The Apophthegm Prophecy Measured
There are any number of variables that we could use to measure if in fact our apophthegm prophecy has come to pass or even if we posses the necessary elements to make it genuine and so we shall give some effort here so that our readers are not left to their own devices. The key element that allows us to measure its effects are ergio energies, this is because they are indeed cosmically quantifiable and scientists will like this part because they can thus continue on experimenting and proving things in the new world order, thus no one will be left behind.
We can start with obvious measures and one everyone will like but first let me note that while we can tell you what to measure we could not tell you what instrumentation would be required for it; however we can tell you without doubt what mindset to nurture.
Now then the first thing is that you can measure sentient energy, that is sentient energy can be detected as it habits a human being and specially as it travels from one human being to another or to a precious orchid or from a human being to an animal like say a tiger, that last one in the form of fear of course. Fear like any emotion can only be manifested and transferred via ergio energies that is the medium by which tigers and animals in general including human animals can detect fear in one another. However we can leave the chemist out of this as by the time there is a chemical reaction biology has kicked into the process and that is more byproduct and not genuine ergio energies, that is to say you can witness reactions in a chemical context, as induced by ergio energies but that is not a direct account of those energies, ergio energies are cosmic in nature and so they have to be witness in the same manner that you would witness a neutrino or a photon.
If you can measure sentient energy the most abundant area of sentient energy would be where there is a whole lot of love, that is love concentrates sentient energy fields to a very high degree of their potential physical manifestation. Two lovers sharing each others compassion and passions would certainly register a quantifiable ergio mass exchange. The dynamic generated between the two lovers ought to be significant and detectable locally and even at a distance, as love energies arc over distances. It is thus postulated here that love energies, because they combined with less resistance than all other possible combinations. would manifest the highest degree of dynamic flow and interchange and thus ought be the easiest to detect though also the rarest. And they are rarest not because they are, plenty of love flows throughout a species and even humanity and more so throughout the metaphysical but the problem is that the spastic energies such as hate, conflict, or life manifesting such as pure raw desire make a lot more noise and so they distort and adversely obfuscate love energies; this means that in part any detection would require the elimination of the distortions caused by the more prevalent energies; and also that there will be frequency variables with ergio energies so that not all ergios will register the same footprint.
Another little fascination is that there may in fact be ergio energy discrepancies between two lovers so it ought also be measurable if one lover is more parasitic than the other, thought generally two well matched lovers will be more or less equal parasites of each other and most energy exchanges will approximate zero variance over time. This also brings us to an odd principle, love energies are very quantifiable but when two lovers are very much in love their love energies, as they are transmitted will, in the interchange, largely cancel each other’s reciprocating wave pattern, sort of eliminating redundancy of feeling and refining it to the most obvious intensity and that love will then represent a most thin string oscillation of ergio energy quantifications.
Generally you may detect any type of love energy dynamically interacting between any parties concerned, excepting systems as a system cannot love you back as much as it might want to or claim, with propaganda, to love you so and value you systems just don’t do that.
Now between a mother and child there ought to be mass amounts of ergio energy flows and between sisters and brothers and best friends and soul mates. But soul mates are a special category because they will have the highest bond possible even higher than that between a marriage of lovers that are not each others soul mates and higher even than that of a mother child relationship. This is because a mother has a child because a child wishes to be born into this world and finds a carrier and the mutual circumstances permit it, but soul mates are souls that find themselves in the here and now but that know each other or have been aware of each others existence in the metaphysical or/and in other material realms. Now here the quantum effect of shared expression takes over and when two souls find each other on this earth their bond will generally be of the highest magnitude and their ergio energies collusion would have substantial surface level delectation, equaling irrefutable substance.
Soul mates suffer the greatest benefits from action at a distance, i.e. quantum entanglement principles, where once they were joined together in another dimensional space, and then found themselves, through whatever circumstances separated, they would still carry each others essence in a complimentary framework, so that either one will feel though not necessarily experience what the other feels, this even as they may be separated by times, i.e. epochs and distances, i.e. spatial dimensions, and even states of being such as can be said if one is dead and the other is alive in a corporeal context.
But soul mates have a more amazing benefit to their relationship that is that the emotional ergio energies that travel to and from one another are the sum total of their combined experiences as well, so that their interactions with other souls and same essence types are accrued mutually as if they were one. That is to say that if the universe were to observe any actions between two soul mates it would register them as a singular action, in the same way that if it were to measure their ergio energy mass it would quantify it as 1, one; and spectacularly the same, it follows that if universe were to measurably observe peoples, by their combined ergio energies, it would only witness and measure one, one humanity. It would not see individuality!
