Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Simmering Masses

It is the oddest things that in a world where being common fosters the greatest degree of satisfaction we all want to be unique. There is no surer guarantee or road to dissatisfaction in this world than uniqueness and yet the aspirants to uniqueness are not few but rather far too many. One would think, that if evolution was and is correct that most people would take their environment into consideration and seek to be common quickly, that is not the case, instead we have everyone trying to claim uniqueness and special circumstances as far as their being is concerned; and it is not without some lament that there are people that are happy to have tragedy strike their lives or that in some way feel justified by crippling or disabling psychological, physical or social circumstances thus their claim to uniqueness.

Simmering is a very strong element in our existence thus we may explore it from many angles, one of which is our everyday life which is minimally comprised of at least five fundamental distractions that serve it up, the local environment, the metaphysical, the material, the cosmic and the personal. So that we are not left at a loss we will do minimalist descriptions of each.

Metaphysical, the aspect which deals with the consequences of our desire essence from the nothingness as it manifests itself in the constructs of time and space, a soul might then be eternal but that eternal must be renewed somehow from the transcripts of the truly eternal essence as defined by its native constructs, which in our case are purely emotive desire essence, thus our nothingness is emotive and any abstraction of it that appears in the physical, material and cosmic is a diffusion and fragmentation of such entity, apparent however as emotive essence soul, spirit type.

Local Environment, while there are certainly many environment types that cross and engender each others territories there are equally definable regions which we can safely argue are absolute, these comprise environments, when you say fish live in the sea and live in an aquarium you know that there is an absolute water environment definition of where fish live, thus our environment equally suffers from absolutes that demarcate its constructive environment and further limit our actions, and hold a context over time and occupy a defined space such is a localize environment. In such places you can define knowledge and physical laws as they tend to be relatively constant.

Cosmic: This one is very easy to define but not being wholly there we could also argue equally wrongly defined, but in the most overall aspect the cosmic is the pure essence type of desire Universals when married within time and space constructs of soul and indeed souls and consciousness, their compilation makes all significance on the aspect of physical unity and more in the context of divine consciousness anything. The cosmic speaks with one voice but it is all voices, it is the choir of the simmering vocalizations of all.

Personal Environment, This is the place where most of us live, sadly it is the most restricted and thus the one we ought to want to experience the least, however it is not, we are self absorbed, and this might be as much a requirement of material existence as it might be a requirement of desire essence, that doesn’t preclude any of it from being something equally detrimental to the spiritual health of the universe as we come from pure essence which is what can boldly embody universe but it is equally self absorbed, so that Universe is not the main aspect or importance of its native being. Any time that you personalize you alienate, equally that is a valid construct but a primordial construct none the less and one that should be restricted as much as the local environment will permit.

Material: This is not too difficult to define because it is the most known, it is what we know, it is where we study, it is where we do, it is largely the result of energy simmering and cooling, and because of its slowest energy it can be touched and molded and easy to evidence a reaction with, the most knowable and yet least aware aspect of universe as it localizes, and the part that by luck we happen to inhabit, the material world that is what you are reading, that is what I am writing, that is what we are thinking, that is what we are living. Not the most prestigious place to be, it is where we are.

Simmering is the happenstance of all of these aspects reaching a consensus that normalizes them so that they may accomplish the thing that they don’t want to accomplish cohabitation, we all thus exist because all things have coalesce to agree upon one odd thing that they cannot exist on their own that they cannot exist alone and that they want to congregate and that they are whiling to aspire with same opposites, and thus the natural discord with all things that fundamentally agree with one another but that are fundamentally different. “You are nothing like me! You are everything like me if you can take offence of that!” Even the environment falls under this guise.

“I don’t care what you do with me.” Is what we should tell destiny, however it will hurt and we will start hurting as soon as we say that. Because every law in our cosmic existence supports SIMMERING, and what that means is that it SUPPORTS a COMPROMISE and that implies that no matter how special we want to be in the end we will be SECULARISED because our same energies is what makes us great even as they make us NORMAL. And more Normal.

And so it is that the average person is always normal and the person that isn’t average is always trying to please the normally attributed and any mass appeal rests wholly on appealing to the normalcy and thus all greatness depends on something rather not unique common acceptance, that is normalization, and this is all due because there is no greater ego affirming truth that general acceptance, such it is as it is in commonness.

Recognition of any type is then a common simmering of character types, fame is commonness fully expressed or at least expressed well. And as we attempt to colonize the universe, and others like us or not like us equally attempt to colonize the universe there will continue to be a simmering, because sameness is a simmering, the more we create a universe based on our own image the more common that image will have to be in order to represent us all throughout the varying vastness of the universe.

Speaking of the varying vastness of the universe lets talk to that, apparently telescopes have allowed our scientists to see billions of years into the vastness, and it seems that at least as far as those billions of years into the universe what scientists see is the same thing over and over again, there are quasars, suns, solar systems, planets, galaxies, cosmic dust, black holes in all directions, and you can see this is evidence of the mass simmering of universe, that it radiates its own luxurious ensemble of sameness, that it repeats its manifestations, and that however different a sun is from a black hole they are willing to cohabitate, and this further shows that there is a natural congruence that sets things into a settling routine, but as you can see it is not a great telling, it is not a wonderful thing to realize that as far as far away as we can see things look pretty much the same as they do in our localize universe, but it is a great testament to the power of simmering.
