Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Mass Uniqueness Of Essence Representation & The Emotive Volume Boundary

The propositions of the emotional universe are significant but there are boundaries and these are the most difficult to draw but we must attempt it in order to orient ourselves though that wont guarantee anything proportionally beneficial to us, in other words even if the event horizon where emerges the limits of how we as an emotive essence can effect the universe were known and we could communicate such to our insensitive metaphysical counterparts there is no guarantee of effect-action possible within that context, this is not like science where if you know how something works you can change it or cause it to react differently, the constructs of these boundaries are far more real than that, and so they are more complicated, they are comprised of too many subject variables that have accepted those boundaries and so it is very difficult to deconstruct or to modify any of them at will; while in science everything can be changed and modified due to its provinciality the same is not true for origins, for anything that you can touch and change with your touch is the least genuine of things.

First part, that we must comprehend though it be difficult is that the boundaries are everywhere, right underneath your feet, near your face, next to the sun, within the sun’s core and in every dimensional space and time and aspect thereof, there the limit is inherently represented, thus this is not like a fence that you can draw around the solar system or the galaxy or even a group of galaxies and say: within this square area of space the conditions permit emotive representations such as chickens and cows and octopuses, no it is not quite like that, rather every point has the demarcation outlined within its own definition and may permit it or not and if it permits then the emotive essence may represent itself in a context of volume that gives it energy representation and substantiation. And so figuratively speaking we can refer to an emotive volume boundary which can be interspersed with non emotive volume boundaries or more accurately other type volume boundaries, it is the other type volume boundaries that gives us disparate origins, that is that fragment us and cause us to distinguish between a subjective universe, that is the concept of space time that is ours, and the concept of space time that is another’s, and so is born from such a voluptuous indifference, even as it isn’t indifferent but rather because of its personification a very highly defined essence type within the constructs of space-time that rather than react or interact with other volume boundaries encapsulates its field of action through those boundaries as if they didn’t exist at all, thus space-time may have volume representations agglomerated within other volume representations and the interaction between these may go unperceived, however unperceived does not imply that there isn’t some gravitas that induces interaction and makes one medium detectable through the other and so on for all mediums explicit within volumes.

The precious of these strange type of borderless borders is that the same space-time can be used for many types of representations so it is a rather compact package as long as the representations do not imply sameness or twin identity types for these would be mutually exclusive, you cannot have two emotive essence types, in fact the universe takes care of this odd rule in a fancy way, two emotive essence types that are the same do not exist at all! That is something that we ought to consider as fantastic as it sounds, the exclusivity of types rings from the fact that any essence that springs from the nothingness through an emotive desire type manifestation say, immediately becomes tied to any other emotive essence type that has already manifested itself in any type of time-space construct and it also becomes entangle with all of its histories and experiences so that it will not differentiate itself from any other emotive essence type that may have been born eons before or eons after. That level of synchronicity is blindingly enigmatic but it happens everyday in the universe even at primitive levels where a child born is instantly crafted into the same essence types of all children born within the same time frame and will have within it the historical constructs of its species type and this applies easily across all species thus there are no two same species.

All these serves up boundaries of perhaps a different sort than those we are used to when we refer to perimeter, border or/and fences but they are still borders in the sense that even as they are violated through same space occupations and simultaneous time and dimensional habitations they construct a different aspect representation; and that does imply precisely what it implies that you have space within you, that you have time within you, that you have octopus within you, that octopus outside of you probably doesn’t exist, and that the very environment arrives to you through you and magnificently so it personifies itself outside of you, so that to a large extent the space that you see before you and the me that you see before you is extended into your field of vision and awareness through your essence type, and it might not touch it, but somehow it does and the inverse of all that is equally manifested hence the reason why I can eat octopus and octopus can eat me.

Imagine if you will that your pores are vacuums of space that permit any other number of things to exist, and that because of that many things do in fact exist there that don’t touch you and that rightly may claim that they don’t know who you are because they float within the minute atmospheric distances of the cavernous area of your pores, but now imagine that they can compute that there is some kind of magnificent space within them as well and that other things themselves make their existence there within, and the process is actually inexhaustible and mind-boggling in infinitudes and magnitudes, and much to their fortune all representations are mutually exclusive so there can be many and amazing things occupying the same space and time that we occupy but there cannot be another same type essence manifestations within us or within our universal boundary.

And this implies something which while not wholly what it means is still a little better than what it could mean, and that is that there is some form of uniqueness in the universe though it is amassed in a concept or mass essence types, as there are emotive masses and subdivided into species, the emotive construct is in itself unique to itself, that it cannot be recognized as an individual does not preclude it from uniqueness and that may permit those of us that want to feel special to graft some satisfaction out of the existence that we represent, in that we are unique in the massness of our emotive essence, there is no other mass like it, none! In the same manner the sun is all suns but there is only one manifestation of sun type essence and that restricts any furthering of such types with the absence of any in all; and much to the disliking of monotheism the same applies to any and all gods, there are no two gods, all gods are the same god, but if you think it about it the monotheistic followers should equally be pleased by that, they will only be unhappy in that they will not know how to unify the thousands of gods into a single comprehensible whole, and also the division and multiplicity of gods implies an incomprehension of same type essence.

This is a very critical testament and not to be taken lightly, that means that replication is impossible, it means that one sun has within its essence all suns, it implies that there are no unique suns but that there is a unique sun mass representation type and that this type cannot be replicated! But why it cannot be replicated is the beautiful of it, it cannot be replicated because anything that approximates sun types is able to assimilate all sun types and thus any desire essence forthcoming from the nothingness and seeking to express its virtuous light generating fissions will invariably acquire all similarities and helplessly manifest itself as a mere Sun in the elemental context of all the Suns in the universe. Though that is not to say that Sun is unique in its ability to stream energy throughout the universe, there are other expression types that may also amass and distribute energy such as quasars and neutron stars and even as a neutron star might well be an evolution from Sun types it harbors an inherently unique species type.

And not to thinly stretch this truth any further we can thus conclude that there is a natural boundary within the context of essence types and within the context of species and within the context of even such mundane things as ideas but that is not to say that they are not somehow doing the same unique boundary creating thing, essence representation, which is unfortunately a type of aggravated nullification of variety in the grand context of things.


The Great Forgetting & The Unviable Chess Game Of Life

As I had briefly mentioned earlier religions are raw evidence that there is a spiritual world, they might not be anything more than exhibit R, that is we don’t need to suppose that while religions are the product of a spiritual truth that doesn’t mean that the way that religion was interpreted and crafted is necessarily right or beyond reproach or question; you can review a bible and see in it equal amounts of goodness and badness. But the very important thing about religions is that they point to that alternate truth to the material world, the spiritual truth, the truth that might be more true than any other truth that we have seen manifested; and this is particularly important for us because any religious truth is more likely to be unique to our emotive essence, that is the material might be shared between any number of subjective entities that partake in it, but religion might be a concept that is only ours, this because we conjure religion out of our emotive essence consciousness.

When we read bibles some of us see history, others see the word of god, others see justice, others see love but one thing which most certainly we can all witness is the continuity of the faith, that religions have superceded most agencies in survivability that in fact religions have lasted, and just like Universe simmers it seems that when you search far and wide and look deeply into religion what you see is more or less the same thing, there is evil, there are dark forces, there is good and goodness, there is love, nurturing and there is prophecy and there is miracle and there is a moral right, a guiding divine will that is the subject of light, and there is a powerful will behind them, god or many gods; though some religions have evolved the multiplicity of gods into one, that perhaps comprises all the other gods, the similarities between religions tells us that their origins have same desire types and that their likenesses throughout the world have been not just a great simmering, though that undoubtedly is a large aspect of what we have today, but rather also that their same origins precluded their simmering and thus it is that many gods can coalesce into one and such would be a simmering, or that many gods as in Buddhism could equal a sort of cohabitation type simmering.

There was a great fragmentation from the spiritual in the transcurrence into the material, when we became living beings our essence manifestation divided itself and also fragmented its consciousness, the process was localized by the separate experiences and so there could be many religions where there was only one, everyone was trying to reintegrate into their same essence type, pure essence, but of course since they were witnessing and experiencing different localize environments and different trials and tribulations the results, within material, would have to be rudimentary approximations of the greater machinations that could be inspired from such an attempt at normalizing spirit as felt in the material and as realized within its inner constructs, which by their very strict and hardened essence do not readily or necessarily grant access to the spiritual realm.

The great fragmentation that took place could easily be necessary, spiritual beings feel too much, they are after all closer to pure emotive essence and we material beings are definitely further than they are from the pure emotive energy that begets us all; the material, because it has hardened is a rough going, it isn’t so much that it is temperamental as much that it is set on its ways, when an asteroid hits the earth it will be routine, very much routine, there wont be any point in crying over the dead, we are an ant farm, the universe wont largely take notice of any settlement made naught by an asteroid, in fact it would be to quibble with astronomical realities if the universe were to notice us, the universal simmering mandates that the universe only harbor things that don’t altercate it, the consciousness of the universe is all subconsciousness, there isn’t room for any alert moments in the universal subconsciousness, everything must be inherent and endemic and it has to reach a level of repetition where any one thing doesn’t matter because it will not effect the balance or the simmering equilibrium that has aggrandized itself to breath Universe.

