to do because the presumed next stage material world has such a huge loss rate, read instability, that there aren’t enough body embodying potentials to allow all the spirits that want to enter physical existence to be born. Abortions and high mortality rates plus warring faction, not to mention species that go extinct don’t help spirits become cows or humans or chickens; and besides that it is not like a spirit that is born into the material wants to die at birth or young, in fact some spirits might not be afraid to cannibalize their mother so as to secure birth and survivability; their quest lets you doubt it is to get here, and like you once here to stay.

It is thus that we have not, you and I and everyone else here, have not expanded the material bubbles that most successfully allow us to exist, the metropolis, the ocean or the tropical forest, so as to permit more and more births and we still haven’t managed to populate other planets and that is of course not to say that other species or/and humanities or other emotive beings in other geometries have not been more successful at it, but at least from this angle it is obvious that souls want to be born and they are not happy with our attrition rates, the waiting line nor with the lack of advancement in our part to make a second default perimeter zone against the nothingness.

What we mean by default is that you may default to the position from another position, we haven’t managed that yet, you can evidence it in the metaphysical where spiritual-essence has managed to propel pure-essence into the material and so when you die in the material you automatically default into spiritual-essence without precisely falling back into the nothingness, thus there is a fundamental stopgap that has been created, a safety-net if you will, against the nothingness, we can die and still not end up in the nothingness, thank god or more accurately thanks to spiritual-essence which is the combined substance of all spirits forming a subconscious-net that captures all souls drifting back towards the nothingness and engulfs them in a conceptualization of spirit soul essence condition which is more profoundly a silent awareness of metaphysical essence embodiment and habitat. In short metaphysical essence has succeeded in constructing a self sustainable reality within the context of its perception.

We of the material haven’t done that yet, we are still construction workers all of us, you, me and the skunks, etc., we are all construction workers, except that we haven’t gotten to architect, we don’t have an architect to guide us so that we don’t just build a house without a foundation, we are still just building houses without foundations, and so there is no default condition to support our material existence, this is because we don’t have an innate awareness of the material, we don’t, we have an innate awareness of what is a human being, our essence, no differently than a cat essence that is able to accurately reproduce itself, is an easily enough condition to replicate, that is to say that we don’t have problems making babies and cats don’t have problems making cats because there is a default awareness of the essence-body-type, essence-body-type being how we personify ourselves in the material, and this conscripted character comes through us in a systemic series of murmuring ricochets between our material-essence and metaphysical-essence that have innately accepted the preordained characteristic of such and thus replicate cat and cat instinct, but the problem is that from there forward there is no further default, our emotive essence within the material only exists, hitherto, as a default for perishables! In other words it hasn’t prescribed itself as a mandatory necessity for universe and this is precisely why we are so uncomfortable here, there is no native feeling to this place.

How you and I and the skunks go forward from here is still a dubious endeavor and it is so because we haven’t introverted the knowledge, that is we are still dealing with knowledge of our material environment as an external, that is we have not internalized knowledge so that we can make our essence intrinsically aware of that material essence, for us the material is still an object, an objective object, secular and thus voided of us, thus the empiricists are born and thrive only in so far as they deny us and our subjective; we have not swallowed the material and felt it within us as we feel ourselves, we have not embodied the material with our pure-essence-emotive, and because of that the material continues to be something that has to be known; that is the problem, that is why the material has not made a default condition for us, that is why we are still at war in it and more against each other in it: rat against rat, human against human, human against whales, human against nature, we are killing ourselves within the material constructs because we are conflicted with them, we don’t get it, and that causes us to react in fear and with full blown hostilities and opinions towards one and all emotive types.

And in such light we cannot visualize a material default condition for ourselves because all default conditions must be internalize, they must become a subconscious generic-subjective-awareness that silently captures the essence that it wills to personify, such as the spirits have done with the metaphysical and such as the nothingness has done with simmering agents.


