The Rise of a Subconsciousness
We can start about the time when any type of consciousness rises to the podium, when it enters space-time, the very principle of space-time mandates that anything within its boundaries must be recognizable, that is that it must differentiate itself from the whole in some way or other so that it can rub against things and the very rubbing would acknowledge its essence being as it demarks itself through space-time with its native essence constructs.
Once consciousness arises it is because there has been a simultaneous arising of a subconscious that should have been born but a pico second behind any conscious effort, subconsciousness thus always precedes consciousness, we can thus exist before we are aware that we exist, the intellectualization or for that matter the awareness of knowledge or any precepts of epistemology premiere first and foremost in a subconscious essence, once the essence of a subconscious epistemology has been construed within the context of a given species, object, or thing then a process of categorization, awareness and knowledge can be constructed henceforth.
We can start back at the nothingness, the nothingness is all subconscious and it has no conscious awareness of itself, a precept mandated by absolute simmering conditions in any realm because that which is most endemic to you will be the least aspect of yourself that you may acknowledge, and generally this will equally be the aspect that you will have most in common with your kind, with your humanity and with species in general; there are even here the aspects which you have most in common with universe, carbon, oxygen, etcetera, they would have the highest learning curve possible as oppose to those things which were in one way or another not being naturally friendly towards you. Hence why it took humanity a long time to figure out that it had blood curling within itself.
In the nothingness then there is no aspect ratio for observance hence its low or lowest possible absorbability factor, and hence its name. And we know the thing names itself because the subconsciousness of any given thing names itself through the awareness that it creates in the process of observation, all things to have a name must be observable and that implies that their subconsciousness has slipped into some form of consciousness, this includes the nothingness regardless of how minute that might be for a cipher essence; for the nothingness it would be the lowest massification possible and thus the least amount of space-time consumption possible in any quantifiable dimensions.
But when a primal desire scream emancipates itself into a massifying aspect ratio, that is a reality within the constructs of space-time it instantly gives rise to a personifying subconscious based on the creative elements of that personification, that is the thing not only calls itself the thing it is but equally it sets the boundaries for the gamut of personifications and expressions that it can sustain within space-time. That is the subconscious of the thing, and it is one level of that subconscious, because the potential of a subconscious is not wholly manifested at birth, just like you can have many universes in the context of a physical existence you may equally have many subconsciousness within the context of a singular expression.
There is of course the primary, that is you and I and the chickens and the parrots have a shared fundamental expression that is emotive, we are sentient beings, the primordial desire scream that manifested us into existence darted out a sentient essence because that is the nature of our pure essence nothingness, however when expressed in the context of space-time that of course not only decreases in intensity but it is also warped by it, wrinkled in the context of space-time, that is to say that its personification is adulterated when it makes contact with the universe and that expression acquires a character type that is not only the cumulative base of the sentient essence but has now been warped into an expression based on the metrics of space that it has touched and how that has reacted with the whole essence; so that what you will witness will be a sentient essence that cannot recognize itself in the context of universe and a universe notices a discrepancy within itself that it does not recognize but that it must now assimilate and that is how the process of cognition begins so that either entity, universe and sentient, can not only acknowledge and distinguish one another, but more importantly reach a level of self awareness, consciousness, so as to personify action in the context of the new shared existence.
Now a subconsciousness is the given attributes of a possible existence and/or expression and these are absolute and cannot be modified, that is you cannot, even if you logic, as logic is a futile attempt at removing feelings from what are sentient beings born of a pure sentient essence, but you cannot modify that, you can wish it - such as logic is again a mere wish to depersonify, to disembody the essence type from its essence nature - but it will ultimately lead to failure because even the construct of logic is tainted by the sentient essence expression so that logic is in part what we suspect the universe to be, cold and unfeeling and wholly calculable and thus quantifiable but as we cannot feel the universe in the context of all of its immensity and symmetry it remains obscure and anything we logic from it will invariably be in error and have more of our perception in it than any autodidactic perception the universe has of itself.
This is because any entity in order to exist must invariably be self absorbed, it is because we are more witnessing ourselves and the pettiness of our lives that we can tolerate universe, that is by nature our consciousness is inward looking hence the reason for our anthropomorphic expressions of universe, but equally why we cannot move forward into the vast universe at a clippers pace, the horizon always leads back to our emotive constructs, the references that we make of the universe are based on our feelings of it, and the acceptance criteria that we have for any alien entities are based on our personification of self over any horizon, if we cannot see ourselves at the other edge of the universe we cannot see the other edge of the universe.
