The Basic Questions Translucently Answered
What are human persons?
Human persons are a representation of an emotive essence that permeates a dimension that is absolute and whole, constituents of this energy have dispersed to explore the curiosity of the material world, in order to do so they have no recollection of where they come from nor that they know all of the other fragmented emotive essences constituents.
What are minds?
The mind is a processor of localized conditions, local environments, it creates a reaction to the condition of world and formulates aspects of that world in part creating it as much as being a conditional bystander. Mind defines the conditions of the here and now so that the emotive-essence can navigate in a world that it doesn’t quite feel endemic to its own.
What should our relationships to other persons be?
The question could include animals and plants, we are all emotive creatures coming forth from the same essence that has fragmented itself in order to explore this dimension, we are strangers in the here and now but fundamentally all emotive essences are all the same, thus we ought to treat one another as equals and sames with different duties and expressions in the here now but of identical within.
What is Justice?
There is no such thing as Justice, the actions that we perpetrate in the context of this universe are guided by a complex set of interactions that take place mostly through metaphysical conditionals and events of causation that are imposed by an ungovernable reality. The best that we can do in this category is not to make retribution mandatory, to avoid judgment, the conditions that bring about unjust actions are self correcting if there is a correction, and that is measured in a supra-consciousness that is affected by one and all and reacts accordingly.
What is the nature of the physical world?
That is precisely what emotive beings do not know even as we help to bring it about and are in fact constituent parts of it. In the broadest sense, the physical world is a desire for permanence and identity from the nothingness that is a condition of sameness in the homogenous nature of pure essence types. There are many of these homogenous types and their process of differentiation from within, an attempt at recognition through an external introspection, “creates the physical world,” of course it is a collusion of unknowns and as such imperfect, frictional and incongruent.
What is real?
All the imperfect, frictional and incongruent representations of pure essence create a subconscious reality that is emancipated from theory through an agreed medium of sub consciousness into consciousness. That is to say that there comes a point when the conditions generated by random happenstance, from all diverging entities, agglomerate with all the good intentions and result in an invariable reality that these supra-entity-consciousness bring about through an unaware agreement, which finally is what they might all be unanimously, in its most distant guise and indeed have in common, becomes the joining principle for any premise of reality, thus reality is always a third party foundation, that represents all only in so far as it can be credible to the rest.
What should our relationship to the natural environment be?
The natural environment is really no different from us in that it is part of the eco-system that brings about everything else, any consideration of the environment, say a tree, a large body of water, a mountain needs to be taken in consideration for the energy that it imbues into the eco-system, however that does not mean that at some level the entire eco-system is not going to self destruct, so you can handle climate change with care but the climate might ice-age at any time without any prudence. As a whole human impact on environment can be measured as insignificant in relationship to epochs.
What can we know about god’s existence?
There is no god that doesn’t make us all gods automatically, god is the emotive essence combined as a whole, when such condition is met there is no distinction between self and god and there isn’t any attribute of character in the context of space-time, neither does the god thing recognize itself, nor seek worship, which is why pure-essence always seeks to mortalize itself.
What can we know about god’s nature?
The nature of God is whole unity of essence, any attempt at reaching unity of essence is an attempt at reaching wholeness as one divinity being which becomes a god, once this is accomplished there is no god, thus god is only possible as a conception of wills seeking to unite each other.
What is truth?
In the material world Truth is a conjecture that concretizes itself in a segment of time and space through a mutually agreed subconscious of the myths, beliefs, ideals, and limitations of the various type-essences.
In the metaphysical Truth is the embodiment of the whole essence in particular, in the case of emotive-beings all truth is purely Emotional. Other types of essences would have their own absolute truths, we are not privy to those though the real world is fundamentally a compromise done with all essence types, thus the real holds an “unconscious compromise” in mind if you will.
What is beauty?
Beauty is symmetry, when an essence is purest to its core it creates an aura around itself that becomes detectable from varying points of observation, the intrinsic symmetry gives it a universality, which even different types of essences can associate with due to its cosmic nature, beauty fundamentally must share the most in common with the mostess, which is why beauty has a silent familiarity that appeals to all; and that will allow beauty to flow within an environment with the least amount of resistance.
What is freedom?
Freedom is a conceptualization expressed as freedom of movement, freedom to do what I want, freedom to be anywhere and freedom to express one’s self, it is not a possible proposition, the entire universe is held together by structural subjugations, there are metric tensors everywhere stretching reality at all cost to idealism of self or essence-types, the only place where freedom exists is within pure essence and no one in the here and now can go back to that because that implies being everything within one’s self hence the invoked sense of freedom; point being neither do we want it, we escaped from freedom to be here.