We must thus realize that our pure essence isn’t as settled, it might be a younger participant in the universe than other essence types, thus the immediate reaction by an internal observer is that our frustrations with universe and specially our limitations within universe imply youthful naiveness on our part, we are thus somehow still reaching our own simmering condition within the context of universe and it is even possible that we are still erupting our manifestation of emotive desire into universe, thus far from simmering, so all of these could have an effect reality that hinders not only our comprehension of universe but equally and to a greater degree of ourselves. A thing in action doesn’t become aware and awareness requires a certain degree of stillness which is why action is the abortion of thought.

Our spiritual counterparts, those of us emotive types still transversing through the metaphysical plain are indeed older at what they are doing than we are since we entered the material we became novices in our field of action compared to where we are or were in the spiritual realm, that has successfully not only stayed above the fray with our nothingness but have also successfully induced a furthering entrance into the material world, that implies everything imaginable, that our new essence type is a furthering from the spiritual and a permutation into the material antics which you and I are just learning to cope with and thus barely appreciating. Hence the love of life, that there is such a blind love for life is not without its merit even as it might well be wholly unjustified. It might well be that we are made to love it so that we stay true to the course, currently any love of life seems highly suspect and it is probably not naturally induced, and there in itself might well be the justification of the great forgetting, why we don’t remember or are made not to remember where we come from the great erasure of our cosmic memories implies that we don’t have a reference point other than life to judge existence by; that serves up a great deal of confidence for us staying here, in the known, as oppose to grappling with the greater unknown which is largely not so unknown as it is a great forgetting.

Of course this event of the great forgetting occurs only at our material level and it is an outcome of the absolute transcurrence that takes place from the metaphysical into the material, but our metaphysical is conditionally aware of us, that is there is certainly a predefined awareness of our existence in the material world because any transcurrence has to allow the seepage of soul essence which is what, in whatever minute quantity, substantiates and energizes our material beings, ergio energies must channel across any and all dimensional divides so that they may invigorate existence, any horse, any bird, any elephant, any animal including you is being suffused with our native emotive energy from here all the way back to the nothingness where from it explodes with pure desire.

But as we were saying, the souls know of us more than we know of them, forward vision is easier than backward vision, the metaphysical senses us, however it is equally not a perfect communication, and so when they inspire in us a bible so that we may live according to divine principles that cater to our love-emotive type they screw it all up because their perceptions of our material world condition are not precise, they are guessing, they don’t know the complexities of our daily existence, and so they can demand explicit following of moral codes that have no basis in our realities, or they may use concepts such as the concept of an all knowing and powerful and vengeful god attempting to cater to our realities so us to impose metaphysical justice, this however fall a foul here and we remain conflicted by the incessant contradictions of our religions and bibles and prophets partly because we don’t get it and partly because they don’t apply and partly because they were inspired and written with good intent by what are technically aliens, souls like us that are still inhabitants in the metaphysical.

Further the situation is not helped any by the creep of free will, god it is said gave us free will, this was really not so much a doing of god as was a happenstance of the transcurrence from the metaphysical into the material, we lost touch, the great forgetting didn’t give our metaphysical base any hope of retaining a modicum of control over our material lives, just imagine if the King of England had trouble with the colonies, nothing to say about a metaphysical that is not very much welcomed by primetime. The issue here is that we have lost a great deal of touch, specially those that are near/near types they have practically adopted the material world as their mainstay and have no regard for the metaphysical and these types because they are more alert to the here and now benefit greatly from their belief and so indeed serve to further detach us all from the greater metaphysical. However the metaphysical understands this and does try to manipulate the situation back to its favor, after all material/economic homo sapiens isn’t necessarily a good model to move forward with, so spirits are constantly feeding us a sort of combined idea of destiny as they alter and insert themselves into our actions, however the attempt is as crude as it could be hence the horror in execution of our material intensity.

If you would like a clearer picture of it think of it this way. The pieces of material existence have been crafted by our emotive-metaphysical, the pieces are well constructed and they were placed on the chessboard by spiritual essence as it was desiring to further its escape from the nothingness-simmering through pure desire. However the spirits don’t know what is really ahead of them in the material world, the concepts of space and time are new to them, their wisdom is suspect as they are merely an escape-desire and not necessarily anything logical or capable of learning in the way that we do so here, and this entity crafted our entrance into the material full of indolent aspirations but not much more. As the pieces are placed, born, reincarnated onto the chessboard, think of it as the material, the board itself is an ever changing landscape full of physical constrains not fully understood by the spiritual realm and equally misunderstood by the new inhabitant chess pieces, that have never had to play in a localize environment with a particular set of rules and physical properties that have finalities and causalities to them, where you have to eliminate your desires and accept external realties in order to survive. Now the game board is moving changing terrain, the metaphysical has managed enough understanding simply to place the pieces on the board, a few souls get sacrificed to the cause of embarking in the material exploration, and the metaphysicians are confident that it is a step in the right direction that is further away from the simmering perfection, and that it surely is for the emotive beings that are now manifested within it, find it every bit perplexing, but it gets a little better than that, now the pieces get moved by the metaphysicians, and the metaphysicians are being intuitive about their move but also keeping somewhat true to their own origin’s essence logic which doesn’t necessarily apply in the material world, any move they make with the earthly chess pieces has an equal chance of being a bad and wrong move as it has of being a good or interesting move, but the complexity of this game doesn’t just rest on a poorly aware metaphysician player and an ambiguously changing landscape, it rest on something more fascinating, the goddamned chess piece has an ability to reinterpret the move of the metaphysician player, it can execute true to the players wishes or it can execute based on its own whims, or the circumstances of the physical material environment could force it to move differently; the intricacy is multiplied because the communication between the material and metaphysical is not backwards compatible, the piece doesn’t understand legacy because it thinks itself unique and special and supreme in some ways, and it is boldly going towards knowledge and materialism following rules that apply to matter and not necessarily to soul essence types, and thus the piece is becoming callous and autonomous much to its own detriment, but there is no way to feed that information perfectly back to the metaphysical players and what is more terrible the metaphysician player only gets some sense of things and not an accurate picture of the chessboard as the metaphysical gets an overview and not specific view of the board. It does however know that things are bad but it doesn’t know precisely why, so it might just wish to scrap the entire game, after all the soul essence of each emotive chess piece will in the end return to the metaphysical, what it cannot correct it can flood, it can bring pestilence or famine, it can bring to a fiery end, after all the game might not be worth finishing, besides the pieces are recyclable; for the only real power that the metaphysician has is to scrap the entire game, for its corrective is limited by its guesses at the action due to its unclear comprehension of the pieces whims and the nature of the physicality of being, and of course the piece itself has but naught a clear idea of anything to do with the metaphysical because it has seriously immense matters at hand, just keeping itself alive on the chessboard of life requires all of its energies, there is no time for contemplation much less for divine awareness.

We must thus concluded that there isn’t a tenable situation within the context of material existence for us emotive beings because neither the players nor the pieces nor the playing field operate under the same basic premises. It is thus that we are free to will our existence and everything is free to change it based on its own free will, so it is not that free will isn’t possible it is instead that it suffers the collusions of overreaching free wills everywhere.


The Simmering Masses

It is the oddest things that in a world where being common fosters the greatest degree of satisfaction we all want to be unique. There is no surer guarantee or road to dissatisfaction in this world than uniqueness and yet the aspirants to uniqueness are not few but rather far too many. One would think, that if evolution was and is correct that most people would take their environment into consideration and seek to be common quickly, that is not the case, instead we have everyone trying to claim uniqueness and special circumstances as far as their being is concerned; and it is not without some lament that there are people that are happy to have tragedy strike their lives or that in some way feel justified by crippling or disabling psychological, physical or social circumstances thus their claim to uniqueness.

Simmering is a very strong element in our existence thus we may explore it from many angles, one of which is our everyday life which is minimally comprised of at least five fundamental distractions that serve it up, the local environment, the metaphysical, the material, the cosmic and the personal. So that we are not left at a loss we will do minimalist descriptions of each.

Metaphysical, the aspect which deals with the consequences of our desire essence from the nothingness as it manifests itself in the constructs of time and space, a soul might then be eternal but that eternal must be renewed somehow from the transcripts of the truly eternal essence as defined by its native constructs, which in our case are purely emotive desire essence, thus our nothingness is emotive and any abstraction of it that appears in the physical, material and cosmic is a diffusion and fragmentation of such entity, apparent however as emotive essence soul, spirit type.

Local Environment, while there are certainly many environment types that cross and engender each others territories there are equally definable regions which we can safely argue are absolute, these comprise environments, when you say fish live in the sea and live in an aquarium you know that there is an absolute water environment definition of where fish live, thus our environment equally suffers from absolutes that demarcate its constructive environment and further limit our actions, and hold a context over time and occupy a defined space such is a localize environment. In such places you can define knowledge and physical laws as they tend to be relatively constant.

Cosmic: This one is very easy to define but not being wholly there we could also argue equally wrongly defined, but in the most overall aspect the cosmic is the pure essence type of desire Universals when married within time and space constructs of soul and indeed souls and consciousness, their compilation makes all significance on the aspect of physical unity and more in the context of divine consciousness anything. The cosmic speaks with one voice but it is all voices, it is the choir of the simmering vocalizations of all.