Walking Away From Paradise

As we continue to explore the universe we must then put something in perspective, ourselves; and by ourselves we mean all emotive beings, you, me, the pigs, the skunks, the penguins, the dolphins and the oak trees, etc. and then after that we could subject the universe to genuine scrutiny. But we must do it with tools that we are not used to using, tools that we have been conditioned not to use, the tools of the same aspect that most defines us as unique, emotion and our emotional caricature as it has been contrived by our limited scope of its exploration in space-time. Now you cannot pass judgment on those that have made us aspire not to be ourselves, (that is us,) there was good cause for their actions, being ourselves is not necessarily conducive to matters of space-time, our pure essence is emotive but the universe is not pure emotive essence that is just one aspect of what can be universe, and we are that aspect and all those like us are equally that aspect and formidably identical, but space-time has many aspects of self essence that are all equally pure and are only contaminated when they make contact with space-time, and so when you imagine our primordial essence making contact with beginnings in space-time you can imagine it finding itself not only in alien territory, you can imagine our pure essence wanting to go back into the nothingness, you can further imagine that at some point, and this is the more interesting aspect of this, you can imagine pure essence cutting into its emotional gamut so as to survive, you could imagine pure essence shutting aspects of emotive-essence down, tempering others, and maintaining a minimum awareness of self-essence-pure-essence, you can imagine that because the beginning went into the unknown from the unknown, we went from knowing everything to knowing nothing at all, and through some kind of mortalizing choice opted not to be aware of ourselves, that excursion had none of pretty in it, in fact it was ugly and much of what we saw in our first steps into the unknown had to be unpleasant to look at for it was nothing like us, and more egregious it was asking us not to be ourselves if we were to enter into its parameters. Such it was.

The implications of this are obvious, we may correctly assume that we came from heaven, a sort of heaven indeed as we were pure emotive types and had no conflict then between ourselves and complete awareness throughout the whole organism if we may call it such, and then in one inspiring moment, when we felt the horror of sameness and sensed that there was a universe or many universes or many essence types that were not like us, we peaked into the abyss of differentiation and took ourselves on the adventure as if it were necessary and mandatory for our essence being to instigate such, and in the process left paradise behind, we then had no choice but to obtain knowledge, and to forget the niceties of sameness in perfect simmering, as we had launched ourselves into the unknown and the only possible exploration of such was through the acquisition of knowledge as that is an external agent and can serve well where awareness and intuition fail to be innate.

But then we know that in order to obtain knowledge we must then categorize and deconstructs not only ourselves but equally our environment, which wasn’t ours anyway so it doesn’t really hurt the universe if we deconstruct it and categorize it, it just hurts us because in order to operate under the premise of acquisitive knowledge-power we must forget ourselves, we must do something which is equivalent to a miracle and a horror all at once, a miracle that we can do it and a horror when it vilifies us, we must reconstruct ourselves as none emotive beings, as material beings, that is we must redraw ourselves in the consciousness of space-time, where we recognize other things and they recognize us as construct-objects of the mutual acknowledging-encounter, that is to say that we mutilate our endemic relationship to ourselves and to one another and to pure emotive essence so that all these essence types become separate entities, and thus we have you, the monkey, the whale, the tree, the mongoose, etc… all same essence types reconfigured from their native emotive essence type into reconstructed object types that cater to specific segmented-representations of species types in the context of space-time; and so it is that we don’t know one another from same.

Of course we have had to do this, there was no choice, it is not like we could have done differently, any exploration into an unknown would have invariably produced similar results, it is not like unknowns tend to be welcoming, just ask the early colonists and settlers of any country or territory, there are no unburdened, free cost explorations into unknowns, none, that is to say that you can only have a perfect existence in solipsism, which is what our pure emotive essence type offers us all, a conclusive merging of all emotive types into a singular simmering feeling constitution that permeates throughout and has an unadulterated possession of its own essence, that is an essence that formulates its own idea of paradise because it is unrestrained within the context of a timeless and spaceless boundary where awareness isn’t possible even as the whole thing is fully realized and thus strangely fully aware of itself.