Action-at-a-distance, is of course based on the complimentary quantum experience, as it has been documented and no different and it even gets more interesting. When you look at the accumulation of the experiences across souls you get something even more fascinating shared-soul-experiences, that is soul mates that have accumulated association in other dimensions would reflect those associations by the tribe that they chose as their own, that is to say that tribal affiliation is more than likely based on a cosmic priori of metaphysical associations arrived at through a myriad of entanglements; and that logically scales to nation though as it scales it can be assumed that the connection is many degrees lesser than that based on soul-mate associations so that patriot and compatriot, it can be assumed, hardly know one another. You ought here take notice then that the institution of nation, rises into manifestation not out of love but actually because there is a lack of it.
This is accurately to say that there are personal and systemic complimentary connections based on time-space that do not necessarily share the obvious association based on pure connective metaphysical properties, so that two souls born on this particular time-space would have a minor and measurable degree of quantum entanglement based merely on their time-space association but not to the level of a soul-mate entanglement where there is no longer distance or time between them. Souls that have shared a priori in same space-time criteria would more likely succeed in forming nations which are more based on acquaintance type factors not excluding friendships that are many times removed from soul-mate experiences but are still rudimentarily associated with varying kinds of priori entanglements.
In conclusion when emotive essence types manifest themselves in the physical they will immediately search and struggle to find entanglement associations which will thus formulate social and system entities in time-space. Based on that assumption there ought to be a significant resonance-association that ought be detectable and observable at some ergio level magnitude. And we must here warn that all ergio energies directed to mount institutions will invariably ground those energies in the near/here, such is their lot.
When ergio energy is transferred it might not leave a trace, it might be the only type of energy not to leave a trace, because a requires constant input, that is not to say that it cannot have and leave a history it just doesn’t float on its own, ergio energies require and mandate dynamic attention, and not just any type of attention that is there must be care taken to express them because they are emotive and emotive energies do not take well to being ignored, that is they will disappear if they are not constantly infused with some level of attention and observation so as to resonate; the primal scream that brings emotive energies into being is thus a magnificent attention span effect circumstance which can sustain itself as observable for some magnificent amount of time in space but that depends on early recognition so as to maintain itself and not subsume.
What this tells us is that if you are loving someone love is indeed not something that you can do once and then take for granted that the object that you love will know that you are loving them forever, rather the contrary when you love someone it is to always have to love them, it is like having a constant job at putting love energy into the relationship it does mandate such an effort and it is reflected in how much attention and thought and tenderness and patience you give to the object of your love so that it will sustain the interaction of love between both entities, and further it is postulated here that for love to manifest itself, as love is an entity unto itself, even though it is only a dynamic entity and it can only exist based on the interaction of third parties, but for love to manifest itself it must be shared, that is it must have a mutual reciprocity and must have within those associations already not only the ability to love but that the dynamic of love has been made receptive within any given combination of participants.
The love object that receives love and is able to channel love will invariably suffer an increase in mass as love energy amasses within and throughout the constituency, that is that love energy fattens you up and it fattens anything that it touches, the more attention you give to something the more it will grow, the longer it will live, the more it will enjoy life and the fatter it will get and the healthier it will be.
But there is an even more important factor the more love and desire attention than an emotive being gets the greater the energy stamina it will have to manifest in the context of action in the material world, so a president or a rock star or super athlete will largely hold the attention energy of many within their vessel and will be able to endure and manifest great actions on behalf of the spectators and their anticipations as a result of the combined wishes and attention of ergio energies that are diverted towards them via their constituency of admirers.
Thus great nations will grow fatter and also have a greater potential manifested in them through the combined attention energy that is driven towards them by the expectant based of all those that harbor energy of attention towards them, in any guise national or international. However there is a matter that is critical here, expectant-energies (those of the mass) are not always positive and the greater the nation, essence, system or superstar character the greater its ability to channel emotive energy and this is so in any discernable aspect, so that the attention given by the principal entity that represents the whims, wants and desire expressions of the mass must be attentive to the equal perversion that such may suffer and thus hopefully exercise a degree of wisdom on their behalf by opting to listen to the most positive or edifying or uniting aspect of propositions from their given constituency; this even as their may occur an overriding subconscious agglomeration of unmanifested ill well.
