Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Integrity Of The Primordial Desire Scream

Now we can address a little odd thing, that souls should love life that souls grip to it like if it was the last piece of chocolate in the candy store, again all animal forms are emotive representations of a more genuine soul embrace that takes place across species and biology so that the actual representation here, say an orchid or say a bear or say you are all closer to a homogenous ethnicity in the more emotively saturated metaphysical where pure emotive essence is still, shall we say primordial even as it runs current affairs more so than we can here. So why is it then that knowing that our default condition is soul, as we surely perceive that, why is it that we continue to persist at loving life with such tenacity that we even wish to elongated even as with age it becomes largely a crippling and painful event.

Acidulously the immediate answer is obvious and we had already hinted at it in other chapters, life is blind or suffers a blurring of vision to its previous existences, other dimensions and metaphysical perceptions and so it has to love what is before it real and tangible, the fear of returning to nothingness is one that empowers our escape from the nothingness and souls themselves are endeavoring to be born into a more advanced condition from the nothingness so ours is not a lighthearted escape that can be turned off at will rather it is hardwired into our fabric, and further engrossing the situation we are not so sure that we default back to a spiritual essence which while closer to the nothingness is at least a silkier condition for our emotive essence type than material being; but we are not sure that our entrance into the material with the sins that we have committed here, or the necessarily driven transgressions have not sculpted us 90 degrees further away from soul essence and so upon bodily death we might end up in some kind of a limbo where from we might never recover, in other words we don’t know that the drive away from the nothingness henceforth, in one particular, manifested in the context of material existence as guided by the spirit conundrum, we don’t know if it’s effect ratio has been so successful that we have entered a whole other aspect of essence personification and existence that might not be able to retreat or unbolt itself back to soul essence, fundamentally we must fear that, but also we must fear that something in us has equally changed so that in someway we might be wholly at odds with the pure emotive soul essence that is found within genuine spirit types, so that we might have either a lasting and difficult adjustment process or we might, in retreat, actually corrupt the spirit essence itself.

The truth however is that the pure emotive essence cannot be corrupted, so our fears are wholly unfounded. This is because pure emotive essence sounds off like a trumpet from the nothingness through its pure desire manifestation and can only reach as far as that original dynamic will allow, thus the metaphysical representation is wholly inspired by its native primordial scream from the nothingness as we too, those inhabiting this and other planets and embodying the different life forms will invariably be nothing more than an extension of the primordial desire scream. The difference and our lack of clarity in the matter is do to the extenuating circumstances, that is the actions and verbs modulate our perceptions and change our aspect of perceptions not only so that we may see difference in one another but also so that we may contrast with the environment and so the mode of our actions create a discernable structure that makes our origins and their histories imperceptible from the whole of the cosmology that is embodied by all the other pure essence types which makes for an indefinable cruncher of awareness and comprehension.

At issue is that the dynamic interacting with the environment and its multiplicities will serve enough to confuse us wholly, and in that confusion what we may grasp is the immediate environment and that rudimentarily so, because we have no choice but to deal with real time circumstances and cannot orient our faculties to encumber themselves with the greater emotive consciousness and the substantiation of its metaphysical integrity. In short we have been overwhelmed by a reality that though less real and genuine than our own pure condition has managed, largely as caused by our own determined undertaking, to superimpose itself as dominant because of its immediacy, even so we are not temporal, our essence is not temporal, we are however embodied and guided by temporality due to the immensity of it’s immediacy.

We are not going to subject life to a cross analysis because life is all important due to its immediacy, before you can question your existence you have to feed yourself, you have to secure the environment you have to reproduce and avoid pain and distress, and while you are processing that you are not thinking of your humanity and much less about your emotive connectivity to fish and birds and souls. Life then becomes precious because it is the only place where you technically are, and since life appears mortal you want to extend that situation because again you are aware of it, and that awareness is local and what is important about that is that it is perceivable, that is that you can substantiate it, anything else becomes too ephemeral, there are spirits but you cannot touch them everyday like you touch life, there are emotive primordial energies but you don’t have them in clear sight even as they deploy your silhouette, you still have to reach to the cold, you know very clearly when it is cold and your ability to suffer spirits isn’t as certain as that, yes your pure essence is indestructible but you don’t really know that because you are to busy seeing that everything is destructible and suffering a perishing all around you; that is the reality that you react to, and it is somewhat real even as it is not as substantial and genuine as your pure essence is. Your body is just a toolkit to get through the exploration of this local enterprise which could be labeled a “material condition,” there is nothing special about it, in fact it is difficult to maintain, it is very fragile and it requires constant attention and care, it isn’t you, it isn’t what matters, and your soul would be better served if instead of extending your longevity your soul were allowed to recycle itself back into this existence, or into another existence, mind you that this existence is just one of the explorations that our pure essence is following through its escape pattern search, and it is not necessarily the best, the right one, nor the most lovable, in fact it surely isn’t any of that.

And here is something critical, we may have fallen in love with it, we may have fallen in love with something that is abusive towards our emotive essence, we may have gotten quite happy with the obvious immediacy, and it may well be that at some level the spirit world is trying not to let this material life continue to recycle itself, however it is possible to imagine that once a physical death takes place the soul that inhabits it immediately begins an imbedded algorithmic search for another womb to birth it back into existence, and it is possible that souls are doing this without ever looking towards the metaphysical but instead keeping their guiding energies focused, close to earthly matters, on the urge to reemerge into physical existence, thus the entire process might be on a fatal recycling loop and also it continues to grow because there is insufficient backward communication, that is accurate of our true conditions, so it is then that souls that have never been born continue to amass towards an absolute transcurrence into the material where they will then be caught in the fatalistic rebirth loop. And there is no more evidence needed of this continued amassing of pure emotive essence energy upon the physical-material than the continuance of population growth.

Of course we are being cynical when we say that, it could equally be that we are on the right path that things are working out alright and that the continuance of population and soul development of the material is valid to one and all hence its successful march forward. The relevant part here then is merely to point out that life is just one of the options for souls to energize, and that it has its merits mostly because we don’t know differently.