Yet even as that is the case condition formulated by our circumstance there is something that calls us now to have a greater comprehension of our self essence this so as to empower us further or so we must assume, though equally it could all be part of a recall plot mandated by the folly of our current material condition. We can opt for either version or contrive another or even make one up regardless the point is that we are being asked more and more by our supra-consciousness to be more and more in touch with our emotive essence and metaphysical, this was not asked of us during prehistoric times, it wasn’t asked of us during the stone and iron ages or the industrial and specially not asked during the technological revolution, it is being asked of us now before we prepare to embark further into the universal dimension through space travel and humane awareness, it is being asked of us now that are on the verge of scattering emotive essence further into the material. Action at a distance works at the quantum level, and it works at the supra conscious and subconscious levels but it might have some difficulties when it is placed in physical realities against the soul and the spirit of our emotive nature, and so maybe we are being asked to reenergize to become greater aware of those that are like us and to imbed them in our thoughts and hearts and spirits and to make them all part whole of us so that as we launch ourselves further into the material quest that we might have the revelation that regardless of where our endeavor takes us we are not alone and through that awareness we will always be able to recognize ourselves and thus to have an emotive true north in all space-time.

We cannot maintain that this is the only option even as it is the most likely and that makes us prejudice towards it, in fact there is the other less obvious but equally plausible alternative, that we are being recalled back to paradise, that our endeavor in the material is not reaching enough of a metaphysical escape consensus to overpower the natural tendency that all things have to default to their native essence condition, that either the metaphysical or our pure emotive type is issuing the recall and that through that ordained supra consciousness we are recombining aware that we are part of a greater contextual essence that harbors us all within its monotype construct, it is a oneness, and as this oneness tugs at us it will cause us to implode back into same types, deconstructing us in the material, making us in to souls, where if the recall is calling from the metaphysical we will forage our soul energy into different dimensions and constructs, or if it is our native simmering essence then we will all continue, including metaphysical types, souls and the whole of emotive essence back to our idea of a nether-nether, the simmering of emotive energy everywhere to make nowhere again.

Such it can be and so we must hold our metaphysical counterparts suspect, they are after all the routers of any feedback we get from the nothingness and thus they could be leading us back to the nothingness via their intermediary vibes, and if so it might well be in our own interest to stay put, there are not few but many arguments for a continuance of this paucity we call existence.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ripples Of Consciousness

There is something terrible in the realization that all things seek to simmer even as they contradict themselves with expression and that they seek to simmer by being more of what they are and repeating that over and over again, so that eventually you can see why things begin to look the same from all angles, that monkeys and squirrels everywhere will do pretty much the same thing, that there will be malls everywhere and supermarkets and Disneyland likes and that movie themes will be globalized and that even novels, thrillers, mysteries and mystics and clothes and cars and ideas and religions including politics will acquire a sameness throughout that will produce nothing original but sequels and this in turn will make it all very boring till someone manages to personify something different so that again the process of simmering can yet begin to erode it as it has everything till every aspect that can be explored consumes through exploration all simmering type conditions.

It is thus that in the masses we find no different a cause than in the pure essence nothingness, sameness desiring to acquire differentiation while in the process expanding only through same sameness; and so we shall attempt to focus here on the ripples of consciousness so as to reach an aspect of understanding about what makes the simmering happen so spectacularly.

The ripples of consciousness are largely imperceptible waves that appropriately ripple any type of consciousness perception throughout all consciousness type feelers, these happen in both the subconsconscious and the conscious, that is to say that there are ripples of unconsciousnees too, just like there are ripples of consciousness. Either operate under the same frameworks and do so precisely except that subconsciousness does not allow for obvious physical manifestations due to its fully simmered undercurrents, however that is the only fundamental difference. So our reader ought not to have a problem in drawing colloraries from one to the other.