This is of course is all a judgment call and not always rightly made, so that a president might make the wrong judgment call even as his avatar presence is subject to the multitude of energies of his entire constituency, when this happens in the case of a rock star you might not get a best selling album and that can be tolerable though we do not mean to undermine its effect which is indeed great, but when it happens in the case of a president which represents a broader constituency the results may well be catastrophic, thus one would hope that presidents have great wisdom even as one must suspect that they must be the most vacant of souls so that they can be effected by the greatest number of emotive essence energies.
And here we will make an argument for a little romanticism. If you have ever slept too much you will know that you feel terrible the rest of the day, the body for some reason does not like a lot of sleep, it just doesn’t, the body likes to be awake but not that awake and the reason why it doesn’t is most fascinating. You have to remember that ergio energies are most substantive in the subconscious cosmic realm, they don’t generally manifest themselves above that and are indeed largely unrecognizable but for effect in the here and now, so that your only connection to them is when you are working in part with your subconscious essence and third eye that detect well, subconscious energies. The energy that fosters your stay in the here and now is all emotive energy, why even souls could not exist for one night in the metaphysical if it wasn’t for their being fully infused and more so than us with ergio substantials, and so when you sleep a lot you are then wide awake and so more here/here than not and that means that you are too much here, too much aware of temporal reality, too alert and that alertness loses a great degree of touch with your cosmic subconscious and with the part that ties you to the dust that strings throughout ergio emotive energies that power you. This is why you will feel energyless when you sleep a lot, because the bridge between you and your subconscious has narrowed and the ergio energies that dynamically nourish you from the cosmic will been going through a bottleneck and reach you in fewer ergio quantities.
The subconscious is obviously more powerful than the conscious because the conscious is a substrata of the higher subconsciousness that has been arrested to attest for the goings in the here and now, and so it has been dulled and limited a great deal so that it can deal with an unfeeling circumstance; and it doesn’t stop there the more awake you are the less you feel so that the less you feel the more likely you are to do damage to yourself and to your kind for you are not fully feeling, and there is nothing than is more harmful to an emotive essence than not being able to fully feel and conduct its ergio energies. This is because the only real resource for genuine awareness that we have is our emotive principle, not our logic, not our knowledge, not our institution, not even our belief system, rather simply put it is the dynamic ergio energies manifesting themselves as minutely as they are allowed, in the here and now that constitute any genuine awareness and sincereness that we may posses towards ourselves and one another. It thus behooves us to let them flow as freely as possible and we the more we tie ourselves to the material trappings the less we will feel and the more we will feel through out material trappings which will only serve to deaden our emotive essence.
When you can love a doll that doesn’t mean that you are indeed loving though your ergio energies are being grounded in the activity and when you worship your stamp collection that doesn’t mean that you understand devotion, that is all merely a representation of how your senses have been dulled, so that the more you love your car or your house the less you love your emotive and the less the emotive can love you because, if you remember correctly, love is a shared dynamic it doesn’t act alone, that idea that if there is a god he can love you even if you don’t love him is false, if you don’t love a god he will not love you period, because love is fundamentally a shared emotion and wholly dependant on the consistency and fruition of that dynamic.
Now if you are talking about a nutritive essence such as food or take pork for instance, the pork comes from the pig the pig is in itself an emotive essence manifestation and how it was nourished and treated throughout its life time will determine how wonderful its meat will be, and so further down that chain how it is cooked and how that person gives that nutritive aspect Chef energies, which are emotive will all appreciate the final result of the dinner given. This is due to the fact that nourishment is based on same types, and that consumption of same types is the only thing that can nourish, and the handler of any of that process involves ergio energies that align the symmetries all the way down the process line till serving is done. Equally the ergio energies will drift back from the taster. Junk food produces junk food junkies and vice versa. As sad as that it is.
Love can perish yes it can, and it can perish very easily, it is more fragile than an atomic trigger, it is however easy to sustain a love reaction but it is easier to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, love reactions require any multitude of attentions, and these cannot be diverted and once they are diverted then the connection synapses disperse and even disappear, this is why there is so little love in the world and more anger and hate and ire, because love is the most difficult of all the dynamic representations that are manifested through emotive essence to manifest, and it is the easiest to ignore because love, love doesn’t demand attention, it requires attention to formulate love but love doesn’t demand it! That is the crux of the issue, the love dynamic doesn’t immediately enmesh everything unto itself, the love dynamic is not self supporting, the love dynamic requires intensity and constant attention and as such it is incredibly difficult to sustain, and difficult to believe, hate is more obvious and hate too is not self supporting, but then it has majestic representation attributes that petrify it into any consciousness type.
