Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Sameness of Disparate Origins

The congregation of ideas in this world have yet to come together into a single whole, till they do they will remain the lustrous thoughts of whomever about whatever. Why is the congruence so vital to decipher any optimal sense of meaning?

The first grip that any humanity must have has to be that the idea of self is deeply embedded in the group, once the group and the individual become indistinguishable from one another the only possible cognitive survivor of that encounter is the group, for our purposes, that is to say the humanity.

Once humanity explores itself as part of a group and only as that then the next most difficult conclusion has to be reached, if there is a group essence then that group essence must be a priori, it must only be reconstituting itself in the material world, but it must not be that it came from disparate origins.

The above realization is vital because it then allows the construct of arguments, one being that humanity is not a thing unto itself, that is that humanity doesn’t stand on its own, that it comes from something else and that as such will also become something else, that something else could induce a reconstruction of its priori, if we assume that humanity is not an escape from its priori, or it could as well be that humanity recomposes and may be recomposing as something wholly different from its origins, assuming then that the priori essence, that which was before humanity, was indeed attempting to escape from what it was or from its given condition.

Nothing in this argument assumes that what was a priori to the advent of humanity is part of first causes, thus even if we could search the archives of prior existence it will not allow us to believe that our recent pasts holds within it prime origins, the beginning might be several essence-generations pasts, or more likely it didn’t have a beginning at all. If it didn’t have a beginning at all then any supposition about where we come from is more or less correct as it would be dependant on our point of view. If there is some serial relationship of our humanity to historical points within the context of universe or even outside of it then we can conclude that we are not fundamental to the universe, and transient-essence becomes our axiomatic standard.

However, regardless of which of these alternatives is dominant, I say dominant so as to intentionally avoid saying that they are a truth, this because the truth will invariably turn out more to be a dominant persistence than the hardwire reality of truth as we would like to imagine such a thing; but regardless of the dominance of the expletive which demarcates us it will not make a difference for our time-in-being. This is because we must seek to get our idea of humanity to get codified in the universe, and thus we will want it to dominantly persists, and as such it will be in our interest to codify our ideas into one giantess cohesive structure. That need, imprinted cohesive structures, becomes our modus operandi and by default our priori for being.

Thus I predict that in the long term future the inevitability of a cohesive human structure is well, inevitable; not only because it is endemic, but also because it is an imperative of our essence to coagulate in the material into a single apparent essence, a sort of harmonized version of the disparate units that have burst like bomb debris into the material and must seek a rejoinder with their inert whole essence; thus in some way we are always looking at the concentric center of our origins as a true north, invariably the disparate entities will thus reconstitute, in part because of the narrowness of vision, in part because the further beyond we go from our concentric essence the more alien and destructive become our feelings, and lastly because the horizon is round due to the fact that we operate by process of cognition, that is we have to recognize navigation points forward, thus invariably this leads back to sameness.

In conclusion, any exploration however adventurous leads back to same. We are looking out there to find ourselves. That is our hope. We shall probably not fail because the fallout from the priori-essence seeded many humanities.
