Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Universe As A Third Party Construct

We devour the universe and that is not a bad thing for the universe, as the universe is made up of pure essence types that want to belong to it, that want to imbed themselves within its constructs, and there you have the magnificent of it, the universe being itself a compositions of third party components has no essence in and of itself that may give it pure essence type definition, the most gargantuan thing, the universe the most amazing thing the universe, is nothing in and of itself, it truly does not exists based on an innate nature, thus we can analogously say it and say it with all clarity of truth, the universe doesn’t exist it is instead the metaphor for all the things that do exist and that exist in a fervent escape from the nothingness and agglomerate in the gargantuan crossed referenced conceptualization, Universe.

Why we are bothering to note such a thing is also interesting, most of us are used to the treatment that science gives Universe, it is something with borders, as wide and deep as the Big Bang has had time to expand since its manic explosion induced hyperinflation hitherto. The implication is that there is another side and an outside and an off sides and a nothing and a beyond universe, that is that the universe has limits, there is a fence, a perimeter, it could be round but the latest findings say that it is mostly flat. I don’t know what a flat universe implies, maybe that we cannot go backwards in time, regardless our point here is that science has made the universe a thing in itself, and that thing Universe is composed of everything that is scientifically studied, of course science has not found the limits of the universe, the presumed edge, so it doesn’t even begin to question what is beyond universe, so science in its own right cannot go beyond knowledge at this time, for now the observable universe has all of its attention.

Religion has given us a whole other context to the Universe thing, god created it. This implies that God is not only outside of Universe but equally and more importantly can live without universe, can live outside of it, and therefore god does not need universe, he is independent of it, who knows why god decided to create Universe god has reasons which reason does not know and so we are left dangling in the idea that one day an all knowing, omnipotent god said “Let there be light.” And appropriately the radioactive universe was born. God obviously had some plans because he went on to create water, air, plants and animals and his final and lofty creation was the human species. Everything in the universe was created for the benefit of this species as we are all god’s children or god’s created children as much as that can imply parenthood and not Frankensteinhood, regardless our obvious demarcation here is that there was a time when there wasn’t a Universe, and so there was and is something without Universe, God for instance is a whole lot and as such must invariably represent amazing heuristics.

The beautiful thing about all this is the implication that there was a before Universe and that there is something outside of Universe and that Universe is created at some point and that by virtue of that fact it can equally end. I am going to propose something rather embarrassing, Universe is eternal, it doesn’t have a beginning and it doesn’t have an end, it has always been though not all of the things in it have been with it since the beginning of time, still others have, and why they are still around is as much a mystery as not really a mystery as the very longevity of the universe would imply that it will be composed of very old things and things that last eons as well. I am also going to propose that the Universe has more than one clock, that is that the universe has time frames that not only overlap but coexist among same frames of references and in parallel dimensions.

First lets deal with the implication of time, multiple clocks are necessary to explain an infinite Universe even as a Universe will not necessarily have a beginning or an end, the problem is that any universe will invariably have many entity representations within it and these are the one’s that predefined the events of their existence and by process their given time reference clocks. It is for instance possible that if we humans are saying that the universe is 1000 billion years old that in fact that is how old the Universe is for us, for humanities in general within the construct of Universe, and this would indeed apply to any and all humanities inhabiting the Universe as the primordial memory within us would go right to the very first time that our essence-type set foot on Universe and saw as far as it could see. The first definition of human that entered the Universe, we are all as old as that, because only through that first Vortexi incorporation could we identify ourselves in the construct of Universe which is actually a self realized identification, you come into being when you come into being. Equally everything else can have different clocks scaling from centuries to eons without imposing much of a burden on Universe as Universe is eternal and any measure of time within its constructs is irrelevant to it; we mean to say that the Universe doesn’t have an age because it doesn’t have an inherent clock other than the associated clocks crossed referenced by all entities across its boundaries and these crossed referenced clocks do not sum each other so as to surrender the first universal second of time, the moment an entity from the nothingness first whispered itself into a material construct; and they don’t do this further because they are non relational to third party constructs, time only exists for primary constituents, first person types, the only good thing about this is that you cannot age anyone else by your clock; you are synchronized through-out your vortexi, when we find other human like extraterrestrials we will relate to their time frames. And this is not to say that we are not in synch with vortexi that are not like us, disparities can be miniscule specially if the channel crossed from the nothingness unto essence something, was remarkably close in time-space reference, obviously from the nothingness there is no way to know this and no way to synchronize, it is all at best happenstance if it does happen; the implication is that the entire event and idea of species was a pure accident.

The reason why time is irrelevant to universe is that it technically doesn’t exist, but that is too easy to say, obviously we identify a thing called a universe, we can even define it for you if we have to, the universe is composed of matter, it is generally radioactive throughout, though it is equally and more gigantically composed of huge voids, it is composed of galaxies, primordial gas, and it conforms to the patterned memory of an explosion, every trace points back to a singular original explosion, a seminal distribution of elements, with basic geometric repetition throughout. What I am proposing is that that entity doesn’t exist, it is instead a construct of something that we have configured and that indeed other entity types equally construct so as to benefit from the apparitions made real by our imaginings and more by our shared desires.

The thing is that there isn’t a singe galaxy that matters to Universe, the Universe could lose 10 million galaxies and still be ok, currently black holes slam into each other and cause ripples of gravitational waves and frankly the Universe is no less for it, when our Sun dies it wont count for much, it doesn’t even have the mass to implode into a black hole, so you can see that the Universe isn’t going to register our Sun’s absence, it might scratch like a dog scratches an ear when there is a flea in it, but not much more than that. Again the point is that the Universe does not seem to acknowledge the incessant tumultuous events that happen within its geometry and we can say why, because they don’t matter to an entity that doesn’t exist!