We will thus conclude here that ergio energies are measurable and that their dynamic dependencies can be detected and quantified, though direct observation of the more euphoric expressions are probably not a viable enterprise.
ricardo (c)
We can start with obvious measures and one everyone will like but first let me note that while we can tell you what to measure we could not tell you what instrumentation would be required for it; however we can tell you without doubt what mindset to nurture.
Now then the first thing is that you can measure sentient energy, that is sentient energy can be detected as it habits a human being and specially as it travels from one human being to another or to a precious orchid or from a human being to an animal like say a tiger, that last one in the form of fear of course. Fear like any emotion can only be manifested and transferred via ergio energies that is the medium by which tigers and animals in general including human animals can detect fear in one another. However we can leave the chemist out of this as by the time there is a chemical reaction biology has kicked into the process and that is more byproduct and not genuine ergio energies, that is to say you can witness reactions in a chemical context, as induced by ergio energies but that is not a direct account of those energies, ergio energies are cosmic in nature and so they have to be witness in the same manner that you would witness a neutrino or a photon.
If you can measure sentient energy the most abundant area of sentient energy would be where there is a whole lot of love, that is love concentrates sentient energy fields to a very high degree of their potential physical manifestation. Two lovers sharing each others compassion and passions would certainly register a quantifiable ergio mass exchange. The dynamic generated between the two lovers ought to be significant and detectable locally and even at a distance, as love energies arc over distances. It is thus postulated here that love energies, because they combined with less resistance than all other possible combinations. would manifest the highest degree of dynamic flow and interchange and thus ought be the easiest to detect though also the rarest. And they are rarest not because they are, plenty of love flows throughout a species and even humanity and more so throughout the metaphysical but the problem is that the spastic energies such as hate, conflict, or life manifesting such as pure raw desire make a lot more noise and so they distort and adversely obfuscate love energies; this means that in part any detection would require the elimination of the distortions caused by the more prevalent energies; and also that there will be frequency variables with ergio energies so that not all ergios will register the same footprint.
Another little fascination is that there may in fact be ergio energy discrepancies between two lovers so it ought also be measurable if one lover is more parasitic than the other, thought generally two well matched lovers will be more or less equal parasites of each other and most energy exchanges will approximate zero variance over time. This also brings us to an odd principle, love energies are very quantifiable but when two lovers are very much in love their love energies, as they are transmitted will, in the interchange, largely cancel each other’s reciprocating wave pattern, sort of eliminating redundancy of feeling and refining it to the most obvious intensity and that love will then represent a most thin string oscillation of ergio energy quantifications.
Generally you may detect any type of love energy dynamically interacting between any parties concerned, excepting systems as a system cannot love you back as much as it might want to or claim, with propaganda, to love you so and value you systems just don’t do that.
Now between a mother and child there ought to be mass amounts of ergio energy flows and between sisters and brothers and best friends and soul mates. But soul mates are a special category because they will have the highest bond possible even higher than that between a marriage of lovers that are not each others soul mates and higher even than that of a mother child relationship. This is because a mother has a child because a child wishes to be born into this world and finds a carrier and the mutual circumstances permit it, but soul mates are souls that find themselves in the here and now but that know each other or have been aware of each others existence in the metaphysical or/and in other material realms. Now here the quantum effect of shared expression takes over and when two souls find each other on this earth their bond will generally be of the highest magnitude and their ergio energies collusion would have substantial surface level delectation, equaling irrefutable substance.
Soul mates suffer the greatest benefits from action at a distance, i.e. quantum entanglement principles, where once they were joined together in another dimensional space, and then found themselves, through whatever circumstances separated, they would still carry each others essence in a complimentary framework, so that either one will feel though not necessarily experience what the other feels, this even as they may be separated by times, i.e. epochs and distances, i.e. spatial dimensions, and even states of being such as can be said if one is dead and the other is alive in a corporeal context.
But soul mates have a more amazing benefit to their relationship that is that the emotional ergio energies that travel to and from one another are the sum total of their combined experiences as well, so that their interactions with other souls and same essence types are accrued mutually as if they were one. That is to say that if the universe were to observe any actions between two soul mates it would register them as a singular action, in the same way that if it were to measure their ergio energy mass it would quantify it as 1, one; and spectacularly the same, it follows that if universe were to measurably observe peoples, by their combined ergio energies, it would only witness and measure one, one humanity. It would not see individuality!
