Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Trajectory Of A Consciousness

As the World happens, as Universe happens as Events unfold as time rescues the incoherence of it all it is not unfair to ponder how it all reasons its eventuation, and it doesn’t surprise us, or at least it shouldn’t, that the event measured, the event lived, the action and the thoughtful ideal are all rigorously entwined in a generalized decoherence of events, that is things can only make sense at a localize level, you and I can imagine what we are going to do Saturday night and the probability of that is high as much because it is a very short term prediction, 100 Saturdays from now would be almost impossible to predict, but this Saturday is doable because its values are constrained by any number of certainties, the Sun is likely to rise tomorrow and the day after too, the weather will be relatively similar to its seasonal qualities, your friends are still likely to be your friends, the planet will most likely not have been banished by an asteroid, these are all short term truths; there are also long term truths, we don’t know when the earth will end, we don’t know when the Sun will flare up and belly up and swallow the solar system whole, we don’t know, this don’t know is backwardly compatible, we don’t know what really happened to the dinosaurs, we don’t know if the Big Bang really did happen, we speculate such things because the farther back you go, like the more into the future you go, the less you can speculate over the event, the thing or the time, this is because localize time frames squeeze everything into limited values and limited consequences, events are dignified into axiomatic schemes because they are constrained, but any allowed dilation of either space or time will invariably create unpredictable outcomes, distance to prognostication is short, the further away we get from Nostrodomos the further away his predictions are likely to have any suspect significance in our lives, such it is.

Consciousness, or more accurately the idea of consciousness is based on short order reality constraints, that is it has a predicable dicerability and projectability and thus its retainability, hence consciousness, you are thus aware of your surroundings because they are determinalisticly constrained and suffer from a short order sustenance, nothing that you believe today, nothing that you are aware of now, not even the immense idea of consciousness that lasciviously translates itself into a universal phenomenon of comprehension not even that surmounts a short cosmic breath, beyond that it is all fiction and even the fiction becomes suspect; after all there is something real about fiction that is that it is false, that it is some heavily curetted fantasy married to n number of aspects of reality so as to adhere it to the thoughts of the given listening tribe, but even fiction could destabilize to the point of becoming nonfiction over time.

The neat thing about this probability of fiction becoming non fiction is that even as it all is one giant arm of speculation, there goes a further thing to happen about it, we can know short term things and the short term things have not the ability to predict or prophecy long term things but they may speculate about the overall system with some accuracy, thus what we are about to do, we cannot know, be clear on that, what the longer term future holds, but we may know why we cannot know it, and that is the gorgeous of it all.

We are going to simplify this and assume that from that we can get the complexity of the system and as a result of that the why it wont work in our favor or based on our plans in the longer term. This is not based on the law of diminishing returns which basically takes account of the maximum potential of an investment and assumes trickles of it down to nothingness over time, such as is the investment in a car, people still buy cars because they don’t understand the potential return on investment, they just don’t need to know that to own a car, a car is not an investment for a driver, it is an investment for a manufacturer, and they are the only ones that can genuinely capitalize upon it, but the point is that when you are buying a car you are not thinking long term, further you are not even thinking short term you are actually just satisfying an urge that cannot be quantized, like you the universe has urges that cannot be quantified, be prepared,

