Your Body As Avatar And Sun’s Emotive
Editing the life span of humanity cannot be complete without dealing with the conundrum of body possessions, we first have to conclude that within the context of essence types there arises in space-time a harvest of divergent interests, which when seen from the perspective of existence will adopt and register negative and positive energy activity, the gamut of these energies as manifested will be varied and full of surprises not all pleasant and not all disagreeable however rarely neutral in their manifestations as part of what makes Universe is the lack of neutrality, there is a cosmic tendency towards dissidence and disparity as that creates form, hence our need to be concerned by energy quantifications in whatever guise and equally we must understand that we are a measurement somewhere in that gauge ruler represented.
Energies and Forces then are actuators as well as participants and their contractions and exertions will invariably create pressures beyond calculus, the excretion of those pressures formulate elements all the way down to body works, by the time the body has manifested it already contains all the nutrients for a given positive or negative or more accurately a combined reaction to space-time requirements. That is to say that the incorporation of Sun carries within it a given set of potential values that limit its activity and allow it to embody the concept Sun and in a sense forbid it to violate the concept of Sun, that is how the stature of nature gets a fixed point and how it is equally distributed and allocated resources and accommodations based on the effectiveness of its self essence, which is what I am, what it is but only in the context of a reality that comes unglued from potential and gets kinetics all around causing a normalization of incorporated characteristics and behaviors.
The human body is such a composition, and so we can say that the human body is not different than a Sun body, that is that what is true for Sun is also true for body, in essence there is no difference between what is a planet and what is a human body, or what is a plant or what is a meteor, all things that have embodied their constructs through disemboweled kinetics presently use the same energy force, except of course for one little odd thing, humans have a tug essence, dolphins and zebras and donkeys have tug essences, and these will invariably unwind the cognitive realities in the context of life forms, thus we are willing to say that Sun and You and Me and our Bodies, and those of Species all have the same dynamic energy but for us emotive types there is one added factor in the energy, an emotive constriction is manifested in a sort of invisible but very real dimension, this is what ties us to our pure essence desire and to our pure essence feeling, and we are going to dare to say that that is not precisely the same for Sun, Sun is different that is it is not a whole compound of emotive energy but it does have some component of it but it is say a tenth of a billionth part or perhaps less of what is equally an effective and dominant emotive construct within the context of human; so does that mean that your body is not your body? Indeed it does, because your body is closer to being like Sun than you are, the same energies that make Sun make your body but the energies that make you an emotive being are different dimensional energies, that is they occupy your body and took an emotively energized condition and placed the burden of it upon you, they manufactured a set of feelings and substantially altercating values that when mixed into the greater spectrum of corporeal existence diminutively demonstrate their essence through a consciousness and awareness that appears yet to gain it all no greater benefit in the context of existence, that is we don’t see humanity as simplistically dominant, or for that matter Dolphins, I obviously favor Dolphins and Whales, but this is true as well for Skunks and thus you have then a consciousness derived from emotive essence that incorporates within the material and appears to generate no greater advantage over other personifications of existence, further since all other elements or better said energy compositions in the universe are harvested from a nothingness it is entirely possible and here we will say factually possible that all those forms will also have a miniscule composition that will have a semblance of the emotive energy however so minute that it will not manifest and we will not perceive it, and here is a point that has to be tragic and magnificent in equal proportions, what we most have in common with Sun is the little tiny bit of it that is emotive energy and conscious energy, it is in part what allows us to see Sun and to Know Sun and to Think about Sun and even to write poetry about Sun, however quantified in the overall mass of its composition we don’t see the emotive mattering much to Sun, that is Sun can feel but it can feel the least imaginable possible amount, and that is probably a good thing in some context and the energy of Sun agrees with that general assumption, what is also true is that that is the part of Sun that needs to matter the most to us because it happens to be the part of Sun that could most care about us and it is the part of Us in Sun that warms us most, this little tiny ergio energy, that is all emotive energies, is what focuses the sun rays in our diminutive self and enhances us and those like us, whales too.