Our pure-essence which we could argue must have something in common with other pure essence types even if it is only that they are all pure in whatever guise they assume, rather they share something in common because pure-essence simmering conditions are not the ultimate default point, we cannot glimpse beyond the nothingness; our nothingness is surely a subconscious emotive range, at least for us emotive types, but it is being held together as such a concept by another subconscious essence type that has in it the ability to sustain a greater nothingness of absolute simmering conditions, and we know this because there is energy there, and we know it and it has been physically detected, that is it is not an ultimate condition, the nothingness, our version of nothingness that is, because it is something, in the end it is merely the most absolute simmering condition of a given subconsciousness that we may detect, but it is not ultimate because it is energy based, an ultimate and absolute default condition, something throughout it, within it, and devoid of distance and time, but wholly embodied within the sustainable simmering conditions of all things, has to, in the end, have that in common with all other simmering type conditions and it is therefore not only a more fundamental aspect of existence even if it doesn’t have us at last within its mandates, that is that we might only live at the border, that we might be the leaches of existence, that is how it well might be. And so you and I and anything hitherto personified must be able to perceive that there is something more fundamental than you, something that can exist beyond you, and something that existed before you and that that type of subconsciousness does not warrant your existence in any context but rather that your existence is a happenstance within its context and that energy as we know it might be in the same light as us.
A subconsciousness is then a prerequisite for all demarcations of existence, determining as such the range and gamut of tolerances and experiences possible; and because of that there can be subconsciousness within subconciousness and so on add infinitum. However there thus follow that while all sentient creatures share one another’s subconscious indolence and not necessarily share that subconscious with the rest of universe, that beneath that there is pure essence simmering and that structure in and how it is manifested is thus shared though not necessarily observed fundamentally simmering symmetries within its properties while still adhering with other pure essence types that may have nothing in common but for simmering structure; and yet below that realm they must have something else that is yet greater in common but which neither of them can or may perceive, or that is by its very unique nature wholly undetectable by such things as energy types! We are thus limited by our energy condition because we can only observe same conditions, the known universe is suppose to be only 10 percent of universe and we can suppose that it is so because we do not have the capability to detect the unknown universe even as it is a fundamental prerequisite for our existence type which in and of itself is not fundamentally a requirement for any subconscious type representation.
Further we must postulate that there are genuine and absolute zero energy conditions that we are terminally oblivious to, and that those conditions could in fact be more genuine than any presupposed or manifested energy type condition. In short there might be a real nothingness out there that is both gargantuan and infinite and completely undetectable within any energy construct. But it doesn’t stop there, if we are not an absolute part of the composure of a greater and gargantuan absolute zero energy nothingness we must suppose that our energy too will join absolute zero, that is that we exist because simmering has not yet maximized its terminal condition where from no subconsciousness may manifest itself.
It is thus always possible for us to conclude the following about subconsciousness: that it precedes any consciousness type, it is not that consciousness rises first and that such awareness creates a subconscious undertow, on the contrary a subconsciousness is prerequisite for any type of consciousness because there has to be a precept value in order for any type of awareness to arise.
A subconsciousness is an inherent priori to any type of existence and or kind such as say species, that is being mandates a supra-being-subconsciousness that is generic and encompasses all beings.
There are other subconsciousness types within the supra-being-subconsciousness that apply in varying degrees to species so that being has a supra type subconsciousness while there is a concentric set of subconsciousness within that that governs species types; remembering that species is not saying the same as souls, so that souls have an inherent subconsciousness also that governs their type of metaphysical and it follows then that from species there is also a particular subconsciousness that mandates a particular specie say rabbits, to act as their default essence type mandates, so that all rabbits will be seeing to reflect the same behaviors and mannerism across their specie as based on their tier of subconsciousness.
A subconsciousness is dynamic based on the experience of the being that it governs, that is if a rabbit eats a poisonous mushroom then the memory is not lost to the rabbit specie subconscious rather that death type is registered and the next generation of rabbits are unlikely to want to eat that type of mushroom.
A subconsciousness can and will cancel out its own specie type if the environment is not favorable to it, that is a specie may cease to procreate because the greater specie subconsciousness will not consider the situation favorable for continued population, thus Russians stopped reproducing, there being a crisis in their national subconsciousness when the Soviet Union collapsed, thus the national psyche as fed by the national subconsciousness culled the birth rate. And this was in part because souls themselves as governed by their subconsciousness were not willing to be born into such a distraught environment.
A species type that goes extinct remains in the greater memory of the supra-being-subconsciousness thus it could sprout again when the conditions are favorable to its specie subconscious type. Equally once the nothingness has provided an energy quotient for any type of desire being such energy potential remains as a superposition in the context of the overall nothingness and that desire potential is accessible from any dimensional aspect position.
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