Personal Environment, This is the place where most of us live, sadly it is the most restricted and thus the one we ought to want to experience the least, however it is not, we are self absorbed, and this might be as much a requirement of material existence as it might be a requirement of desire essence, that doesn’t preclude any of it from being something equally detrimental to the spiritual health of the universe as we come from pure essence which is what can boldly embody universe but it is equally self absorbed, so that Universe is not the main aspect or importance of its native being. Any time that you personalize you alienate, equally that is a valid construct but a primordial construct none the less and one that should be restricted as much as the local environment will permit.

Material: This is not too difficult to define because it is the most known, it is what we know, it is where we study, it is where we do, it is largely the result of energy simmering and cooling, and because of its slowest energy it can be touched and molded and easy to evidence a reaction with, the most knowable and yet least aware aspect of universe as it localizes, and the part that by luck we happen to inhabit, the material world that is what you are reading, that is what I am writing, that is what we are thinking, that is what we are living. Not the most prestigious place to be, it is where we are.

Simmering is the happenstance of all of these aspects reaching a consensus that normalizes them so that they may accomplish the thing that they don’t want to accomplish cohabitation, we all thus exist because all things have coalesce to agree upon one odd thing that they cannot exist on their own that they cannot exist alone and that they want to congregate and that they are whiling to aspire with same opposites, and thus the natural discord with all things that fundamentally agree with one another but that are fundamentally different. “You are nothing like me! You are everything like me if you can take offence of that!” Even the environment falls under this guise.

“I don’t care what you do with me.” Is what we should tell destiny, however it will hurt and we will start hurting as soon as we say that. Because every law in our cosmic existence supports SIMMERING, and what that means is that it SUPPORTS a COMPROMISE and that implies that no matter how special we want to be in the end we will be SECULARISED because our same energies is what makes us great even as they make us NORMAL. And more Normal.

And so it is that the average person is always normal and the person that isn’t average is always trying to please the normally attributed and any mass appeal rests wholly on appealing to the normalcy and thus all greatness depends on something rather not unique common acceptance, that is normalization, and this is all due because there is no greater ego affirming truth that general acceptance, such it is as it is in commonness.

Recognition of any type is then a common simmering of character types, fame is commonness fully expressed or at least expressed well. And as we attempt to colonize the universe, and others like us or not like us equally attempt to colonize the universe there will continue to be a simmering, because sameness is a simmering, the more we create a universe based on our own image the more common that image will have to be in order to represent us all throughout the varying vastness of the universe.

Speaking of the varying vastness of the universe lets talk to that, apparently telescopes have allowed our scientists to see billions of years into the vastness, and it seems that at least as far as those billions of years into the universe what scientists see is the same thing over and over again, there are quasars, suns, solar systems, planets, galaxies, cosmic dust, black holes in all directions, and you can see this is evidence of the mass simmering of universe, that it radiates its own luxurious ensemble of sameness, that it repeats its manifestations, and that however different a sun is from a black hole they are willing to cohabitate, and this further shows that there is a natural congruence that sets things into a settling routine, but as you can see it is not a great telling, it is not a wonderful thing to realize that as far as far away as we can see things look pretty much the same as they do in our localize universe, but it is a great testament to the power of simmering.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Truth Unlimited

When we speak of an objective truth we now know we actually mean a third party construct of a subjective truth that has acquired mass appeal. Objective truths can seem emotional and they are, the idea of god is an emotional idea in so far as god is concerned about love and equally quick to anger. The idea of justice has obvious secularize appeal but it is still based on the third party accumulation of subjective circumstances against an individual, further it equals revenge and it is based on fear, thus such thing as justice is an objective truth that has mass appeal because it doesn’t forgive it punishes. The idea of a country as a secular organization is highly suspect as countries inspire patriotism and can serve to create rivalries between distinctive cultures that hide themselves behind the idea of nationalism and geography. Culture itself has its own demarking prejudices and in fact it is wholly based on prejudices that have historical roots, the customs of a given tribe can serve up some striking personifications that may well terrorize outside of their silent cultural sphere, that is to say culture becomes vocal and aggressive when it is not natively intuitive.

Reviewing the above we can conclude another thing about objective truth, it hinges on the emotional aspects of the humanity that personifies it. And since we have called an objective truth a type of truth then it shall not escape us that there are other types of truths, personal truth, subjective truth, environmental truth, idealistic and secular truths etc.

A personal truth is the most interesting character of them all as it presumably serves the individual in highly ambitions terms, those of the self, what I am going to make of myself, what I feel I am, how I project myself to world and how I come to terms with the objective reality. By all means this truth is the most ambiguous as it does not have a great deal of potency outside of the subjective character that defines it, I happen to think while writing this book that I am a good, well a damn good philosopher and this is my third philosophy book so my pretensions are admirable only that I have not been published, never, that is to say that the objective and secular environment has neither acquired my philosophical principles nor thought them necessary so as to explore them, the likelihood that I will die an unpublished and thus unfulfilled philosopher is most probable, so that the implications of my philosophy may have no occurrences in the real world, thus most people live and die without their personal truth having any effect on the real world; but that is not to say that it hasn’t cost them, indeed my trials in my determination to make a philosopher out of myself have been constant and not negligent in stature, certainly my life has been more difficult for it but the world is not less nor much more for it hitherto, this is because if the world felt any need for my philosophy it would adopt it either through me or through another facsimile construct.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is a difference between a secular truth and an objective truth so we shall attempt some clarity on the matter. We already know an objective truth is a third party construct with mass appeal but a secular truth is a whole other animal it is a truth without any emotion to it, it is a centrist, it is nondenominational, that is it caters to all but it doesn’t require faith from any! This types of truths do not know how to hurt, they don’t uptake offence, a perfect example of a secular truth is knowledge and its attribute education, in theory anyone can get an education to practice a given secular profession regardless of their culture, religious leanings or political affiliations, you could see a Muslim and a Jew practicing medicine in the same hospital, you could readily accept an Atheist and a Christian both being pilots, their secularized professions allow them to come from different cultures and from different belief systems and still practice same professions, this is because professions as a result of education and a product of knowledge have been secularized, the same would not be true for a Priestess of witchcraft, her profession requires an entanglements of faith that has no room for either objectivity or secularization, it is thus riddle with constrains that secularize professions do not suffer and thus this tends to gain them grater acceptance from the masses.

The key to any secularization is that the participation process be open and highly accessible, that is anyone can go to a university as long as they pass the entrance exam and there is occupancy. The process is open you just have to pass the test and at least in principle anyone can pass the test if they study hard enough, thus secular truths dominate a wide spectrum and do so because they are presumptuous but not dogmatic. But let us hang in there a little bit longer for there is that word presumptuous and that sort of adds that nice element of personalization that secularization is usually able to avoid, that presumption comes in its meritocratic stance, anyone may participate but then the assumption is that everyone has the potential to acquire knowledge and to reach the same results that are endemic to it, that is we assume that Your IQ and My IQ and the IQ of Einstein are potentially equal in nature, and it is jus a certain amount of effort and training that will allow their true development, such however, and we can kill it here, is not the case; the case is that I cannot pass exams, the truth is that any IQ test I take would prove an unfavorable IQ outcome, and it doesn’t matter how much I study - knowledge is not native to my brain specification; and You, well you probably can learn and are probably trainable but that doesn’t mean that you could be an Einstein, instead you are just smarter than me, that is all; and get this wonderful fact, the only way that a knowledge based meritocracy can keep up its image is by falsely telling us all that it is an instrument that any and all can learn to use while it equally remains elitists, so as not to say down right arrogant, in practice.

A PhD is a proud human being and society as a whole elevates such in status and rewards accordingly but this is so because the doctor is an estimable part of a prestigious clan, the clan itself will protect the profession by regulating how many may participate, what must be done to join, and what will be taught of the subject matter and how the practice will be executed, further this clan will lobby on its behalf to promote causes and laws pertinent to its interest, and so there you have the secularized personified; a secular scientists that is also an evolutionist might not want creationism being taught at school because it desecularizes knowledge, however the very impediment of the teaching of religious concepts will invariably imply that the secular are not truly secularize. Further it is important to note that in order to teach one must first deconstruct and categorize a process that largely takes out feeling, desexualizes and sterilizes any given subject, so that in fact any religion taught at school is bound to be secular in that it could technically be taught by either an Atheist or a Christian in a course of comparative religion, implying of course that it has been depersonalized and it is thus less inclined to move students towards worship and subjective practice. In a sense the process of curriculum development favors the suspension of belief and creates a critical thought process that is able to cynically disembody any belief system; thus secularized fears of the teaching of creationism are unfounded as based on their own principles, but not unfounded as based on their own vital advancements in the art of pedagogy, the mysticism of epistemology and basic curriculum development.

Of course the truth is unlimited and so we must reach some truths which appear so unlimited that they become suspect, an all knowing god, an omnipotent god, a perilous devil, then there is myth, an incredulous truth, or the idea that there are spirits and alien civilizations and even quantum falls into the category of incredulous truths.

We must circumvent this topic with the outmost caution, there is no way for us to say that myth is false without equally calling into question Greek and Nordic mythology much to the devastation of those peoples whose civilizations thrived so successfully because of those very beliefs. That is we can say myth is myth and therefore not real but the fact is that the origins peoples didn’t think of myth as myth rather they believed these were there gods flaws and all, we can safely assume that they would think of our idea of a perfect mono-god, supreme being as equally doubtful, there is no such a perfect god, both the Greeks and Norse had doable gods, they were imperfect in every way, why they even committed adultery and slept with humans, the Greek and Nordic gods were thus supportable in the context of reality and undoubtedly in every sense of the word, including the sworn sword matchable with reality.

