This is not a bad question for us to ask and after you get as far down into the philosophy as we are now it almost answers itself so succinctly that the very question becomes irrelevant. This latter effect is critical because it points to the possibility that there are many things that exist today that ought or might not need to exist, such as humor, sarcasm and even something so fundamental to our being as are “questions.” In other words just like the laws of physics approach singularities at higher and lower temperatures, such is also the case for emotions and consciousness and essence, they well have their own corresponding singularities. In the case of anger and happiness you could see how they are corresponding twins originating from the “same” capacity to feel even as they manifest themselves as completely different from one another; the same would also be true of knowledge and ignorance, they would correspond to some form of same consciousness that under certain, fundamental, parameters might not manifest themselves as they are annulled or declassified under a given environment, by this we mean that consciousness could be, and in fact is, absorbed into subconsciousness and is not to be needed, and since consciousness is a prerequisite for knowledge or even ignorance then you may well witness how those two could be folded into or outright cancelled out under a supra-subconsciousness state. Also it is important to note that subconsciousness itself does not defy feeling, but even feeling as we know it, could be put to a test by an underlying supra-subconsciousness that would have no apparent need to experience feeling and wouldn’t then give rise to it or to any of its apparitions. That would imply that feeling and subconsciousness can be one of the same, not that feeling is stratified and canceled, since feeling reigns-supreme straight out of the nothingness, though at the level of the nothingness feeling itself might only be a primordial desire without sense of expression and merely subdued into a patterned subconsciousness of desire.
Aside from the fact that there is indeed a stratification which some how manages to put all of the emotive energies into some kind of self imposed absolution, decomposition, none relevance, fascinatingly enough the emotive is a fundamental particle of sorts, in other words there is a corresponding table of elements to it, an enveloping striatum of sorts, iron could be loyalty, faith could be silver, anger could be manganese exemplifying its oxidizing properties, and just as there is something as common as hydrogen you could argue that knowledge is one of the more common apparitions that like hydrogen is not the ultimate thing such as helium is, but that it is a very important thing, and now we are going to argue that it is not so important because adding difficulty is some times necessary. That is to say, things do not get simpler, they get more complicated, anyone that argues for simplicity is not getting the whole picture but only part of it, yes it is true that things can be simple, but the greater the scope the greater the diversity of interactions and in the context of those interactions nothing is simple, you can and may and will explain simple, the truth is not simple, and it is not knowable, and truth being the crux of knowledge you can see the self imposed finality in all that; much to its credit it will take a great of time before we develop the awareness that vanishes knowledge, thus its current sturdiness is for now safe.
But we are going to answer: What is knowledge?
Knowledge, simply put is the end point of any dynamic or the slowest point of any dynamic, it is where a dynamic peaks and it is then also where the dynamic ends or runs out of steam and thus solidifies into a series of characteristics that can be personalize or that is to say, that can become knowable; knowledge is also the extendable epitaph of the dynamic which gives it a history and precedence, the history allows the categorization and the precedence allows for reoccurrence, i.e. it is easier, for say, a human to be born into a universe that already has humans in it or at least a history of humanities within its context than it is to habit a universe where that aspect of being hasn’t manifested itself.
Desire essence, or any type of expression in the context of universe is first and firmest a dynamic, that is to say that what exemplifies character and characteristics is fundamentally a mixture of processes that congruent or not eject a presence, context, substance into being and into manifestation of such proportions that are noticeable and react and interact with the environment by either injecting, pushing, adding, subtracting, enveloping, etc and churning form into essence being, light is a dynamic, matter is a dynamic, you and I are a dynamic, the fundamental premise of these dynamic ends in characteristics which become fundamental properties of an environment. What is fascinating is that these properties are as far from the truth as you can get without leaving it, that is to say that any characteristics that are formed based on interactions and produced by the dynamic conscribed by those interactions will invariably be the least aspect of that which comprises their truth or any truth implied by alternate interactions, sort of like the least amount of evidence possible at the scene of a crime; that is to say that what ends up making up the thing we call the truth or knowledge is actually what is based least on any genuine truth, knowledge.
