Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Friction and Simmering and the Vacuum

Cataclysms are ever interesting there is nothing about them that requires concentration yet they get all the attention. This while the simmering dominates, haven’t you ever wondered why there is so much empty space? Well I think you know the answer, simmering is dominant in any state of a consistent-representative condition. So why is it that tragedy gets all the attention? Because we are not used it. Could we ever get used to it? Not until simmering loses out to upheaval.

But there is the rub that we cannot ignore that is that all things do rub against one another, rubbing is important and by extension the heat that it generates, as all rubbing induces energy transfers, because it is how we detect one another through the carrier-dimensions, through the varying environments and through the emotive essence. Rubbing is a requirement for any type of recognition or acknowledgement and it is through both of those that we get manufactured and personified in any context of existence. Someone has to say, other than yourself, that you exist. Your personality type is characteristic of what you have convinced the universe you are but more of what the universe has willingly adopted as your personality type, which is why it makes room for you, space spans when the universe acknowledges new entities in their varying energy representations, the universe would only then contract if some of the character representations, that is those assumptions coming forth from pure essence, were themselves to withdraw back into their pure essence nothingness condition.

Generally speaking pure essence types want to exist and seek to persist accordingly, but then there is the rub that negates that, pure essence as it manifest itself in the context of universe is still always, no matter how far into the material, metaphysical or whatever essence and dimensional representation it inhabits and is adopted within universe, is still always, chain linked all the way back to the nothingness and rubbing against it, by process of awareness, more solidly than against anything else, hence the reason why any and all personifications within universe require such huge energetic quantifications in order to maintain and or advance within the constrains of universe. Your essence is always natively in touch with the nothing and rubbing against it better than with anything else, and this is because your pure essence nothingness is the mostess of you that you can be, it is your maximum concentrated self essence type in its purest form and thus while it rubs up against you, you helplessly give it the greatest access thus between you and the nothingness there is the greatest tug and the least friction, friction scales from there forward and you will always require foursquare the energy level for any forward motion into space-time, this so you may function at some 85th percent below that. Such is the consumption of existence.

The reason for the high energy demand is that when other things are busy recognizing you they are rubbing against you and that rub takes energy from you, the energy dissipation is what allows recognition, and of course it does work both ways just not always equally, a greater character representation could drain you of all of your representative energy before you two could get to know one another much less like each other. That is partially why things always cozy up to same types, because it is closest to an equal amount of energy exchange, the equilibrium allows for recognition and extends longevity in the context of the cohabitation required for acknowledgement, recognition, acceptance, and feedback to the universe as a whole of your mandated or needed presence within its boundaries.

There is then a natural and a given tendency to normalize not just because simmering is a normalizing force but equally because any degree of variables quantifies an exponential energy magnification that could end at odds with lesser energy characterizations and thus cause them to subsume back into their nothingness.

Also it is important to keep in mind that the normalization of the universe is not a bad thing because it allows for the greatest degree of variables to coexist even if as reduced versions of themselves, that is to say that the universe that you see today is fundamentally a compromise and very high energy machinations are bound to keep their distance from one another, thus the reasons why galaxies tend not to be close neighbors, because their energy agglomerations when in proximity to other galaxies will invariably be engulfed and rubbed into a nullifying energy aspect of their original character representation.

That correctly implies that all rubbing subsumes character in some context, any and all entities rubbing against one another in order to acquire recognition will invariably disperse a portion of their essence energy into the vast unknown, the empty space you see around you is composed of precisely that energy, that has been diffused to such an extend and into such low degree of representation that it doesn’t know if it is or if it isn’t and thus such energy can be imposed upon, under certain conditions, to represent something or not, generally however it will represent its default emptiness condition, which formulates distance, a very imposing aspect of a thing if there was ever one; that is to say and say it clearly that empty space, is not only the thing that represents dispersed energy that has been rubbed out of its character types and diffused into the spatial medium but also that that energy is the only energy that can compete with the nothingness for presence and scale in the field of what is and what isn’t, and even as the second greatest aspect of anything the vacuum of space-time is still insignificant against the nothingness condition that leads to character perdition.

Now here we must divert a bit in order to explain one critical deduction from the above, you are not made more of yourself, the environment is not made more of itself, nor is nature sustained by any external energy forces, there are no nature critter type Devas that sustain and maintain because all things have to come with their representation energy and representation essence endemically within, any exchange of energy will generally not add but simply extend the character personification type, thus energy is generally not cumulative but simply energizing, and the assumption made by some of there being external essence beings that work to build and edify and maintain the essence of say nature or you is wholly impossible, their energy representation would subsume in any process of building another energy representation for all energy representations in the context of universe must represent themselves wholly, you cannot change what you are, someone else cannot change what you are, you may however subsume and resume again.

This is because the universe does not allow for helper types, there is no welfare in the universe, however if it will make you feel better know that the universe feels compassion for everything within its boundaries even as it cannot change their essence nature nor the cataclysms that such may bring about.

Cataclysms then are nothing next to the nothingness and nothing next to the vacuum but they have all our attention because we are consciously awed by energy representation.

ricardo (c)