Idealistic truth is a whole other thing, even as religion might have idealistic objectives, the perfect god and nirvana they are still real in the context that they speak on behalf of an emotional interest of well being while idealistic truths such as those of Hegel and Marx and Adam Smith tend to cater to premises that are depersonalized and cleverly inspirational purely at the intellectual level; a place where there is no other factor of probable satisfaction except that everything go according to plan, thus a pure capitalistic expression may supply society with a working economic system but it doesn’t provide a humanistic expression that could make it tolerable if genuinely successful, thus the reason why you haven’t witnessed a capitalistic system reach pure perfection, it has in it an inherent tendency to self destruct because its third party construct depersonalizes it and thus, as it reaches critical mass, becomes unsustainable by its own premises because it is intolerable to the individual.

Religion as a whole is a personalized construct, it cannot be depersonalized even as it thus have a certain degree of third party truth which invades its personalize purity, the difference however is that religion can be subjective and prejudice where capitalism cannot be prejudice, communism equally suffers the same deficiencies, this objectifies them to the point where they have the, perhaps unrealized potential, to serve absolutely no one in particular and without that personalize self interest then they will invariably tend to depersonalize their followers into generic constructs which can only cater to, for instance, intellectuals that have an interest in killing emotion so as to be genuinely smart; these turns them into rational constructs that cannot have a prejudice because that would destabilize their intellectual construct and you cannot, though many people have done it, but you cannot die for an intellectual construct, this is why Stalin had to forcefully sacrifice the Russian people for the sake of communism, and also why in the reverse why it is not difficult to get Christians and Muslims to starve or die for their causes.

One of the most idealized truths and yet the least likely to obtain its objective is the idea of Justice, where truth will prevail and that implies that Justice itself is Just. We cannot hit hard enough on the mythic proportions of this idea, it assumes that Justice is naturally just and not tied in some unforgiving way to the system or systems from which it arises. The fact of the matter, I love saying that, the fact of the matter is that Justice is subjective to culture, a Muslim brother might not feel that justice has been done until he has stoned his sister to death for cheating on her husband, her husband might not feel vindicated till the dowry has been properly returned with interest and apology in hand, it is said that some warriors when they were caught by the sacrifice abundant Aztecs did not feel right if they were not ritually sacrificed, it is all Justice under some guise, there is no such thing as universal justice, thus any type of justice is only secular in the sense that it serves its nation and culture but hardly secular once it encompasses International or Universal objectives. Justice will always claim to serve all, and it serves Justice well to serve the most and greatest number, but Justice itself will have a difficult time defining its laws based on the majority, thus it has to narrow its approach to law and laws to what it can be an overview of general opportunistic views. Further any form of Justice is largely based on the hardened code of Justice, that is for Justice Lawyers, Judges, Courts, Law Clerks, and Constitutions and more important Laws and Law Schools will all be more important to Justice than the Justice of a given individual circumstance. Hence the reason why you will some times find Justice taking the side of criminals or the side of political righteousness, as that might well be more important to show how secularized Law and Justice truly are, that is to say that some execution of justice is a justification of same.

Idealism is thus the least possible of all truths and the least real, far les real that mythical truth, there can be witches and leprechauns that is far more possible than that there is a perfect god, the problem, I think you can see it already, the problem with the perfect god is that it is idealistic, however religion is saved from its idealism by one incredible factor its followers continue to sin and through sin personalize religious truth.

And because of that fact, that when people personalize something it becomes more credible we can reach the conclusion that the truth of the real world that we have today, a world of 6 billion people, a world where millions starve to death, a world where there are millions of aborted babies, and millions of displaced, a world where 3 percent of the overall populace lives with great wealth and impunity, a world in which the great number toil while a few serve as the professional servants of the system, a world where religions have become monopolies and where the construct of the flow of capital has become the dominant theme, that world where the metaphysical has been killed by scientists sporting only provable truths, only empirical and axiomatic truths, that world where health care is an option, that world where nutrition is not part of the general diet, that world must be the most real incarnation possible of a real truth based on the all encompassing compromises imaginable, that is the truth that has been to the greatest degree personalized and accepted and thus has reached the maximum mass tolerant appeal possible under the gripping circumstance of the overall construct of reality which no one in particular may grasp, including how the metaphysical and the material and the unknown and the known and ultimately with the nothingness where all these coalesce in regions of extreme obscurity for us to manage or regulate, all come together in a sinew permissible in hell.

That however does not mean that we are doomed to a preordained destiny, deterministic outcomes are those that the scientific world predicts, but unfortunately as not everything is controlled by science and its physics the reality overcomes those limitations, there isn’t a deterministic universe because no one entity has absolute control of the variables and the potential is constantly reengineering itself to produce any number of possible outcomes all of which get washed away every pico second and recombine to make yet something completely different possible, the causality of existence is thus total and absolute, we have ended in this possible reality and we have been part of the bricks that concretize it, but equally the amount of time in existence that you can expect of this reality could be equally insignificant in the context of all and everything.

Further we can not discount Quantum truth from the equation and its uncertainty principle which basically turn scientific proof into a fancy of observations, and I am willing to accept that kind of fanciful truth as it allows us to doubt ourselves indefinitely and substantially; still I am aware that the truth of self doubt is equally inherently unstable and worse it is cynically stable, so we should always endeavor to believe in something as that has a greater degree of observation but equally we must be aware that to not believe in something in particular does create a Quantum truth of uncertainty and doubt, what you see is what you get.

Now since we have contrived this truths and the truths then acquire a life of their own, and mind you that when we say we have contrived these truths, we mean along with everything that is not us and how that has equally contrived these truths, then you have your obtained reality and its changeable potential, thus we have the ability to impact upon any truth by mere process of belief and by the process by which we convince others and coerce the environment to adopt our truths, the success of Einstein has more to do with his ability to present the argument in convincing terms than in any truth inherent within the proofs that he offered, and of course he didn’t offer any proofs but was more arrogant than that, he knew we would convince ourselves because frankly relativity is very likable, but more important and less kind towards Einstein, the world had already inherited the truth that he merely read out.

Which brings us to a terrible and difficult aspect of these truth things, and that is that since we cannot stress the reality beyond the potential constructs that have formalized its believable structure, we come to the truth that matters most, the moral truth, and it matters most because it is wholly and fundamentally personalized to our emotive species and being constructs, and the moral truth tells us that there is something wrong with the world, tells us that some how the world is not in order with our endemic truth, or that our endemic truth is contradictory in how it manifest itself in the construct of world, into the civic and social and even across species interdependencies and relationships, and so you have a magnificent proof that there is a truth that is pure to you and reaches contradiction when you touch the material or even the metaphysical world, and that truth cannot reach harmony in this world and certainly not as the manifestation that you are in it!

Still there is a certain buoyancy factor that should and ought to stabilize to a greater degree your relationship with universe because the universe seeks congruence through energy simmerings and moral simmerings and civic and international simmerings so that all things may coalesce with the working parts that they share in their inherent evolution from pure constructs, which though different may in fact have communality in spirit, of course that is a misuse of the word spirit but sometimes one has to be abusive to speak the truth.

As a result it is possible to imagine that all things are trying to find a similar truth, even if that truth is as boring as a further simmering, and that that truth is defined by communality and not by discrepancy and thus the fact that there is discomfort for all in the context of universe means that we are still struggling and that the truth as currently defined condones that struggle and that an alternative truth is equally being thought by all the things being and non being that are observing, touching, feeling and interacting with one another as part of today’s fatal truth. And we know this not just due to the incongruence between the environment and ourselves, we know it more for the divisions and stresses that mince between emotive same species and species at large.

Thus all this mean that there are no objective truths? That is to say truths that don’t depend on us? Truths that exists outside of us? Truths that are so independent that they don’t really care if they affect our lives? For one thing is clear Justice and Knowledge and Religious truths care about how they effect our lives, that is what makes them fundamentally subjective but are there truths outside of us, truly autonomous to our whims and wants and desires?

Unfortunately the answer to that is yes!

There are more truths that don’t care about us and don’t need us than there are truths that care about us, in fact there is nothing that makes us supreme or special in the universe, the universe could well do without us, our race to the finish is to make the universe dependant upon our ideals and values, we don’t much care about anyone else’s idea of the universe, and thus it is so that we are aiming to encrust and to harden our ideals in the context of universe so that all those other truths that do not favor us will cease to exists or have to warm up to us. We are one of a kind truth in the universe, we are a compact sort of truth, but we are not the only kind of truth that the universe harbors, and all the other truths are technically hostile, though we might have our endeavor to survive and to express and to have an emotive and conscious existence, that is not the same as to say that we have shared interests, we don’t, the fact that it is so difficult for us to travel to another galaxy or that it is so difficult for us to survive in a basic material existence, that is our longevity is short, those are signs that we are not and cannot survive in the truly objective truth, all objective truths by definition do not support our existence, they don’t care about us, that is precisely why scientific obsession with truths outside of our emotive reality are so harmful to us, science is asking us to believe in things that are wholly independent of us, this even as science and its practitioners are wholly dependant on us believing them.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Breath and Scope of Objective Truths

In the iconoclastic world we are used to cultural and social and systemic things having some kind of internal guidance system, morality for instance aims at the truth and tries hard not to divert from it, if a particular individual is straying from a systematized moral perspective then his consciousness and fellow parishioners will surely guide him, through peer pressure, back into the proper path, that auto-guidance is however both internal and external but it is not one very important thing, objective! It is fully subjective and wholly contrived by the participants, the question must then be how wide and deep is a given truth? as that is the only way that it can be sustained and held together throughout its participatory structure.

