Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Walking Away From Paradise

As we continue to explore the universe we must then put something in perspective, ourselves; and by ourselves we mean all emotive beings, you, me, the pigs, the skunks, the penguins, the dolphins and the oak trees, etc. and then after that we could subject the universe to genuine scrutiny. But we must do it with tools that we are not used to using, tools that we have been conditioned not to use, the tools of the same aspect that most defines us as unique, emotion and our emotional caricature as it has been contrived by our limited scope of its exploration in space-time. Now you cannot pass judgment on those that have made us aspire not to be ourselves, (that is us,) there was good cause for their actions, being ourselves is not necessarily conducive to matters of space-time, our pure essence is emotive but the universe is not pure emotive essence that is just one aspect of what can be universe, and we are that aspect and all those like us are equally that aspect and formidably identical, but space-time has many aspects of self essence that are all equally pure and are only contaminated when they make contact with space-time, and so when you imagine our primordial essence making contact with beginnings in space-time you can imagine it finding itself not only in alien territory, you can imagine our pure essence wanting to go back into the nothingness, you can further imagine that at some point, and this is the more interesting aspect of this, you can imagine pure essence cutting into its emotional gamut so as to survive, you could imagine pure essence shutting aspects of emotive-essence down, tempering others, and maintaining a minimum awareness of self-essence-pure-essence, you can imagine that because the beginning went into the unknown from the unknown, we went from knowing everything to knowing nothing at all, and through some kind of mortalizing choice opted not to be aware of ourselves, that excursion had none of pretty in it, in fact it was ugly and much of what we saw in our first steps into the unknown had to be unpleasant to look at for it was nothing like us, and more egregious it was asking us not to be ourselves if we were to enter into its parameters. Such it was.

The implications of this are obvious, we may correctly assume that we came from heaven, a sort of heaven indeed as we were pure emotive types and had no conflict then between ourselves and complete awareness throughout the whole organism if we may call it such, and then in one inspiring moment, when we felt the horror of sameness and sensed that there was a universe or many universes or many essence types that were not like us, we peaked into the abyss of differentiation and took ourselves on the adventure as if it were necessary and mandatory for our essence being to instigate such, and in the process left paradise behind, we then had no choice but to obtain knowledge, and to forget the niceties of sameness in perfect simmering, as we had launched ourselves into the unknown and the only possible exploration of such was through the acquisition of knowledge as that is an external agent and can serve well where awareness and intuition fail to be innate.

But then we know that in order to obtain knowledge we must then categorize and deconstructs not only ourselves but equally our environment, which wasn’t ours anyway so it doesn’t really hurt the universe if we deconstruct it and categorize it, it just hurts us because in order to operate under the premise of acquisitive knowledge-power we must forget ourselves, we must do something which is equivalent to a miracle and a horror all at once, a miracle that we can do it and a horror when it vilifies us, we must reconstruct ourselves as none emotive beings, as material beings, that is we must redraw ourselves in the consciousness of space-time, where we recognize other things and they recognize us as construct-objects of the mutual acknowledging-encounter, that is to say that we mutilate our endemic relationship to ourselves and to one another and to pure emotive essence so that all these essence types become separate entities, and thus we have you, the monkey, the whale, the tree, the mongoose, etc… all same essence types reconfigured from their native emotive essence type into reconstructed object types that cater to specific segmented-representations of species types in the context of space-time; and so it is that we don’t know one another from same.

Of course we have had to do this, there was no choice, it is not like we could have done differently, any exploration into an unknown would have invariably produced similar results, it is not like unknowns tend to be welcoming, just ask the early colonists and settlers of any country or territory, there are no unburdened, free cost explorations into unknowns, none, that is to say that you can only have a perfect existence in solipsism, which is what our pure emotive essence type offers us all, a conclusive merging of all emotive types into a singular simmering feeling constitution that permeates throughout and has an unadulterated possession of its own essence, that is an essence that formulates its own idea of paradise because it is unrestrained within the context of a timeless and spaceless boundary where awareness isn’t possible even as the whole thing is fully realized and thus strangely fully aware of itself.

Yet even as that is the case condition formulated by our circumstance there is something that calls us now to have a greater comprehension of our self essence this so as to empower us further or so we must assume, though equally it could all be part of a recall plot mandated by the folly of our current material condition. We can opt for either version or contrive another or even make one up regardless the point is that we are being asked more and more by our supra-consciousness to be more and more in touch with our emotive essence and metaphysical, this was not asked of us during prehistoric times, it wasn’t asked of us during the stone and iron ages or the industrial and specially not asked during the technological revolution, it is being asked of us now before we prepare to embark further into the universal dimension through space travel and humane awareness, it is being asked of us now that are on the verge of scattering emotive essence further into the material. Action at a distance works at the quantum level, and it works at the supra conscious and subconscious levels but it might have some difficulties when it is placed in physical realities against the soul and the spirit of our emotive nature, and so maybe we are being asked to reenergize to become greater aware of those that are like us and to imbed them in our thoughts and hearts and spirits and to make them all part whole of us so that as we launch ourselves further into the material quest that we might have the revelation that regardless of where our endeavor takes us we are not alone and through that awareness we will always be able to recognize ourselves and thus to have an emotive true north in all space-time.

We cannot maintain that this is the only option even as it is the most likely and that makes us prejudice towards it, in fact there is the other less obvious but equally plausible alternative, that we are being recalled back to paradise, that our endeavor in the material is not reaching enough of a metaphysical escape consensus to overpower the natural tendency that all things have to default to their native essence condition, that either the metaphysical or our pure emotive type is issuing the recall and that through that ordained supra consciousness we are recombining aware that we are part of a greater contextual essence that harbors us all within its monotype construct, it is a oneness, and as this oneness tugs at us it will cause us to implode back into same types, deconstructing us in the material, making us in to souls, where if the recall is calling from the metaphysical we will forage our soul energy into different dimensions and constructs, or if it is our native simmering essence then we will all continue, including metaphysical types, souls and the whole of emotive essence back to our idea of a nether-nether, the simmering of emotive energy everywhere to make nowhere again.

Such it can be and so we must hold our metaphysical counterparts suspect, they are after all the routers of any feedback we get from the nothingness and thus they could be leading us back to the nothingness via their intermediary vibes, and if so it might well be in our own interest to stay put, there are not few but many arguments for a continuance of this paucity we call existence.