When we hear the word inventor we think we have a pretty original being, when we hear the word genius we seem to know we have a very original being, this however is not the case, in fact we have a very common character in both because both characters are fed through the ripples of consciousness and subconsciousness. What both an inventor and a genius have in common is with the greater good that they acquire through a sense of two different types of mass consciousness, one internal one external. Generally a genius is one that is able to see what paradigm the essence type is functioning under, and is able to describe it in hypothetical terms, i.e. evolution, psychology or physics, etc… while an inventor is able to observe and determine the functional aspect of relationships, that is how to best associate our character nature with the natural conditions throughout a process type application, such as a vehicle for transport, refrigeration for the preservation of perishables or the Internet as a method of integrating various forms of communication or and sharing, etc… but while inventor serves an external condition that is a functional framework and the genius is serving a metaphorical framework, both are doing precisely the same thing, responding to the needs and wants and desires as those are felt through the ripples of sub/consciousness by the overall essence type known in this case as humanity.

This applies to all activities and can be scaled up or down or side ways anyway that you want, an inventor invents things because he is sensitive to the needs of humanity, he senses the discomforts that not having a proper means of transport generate within a humanity, when the frustrations of not being able to reach friends and relatives accumulate in the human consciousness the inventor seeks to remedy this discomfort, which is what inventor truly senses, through some insight into transport; the Wright Brothers didn’t want to fly like a bird they wanted the benefits of flight to be accessible to humanity even if they didn’t see it that way, even if they only saw the mechanics of it, I have no idea under what premise they were operating, some might say it was the thrill of inventing, the assembly of the machine, the design of a wing, but regardless of all those little things that come together to make flight possible the one thing that makes it truly possible is that the humanity has domino rippled its consciousness to ask for it, “I wish I could fly like a bird, I wish I had enough time to travel to go see my brother, I miss my mom, if only traveling didn’t take so long, etc.” must have repeated itself over and over throughout the ages countless of times, and countless of inventors must have and indeed have perceived that need to satisfy the intrepid in us all.

At first the ripples that sway back and forth like a sea of waves and currents throughout all of our humanity wants to fly but that is only part of the desire, in fact we don’t want to just fly we want to float, but not just float we want to levitate. That is what everyone really wanted to levitate, our fascination isn’t so much with how birds fly and flying, we don’t want to be birds we want to levitate, that is what we all truly want, but levitating requires a degree of personal oneness with the divine and the cosmic of such massive proportions that we would have to meditate endlessly and feel the cosmic force and this is not for everyday folks that have a lot things in their minds, instead we have to accept that there has to be an in between point to levitation and that could be using some device that doesn’t have to necessarily be angel wings but rather something else, and sure enough as a result of that grand gesturing imagination-wish of ours there is the dirigible, the helicopter, plane, rocket and with that we can fly for now till we get more of the type of consciousness that could let us mediate profoundly enough to levitate, flying then, as we know it today is a stop gap compromise, till we can levitate. So that what the inventor is plucking from the frustrated ripples of our true desires is not so much the true desire as much as it is the true frustration, we cannot levitate, why even Angels have wings, those too are a compromise.

So the inventor is one of the more practical fellows in the universe because he is drafting the solution to a frustrating circumstance, equally the inventor is a realistic valve releasing frustrated desire tensions and we ought be grateful to them for that but equally remain frustrated with them for they imply our limitations and by catering to them retard the true day of our fulfilling our desire to levitate.

But it is not just about levitating because levitating is easy enough to imagine it is really about traveling between two points instantly without having to go through space and time just like we did when, our primordial memory tells us, we were pure essence, without time and space; that is of energizing our essence, teleporting here or there or anywhere at will, which has some substantial advantages over levitating, as levitating is just a here and now condition, that is levitating on earth is impressive, levitating in heaven would impress no one.