Since we started with morality we shall attempt to keep on that bearing so that we don’t have to deal with eclectic conclusions and events, instead we will drive this one down the thin road that it inhabits. A great number of people, if not all, steer their lives based on some moral principle, there can be religious moral principles and there are patriotic moral principles and sometimes they can be mixed but equally they may operate wholly independent of one another, an example being: A patriot can kill to defend his country and that is an honorable and justified killing, a Christian by contrast ought not and shall not kill even in self defense, Jesus Christ opted not to defend himself against the Romans thus amply showing that it would be wrong to react in vengeance or self defense, and more displaying unusually high favoritism towards pacifism. Both the faithful and patriotic are acting on principles that are moral though they dictate here a different mode of action, it could equally be said that a patriot must display a considerable amount of valor, that is not to be a coward, and we can easily connect the soldier and Jesus here in same moral actions, for what Jesus did was substantially brave even as it imply letting himself get killed, and the patriot might kill but if he does it is in self defense which is both honorable and brave, thus the patriot honors the wishes of his mother country and Jesus honors the wishes of his father God.

The clear straight path of linearity in the context of moral behavior is what makes us love morality for if all humans would act according to the same moral guidelines they would then be predictable hence the reason why we give morality so much favor in daily existence and try to practice it or claim devout practice to it regardless of our true moral and subjective position. As with anything that enough people believe Morality itself acquires a third party mentality, that is an objective perspective, an independence from individuality is had when an aggregate critical mass of people believe it, this is because the mass appeal of morality creates an ephemeral but very real entity that acts in the interest of all and not in the interest of any given individual, thus the independence of morality is found in the fact that any belief system that acquires a mass following is equally and wonderfully able to hide its subjective origins in mass dynamic, that is to say its subjective benefits become impossible to discern, and thus act as if independent of personalized interest, you thus cannot see how the construct of a patriotic morality could possibly be dependent on some individual-subjective constructs, nor could you see how anyone that is willing to die for all of humanity could possibly care about himself first and foremost, the assumption is then that the Patriot and Jesus Christ, even as acting on behalf of the interests that they have personalized are in fact acting selflessly and honorably.

Thus you can see how a construct that is formally and fundamentally subjective i.e. morality becomes a subject that acquires a third party subjectivity, the construct of our shared belief. Now the third party subjective by virtue of its essence has to save and serve the many, thus its presume objectivity has to be limited and limiting in scope, thus the reason why any sort of modern day morality has 10 commandments, 10 bill of rights, 7 constitutional articles, these may well be very clear such as “thou shall not kill.” Very little possible room for interpretation there, it has positively no escape clause or loopholes, “thou shall not kill,” even mosquitoes are safe from the fly swatter with this one, however most people will refrain from taking it so literally certainly god did not mean though shall not kill mosquitoes, and wildlife hunters think that god wasn’t speaking on behalf of all species, it was a god of men speaking on behalf of men only, and then you get into more trouble but then god ate fish or didn’t he? The inherent point here is that the simplicity of belief and scope is mandated by the shared third party realism.

The reason for the narrow moral path is that not everyone can agree if the options available are many, humans like things to be in groupings of ten or less, and these groupings ought to have similarities so they don’t get too complex for comprehension, else their mass appeal will meander down many a dead ended alleys and compromise its third person status through divisional conspiracies, hence the reason that there have sprouted so many denominational versions of the original catholic church, Henry the 8th was able to interpret the moral semantic to allow for divorce, obviously it wasn’t narrow enough if someone as narrow minded as Henry could see an alternative whole church of England; further each division created by each denomination of the church is evidence that the original church was to wide in scope and thus it is being narrowed through denominational division to save the truth. This is why each new version of the old church, the Muslims, the protestants, the charismatic Christians, etc, can all claim that they are following a more accurate and genuine version of the faith, think Luther.

Thus we may conclude that narrowness of mission and thinness of creed is relevant in any and all functional third party structures that want to acquire mass appeal and promote an ambience of objectivity, further any overreaching concept will suffer divisional strife until it cannot be subdivided any further thus reaching the minutia of its truth.

Now while the following topic could be a whole other chapter or even a whole other book I and going to cover it here so that it remains narrow and thin, why would any truth want to be so simple? And just why is objectivity so relevant?

As the truth is simple so goes the answer: we already know that any truth in order to acquire mass appeal must have lots in common with the mass, but a truth must also be simple in order to remain the truth, that is to say that any truth in order to call its truth a truth must cater to something very deterministic and shortsighted, it cannot cater to complex and intricate matters as these will have a natural tendency to dwindle down the truth to insignificance, thus a truth must opine over that which the mass already has in common, and that means over the things which are already truth for the mass, the truth spoken is thus born after the truth is felt and its simplicity is inherent because it is an endemically, that is a commonly realized truth.

Objectivity itself is relevant because it allows us to construct a living environment composed of the simplest parts that we all have in common, thus you can blame any problem of communication and interaction on the fact that we are always connected through the urgings of our lowest common denominators. Wars, racism, moral quandaries fall into this category, the communality of the human species, one on one, one to many or many to many is held hostage by the fact that our consciousness hasn’t personalized the idea of tribe. Thus everyone prefers to think that they are different and special and this is what cancels out the tribe spirit, but the reason we do so has less to do with bad intentions than with a terrible happenstance, that is we don’t really know ourselves, our uniqueness in relationship to the rest of the species rest purely on our ignorance of ourselves, or our lack of personalized intuition of the communality of species, this even across species types, and thus the objective third party construct can only be objectified through the miserably little awareness, consciousness that we have of our selves and how such meshes with that of another and one another and so on.

Thus this translates that we may someday legate our discord via a greater personal awareness and I suggest that there is nothing wrong with hoping that that be the case, it is not wrong to be positive in order to get through life, but more likely even as any type of self/mutual awareness grows so it is equally possible that the disparity will too grow in scope, for there is nothing narrow about the whole consciousness, subconsciousness and metaphysical, all narrowing down is a fictitious pretension for a tolerable and yet dangerous truth.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Flow Continued & Discontinued

We are doubtlessly thus an intrepid bunch climbing aboard the essence of existence without comprehension or serious benefit for there isn’t a fundamental purpose. Spirits can alter there being from positive to negative energy, we ourselves in material existence though more bounded by our physical limitations can still justify this or that thing without any sense of contradiction regardless of how inconsistent the given action is, based on our personal and social and political histories, and in a life time we may change of opinion any number of times, thus any set of consistencies have an inherent set of contradictions built into them.

The contradictions and paradoxes are not inherently oppose or relevantly contradictory for mostly anything that you see as a contradiction or a paradox is simply due to your lack of awareness of the overall complexities and intricacies of relationship interaction in the context of cosmic events and associations with all things. Many people for instance do not feel spirits, this doesn’t mean that spirits are not changing their lives through direct intervention or simply through passive third party activity such as the scriptures. It is also true though most people today will argue against it but it is also true that most everything that happens in your daily life has more to do with events and happenings and interactions that you don’t have any control over, you are in fact very limited in what you may choose to change in your life, you may for instance decide to eat a tuna sandwich for lunch but perhaps the craving for tuna is not something that is conditioned by your local senses but rather it might come from a supra consciousness that one day might just decide to make us all vegetarians, the thing that you do satisfy is the desire to fill your stomach with nutrients so that you may survive another day, that is the desire that you opt to survive though equally you could opt to go on a hunger strike, the supra consciousness probably has a series of impediments to keep you from starving yourself to death, most people opt to eat, just like most people opt to eat meat or have children but those conditions probably have other forces acting upon them which may again change with the changing perceptions of the supra consciousness.

The supra consciousness presents a real burden to us all because it is wholly beyond species, that is it doesn’t cater to one particular species it caters to all species types and serves up the lively-changing perceptions based on overall species health, we must indeed assume that it cares about the overall species which is why we say health, but regardless of whether those actions are positive or negative or constructive or deconstructionists we know, we intuit and we are aware that there is a species supra consciousness and we know this because all species have similarities that are impossible to disregard, all animals feel, including human animals, all animals have a perception mechanism and they all possess a certain amount of instinctive independence from inception, species in general share digestive and reproductive and tactile attributes, a worm feeling a leaf and you feeling it with your finger show an immense degree of communality. But there is more, sense all essence types are driven by a singular dynamic, in the case of the general species known to us, it is all emotive; I will admit that you will have to want to believe this, and that there are any number of contradictory theories and even successful ones, that disagree with this apparent point of view, but I will argue and not very strongly because this is not a truth that has to fight for existence it just simply is, I will argue that we have a subconscious connectivity with all species types and that the supra consciousness is always regulating the overall system based on that connectivity, it may be in the interest of fish that we fish, it may well be in the interest of cows that we eat meat, I am not sure how many cows there would be in the world if we became vegetarians, but I am sure there would be far fewer and I am not sure that that is what the cows want, part of their success in the rough-goings of the modern world is based on the equal success of the slaughterhouses.