Action-at-a-distance, is of course based on the complimentary quantum experience, as it has been documented and no different and it even gets more interesting. When you look at the accumulation of the experiences across souls you get something even more fascinating shared-soul-experiences, that is soul mates that have accumulated association in other dimensions would reflect those associations by the tribe that they chose as their own, that is to say that tribal affiliation is more than likely based on a cosmic priori of metaphysical associations arrived at through a myriad of entanglements; and that logically scales to nation though as it scales it can be assumed that the connection is many degrees lesser than that based on soul-mate associations so that patriot and compatriot, it can be assumed, hardly know one another. You ought here take notice then that the institution of nation, rises into manifestation not out of love but actually because there is a lack of it.
This is accurately to say that there are personal and systemic complimentary connections based on time-space that do not necessarily share the obvious association based on pure connective metaphysical properties, so that two souls born on this particular time-space would have a minor and measurable degree of quantum entanglement based merely on their time-space association but not to the level of a soul-mate entanglement where there is no longer distance or time between them. Souls that have shared a priori in same space-time criteria would more likely succeed in forming nations which are more based on acquaintance type factors not excluding friendships that are many times removed from soul-mate experiences but are still rudimentarily associated with varying kinds of priori entanglements.
In conclusion when emotive essence types manifest themselves in the physical they will immediately search and struggle to find entanglement associations which will thus formulate social and system entities in time-space. Based on that assumption there ought to be a significant resonance-association that ought be detectable and observable at some ergio level magnitude. And we must here warn that all ergio energies directed to mount institutions will invariably ground those energies in the near/here, such is their lot.
When ergio energy is transferred it might not leave a trace, it might be the only type of energy not to leave a trace, because a requires constant input, that is not to say that it cannot have and leave a history it just doesn’t float on its own, ergio energies require and mandate dynamic attention, and not just any type of attention that is there must be care taken to express them because they are emotive and emotive energies do not take well to being ignored, that is they will disappear if they are not constantly infused with some level of attention and observation so as to resonate; the primal scream that brings emotive energies into being is thus a magnificent attention span effect circumstance which can sustain itself as observable for some magnificent amount of time in space but that depends on early recognition so as to maintain itself and not subsume.
What this tells us is that if you are loving someone love is indeed not something that you can do once and then take for granted that the object that you love will know that you are loving them forever, rather the contrary when you love someone it is to always have to love them, it is like having a constant job at putting love energy into the relationship it does mandate such an effort and it is reflected in how much attention and thought and tenderness and patience you give to the object of your love so that it will sustain the interaction of love between both entities, and further it is postulated here that for love to manifest itself, as love is an entity unto itself, even though it is only a dynamic entity and it can only exist based on the interaction of third parties, but for love to manifest itself it must be shared, that is it must have a mutual reciprocity and must have within those associations already not only the ability to love but that the dynamic of love has been made receptive within any given combination of participants.
The love object that receives love and is able to channel love will invariably suffer an increase in mass as love energy amasses within and throughout the constituency, that is that love energy fattens you up and it fattens anything that it touches, the more attention you give to something the more it will grow, the longer it will live, the more it will enjoy life and the fatter it will get and the healthier it will be.
But there is an even more important factor the more love and desire attention than an emotive being gets the greater the energy stamina it will have to manifest in the context of action in the material world, so a president or a rock star or super athlete will largely hold the attention energy of many within their vessel and will be able to endure and manifest great actions on behalf of the spectators and their anticipations as a result of the combined wishes and attention of ergio energies that are diverted towards them via their constituency of admirers.
Thus great nations will grow fatter and also have a greater potential manifested in them through the combined attention energy that is driven towards them by the expectant based of all those that harbor energy of attention towards them, in any guise national or international. However there is a matter that is critical here, expectant-energies (those of the mass) are not always positive and the greater the nation, essence, system or superstar character the greater its ability to channel emotive energy and this is so in any discernable aspect, so that the attention given by the principal entity that represents the whims, wants and desire expressions of the mass must be attentive to the equal perversion that such may suffer and thus hopefully exercise a degree of wisdom on their behalf by opting to listen to the most positive or edifying or uniting aspect of propositions from their given constituency; this even as their may occur an overriding subconscious agglomeration of unmanifested ill well.
This is of course is all a judgment call and not always rightly made, so that a president might make the wrong judgment call even as his avatar presence is subject to the multitude of energies of his entire constituency, when this happens in the case of a rock star you might not get a best selling album and that can be tolerable though we do not mean to undermine its effect which is indeed great, but when it happens in the case of a president which represents a broader constituency the results may well be catastrophic, thus one would hope that presidents have great wisdom even as one must suspect that they must be the most vacant of souls so that they can be effected by the greatest number of emotive essence energies.