Human persons are a representation of an emotive essence that permeates a dimension that is absolute and whole, constituents of this energy have dispersed to explore the curiosity of the material world, in order to do so they have no recollection of where they come from nor that they know all of the other fragmented emotive essences constituents.
What are minds?
The mind is a processor of localized conditions, local environments, it creates a reaction to the condition of world and formulates aspects of that world in part creating it as much as being a conditional bystander. Mind defines the conditions of the here and now so that the emotive-essence can navigate in a world that it doesn’t quite feel endemic to its own.
What should our relationships to other persons be?
The question could include animals and plants, we are all emotive creatures coming forth from the same essence that has fragmented itself in order to explore this dimension, we are strangers in the here and now but fundamentally all emotive essences are all the same, thus we ought to treat one another as equals and sames with different duties and expressions in the here now but of identical within.
What is Justice?
There is no such thing as Justice, the actions that we perpetrate in the context of this universe are guided by a complex set of interactions that take place mostly through metaphysical conditionals and events of causation that are imposed by an ungovernable reality. The best that we can do in this category is not to make retribution mandatory, to avoid judgment, the conditions that bring about unjust actions are self correcting if there is a correction, and that is measured in a supra-consciousness that is affected by one and all and reacts accordingly.
What is the nature of the physical world?
That is precisely what emotive beings do not know even as we help to bring it about and are in fact constituent parts of it. In the broadest sense, the physical world is a desire for permanence and identity from the nothingness that is a condition of sameness in the homogenous nature of pure essence types. There are many of these homogenous types and their process of differentiation from within, an attempt at recognition through an external introspection, “creates the physical world,” of course it is a collusion of unknowns and as such imperfect, frictional and incongruent.
What is real?
All the imperfect, frictional and incongruent representations of pure essence create a subconscious reality that is emancipated from theory through an agreed medium of sub consciousness into consciousness. That is to say that there comes a point when the conditions generated by random happenstance, from all diverging entities, agglomerate with all the good intentions and result in an invariable reality that these supra-entity-consciousness bring about through an unaware agreement, which finally is what they might all be unanimously, in its most distant guise and indeed have in common, becomes the joining principle for any premise of reality, thus reality is always a third party foundation, that represents all only in so far as it can be credible to the rest.
What should our relationship to the natural environment be?
The natural environment is really no different from us in that it is part of the eco-system that brings about everything else, any consideration of the environment, say a tree, a large body of water, a mountain needs to be taken in consideration for the energy that it imbues into the eco-system, however that does not mean that at some level the entire eco-system is not going to self destruct, so you can handle climate change with care but the climate might ice-age at any time without any prudence. As a whole human impact on environment can be measured as insignificant in relationship to epochs.
What can we know about god’s existence?
There is no god that doesn’t make us all gods automatically, god is the emotive essence combined as a whole, when such condition is met there is no distinction between self and god and there isn’t any attribute of character in the context of space-time, neither does the god thing recognize itself, nor seek worship, which is why pure-essence always seeks to mortalize itself.
What can we know about god’s nature?
The nature of God is whole unity of essence, any attempt at reaching unity of essence is an attempt at reaching wholeness as one divinity being which becomes a god, once this is accomplished there is no god, thus god is only possible as a conception of wills seeking to unite each other.
What is truth?
In the material world Truth is a conjecture that concretizes itself in a segment of time and space through a mutually agreed subconscious of the myths, beliefs, ideals, and limitations of the various type-essences.
In the metaphysical Truth is the embodiment of the whole essence in particular, in the case of emotive-beings all truth is purely Emotional. Other types of essences would have their own absolute truths, we are not privy to those though the real world is fundamentally a compromise done with all essence types, thus the real holds an “unconscious compromise” in mind if you will.
What is beauty?
Beauty is symmetry, when an essence is purest to its core it creates an aura around itself that becomes detectable from varying points of observation, the intrinsic symmetry gives it a universality, which even different types of essences can associate with due to its cosmic nature, beauty fundamentally must share the most in common with the mostess, which is why beauty has a silent familiarity that appeals to all; and that will allow beauty to flow within an environment with the least amount of resistance.
What is freedom?
Freedom is a conceptualization expressed as freedom of movement, freedom to do what I want, freedom to be anywhere and freedom to express one’s self, it is not a possible proposition, the entire universe is held together by structural subjugations, there are metric tensors everywhere stretching reality at all cost to idealism of self or essence-types, the only place where freedom exists is within pure essence and no one in the here and now can go back to that because that implies being everything within one’s self hence the invoked sense of freedom; point being neither do we want it, we escaped from freedom to be here.
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