But our point here of which there are many is to point out that it is actually part of the simmering condition that eventually makes us all able to fly, the mass will of the frustrated subconscious claims the ability of flight as essential and ripples this necessity throughout the human consciousness till it is grasped by the inventors and they then proceed to proclaim some level of success over it; and not to offend Einstein or Newton as they were geniuses but they have done no differently than our Inventor, that is to say that it wasn’t until the subconscious ripples of space-time and equally those that it superceded, for my dear Newton, not to offend thy Principia marvelous but genius must first combinely rippled through the mass so as to pass through your prism splitting cortex.

This is why Hollywood seems so much the same from every angle that you look at it, the Stars all seem identically superfluous glamour full of carefree intensity and for them anything is possible, specially one thing, their lives are not complicated by morals or by standards or by lack of money, no our Hollywood stars are commonly wonderful people, precious people that can do anything, anything at all, in the common material world they are not burdened down by anything, they may marry anyone and many, they can live anywhere in the world, they can say anything and seem luxurious at it, that is a Star like quality and it is one that our mass rippled desires kindly confer upon them, in general our common everyday lives need to escape the burdens of daily existence, our Hollywood stars and our Hollywood movies offer a false escape, an escape that is not possible but that we the may fancy; of course this fancy is common and as such in whatever guise it represents itself we will find it normalizes, that is that it takes the common denomination of the superfluous desires and expresses that, so that the script writers will fancy our fancy, and come out with what will satisfy the mostess in us all.

And so it is that our novels all begin to take on the same look and feel, there is very little surprise in the top ten of anything, the top ten movies and the top ten books all tend to be successful repetitions, and after all that is what mass appeal dictates but more it is what simmering mandates because nothing ripples throughout consciousness without the mass assigning its proportions.


The Integrity Of The Primordial Desire Scream

Now we can address a little odd thing, that souls should love life that souls grip to it like if it was the last piece of chocolate in the candy store, again all animal forms are emotive representations of a more genuine soul embrace that takes place across species and biology so that the actual representation here, say an orchid or say a bear or say you are all closer to a homogenous ethnicity in the more emotively saturated metaphysical where pure emotive essence is still, shall we say primordial even as it runs current affairs more so than we can here. So why is it then that knowing that our default condition is soul, as we surely perceive that, why is it that we continue to persist at loving life with such tenacity that we even wish to elongated even as with age it becomes largely a crippling and painful event.

Acidulously the immediate answer is obvious and we had already hinted at it in other chapters, life is blind or suffers a blurring of vision to its previous existences, other dimensions and metaphysical perceptions and so it has to love what is before it real and tangible, the fear of returning to nothingness is one that empowers our escape from the nothingness and souls themselves are endeavoring to be born into a more advanced condition from the nothingness so ours is not a lighthearted escape that can be turned off at will rather it is hardwired into our fabric, and further engrossing the situation we are not so sure that we default back to a spiritual essence which while closer to the nothingness is at least a silkier condition for our emotive essence type than material being; but we are not sure that our entrance into the material with the sins that we have committed here, or the necessarily driven transgressions have not sculpted us 90 degrees further away from soul essence and so upon bodily death we might end up in some kind of a limbo where from we might never recover, in other words we don’t know that the drive away from the nothingness henceforth, in one particular, manifested in the context of material existence as guided by the spirit conundrum, we don’t know if it’s effect ratio has been so successful that we have entered a whole other aspect of essence personification and existence that might not be able to retreat or unbolt itself back to soul essence, fundamentally we must fear that, but also we must fear that something in us has equally changed so that in someway we might be wholly at odds with the pure emotive soul essence that is found within genuine spirit types, so that we might have either a lasting and difficult adjustment process or we might, in retreat, actually corrupt the spirit essence itself.

