Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Limitations Of Enlightenment & The Impractically Compromised

What do we mean by enlightenment? There must be at least a few hundred answers for that, I don’t want to say that I have the absolute definition on this matter of enlightenment, I don’t, but certainly we can define it based on some principles that will approximate basic religious and metaphysical beliefs but not so much philosophical overviews, we may completely disregard the age of enlightenment as was called the 18th century a whole misnomer if there was ever one thus we can wholly reject any definition of enlightenment based on intellectual flavors, and we can take such liberties because the name Enlightenment is correct it is instead that generally intellectualized definitions are wrong for the “enlightened,” in any context we have no use for knowledge, they don’t need to know, the Sun is enlightened, the Plank length is deliciously enlightening but limited as a measurement, nothing but humans take it into intellectual consideration everything else is just aware of it.

Enlightenment is an absorbed state in which the individual feels one with the universe and all and is emancipated into a condition of tranquility and a far more reaching state of complete awareness, this awareness and its accompanying euphoria cannot be explained nor known, it cannot be taught, every individual comes to this condition, if ever, by accident such it is. The condition can be obtained, by some, consistently through meditation, briefly through religious experiences and equally under very unique circumstances through the use of hallucinogenic drugs any other method of reaching such condition is highly suspect, knowledge for instance does not increase one’s proximity to such illumination instead knowledge actually deters enlightenment, practitioners of natural energies wont ever be illuminated as earthly energies are grounded by nature, scientists the ultimate practitioners of empirical truth can easily avoid enlightenment, frankly it would scare them to feel such immensity at their grasp but just the same is true for the axiomatic seekers that are philosophers, any quest for truth invalidates awareness let that be their punishment; further it is difficult but not impossible to stumble into a state of enlightenment that may well be interpreted by the subject as a religious experience, generally meditation can assure the contemplative mind an occasional euphoria based on the sense of communion with everything that is offered by the occurrence of the condition but there are no guarantees, some people could meditate forever and never reach such altered state, further it is supposed that anyone can reach this condition, most certainly that could not be denied, anyone can reach it its just that not everyone does.

As you have seen in other chapters there is an almost natural conflict between what is the material world and the metaphysical and there isn’t some kind of a natural unifying point, the inherent destabilization by what are different aims cannot be harmonized regardless of how many piano tuners you put to the task. This is because the relationship of spirit to material is not natural, that is to say they didn’t grow out of one another but rather there was an environmental factor, there was a collage of circumstances and the final results are doubtfully anything better than a scramble for togetherness and unity and grand unified theories and these all become nullified because no one has an inherent interest in all the possible outcomes of what we call Universe, thus any attempt at a reductionism to obtain unity, i.e. there is only one god, there are only four primordial forces and five elemental particles etc… doesn’t matter it wouldn’t sum because anytime you get into the elemental you have to touch the nothingness and that will not deliver any meaning, further if you want to start from the grand scope of things, in the giant Universe the only thing that you get is the agglomeration of things through varying degrees of simmering that have somehow reached a compromise as they continue to diffuse towards their inevitable simmering which will once again quantify the nothingness.

There you have it there is no easy way to simplify the universal complexity as it is an inherent condition but more egregiously the universe cannot be reduced to any of its basic constituents without eliminating an awareness that would be critical to validate any and all of its summarized components. Today in order to explore and comprehend any and all aspects of the universe, from minerals, organic, chemical, nuclear, social, electrodynamics, etc… we have to isolate, thus we have to create a disassociated understanding of any given subject in order to understand some basic principle behind it, mathematicians are used to ignoring this and that thing, today’s String Theorists are busy ignoring a lot of things in order to get a grip on some gooey string handle. Knowledge requires such sacrifice, you can always know something about anything but you will never know the whole of the thing essence, never, you cannot and why you cannot is even interesting. Because you are not all things, you are not a god, even god, as he could exist in anyway recognizable to you would have to equally not be everything, he would have to be a limited god, limited to your pure essence concept and indeed restricted in invincibility and omnipotence and absolute awareness to that particular pure essence, feeling essence, ergio essence, beyond those boundaries god would be as bound to limitations as your soul today is bound to the limitations encountered by your physical being and much bothered by it as well.

Enlightenment then takes on an interesting significance, it is a compartmentalization within the constrains of awareness that are based on pure essence types and so enlightenment does not go far out into the immensity without forgoing awareness for the sake of localize knowledge and localize awareness. Then once it is out there, in the immensity of space-time universes, enlightenment realizes that it is in enemy territory, that it is out on the teetering edge of possible significance and on the verge of an altered sedation and so it attempts to do an amazingly logical regression, only it would not have walked out this far into the Planck length if it hadn’t intended to escape, and therefore the retreat becomes marred and conflicted with everything from here touched and everything from pure essence felt, that is the fatal trick of it all, and even knowing that any fundamental death returns you to the state of nothingness doesn’t comfort any type of awareness that finds itself in this predicament, we can safely say that they all do, for as much as pure essence can be detested and cannot be escaped it must be assumed that everyone will attempt the escape and by doing so accomplish the disparity, a disparity that looked on through rose colored glasses is the only thing that saves us from simmering.