And here we will make an argument for a little romanticism. If you have ever slept too much you will know that you feel terrible the rest of the day, the body for some reason does not like a lot of sleep, it just doesn’t, the body likes to be awake but not that awake and the reason why it doesn’t is most fascinating. You have to remember that ergio energies are most substantive in the subconscious cosmic realm, they don’t generally manifest themselves above that and are indeed largely unrecognizable but for effect in the here and now, so that your only connection to them is when you are working in part with your subconscious essence and third eye that detect well, subconscious energies. The energy that fosters your stay in the here and now is all emotive energy, why even souls could not exist for one night in the metaphysical if it wasn’t for their being fully infused and more so than us with ergio substantials, and so when you sleep a lot you are then wide awake and so more here/here than not and that means that you are too much here, too much aware of temporal reality, too alert and that alertness loses a great degree of touch with your cosmic subconscious and with the part that ties you to the dust that strings throughout ergio emotive energies that power you. This is why you will feel energyless when you sleep a lot, because the bridge between you and your subconscious has narrowed and the ergio energies that dynamically nourish you from the cosmic will been going through a bottleneck and reach you in fewer ergio quantities.
The subconscious is obviously more powerful than the conscious because the conscious is a substrata of the higher subconsciousness that has been arrested to attest for the goings in the here and now, and so it has been dulled and limited a great deal so that it can deal with an unfeeling circumstance; and it doesn’t stop there the more awake you are the less you feel so that the less you feel the more likely you are to do damage to yourself and to your kind for you are not fully feeling, and there is nothing than is more harmful to an emotive essence than not being able to fully feel and conduct its ergio energies. This is because the only real resource for genuine awareness that we have is our emotive principle, not our logic, not our knowledge, not our institution, not even our belief system, rather simply put it is the dynamic ergio energies manifesting themselves as minutely as they are allowed, in the here and now that constitute any genuine awareness and sincereness that we may posses towards ourselves and one another. It thus behooves us to let them flow as freely as possible and we the more we tie ourselves to the material trappings the less we will feel and the more we will feel through out material trappings which will only serve to deaden our emotive essence.
When you can love a doll that doesn’t mean that you are indeed loving though your ergio energies are being grounded in the activity and when you worship your stamp collection that doesn’t mean that you understand devotion, that is all merely a representation of how your senses have been dulled, so that the more you love your car or your house the less you love your emotive and the less the emotive can love you because, if you remember correctly, love is a shared dynamic it doesn’t act alone, that idea that if there is a god he can love you even if you don’t love him is false, if you don’t love a god he will not love you period, because love is fundamentally a shared emotion and wholly dependant on the consistency and fruition of that dynamic.
Now if you are talking about a nutritive essence such as food or take pork for instance, the pork comes from the pig the pig is in itself an emotive essence manifestation and how it was nourished and treated throughout its life time will determine how wonderful its meat will be, and so further down that chain how it is cooked and how that person gives that nutritive aspect Chef energies, which are emotive will all appreciate the final result of the dinner given. This is due to the fact that nourishment is based on same types, and that consumption of same types is the only thing that can nourish, and the handler of any of that process involves ergio energies that align the symmetries all the way down the process line till serving is done. Equally the ergio energies will drift back from the taster. Junk food produces junk food junkies and vice versa. As sad as that it is.
Love can perish yes it can, and it can perish very easily, it is more fragile than an atomic trigger, it is however easy to sustain a love reaction but it is easier to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, love reactions require any multitude of attentions, and these cannot be diverted and once they are diverted then the connection synapses disperse and even disappear, this is why there is so little love in the world and more anger and hate and ire, because love is the most difficult of all the dynamic representations that are manifested through emotive essence to manifest, and it is the easiest to ignore because love, love doesn’t demand attention, it requires attention to formulate love but love doesn’t demand it! That is the crux of the issue, the love dynamic doesn’t immediately enmesh everything unto itself, the love dynamic is not self supporting, the love dynamic requires intensity and constant attention and as such it is incredibly difficult to sustain, and difficult to believe, hate is more obvious and hate too is not self supporting, but then it has majestic representation attributes that petrify it into any consciousness type.
We will thus conclude here that ergio energies are measurable and that their dynamic dependencies can be detected and quantified, though direct observation of the more euphoric expressions are probably not a viable enterprise.
ricardo (c)
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