There is more, the supra consciousness has a successful alibi for any species type extinction that it induces, because the supra consciousness sustains species types, it is also the greater reason why some species fail, the supra consciousness alters species survival rates and even puts species against species, and at the subspecies level even determines feminine and masculine birth ratios and it does all this based on the alterations that it inherits from the overall emotive species condition, it may one day want us all to be vegetarians, we may then want to eat only vegetables, but of course there are other environmental factors and factors that are of a cosmic nature that may have an ignorant interest in destroying a particular species, if only by accident, through simple causation, but the greater degree of control over species types can easily be attributed to the supra consciousness which thrives do to emotive type species, and since we all give birth to this supra consciousness we must some how be in evident silent agreement with its actions. But the genuine alibi that saves the supra consciousness for being the real killer of the Dodo bird is that the supra consciousness is solely aware of emotive types and has no interest in their demise because its hypothetical supra essence is wholly dependant upon all species types, and thus it is doubtful that it would want to diminish its perception of the physical universe by killing off the Dodo bird, rather it is true that the emotive essence always looks to new species types and it is bound to advocate changes in the overall species schema based on its intuitive awareness of the comprised physical perceptions. That is to say that prior to considering species the supra consciousness takes greater care of what is eventuating in overall emotive essence type, that is it regulates species based on emotive essence thus species is secondary and not a primary, besides that the Dodo bird is very well alive as an essence type, for it is surely possible that the essence type that energized Dodo bird has already reincarnated as the Dali Lama which maybe comprised of 30 Dodo bird essence types or as construction worker or most likely as a feeble astrologer; the point we are making here is not to be taken lightly, the emotive essence of Dodo bird didn’t perish, it didn’t die, the emotive essence of Dodo bird lives on as another species type that is equally emotive, thus the supra consciousness prunes its emotive essence type cautiously and presumably to prosper. Which is to say that any species type extinction, when executed by the supra consciousness, is a pre calculated mercy killing with a resurrect tag attached to its big toe; there are however species type extinctions that happen outside of the boundaries measured and mastered by the supra emotive consciousness, these type of extinctions cannot be calculated as they are based on events of cosmic proportions and interactions, we cannot scale speculation at those levels, but we can say this, since the extinction caused by external events is not part of a supra emotive consciousness calculus such extinctions may lose emotive essence to the primal nothingness, that is that such extinctions may banish the essence type back into the nether, nether, that we may find ourselves, as species, voided of spirit before we can recover ourselves for rebirth within the metaphysical state, thus soullessly relegated back to the nothingness.

Now we must say just one more thing and this thing will be a little bit more difficult to grasp, the supra consciousness doesn’t exist as an entity at all, this is not some kind of an operation where there are pertinent departments and divisions and they execute their actions based on some penal code, it doesn’t work that way, rather how it works is more interesting, there isn’t an entity nor a consciousness that is set in the outer boundaries of species types and that responds to creatively normalize them all as we have described above, we extrapolate an entity of supra consciousness rather to describe an event condition that is an instant-situational-causation that responds in real time to the events that prescribe themselves to all emotive essences and thus update the species condition under the absolute maximum of all the emotive diffusements - that transpire in a billionth of a second or actually less, down to nothing time, as time nor space aren’t a factor in species level communication, all species that are emotive communicate through emotive essence that is in itself timeless, thus we cannot, even as we have, say that there is really a supra consciousness, I invented that, the supra consciousness doesn’t exists what does exists is the results of what such a presume entity would do if it existed, though all of what I have described does occur - only it happens without the midwife, neutral, transfer case entity that I described, instead it just happens, there are no intermediaries, there is not even the time for third party referees to exist and relegate activity, there is only the event transpiring as a result of causations that even as they transpire have not the slightest awareness of their effects or transcurrecess thereof, to say that a lot of things just happen in the context of universe is sadly true and difficult to admit as it is even more difficult to administer; but to help the idealism of the moment any calculations requiring time would in the end be nothing more than miscalculations, species is already burdened with the fact that it has to react to the physical world, it is thus a blessing that it doesn’t have to think internally, thought is for external matters, species doesn’t think for there is no time for such luxuries and that is a finally a good thing.


The Curriculum Of One Nothingness To Another

It is ponderous this thing of existence for there are about as many reasons to want to exist as there are arguments against it, there is no brave face that one can put on the general unreality of existence and yet there is something so beautiful in the entire fleeting masquerade, you are not any given thing here, the closest you can get to any speculation about a genuine reality is that you have a soul and even that seems nothing more than an Irish pennant specially as it is based on a oddly terminal fact, eternal reoccurrence that’s our curriculum, we must reinvent ourselves, our humanity and our association with all things known and unknown, it is a terminal messenger that repeats that process, we must be grateful that we forget, that we don’t remember that in the end our personal discovery of ourselves is made impossible through transcurrence, that in the midst of an ever wondrous universe the sequence of events that lead to reoccurrence crash every other impeding occurrence, we are thus sadly blessed; this is not going to be a happy chapter.

And it is not going to be a happy chapter because it points to the pointlessness of existence, you might want to stop reading here unless you are a Buddhist as they seem to accept the meaninglessness as a whole with the greatest degree of equanimity; regardless existence doesn’t have a motive it is simply a suffix in a universal context for once out of the nothingness there is nothing else that desire essence can manifest, that is when the desire begets existence whatever we want to say about that existence we cannot say it without speaking about everything else in the universe, we all become dependant on universe and cosmic immersion, and as we do the universe expands to create room for such dependence, thus the universe is expanding - and thus why the universe appears to expand, it keeps on getting filled with entities from the nothingness that desire to exist, and the more desire essence type entities that formulate their desires within the context of this universe the greater the expansion of universe and this is always bound to go on and on and it is even bound to be indefinitely so, meaning forever and ever because desire essence types amass a pull upon desires constrained within nothingness and ease the flow in the linear direction of time space universes, thus the expansion and its seemingly accelerating spreading out, however that doesn’t mean that the universe will get colder it actually could get hotter as it amasses desires - those very desires will either sustain density equilibrium or increase it, they may sustain it if the corresponding densities of external phenomena outside universe has or have a greater density so that it or they may hold us back or if externals have a lesser density they may allow us to expand around their perimeters with greater ease, or even to expand into its boundaries - even allowing for us to reabsorb external energies into a greater and faster expansion of our universe.

What is most unlikely to ever happen is an absolute contraction, that is that we could implode and disappear and never reflect light again or just plainly radiate, (a black hole radiates) that if possible ought to be a rare event because desire essence types would rather reach a compromise, with all other entity types than to ridicule themselves into a reemergence into their own nothingness, but there is another truth here which is the horror that I was speaking about that makes this an unsavory situation, since we are all willing to do whatever it takes to stake our ground within the context of existence and universe, we are also willing to compromise as any expansion of our ergio energies will have to surrender part of its life force in the process of congruence coerced upon us all by the aberration or the non entity that we call universe which somehow fosters us all even as it is absolutely nothing contextually in reference to us, this because it is all the things we are combined and nothing at all not even desire energy and not even pure simmering nothingness, only here is the crux of our cross to bear: Universe slams all reactionary elements into any other reactionary and catalytic elements so as to diffuse their intranquility and as this begins to consume all the energies of the colluding varying entities it causes an inextricable itinerary towards an agglomeration of simmering of the desire energies, thus the desire energies must collude to exploit more desire energies so as to prevent the universe, that is nullifying them, from zeroing then out through simmering, and the universe which is not conflict oriented but rather based on conflict avoidance will continue to initiate heavy weight fights and nuclear confrontations to mellow out and retire all the would be fighters or/and energy agglomerations, thus any violent acts or events that you witness within universe are evidence a plenty that the universe is a pacifist trying to vanquish disparity of energies within its perimeter.

This of course reaches the ultimate of apparent paradoxes or terrible outcomes, Universe! the thing born of colluding desire entities escaping from a given nothingness has to seek a simmering so that there isn’t a particular-massive annihilation of entity types within its constructs, and yet as it does this universe strikes at a horrible hole in its logic, all normalization leads to an inverse simmering and eventually into an immersion of all entity types into a single type essence, and thus it must be horribly concluded that all universes eventually become a new type of nothingness when at last they succeed in simmering all energy entity types within their membranes.

We may reach a robust conclusion here, that the Casmir effect takes place even in the macro aspect ratio, we are bobbing energy from the nothingness, and that universe is just another aspect of nothingness reproduction. Which is what I don’t like about this, and what I think is interesting about it as well, that is that it implies that Universe and not Desire Essence are the ultimate foundations of Nothingness overall, that is that the Nothingness exist because something that is massively detectable, knowable and expandable and graspable is able to realize its desire to contain everything within its boundaries, and in order to prevent runaway anything it forces a simmering upon all, and thus returns everything, cycle through, to the nothingness from which we came, and thus to the nothingness you shall return.

But wait it is not that simple of a loop, this is not from the nothingness you came and to the nothingness you shall return, this is a little significantly different for you return not to the nothingness from which you sprouted but you return to another form of nothingness, a nothingness comprised of all the entities that have now been merged into and sifted through you and with your essence type into a perfect and precise simmering, now you are not wholly just your pure essence entity type, there is something else within the constrains of your pure essence type, and that something else will not allow you to reenter the same nothingness from which you came even as that nothingness occupies precisely the same timelessness the same spacelessness that all Nothings occupy, however yours is now dimensionally and characteristically a whole other type of nothingness, that is indistinguishable from all the other nothingness types in characteristic for that must invariably be true, all of nothingness rest on the same insignificant and unfaltering and inexpressive attributes, you ought not be able to detect one nothingness from another, they will all seem the same but they are not the same, neither observation nor knowledge will yield variables-anything out of the nothingness, and this little odd reality implies that you are moving from one nothingness to the next, that your main frame of references seems to contradict characteristic at every term, and that Universe is in fact yet an eventual and mandated expansion of the nothingness, something keeps on turning all things into nothingness, new and wonderful things, interesting phenomena are all being returned or repositioned in the context of some nothingness doctrine that has not explained itself, will not explain itself and by nature ignores everything and thus it is how it kills us all.