It must be said that the constituent elemental parts of any universally manifested concept must invariably retain the potential to be all other and any other Universal embodiments, there is nothing that can stop you from being a Sun, except perhaps your imagination. This if course does not mean that the pure essence that you represent is readily available to other essence types, it is simply available but manifestation requires a little trip into the nothingness not of simmering but a new kind of nothingness, a more primordial kind of nothingness a nothingness that is not based on something simmering, rather a nothingness that appears before pure simmering essence bedizenment, and of this nothingness we cannot know anything, we can admit that, it is ok to admit that, besides that it is an axiom, though we can know one thing about it that is that it can be anything, it can represent anything, even as it might itself not be a primal fundamental as there maybe more similar compositions that share its illustrate potential that doesn’t matter to us, the genuine nothingness that we come from that is before being a pure essence simmering nothingness, that nothingness has something in common with all of us, it could be any of us, indeed it is all of us and some of us that we are not.
Now this emotive ergio energy has other undesirable implications that is that it can obviously attract anything like you to you and allow it even to take possession of habitats for emotive energies, such as your body or the body of a Dolphin. And of your body we can argue that it was made unique to you but that isn’t true because your body is just designed to support emotive soul essence, and what that implies is that anything else or anyone else conducive of ergio energies could equally occupy your body, that that is more difficult to do when the body is already inhabited and preoccupied with one emotive energy representation, is also true, but that anyone that has a similar emotive energy type could occupy your body, is also true you could be breathing for two sometimes confused as hyperventilating, if you sense inhaling while you are exhaling there are usually two of you there; your body could be taken over by a pig or by a dolphin spirit, it is also true that it could be affected or taken over by energies of greater or lesser positive and or negative nature, and thus your body could be possessed and exorcising it is bound to be required and painful, for you could coexist with an invading soul and thus any injury to it would only equal an injury to yourself, further all emotive energies would have inherent nature access to your body, the only aspect that predominates is first presence, that is your dominance of the body natural would largely be based on the idea that you were the first squatter, and that is substantial leverage, because squatter essence will wantonly exert its rights over corporeal things, hence property rights begin in the incredible real estate of the body natural.
Energies and Forces then are actuators as well as participants and their contractions and exertions will invariably create pressures beyond calculus, the excretion of those pressures formulate elements all the way down to body works, by the time the body has manifested it already contains all the nutrients for a given positive or negative or more accurately a combined reaction to space-time requirements. That is to say that the incorporation of Sun carries within it a given set of potential values that limit its activity and allow it to embody the concept Sun and in a sense forbid it to violate the concept of Sun, that is how the stature of nature gets a fixed point and how it is equally distributed and allocated resources and accommodations based on the effectiveness of its self essence, which is what I am, what it is but only in the context of a reality that comes unglued from potential and gets kinetics all around causing a normalization of incorporated characteristics and behaviors.