The truth however is that the pure emotive essence cannot be corrupted, so our fears are wholly unfounded. This is because pure emotive essence sounds off like a trumpet from the nothingness through its pure desire manifestation and can only reach as far as that original dynamic will allow, thus the metaphysical representation is wholly inspired by its native primordial scream from the nothingness as we too, those inhabiting this and other planets and embodying the different life forms will invariably be nothing more than an extension of the primordial desire scream. The difference and our lack of clarity in the matter is do to the extenuating circumstances, that is the actions and verbs modulate our perceptions and change our aspect of perceptions not only so that we may see difference in one another but also so that we may contrast with the environment and so the mode of our actions create a discernable structure that makes our origins and their histories imperceptible from the whole of the cosmology that is embodied by all the other pure essence types which makes for an indefinable cruncher of awareness and comprehension.

At issue is that the dynamic interacting with the environment and its multiplicities will serve enough to confuse us wholly, and in that confusion what we may grasp is the immediate environment and that rudimentarily so, because we have no choice but to deal with real time circumstances and cannot orient our faculties to encumber themselves with the greater emotive consciousness and the substantiation of its metaphysical integrity. In short we have been overwhelmed by a reality that though less real and genuine than our own pure condition has managed, largely as caused by our own determined undertaking, to superimpose itself as dominant because of its immediacy, even so we are not temporal, our essence is not temporal, we are however embodied and guided by temporality due to the immensity of it’s immediacy.

We are not going to subject life to a cross analysis because life is all important due to its immediacy, before you can question your existence you have to feed yourself, you have to secure the environment you have to reproduce and avoid pain and distress, and while you are processing that you are not thinking of your humanity and much less about your emotive connectivity to fish and birds and souls. Life then becomes precious because it is the only place where you technically are, and since life appears mortal you want to extend that situation because again you are aware of it, and that awareness is local and what is important about that is that it is perceivable, that is that you can substantiate it, anything else becomes too ephemeral, there are spirits but you cannot touch them everyday like you touch life, there are emotive primordial energies but you don’t have them in clear sight even as they deploy your silhouette, you still have to reach to the cold, you know very clearly when it is cold and your ability to suffer spirits isn’t as certain as that, yes your pure essence is indestructible but you don’t really know that because you are to busy seeing that everything is destructible and suffering a perishing all around you; that is the reality that you react to, and it is somewhat real even as it is not as substantial and genuine as your pure essence is. Your body is just a toolkit to get through the exploration of this local enterprise which could be labeled a “material condition,” there is nothing special about it, in fact it is difficult to maintain, it is very fragile and it requires constant attention and care, it isn’t you, it isn’t what matters, and your soul would be better served if instead of extending your longevity your soul were allowed to recycle itself back into this existence, or into another existence, mind you that this existence is just one of the explorations that our pure essence is following through its escape pattern search, and it is not necessarily the best, the right one, nor the most lovable, in fact it surely isn’t any of that.

And here is something critical, we may have fallen in love with it, we may have fallen in love with something that is abusive towards our emotive essence, we may have gotten quite happy with the obvious immediacy, and it may well be that at some level the spirit world is trying not to let this material life continue to recycle itself, however it is possible to imagine that once a physical death takes place the soul that inhabits it immediately begins an imbedded algorithmic search for another womb to birth it back into existence, and it is possible that souls are doing this without ever looking towards the metaphysical but instead keeping their guiding energies focused, close to earthly matters, on the urge to reemerge into physical existence, thus the entire process might be on a fatal recycling loop and also it continues to grow because there is insufficient backward communication, that is accurate of our true conditions, so it is then that souls that have never been born continue to amass towards an absolute transcurrence into the material where they will then be caught in the fatalistic rebirth loop. And there is no more evidence needed of this continued amassing of pure emotive essence energy upon the physical-material than the continuance of population growth.

Of course we are being cynical when we say that, it could equally be that we are on the right path that things are working out alright and that the continuance of population and soul development of the material is valid to one and all hence its successful march forward. The relevant part here then is merely to point out that life is just one of the options for souls to energize, and that it has its merits mostly because we don’t know differently.