Does this mean that we are moving somewhere? Difficult to say though it seems likely that we are moving at least from one nothingness to the next nothingness that has not much to do with the prior nothingness because each new nothingness that we embody has within its simmering essence the constructs of the path that we traveled through space-time, immediately I think we cannot be happy about this, expression seems too momentary, too transient, and even a universe seems short lived, the eternal reoccurrence keeps birthing nothingness which must invariably reply an incoherent answer to our question: we are the midwifes for another nothingness and the nothingness is expanding successfully through inane desire.

Ohm, ohm, ohm…

The Trajectory Of A Consciousness

As the World happens, as Universe happens as Events unfold as time rescues the incoherence of it all it is not unfair to ponder how it all reasons its eventuation, and it doesn’t surprise us, or at least it shouldn’t, that the event measured, the event lived, the action and the thoughtful ideal are all rigorously entwined in a generalized decoherence of events, that is things can only make sense at a localize level, you and I can imagine what we are going to do Saturday night and the probability of that is high as much because it is a very short term prediction, 100 Saturdays from now would be almost impossible to predict, but this Saturday is doable because its values are constrained by any number of certainties, the Sun is likely to rise tomorrow and the day after too, the weather will be relatively similar to its seasonal qualities, your friends are still likely to be your friends, the planet will most likely not have been banished by an asteroid, these are all short term truths; there are also long term truths, we don’t know when the earth will end, we don’t know when the Sun will flare up and belly up and swallow the solar system whole, we don’t know, this don’t know is backwardly compatible, we don’t know what really happened to the dinosaurs, we don’t know if the Big Bang really did happen, we speculate such things because the farther back you go, like the more into the future you go, the less you can speculate over the event, the thing or the time, this is because localize time frames squeeze everything into limited values and limited consequences, events are dignified into axiomatic schemes because they are constrained, but any allowed dilation of either space or time will invariably create unpredictable outcomes, distance to prognostication is short, the further away we get from Nostrodomos the further away his predictions are likely to have any suspect significance in our lives, such it is.

Consciousness, or more accurately the idea of consciousness is based on short order reality constraints, that is it has a predicable dicerability and projectability and thus its retainability, hence consciousness, you are thus aware of your surroundings because they are determinalisticly constrained and suffer from a short order sustenance, nothing that you believe today, nothing that you are aware of now, not even the immense idea of consciousness that lasciviously translates itself into a universal phenomenon of comprehension not even that surmounts a short cosmic breath, beyond that it is all fiction and even the fiction becomes suspect; after all there is something real about fiction that is that it is false, that it is some heavily curetted fantasy married to n number of aspects of reality so as to adhere it to the thoughts of the given listening tribe, but even fiction could destabilize to the point of becoming nonfiction over time.

The neat thing about this probability of fiction becoming non fiction is that even as it all is one giant arm of speculation, there goes a further thing to happen about it, we can know short term things and the short term things have not the ability to predict or prophecy long term things but they may speculate about the overall system with some accuracy, thus what we are about to do, we cannot know, be clear on that, what the longer term future holds, but we may know why we cannot know it, and that is the gorgeous of it all.

We are going to simplify this and assume that from that we can get the complexity of the system and as a result of that the why it wont work in our favor or based on our plans in the longer term. This is not based on the law of diminishing returns which basically takes account of the maximum potential of an investment and assumes trickles of it down to nothingness over time, such as is the investment in a car, people still buy cars because they don’t understand the potential return on investment, they just don’t need to know that to own a car, a car is not an investment for a driver, it is an investment for a manufacturer, and they are the only ones that can genuinely capitalize upon it, but the point is that when you are buying a car you are not thinking long term, further you are not even thinking short term you are actually just satisfying an urge that cannot be quantized, like you the universe has urges that cannot be quantified, be prepared,

What happens in the context of the Macro is referential to what happens in the Micro world but not really, you can trace any MacroCondition or MetaCondition to any given series of MicroConditions, this is what scientists do, and if you could measure all the variables that make any given MetaCondition then you would easily be overwhelmed by detail to the point of incoherence because the memory of it all overwhelms the consciousness possible overall because all memory is shared by the overall nature of a given system while consciousness has localize limitations of awareness; we accept that the memory of events is limitless because it is shared and you have to put all the pieces together to make sense out of it, why you study. Decoherence happens because consciousness has to narrow things down to a few basic principles, even reality which we don’t always know as an entity though it is just that, that is reality is an agent, it is an event, and that agent and event transpire to annihilate incongruence writhing in the context of systems, that is to say that reality is someone that consolidates the finances, settles upon the most promising aspects of a given event, and that is not to say that the most promising aspects are positive, they could well be negative, or stranger than strange but they are settlement able events, they are events that may be harmonized into a construct that could well be called a reality regardless of how flitting they are. Once there were Dinosaurs, giant boned creatures that ate a lot of vegetables, in the context of cosmic time they the Dinosaurs wouldn’t even be listed as a species, it will be listed but only because the Akashic record has records on everything, but if it didn’t record the Dinosaurs no one would be less for it though they would be slightly something else, because species takes into account the histories of species consciousness, the Dinosaur whispered something into the cosmic Species record that altered every Species record, even those Species that had hardened, if you took a Dinosaur egg and were somehow successful in getting it to hatch in modern times, you would find that a Dinosaur born today isn’t the same dinosaur born in prehistoric times, the consciousness of species has changed, the prehistoric egg, and this will trouble the anthropologist, but it would give birth to a modern day dinosaur not a prehistoric dinosaur, the DNA is not static because it reflects the subconscious awareness that the Universe has accumulated about dinosaur; the dinosaur continues to evolve even if extinct.

The complexity of any process disintegrates through time, that is why the simplest processes are the all time survivors, but that is also based on time constrains, time doesn’t have the ability to constrain long processes, which is why infinity doesn’t have any time in it, it is too long to constrain, the constriction of time is what matters to us here, time is something that tightens things, its restricts things, it makes them conform into sequences, and it adulterates those things to conform to other things, time is anti chaos, it is anti entropy, and it is narrow, its path is measurable, detectable and knowable but equally it is furthest from the truth because of it, even as it is the most obvious truth maker of our time; further I should disagreeably add that time has the greatest to do with entropy as fundamentally time is a measure of degradation, things do not pile up because they consistently disintegrate.

The process unwinds as follows, and lets be quick about it because there isn’t that much to it, the idea of consciousness and reality are inextricably operated within the construct of the same idea, that is they are formed by events that transpired in parallel through intertwined ignorant collusions with one another, that is you don’t know me and I don’t know you and we don’t know the rest off the universe and it doesn’t know us but every action that we take effects all of us combined and produces an AWARE state outcome which we all have to live and indeed endure. It isn’t what you want, it inst what I want, it isn’t what the universe wants, least of all what god wants, god merely troubles to be the most unsatisfied and dissatisfied entity in the entire concept of existence, such is morality, but the Universe, You and I are a consequences of a series of ungratifying events that result in a given reality, you can thus challenge your destiny and suffer the outcome of such a challenge but nothing can vindicate you as the purist for the cause or the cause itself, sorry to say that to Jesus Christ, as it implies that he could not have known the father of his actions, that he was true to his destiny perhaps, but that in itself carries a bigger burden, destiny is the railroad that we are all on, like it or not destiny will drag us along its master plan, Jesus first and foremost proves that destiny doesn’t care about us, about you and I, about individualism, when Jesus sacrificed himself he was not only showing how powerful a certain consciousness of destiny is, but also how little it cares for individuality, dragged to his death, either by his own design or that given by destiny, there is nothing in Christ that redeems individualism, and yet Jesus had to be one of the few perceivable originals.

The basic principle here is really unnecessary to state, there is no romance in the concept of Universe nor in the concept of Truth because consciousness is only gratified by proximity thus decoherence. A dear friend of mine, Isabel, recently told me that she was searching for the precepts to love, presuming I suppose that there are at 10 rules of love that can be extrapolated from the vagaries of daily existence, I can easily dismiss such concept as fruitless and worthless, love doesn’t know any rules, it is not something that has time constrains, even as it is a localize entity, you do after all fall in love with what you see, but the inherent nature of love is one of the most paramount idealisms ever to have been constructed, because love requires an acknowledgement of indeterminist universals, “I will love you forever,” while catering to the simplest local plot the universe has ever know, two deterministic lovers, why even the dinosaurs, i.e. short breath, did that.


The Limitations Of Enlightenment & The Impractically Compromised

What do we mean by enlightenment? There must be at least a few hundred answers for that, I don’t want to say that I have the absolute definition on this matter of enlightenment, I don’t, but certainly we can define it based on some principles that will approximate basic religious and metaphysical beliefs but not so much philosophical overviews, we may completely disregard the age of enlightenment as was called the 18th century a whole misnomer if there was ever one thus we can wholly reject any definition of enlightenment based on intellectual flavors, and we can take such liberties because the name Enlightenment is correct it is instead that generally intellectualized definitions are wrong for the “enlightened,” in any context we have no use for knowledge, they don’t need to know, the Sun is enlightened, the Plank length is deliciously enlightening but limited as a measurement, nothing but humans take it into intellectual consideration everything else is just aware of it.

