Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Non Build Up Of Consciousness

The beggaries of existence become more prominent when we begin to communicate with our metaphysical, it becomes painfully obvious that there are any number of possible existences, that our bodies are really a byproduct and not the thing itself, that something else propels us into the manifestation that we are, and that that something else is larger than we are, only by connecting back to that greater essence are we able to mitigate the damage done to individualism and self by the realization that life itself is but fraught with naught.

It is still however important to blindly love life or else we would never see any hope of the experiment prevailing and that is why we do become so enamored with our blood and bones, thus the reason why we are not very metaphysical in the here and now, we are not intended to be such, we are material beings and as such we must lose contact with our soul essence so that in this way we can be more accurately embargoed in the physical world.

In the endeavor to substantiate the complex set of ideals that make up a physical life we then have no choice but to drive away the spirit and to promulgate individualism and a self controlled and self propelled destiny, the very act of believing that allows us to forget everything about spirit, everything about previous lives, everything about pure essence and it allows us to then conclude not that we are the downgraded essence of a perfection but rather the evolving essence of something that is reaching greater plenitudes of a manifesting idealism.

However there is a kink in the process and that is that even if our existence is not precisely to our intent or to our interest, there are many things that can wreck havoc on our master plan, not that we have a master plan, we just, if you remember correctly wanted to escape the great simmering and we did it through something that has no planning capabilities, a combustion of pure desire; and so the problem, we don’t know where we landed, hence our complete and absolute ignorance of existence and thus our attempt to impose control elements over it, there must be a way to harness the reality that has been contrived by all the pure essence types in the context of the being-universe, only there is an added problem to that, all essence types are probably trying to get a grip on universe as well, the results are rather catastrophic, anything that we do to control universe and bring it under our knowledge tree will invariably effect the way that other entity types will react within the context of their realism, and now you will see that this creates an impossible calculus where even as all entity types have some awareness of what is in their best interests their perceptions of the self interests are being actuated by the contradicted or simply manifested self interest that continually emerge from feedback that is not necessarily based on genuine perceptions, the third party construct environment feeds back more information than the entity type is able to respond too, the environment has information that is not pertinent or native to the entity type, the environment is not static, and the dynamics of the environments are 90 percent wholly unobservable, that is the reality, we are on a train to nowhere but full of guidance data.

Oddly aside from the glorious fact that somehow or other regardless of what we do we always seem to default to pure essence type, so there is always a way to restart the game if we are losing. Hence perhaps why eternal reoccurrence is such a dogmatic theme in our histories, the fact of the matter is we are always restarting the condition of existence because we keep on getting it wrong, and thus the issuances of reincarnations, and it goes without saying that once we get something correct in this universe the existence we cease to exist ceases and zeros out in the tabulation process and a sort of material permanence will manifest itself however from the look of things around these parts it appears that the universe itself is mortal, that is to say that since it is contrived by pure essence types that may be at odds with one another and there is the rub of it and that causes wear and tear on us all, thus the corrosive entropy within the system.

It will not and it has not occurred to me that there is criticality to any of this, that is that the thing might have enough critical mass in anyone direction so that it will collapse at some point within the context of time, that is doubtful full, because it is more likely that all entity types have reached a compromise within the context of universe, it is not an overt or obvious or conscious compromise, rather the inherent, falsely or real, stability of the system has to denote that there is a constitutional awareness, a situational acceptance, and even an inherent laziness by all entity types to react, rather they tend to accept, rather they are willing to tolerate, and frankly they probably don’t have it within their powers to change universe.

On this subject now we can exclaim some frustration because we cannot hammer our any plausible reality that is going to satisfy any essence type much less our own essence type, that is there is no format within the context of existence that allows for a natural congruence, the opposite is precisely true, there is no safety zone, there are no emergency exists, and there is nothing that can prevent a wholly unknown entity type from combusting instantaneously and intravenously into existence and make a mess of this place then, before we have time to react, much less could we plan for it, and now in that gripping aspect please appreciate the folly of any manifest destiny that you had lockdown upon.

The only thing we can hope for, and it is a strange thing to hope for is that once we simmer back into the nothingness after every death or catastrophe that we will take information with us there so as not to have to start from scratch, however the gut evidence on this is scant, we would have to then presuppose that consciousness builds upon itself in timeless countenance, that is highly unlikely and easily ruled out, remember that time only takes place in the physical context, it doesn’t dilate in pure essence, so you have a very stubborn pure essence and part of its stubbornness is based on timelessness, and so it is doubtful that it will take feed back from us because that could be a contamination of sorts, it would cease to be pure essence. And so in our little game at existence we are fortunate, we get to play over and over again but we can never change the players nor the way the game starts, it always starts from pure essence and after that any more is not so much a strategic positioning but a shot in the dark, from that first move forwards we are stuck with the parameters and potential set by that initial desired combustion move, and as the move unhinges our preconceptions the game becomes interesting but we know it will 99.99 percent sure, not to say 100 percent but 99.99999 sure that the game will not last because it does not have absolute escape velocity from the nothingness, the nothingness will recover us and the game will begin again and again and yet with no prior knowledge or awareness of prior games, we know that however each new game is different but only because nothing can ever be the same in the context of time and space, there is always position variance and a contextual time disarray, and that allows us to emerge into consciousness as the place where the game will be played has moved in both space and time, and there is our wishful shot in the dark, that we might just hit the perfect game, where we will never have to return to simmering nothingness, and sadly the nothingness isn’t worried, such an elemental truth it is.

It can be said and so it must here that there is a problem for elemental essence if we do hit a perfect escape velocity from pure essence type, the implication is that in that process we would give birth to another pure essence type, this is of course highly speculative but only an elemental essence could sustain a pure escape velocity from any other pure entity type; and here this is what gets truly fascinating, we may arrive at the math that begets the splitting of one pure entity type essence into another, if the only way to escape the nothingness is to be able to become a default condition then we are surely in an amazing situation, we are trying to split pure essence and beget pure essence from it, perhaps hoping to get pure individualism out of it, and in that cellular division we could argue rests the populace of the universe. However this is too anthropomorphic and highly doubtful, but I think it fair to speculate upon it because it gives us visibility into a conditional existence even for pure entity types, which sounds onerous but bare in mind that pure entity types cannot be contaminated, they don’t acknowledge anything outside of their boundaries, and so the question of their creation becomes astounding, they cannot be created, they cannot be escaped, they don’t retain memories of universe, how impossible then is our escape condition? And finally you may now realize that we might be doomed into an eternally futile escape condition.

Such might just be our case.