In order to know the thing the thing has to be analyzable, scriptable and well basically dead, you don’t marry the person that you know, that person bores you, you marry the person that remains enigmatic throughout your life, as soon as you can predict your spouses reactions, answers and responses, when they become a known you will leave them, that is the truth of that, you don’t want to know something so fully because then that very thing will bore you, your consciousness reacts accordingly because it is aware of how dull knowing something to its fullest can be, there is absolutely no excitement in that, there is no surprise, and the universe aggress with you, the universe requires, mandates an incessant amount of action, reaction and it doesn’t want anything to stay the same forever, including forever, thus the dynamics are incorporated into you, change is incorporated into you, even the most reactionary of forces require infinitesimal input.
This is where it gets difficult to comprehend, that the only truth is a truth that is within the nothingness and that such truth is not knowable as much as it may interest us to know it or as interesting as the nothingness might be unto itself. The nothingness has a steady beat but we are not, under current dynamic constructs, backward compatible to the nothingness, we are stratifying our existence in contrast to the nothingness not assimilation; and as far of that as we are compatible when we do indeed helplessly get back into the nothingness, we will forget the question and the point of the question or the matter, or anything of truth. A truth doesn’t question itself; inquisitiveness however well regarded is fundamentally a state of fragileness.
Next level. The dynamic springs out of the nothingness and constructs itself into any myriad number of subcontinents, atoms, dimensions, time, universes, matter, essence, subconsciousness, etc, but all of these properties, in so far as they imply a truth by their very existence do not constitute a truth, they don’t, because the truth is something other than what they are, we get only the silhouette of that truth, a process!
Spectacularly enough then, knowledge is a process, the end of a process constitutes knowledge and so you can take anything that comes into existence, into being, that manages to interact in anyway with any n number of things, and then say that when the cataclysm of any and all catalytic interactions subsides, begin to solidify, they construct a knowable effect, a knowable fact, a pause point, a diagramable attribute, as things settle they become knowable because of their stability, something about that should sadden us old.
Why does knowledge happen?
Knowledge happens because it depresses the dynamic to realize the extinction of its process. Knowledge is thus self-actualizing and a consistent reflective subjective pertinent to its own existence.
All dynamics eventually subside due to any number of internalize or externalize constrictions, that is all dynamic is final and as mentioned earlier in this book the potential of any dynamic is manifested at birth, anything after birth is the kinetic of that essence birth expression reacting within the processes of the environment that allowed the manifestation of the essence dynamic. At some point all the potential energy of any process essence physical or emotive or of other natures, will invariably subside as it is used up in the kinetic ricochet of existence. After which any observer will have time to look because the thing will hold still long enough for it to be observed and through that very observation abjectly manage expression of the final composure of the thing that once existed as a dynamic and is now quantified as a known observable, a relic of its former self, object, essence, knowledge.
Of what you know of me, you know the least, of what you know of yourself is the least observable from the least observable vantage point. The desire to know is a self-nullifying process because it allows a process that has peaked to continue in stasis. You know the dead but you cannot know the living.
Aside from the fact that there is indeed a stratification which some how manages to put all of the emotive energies into some kind of self imposed absolution, decomposition, none relevance, fascinatingly enough the emotive is a fundamental particle of sorts, in other words there is a corresponding table of elements to it, an enveloping striatum of sorts, iron could be loyalty, faith could be silver, anger could be manganese exemplifying its oxidizing properties, and just as there is something as common as hydrogen you could argue that knowledge is one of the more common apparitions that like hydrogen is not the ultimate thing such as helium is, but that it is a very important thing, and now we are going to argue that it is not so important because adding difficulty is some times necessary. That is to say, things do not get simpler, they get more complicated, anyone that argues for simplicity is not getting the whole picture but only part of it, yes it is true that things can be simple, but the greater the scope the greater the diversity of interactions and in the context of those interactions nothing is simple, you can and may and will explain simple, the truth is not simple, and it is not knowable, and truth being the crux of knowledge you can see the self imposed finality in all that; much to its credit it will take a great of time before we develop the awareness that vanishes knowledge, thus its current sturdiness is for now safe.
But we are going to answer: What is knowledge?