The human body is such a composition, and so we can say that the human body is not different than a Sun body, that is that what is true for Sun is also true for body, in essence there is no difference between what is a planet and what is a human body, or what is a plant or what is a meteor, all things that have embodied their constructs through disemboweled kinetics presently use the same energy force, except of course for one little odd thing, humans have a tug essence, dolphins and zebras and donkeys have tug essences, and these will invariably unwind the cognitive realities in the context of life forms, thus we are willing to say that Sun and You and Me and our Bodies, and those of Species all have the same dynamic energy but for us emotive types there is one added factor in the energy, an emotive constriction is manifested in a sort of invisible but very real dimension, this is what ties us to our pure essence desire and to our pure essence feeling, and we are going to dare to say that that is not precisely the same for Sun, Sun is different that is it is not a whole compound of emotive energy but it does have some component of it but it is say a tenth of a billionth part or perhaps less of what is equally an effective and dominant emotive construct within the context of human; so does that mean that your body is not your body? Indeed it does, because your body is closer to being like Sun than you are, the same energies that make Sun make your body but the energies that make you an emotive being are different dimensional energies, that is they occupy your body and took an emotively energized condition and placed the burden of it upon you, they manufactured a set of feelings and substantially altercating values that when mixed into the greater spectrum of corporeal existence diminutively demonstrate their essence through a consciousness and awareness that appears yet to gain it all no greater benefit in the context of existence, that is we don’t see humanity as simplistically dominant, or for that matter Dolphins, I obviously favor Dolphins and Whales, but this is true as well for Skunks and thus you have then a consciousness derived from emotive essence that incorporates within the material and appears to generate no greater advantage over other personifications of existence, further since all other elements or better said energy compositions in the universe are harvested from a nothingness it is entirely possible and here we will say factually possible that all those forms will also have a miniscule composition that will have a semblance of the emotive energy however so minute that it will not manifest and we will not perceive it, and here is a point that has to be tragic and magnificent in equal proportions, what we most have in common with Sun is the little tiny bit of it that is emotive energy and conscious energy, it is in part what allows us to see Sun and to Know Sun and to Think about Sun and even to write poetry about Sun, however quantified in the overall mass of its composition we don’t see the emotive mattering much to Sun, that is Sun can feel but it can feel the least imaginable possible amount, and that is probably a good thing in some context and the energy of Sun agrees with that general assumption, what is also true is that that is the part of Sun that needs to matter the most to us because it happens to be the part of Sun that could most care about us and it is the part of Us in Sun that warms us most, this little tiny ergio energy, that is all emotive energies, is what focuses the sun rays in our diminutive self and enhances us and those like us, whales too.
It must be said that the constituent elemental parts of any universally manifested concept must invariably retain the potential to be all other and any other Universal embodiments, there is nothing that can stop you from being a Sun, except perhaps your imagination. This if course does not mean that the pure essence that you represent is readily available to other essence types, it is simply available but manifestation requires a little trip into the nothingness not of simmering but a new kind of nothingness, a more primordial kind of nothingness a nothingness that is not based on something simmering, rather a nothingness that appears before pure simmering essence bedizenment, and of this nothingness we cannot know anything, we can admit that, it is ok to admit that, besides that it is an axiom, though we can know one thing about it that is that it can be anything, it can represent anything, even as it might itself not be a primal fundamental as there maybe more similar compositions that share its illustrate potential that doesn’t matter to us, the genuine nothingness that we come from that is before being a pure essence simmering nothingness, that nothingness has something in common with all of us, it could be any of us, indeed it is all of us and some of us that we are not.
Now this emotive ergio energy has other undesirable implications that is that it can obviously attract anything like you to you and allow it even to take possession of habitats for emotive energies, such as your body or the body of a Dolphin. And of your body we can argue that it was made unique to you but that isn’t true because your body is just designed to support emotive soul essence, and what that implies is that anything else or anyone else conducive of ergio energies could equally occupy your body, that that is more difficult to do when the body is already inhabited and preoccupied with one emotive energy representation, is also true, but that anyone that has a similar emotive energy type could occupy your body, is also true you could be breathing for two sometimes confused as hyperventilating, if you sense inhaling while you are exhaling there are usually two of you there; your body could be taken over by a pig or by a dolphin spirit, it is also true that it could be affected or taken over by energies of greater or lesser positive and or negative nature, and thus your body could be possessed and exorcising it is bound to be required and painful, for you could coexist with an invading soul and thus any injury to it would only equal an injury to yourself, further all emotive energies would have inherent nature access to your body, the only aspect that predominates is first presence, that is your dominance of the body natural would largely be based on the idea that you were the first squatter, and that is substantial leverage, because squatter essence will wantonly exert its rights over corporeal things, hence property rights begin in the incredible real estate of the body natural.
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