What happens in the context of the Macro is referential to what happens in the Micro world but not really, you can trace any MacroCondition or MetaCondition to any given series of MicroConditions, this is what scientists do, and if you could measure all the variables that make any given MetaCondition then you would easily be overwhelmed by detail to the point of incoherence because the memory of it all overwhelms the consciousness possible overall because all memory is shared by the overall nature of a given system while consciousness has localize limitations of awareness; we accept that the memory of events is limitless because it is shared and you have to put all the pieces together to make sense out of it, why you study. Decoherence happens because consciousness has to narrow things down to a few basic principles, even reality which we don’t always know as an entity though it is just that, that is reality is an agent, it is an event, and that agent and event transpire to annihilate incongruence writhing in the context of systems, that is to say that reality is someone that consolidates the finances, settles upon the most promising aspects of a given event, and that is not to say that the most promising aspects are positive, they could well be negative, or stranger than strange but they are settlement able events, they are events that may be harmonized into a construct that could well be called a reality regardless of how flitting they are. Once there were Dinosaurs, giant boned creatures that ate a lot of vegetables, in the context of cosmic time they the Dinosaurs wouldn’t even be listed as a species, it will be listed but only because the Akashic record has records on everything, but if it didn’t record the Dinosaurs no one would be less for it though they would be slightly something else, because species takes into account the histories of species consciousness, the Dinosaur whispered something into the cosmic Species record that altered every Species record, even those Species that had hardened, if you took a Dinosaur egg and were somehow successful in getting it to hatch in modern times, you would find that a Dinosaur born today isn’t the same dinosaur born in prehistoric times, the consciousness of species has changed, the prehistoric egg, and this will trouble the anthropologist, but it would give birth to a modern day dinosaur not a prehistoric dinosaur, the DNA is not static because it reflects the subconscious awareness that the Universe has accumulated about dinosaur; the dinosaur continues to evolve even if extinct.

The complexity of any process disintegrates through time, that is why the simplest processes are the all time survivors, but that is also based on time constrains, time doesn’t have the ability to constrain long processes, which is why infinity doesn’t have any time in it, it is too long to constrain, the constriction of time is what matters to us here, time is something that tightens things, its restricts things, it makes them conform into sequences, and it adulterates those things to conform to other things, time is anti chaos, it is anti entropy, and it is narrow, its path is measurable, detectable and knowable but equally it is furthest from the truth because of it, even as it is the most obvious truth maker of our time; further I should disagreeably add that time has the greatest to do with entropy as fundamentally time is a measure of degradation, things do not pile up because they consistently disintegrate.

The process unwinds as follows, and lets be quick about it because there isn’t that much to it, the idea of consciousness and reality are inextricably operated within the construct of the same idea, that is they are formed by events that transpired in parallel through intertwined ignorant collusions with one another, that is you don’t know me and I don’t know you and we don’t know the rest off the universe and it doesn’t know us but every action that we take effects all of us combined and produces an AWARE state outcome which we all have to live and indeed endure. It isn’t what you want, it inst what I want, it isn’t what the universe wants, least of all what god wants, god merely troubles to be the most unsatisfied and dissatisfied entity in the entire concept of existence, such is morality, but the Universe, You and I are a consequences of a series of ungratifying events that result in a given reality, you can thus challenge your destiny and suffer the outcome of such a challenge but nothing can vindicate you as the purist for the cause or the cause itself, sorry to say that to Jesus Christ, as it implies that he could not have known the father of his actions, that he was true to his destiny perhaps, but that in itself carries a bigger burden, destiny is the railroad that we are all on, like it or not destiny will drag us along its master plan, Jesus first and foremost proves that destiny doesn’t care about us, about you and I, about individualism, when Jesus sacrificed himself he was not only showing how powerful a certain consciousness of destiny is, but also how little it cares for individuality, dragged to his death, either by his own design or that given by destiny, there is nothing in Christ that redeems individualism, and yet Jesus had to be one of the few perceivable originals.

The basic principle here is really unnecessary to state, there is no romance in the concept of Universe nor in the concept of Truth because consciousness is only gratified by proximity thus decoherence. A dear friend of mine, Isabel, recently told me that she was searching for the precepts to love, presuming I suppose that there are at 10 rules of love that can be extrapolated from the vagaries of daily existence, I can easily dismiss such concept as fruitless and worthless, love doesn’t know any rules, it is not something that has time constrains, even as it is a localize entity, you do after all fall in love with what you see, but the inherent nature of love is one of the most paramount idealisms ever to have been constructed, because love requires an acknowledgement of indeterminist universals, “I will love you forever,” while catering to the simplest local plot the universe has ever know, two deterministic lovers, why even the dinosaurs, i.e. short breath, did that.