Knowledge, simply put is the end point of any dynamic or the slowest point of any dynamic, it is where a dynamic peaks and it is then also where the dynamic ends or runs out of steam and thus solidifies into a series of characteristics that can be personalize or that is to say, that can become knowable; knowledge is also the extendable epitaph of the dynamic which gives it a history and precedence, the history allows the categorization and the precedence allows for reoccurrence, i.e. it is easier, for say, a human to be born into a universe that already has humans in it or at least a history of humanities within its context than it is to habit a universe where that aspect of being hasn’t manifested itself.
Desire essence, or any type of expression in the context of universe is first and firmest a dynamic, that is to say that what exemplifies character and characteristics is fundamentally a mixture of processes that congruent or not eject a presence, context, substance into being and into manifestation of such proportions that are noticeable and react and interact with the environment by either injecting, pushing, adding, subtracting, enveloping, etc and churning form into essence being, light is a dynamic, matter is a dynamic, you and I are a dynamic, the fundamental premise of these dynamic ends in characteristics which become fundamental properties of an environment. What is fascinating is that these properties are as far from the truth as you can get without leaving it, that is to say that any characteristics that are formed based on interactions and produced by the dynamic conscribed by those interactions will invariably be the least aspect of that which comprises their truth or any truth implied by alternate interactions, sort of like the least amount of evidence possible at the scene of a crime; that is to say that what ends up making up the thing we call the truth or knowledge is actually what is based least on any genuine truth, knowledge.
In order to know the thing the thing has to be analyzable, scriptable and well basically dead, you don’t marry the person that you know, that person bores you, you marry the person that remains enigmatic throughout your life, as soon as you can predict your spouses reactions, answers and responses, when they become a known you will leave them, that is the truth of that, you don’t want to know something so fully because then that very thing will bore you, your consciousness reacts accordingly because it is aware of how dull knowing something to its fullest can be, there is absolutely no excitement in that, there is no surprise, and the universe aggress with you, the universe requires, mandates an incessant amount of action, reaction and it doesn’t want anything to stay the same forever, including forever, thus the dynamics are incorporated into you, change is incorporated into you, even the most reactionary of forces require infinitesimal input.
This is where it gets difficult to comprehend, that the only truth is a truth that is within the nothingness and that such truth is not knowable as much as it may interest us to know it or as interesting as the nothingness might be unto itself. The nothingness has a steady beat but we are not, under current dynamic constructs, backward compatible to the nothingness, we are stratifying our existence in contrast to the nothingness not assimilation; and as far of that as we are compatible when we do indeed helplessly get back into the nothingness, we will forget the question and the point of the question or the matter, or anything of truth. A truth doesn’t question itself; inquisitiveness however well regarded is fundamentally a state of fragileness.
Next level. The dynamic springs out of the nothingness and constructs itself into any myriad number of subcontinents, atoms, dimensions, time, universes, matter, essence, subconsciousness, etc, but all of these properties, in so far as they imply a truth by their very existence do not constitute a truth, they don’t, because the truth is something other than what they are, we get only the silhouette of that truth, a process!
Spectacularly enough then, knowledge is a process, the end of a process constitutes knowledge and so you can take anything that comes into existence, into being, that manages to interact in anyway with any n number of things, and then say that when the cataclysm of any and all catalytic interactions subsides, begin to solidify, they construct a knowable effect, a knowable fact, a pause point, a diagramable attribute, as things settle they become knowable because of their stability, something about that should sadden us old.
Why does knowledge happen?
Knowledge happens because it depresses the dynamic to realize the extinction of its process. Knowledge is thus self-actualizing and a consistent reflective subjective pertinent to its own existence.
All dynamics eventually subside due to any number of internalize or externalize constrictions, that is all dynamic is final and as mentioned earlier in this book the potential of any dynamic is manifested at birth, anything after birth is the kinetic of that essence birth expression reacting within the processes of the environment that allowed the manifestation of the essence dynamic. At some point all the potential energy of any process essence physical or emotive or of other natures, will invariably subside as it is used up in the kinetic ricochet of existence. After which any observer will have time to look because the thing will hold still long enough for it to be observed and through that very observation abjectly manage expression of the final composure of the thing that once existed as a dynamic and is now quantified as a known observable, a relic of its former self, object, essence, knowledge.
Of what you know of me, you know the least, of what you know of yourself is the least observable from the least observable vantage point. The desire to know is a self-nullifying process because it allows a process that has peaked to continue in stasis. You know the dead but you cannot know the living.
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