“You cant get something from nothing” is obviously the most wrongheaded statement ever made, you can get a lot from nothing an entire Universe and Space-Time but while you will get something from the nothingness the outcome has always to be disagreeable and thus the craving for atonement and ultimately enlightenment.

You can imagine those Monks that sit for hours on end meditating like pilots add on flight time, Monks sit there so they can contemplate the universe, immediately I would say much to the good of the Monks and much to the good of the Mystic community but hardly much of a benefit to you and I, at least as far as I can tell the Dali Lama hasn’t done anything for me, and frankly a lot less for Tibet, and I didn’t want to get political but the sad truth is that the Dali Lama has been politicized and we cannot get away from that unless we opted to ignore a painful truth, Why is the Dali Lama flying on planes and promoting technology instead of feeling himself and his people through ultimate transcendental enlightenment? The answer is cute and I apologize for that, because it is easier to obtain earthly substantiations than pure enlightenment. If I was the Dali Lama I would not fight earthly wars, frankly I wouldn’t have to and I wouldn’t have to because I would not be aware of them, they are too terminal, too material, too indefinitely miscalculated, too improvised, too local, as the Dali Lama I would not fight, pretend to fight, or align myself with such earthly matters, the problem is that the metaphysical is very difficult to explain, it has a great deal of inaction and it doesn’t measure results quarterly or yearly though you can sense some effect over the centuries, that is if you can sense the metaphysical but overall we ought not sit here to imagine that the metaphysical contemplations of Monks are going to save us or grant us an immensity of enlightenment, they are not.

Now when our local Monk goes into some euphoric contemplative state and realizes the ponderous immensity through his ohm contemplative event there is nothing that he can do to save us from the fact that we are not ohming but instead with are perspiring paying rent and feeding ourselves, the contemplations of our Monk communities are not going to be made available at Cost Less for wholesale prices, and they are not going to be made available because they are against the normalizations and stabilizations of the material world, granted that Yoga might be found acceptable in so far as it can maximize production, but the metaphysical is never going to come to terms with the material, try as hard as you might the contemplative types will always be in short supply, not because you and I and our next door neighbor is not capable of being a contemplative monk, we all have it in us, it is just wrong, it is wrong for us, it is wrong for this world, we are ultimately like it or not material earth bound creatures, planetarians if you will, put any miniscule level of perversion on that but it doesn’t change it any, you are not, by design, made to be fundamentally metaphysical, neither is the Dali Lama, sorry to have to say that but by opting to be born you gave away your metaphysical rights and more your trappings.

I think that we can abolish the ideals here so we can get on with the possible realities, the problem with the Monk is not that his take on life is inaccurate, far from it, any Buddhist or Hindu scribe will tell you that they are aware of how little they can change the Universe, so they are not going to try, they are not saying that it cannot be changed but that any change is done over centuries multiplied over the shortest infinities, because when you start something in the context of existence be it a rock pushed towards the North Star, or a human baby at birth, there is already a maximized dynamic there, intensely focused and set in some direction that has already precalculated its optimum potential, the Dali Lama is no different than that, and neither are you and I, and so we cannot sit around disarming ourselves from our material-potential reality, and frankly, and this could hurt so close your eyes, we are the mostess representatives of the material world, there you have it that is the truth, you might be the son of a perfection but your personification in the material is an accepted imperfection, pause here.

I always try to have a good day after thinking these thoughts by having a good glass of wine you might try same. Now that that is done we can forfeiture the idea that we can be illuminated, enlightenment is for those that have time in their hands, we don’t, we are material creatures, we are advancing in the material world, we have a fundamental sense of our material duties far above all others, and while it is possible to wish and to hope for a regression, every time that we have a baby, every time that we plant a tree, or for every hour that we labor to build a house or to pay a mortgage, or when we are driving our car, we are the materialists that we are, far and foremost above everything else, and don’t let any cute ideas of your metaphysical get too much of a hold of you, that is if you want to enjoy any of this life that you might not get to repeat, after all you never know where you are going to end up, be it in the spiritual spectrum or as part of the wholeness of the nothingness or dribbled out of mom into a Dali Lama.

Further and finally, the spectrum of enlightenment has within its conceptualization only divine and absolute truths, by their very nature these are intolerable from any angle of perception, it is ok to feel a little bit of them, to touch the immensity, but if you ever get to close to enlightenment you will start eating one grain of rice and starve yourself out of existence, this is neither good for you or for the cause of existence. When we say divine and absolute truths we mean that they do not suffer from a need to be fixed or cured or corrected, pure essence types for instance are flawless, of course they are useless to us all descendants as that which they are, pure essence and so no good at all, the idea of god for instance is fascinating and interesting and captivating but it is equally useless, which is to say you cannot use it here. To which you might ask does that mean that we are ultimately practical? Hardly, we are equally impracticable but we are more practicable than the ideal of god, so that makes us impractically compromised.