Enlightenment is an absorbed state in which the individual feels one with the universe and all and is emancipated into a condition of tranquility and a far more reaching state of complete awareness, this awareness and its accompanying euphoria cannot be explained nor known, it cannot be taught, every individual comes to this condition, if ever, by accident such it is. The condition can be obtained, by some, consistently through meditation, briefly through religious experiences and equally under very unique circumstances through the use of hallucinogenic drugs any other method of reaching such condition is highly suspect, knowledge for instance does not increase one’s proximity to such illumination instead knowledge actually deters enlightenment, practitioners of natural energies wont ever be illuminated as earthly energies are grounded by nature, scientists the ultimate practitioners of empirical truth can easily avoid enlightenment, frankly it would scare them to feel such immensity at their grasp but just the same is true for the axiomatic seekers that are philosophers, any quest for truth invalidates awareness let that be their punishment; further it is difficult but not impossible to stumble into a state of enlightenment that may well be interpreted by the subject as a religious experience, generally meditation can assure the contemplative mind an occasional euphoria based on the sense of communion with everything that is offered by the occurrence of the condition but there are no guarantees, some people could meditate forever and never reach such altered state, further it is supposed that anyone can reach this condition, most certainly that could not be denied, anyone can reach it its just that not everyone does.

As you have seen in other chapters there is an almost natural conflict between what is the material world and the metaphysical and there isn’t some kind of a natural unifying point, the inherent destabilization by what are different aims cannot be harmonized regardless of how many piano tuners you put to the task. This is because the relationship of spirit to material is not natural, that is to say they didn’t grow out of one another but rather there was an environmental factor, there was a collage of circumstances and the final results are doubtfully anything better than a scramble for togetherness and unity and grand unified theories and these all become nullified because no one has an inherent interest in all the possible outcomes of what we call Universe, thus any attempt at a reductionism to obtain unity, i.e. there is only one god, there are only four primordial forces and five elemental particles etc… doesn’t matter it wouldn’t sum because anytime you get into the elemental you have to touch the nothingness and that will not deliver any meaning, further if you want to start from the grand scope of things, in the giant Universe the only thing that you get is the agglomeration of things through varying degrees of simmering that have somehow reached a compromise as they continue to diffuse towards their inevitable simmering which will once again quantify the nothingness.

There you have it there is no easy way to simplify the universal complexity as it is an inherent condition but more egregiously the universe cannot be reduced to any of its basic constituents without eliminating an awareness that would be critical to validate any and all of its summarized components. Today in order to explore and comprehend any and all aspects of the universe, from minerals, organic, chemical, nuclear, social, electrodynamics, etc… we have to isolate, thus we have to create a disassociated understanding of any given subject in order to understand some basic principle behind it, mathematicians are used to ignoring this and that thing, today’s String Theorists are busy ignoring a lot of things in order to get a grip on some gooey string handle. Knowledge requires such sacrifice, you can always know something about anything but you will never know the whole of the thing essence, never, you cannot and why you cannot is even interesting. Because you are not all things, you are not a god, even god, as he could exist in anyway recognizable to you would have to equally not be everything, he would have to be a limited god, limited to your pure essence concept and indeed restricted in invincibility and omnipotence and absolute awareness to that particular pure essence, feeling essence, ergio essence, beyond those boundaries god would be as bound to limitations as your soul today is bound to the limitations encountered by your physical being and much bothered by it as well.

Enlightenment then takes on an interesting significance, it is a compartmentalization within the constrains of awareness that are based on pure essence types and so enlightenment does not go far out into the immensity without forgoing awareness for the sake of localize knowledge and localize awareness. Then once it is out there, in the immensity of space-time universes, enlightenment realizes that it is in enemy territory, that it is out on the teetering edge of possible significance and on the verge of an altered sedation and so it attempts to do an amazingly logical regression, only it would not have walked out this far into the Planck length if it hadn’t intended to escape, and therefore the retreat becomes marred and conflicted with everything from here touched and everything from pure essence felt, that is the fatal trick of it all, and even knowing that any fundamental death returns you to the state of nothingness doesn’t comfort any type of awareness that finds itself in this predicament, we can safely say that they all do, for as much as pure essence can be detested and cannot be escaped it must be assumed that everyone will attempt the escape and by doing so accomplish the disparity, a disparity that looked on through rose colored glasses is the only thing that saves us from simmering.

“You cant get something from nothing” is obviously the most wrongheaded statement ever made, you can get a lot from nothing an entire Universe and Space-Time but while you will get something from the nothingness the outcome has always to be disagreeable and thus the craving for atonement and ultimately enlightenment.

You can imagine those Monks that sit for hours on end meditating like pilots add on flight time, Monks sit there so they can contemplate the universe, immediately I would say much to the good of the Monks and much to the good of the Mystic community but hardly much of a benefit to you and I, at least as far as I can tell the Dali Lama hasn’t done anything for me, and frankly a lot less for Tibet, and I didn’t want to get political but the sad truth is that the Dali Lama has been politicized and we cannot get away from that unless we opted to ignore a painful truth, Why is the Dali Lama flying on planes and promoting technology instead of feeling himself and his people through ultimate transcendental enlightenment? The answer is cute and I apologize for that, because it is easier to obtain earthly substantiations than pure enlightenment. If I was the Dali Lama I would not fight earthly wars, frankly I wouldn’t have to and I wouldn’t have to because I would not be aware of them, they are too terminal, too material, too indefinitely miscalculated, too improvised, too local, as the Dali Lama I would not fight, pretend to fight, or align myself with such earthly matters, the problem is that the metaphysical is very difficult to explain, it has a great deal of inaction and it doesn’t measure results quarterly or yearly though you can sense some effect over the centuries, that is if you can sense the metaphysical but overall we ought not sit here to imagine that the metaphysical contemplations of Monks are going to save us or grant us an immensity of enlightenment, they are not.

Now when our local Monk goes into some euphoric contemplative state and realizes the ponderous immensity through his ohm contemplative event there is nothing that he can do to save us from the fact that we are not ohming but instead with are perspiring paying rent and feeding ourselves, the contemplations of our Monk communities are not going to be made available at Cost Less for wholesale prices, and they are not going to be made available because they are against the normalizations and stabilizations of the material world, granted that Yoga might be found acceptable in so far as it can maximize production, but the metaphysical is never going to come to terms with the material, try as hard as you might the contemplative types will always be in short supply, not because you and I and our next door neighbor is not capable of being a contemplative monk, we all have it in us, it is just wrong, it is wrong for us, it is wrong for this world, we are ultimately like it or not material earth bound creatures, planetarians if you will, put any miniscule level of perversion on that but it doesn’t change it any, you are not, by design, made to be fundamentally metaphysical, neither is the Dali Lama, sorry to have to say that but by opting to be born you gave away your metaphysical rights and more your trappings.

I think that we can abolish the ideals here so we can get on with the possible realities, the problem with the Monk is not that his take on life is inaccurate, far from it, any Buddhist or Hindu scribe will tell you that they are aware of how little they can change the Universe, so they are not going to try, they are not saying that it cannot be changed but that any change is done over centuries multiplied over the shortest infinities, because when you start something in the context of existence be it a rock pushed towards the North Star, or a human baby at birth, there is already a maximized dynamic there, intensely focused and set in some direction that has already precalculated its optimum potential, the Dali Lama is no different than that, and neither are you and I, and so we cannot sit around disarming ourselves from our material-potential reality, and frankly, and this could hurt so close your eyes, we are the mostess representatives of the material world, there you have it that is the truth, you might be the son of a perfection but your personification in the material is an accepted imperfection, pause here.

I always try to have a good day after thinking these thoughts by having a good glass of wine you might try same. Now that that is done we can forfeiture the idea that we can be illuminated, enlightenment is for those that have time in their hands, we don’t, we are material creatures, we are advancing in the material world, we have a fundamental sense of our material duties far above all others, and while it is possible to wish and to hope for a regression, every time that we have a baby, every time that we plant a tree, or for every hour that we labor to build a house or to pay a mortgage, or when we are driving our car, we are the materialists that we are, far and foremost above everything else, and don’t let any cute ideas of your metaphysical get too much of a hold of you, that is if you want to enjoy any of this life that you might not get to repeat, after all you never know where you are going to end up, be it in the spiritual spectrum or as part of the wholeness of the nothingness or dribbled out of mom into a Dali Lama.

Further and finally, the spectrum of enlightenment has within its conceptualization only divine and absolute truths, by their very nature these are intolerable from any angle of perception, it is ok to feel a little bit of them, to touch the immensity, but if you ever get to close to enlightenment you will start eating one grain of rice and starve yourself out of existence, this is neither good for you or for the cause of existence. When we say divine and absolute truths we mean that they do not suffer from a need to be fixed or cured or corrected, pure essence types for instance are flawless, of course they are useless to us all descendants as that which they are, pure essence and so no good at all, the idea of god for instance is fascinating and interesting and captivating but it is equally useless, which is to say you cannot use it here. To which you might ask does that mean that we are ultimately practical? Hardly, we are equally impracticable but we are more practicable than the ideal of god, so that makes us impractically compromised.