The universe doesn’t exist, we, you, me and everyone else have made constructs called Universe, the Universe however doesn’t exist even as we wish it to exist, what exist is a number of entities that grip their existence unto the material world and construct compositions that appear as Universe appears, but none of these things exist within the context of a universal connotation, or more drastically Universe doesn’t exist in a contextually grand unified theory, though one could see how it could appear as such to the empiricists. Entity representations exist and “instantly” formulate the existence of their surroundings based on their entanglements, but contextually they exist over the bed of nothingness, and are not really cushioned by a Universal foundation in-between the nothingness and the something of matter and time.

Each construct unleashes time upon its surroundings because time is not independent of the Vortexi that come into existence, and so each Vortexi that rises to the surface of existence begins to tick a clock of its own making, these clocks can and may transcend epochs, eons, centuries but they do so based on the reference clock of all associated Vortexi, thus Universe has many time frames and references of time can cross each other in just such a way that two things can occupy the same point in space but not hit each other due to a partitioning made by dimensional time and not by special geometries. This doesn’t mean that time-space are not the same thing, as surely they are, but they can disassociate from their helpless coupling by going more in one direction than another, time has a greater energy requirement than space, space dominates low energy events and time dominates high energy events, the amplitude of space is increased by energy reductions, the amplitude of time is increased by energetic agglomeration.

And since any amplitudes made of time and space require that vortexi rise forth from the nothingness, determining the idea of dimensions and time and geometry, the default consequence of any entity is the degree of escape from the nothingness, the intensity of how its persistence demarks its presence in the concept of universe, a concept which all things in it will acknowledge but only so that they don’t have to name each other individually. It is not, there is sun, there is moon, there is species, it is Universe, it invariably has all those things in it but really there is no Universe, there cannot be a universe because that would imply that definition is macro in scope, while precisely the opposite is true definition is purely dependant on the micro, the universe is not micromanaged it is nano-managed, that is birth entities, persistent entities define its depth and breath of scope irreducibly. However remember that the plenum is the nothingness we have no way, you and I, no way of knowing how long the universe has been indemnified and macro-theorize from the nano-vortexi for these could be infinite inceptions, in fact it probably is indeed infinite, and we can speculate enough to say that it is because of one little obvious spec of evidence, the nothingness is of staggering proportions, evidence of the vacuum far supercedes any other evident object matter, the fact that it is so hard to go to Mars could be ample evidence but it is even harder for a sun to crash into another sun, surely it happens but the matter is that it happens so rarely, catastrophe is rare because the odds are so high against it, further the agglomeration of vortexi would logically simmer throughout the concept of space-time, and that is because the least amount of obstruction would be a requirement for any birth to take place, if you are fighting the nothingness to be born the last thing you need is a real enemy on top of that.

But since the nothingness itself is infinite then one can imagine that essence-types have been escaping from it just as long, there is no time on that frame of reference but you could infer that we are but a spec of dust in those speculative time frames. The point is that in the nothingness everything is instant, and that is equally so for a desire to escape the great simmering, the agglomerations would have to be compiling themselves for eons in our universal times, and more the Desire intensity had to have reached critical mass throughout the nothingness, thus you could imagine many big bangs waiting to happen.

If this “~” represents the vast nothingness, and this “-“ the something, they could in theory have very similar symmetries, differentiated by almost nothing, the alignment with the nothingness must be extreme, it must hardly be discernable what is and what isn’t, substance must be incredibly difficult to detect in any context, the rigors of simmering are sufficient pressure to squash any desired condition, altered states not allowed, so the any representation into the something of say matter must be contextually minuscule, and it must also be that any successful representation ought to be still more contextually nothing than anything else, however we must be somewhat fair here, any miniscule degree of contrast, of any type, against the nothingness should be highly visible and noticeable. You can thus free yourself from the idea of Universe and Universals and Universes, these do not happen, anymore than society or human come out of humanity and civic mindedness, it is the nano-entity that makes the substance things grander concepts, in the case of Universe, the Universe was never a concept or an end in itself, it was instead being-entities, existing and rebelling against the nothingness, that gave the concept of Universe allowance so we could grasp at this reality with greater imagination, that is a fact, but it is not a fundamental truth, Universe floats over the things that compose it but it doesn’t govern any however their interactions govern its existence, thus in some remarkable way, we arrive at Universe because an idea is still what drives our escape condition from the nothingness and irrelevantly that still doesn’t make the universe anything and more egregiously it is not even anything over something as basic as you and I. It follows that the idea of multiple universes would have to imply that the nothingness is not inherently pure, any idea of any other Universe will invariably be internal, there are no external Universes, even Universes governed by different physical laws would fall under the conceptualization of third party universe realizations. Why just the fact that you could imagine or detect an alternate universe automatically internalizes it.

Tinker with that next time you awe over the grandness of the Universe, ponder that there is nothing out there, and more nothing outside of it, but equally and more grander prosper with this thought, all the entities that make universe are more real than the universe and still they are mostly composed of nothingness and because of that greater composition of nothingness they have the tendency to be much more than Universe. And if you walk that truth tightly you will realize why, the universe is a conceptualization of escape entities that have thought definition, the third party relations of these is what makes universe, that implies that Universe is not based on priori, it is probably the first and only entity to not have a purpose, a mere causality that cannot know itself but merely serve as an awareness of those that compose it for still others that compose it.
